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/lit/ - Literature

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4541730 No.4541730[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>> No.4541738


Gulag Archipelago volume 2
Man and his Symbols
Memories, Dreams and Reflections
Catcher in the Rye
Journey to the End of the Night
The Unconsoled
As I Lay Dying
Light in August

>> No.4541739

Ham on Rye and Post Office by Bukowksi
Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas and Hells Angels by H.S. Thompson

>> No.4541746
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decided to delve more closely into murican history (+ a Bryson book I haven't read yet)

>> No.4541751
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>> No.4541767

border trilogy by good ol cormac

>> No.4542008

The Symposium
The Sorrows of Young Werther
One Soldier's War

>> No.4542056

Foundation, Foundation and Empire, Second Foundation by Asimov

Also got The Lost World and Confederancy of Dunces.

>> No.4542084

How much, generally, do you pay for books, if you get them used?

I usually get them from my library, which has smaller trade paperbacks for $.50 each, larger paperbacks&most hardcovers for $1.00 each, and some special hardcovers for $2.00. It was Buy One Get One for today so everything in the OP image was $2.50

>> No.4542107

Do you live in SoCal OP

>> No.4542118
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Local Salvation Army had hardbacks for 20 cents

I paid 40 cents for these books

>> No.4542130

That's pretty great. Closest SA around here is about 10 miles, so I don't go that often. Probably stop there tomorrow, just to see if it's the same price

Nah, East Coast for life

>> No.4542136

In general thrift shops restock over the weekend, so Monday will have the best book selection

>> No.4542173

>Recent purchases
The Black Dahlia (Ellroy)
Savages (Winslow)
A Study of War (Wright)

Thinking about getting more Cormac McCarthy, I am missing couple of his books.

Any of you familiar with Deus Ex series or Prey 2? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prey_2
Anything similar you guys could recommend (books)?

Or good military science fiction? Forever War, Starship Troopers I've read, I enjoyed Battlestar Galactica a lot.

Dont think half-assed question as that deserves its own thread.

Not similar to Larsson, but you might want to give a try to Jens Lapidus. Another famous swedish crime writer.

>> No.4542186
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>Clowes master race

>> No.4542191

i heard somewhere that value village restocks on thursday, dunno if it's true though

>> No.4543707 [DELETED] 


>Prominent Facebook bookmark for easy access

Stay pleb.

>> No.4543712

How long until Facebook is like Myspace, I wonder.

>> No.4543739
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Fitzgerald's Virgil's Aeneid
Hume's A Treatise of Human Nature

>> No.4543746
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Sorry for the poor quality - camera phone.

>> No.4543750


>> No.4543753

I don't see how that's relevant!

>> No.4543759

Who's the translator on your edition of Bros K?

>> No.4543762
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Nice props.

>> No.4543763

It isn't, I say the same to them, but then I don't post pictures of dildos. Just thought I'd ask :)_

>> No.4543768


All genders should use dildos! They're wonderful.

Anyway, I'm kind of bummed because my copy of The Bell Jar is filled with highlights and marginalia that weren't indicated in the Amazon listing. I don't mind buying a well-used book but that stuff interrupts the flow of the text for me. Although sometimes you do get nice insights. But this person went totally crazy, every other word is highlighted, and in various colors.

>> No.4543770

there's lube next to the dildo, i'm gonna say we're dealing with your garden-variety male homosexual

>> No.4543773


Women need lube sometimes too. And that dildo looks like a beast, lube or no.

>> No.4543774

>He is not your run-of-the-mill, garden variety Alabama country faggot

>> No.4543780

>if you don't stick foreign objects in your ass, you're an ignorant redneck


>> No.4543792

>up on Silver Lake, he keeps on atop an oriental bathhouse there

>> No.4543794
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>> No.4543808

Guys that take it up the butt tend to be size queens. I used to know this girl that loved pegging dudes and she would tell me that how most of the dudes would start sort of small (7 inches and bit with a bit of girth) then they would want these novilty sized dildos. You know the ones that you would see at sex shops and think those are too big for anyone to use.

>> No.4543809
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>all genders should use dildos.

Please troll some other board.

>> No.4543810


Riveting yarn, chap.

>> No.4543826

Fucking losers, what kid of weak animal would let a female dominate him, not to mention use the design of his own sex organ to emasculate him. Fucking T1 pleb.

Jesus Christ man, the lengths and humility that people will go to for pleasure these days is depressing. There is literally a slippery wet hole design for you to get pleasure out of, please use it and only it.

I don't even want to think more about the grotesque act of inserting objects and dicks, and fingers into the human waste disposal.

For god sakes, find a cucumber, dip it in muddy water, rib it on the rim of a public toilet seat and then put it in yourself and get it over with.

>> No.4543832
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Someone's mad.

>> No.4543838


Stop liking what I don't like: the post: the movie: the game

>> No.4543840

I'm not even mad, I'm horrified. Just horrified at the disgrace people will put themselves through for pleasure.

Kill yourself, anal sex is an abomination, even with a woman.

>> No.4543843


What is a delicate flower like you doing on 4chan?

>I'm not even mad

You're so mad tho

>> No.4543844

the idea of a coherent society relies on everyone coaxing each other to like what they like

>> No.4543845
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>anal sex is an abomination, even with a woman.

>risk of STIs
>risk of pregnancy

>risk of STIs

We have a clear winner.

>> No.4543846
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>tfw /lit/ is just old legbutts with cats trolling each other

>> No.4543847

faggots everywhere
what do their anal pleasures do with books though

>> No.4543848

My heart rate never picked up. I am merely disappointment in humanity, and greatly. You cannot hear the tone of my text, you can assume you know it, but you can never, not unless I make it clear.

I've been here for to long, anal will always be disgusting. Not even the gore of 2007 on /b/ made me cringe nearly as much.

>> No.4543849
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you seem awfully prissy to be on 4chan, even /lit/

i mean you're saying that anything other than vaginal sex is horrifying? what about blowjobs? you don't like blowjobs?

>> No.4543851

You can obtain an STD from anal sex you retard. Jesus Christ.

Use a condom for god sakes, and stop fucking dirty whores. It is like I live among savages, needing to fuck everything and anything. Anything goes for their weak and feeble minded submission to their sexual needs.

>> No.4543852


You've got issues.

And anal is great. You get some poop on your dick, you wash it off after. It's only smellz.

>> No.4543853

My penis is a temple sir! I will not let some hussy drool, lick, spit on my holy phallus.

>> No.4543854

you are an insufferable faggot
you're making the felchers look straight as a nail piercing a clitoris
please leave
you have never had sex

>> No.4543857

Clearly blowjobs are to some extent an exception. I would not accept a blowjob from a woman with poor oral hygiene. It is practically the same, the food is only rotting in the front instead.

>> No.4543859

>You can obtain an STD from anal sex
That's what I said. No pregnancy though, whereas vaginal can give you both.

>> No.4543861 [DELETED] 

and back to topic on hand. Mostly modern fiction the Gaiman is more for a friend than myself.

>> No.4543864


You can actually get pregnant from anal. It only takes a little bit of cum getting into the vagina for it to happen. And the vaginal opening is quite close to the anus.

>> No.4543866

>Clearly blowjobs are to some extent an exception.

>Clearly what I like is an exception.

You're such a faggot.

>> No.4543867

>muh pleasure, muh pleasure, but it feels good man
Yeah, I know fag. Succumb to your animal weakness and deny the truth of the matter.

>You have never had sex
Please, lets not have this argument. This is the internet, and my opinion is not correlated with not having sex. To be on lit and not understand the concept of correlation being incorrect is alarming.

>> No.4543869
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and back to the topic.

>> No.4543872

So she needs a full dental check? You are uptight as fuck.

>> No.4543875

it's not an argument, i just know for a fact that you need to get fucked
in the ass

>> No.4543877

>not actually being grateful for the life you create, even if it is on accident.
>not just using condoms or birth control.

Yeah, go get blow by some sloppy bitch who puts dicks in her mouth. I found out a woman I used to have casual sex with was sleeping around a lot and I left that slut. It is one thing to have casual sex with one person, but with a few, all in the same time frame. Disgusting. What kind of glutinous and grotesque creature lives for only pleasure and to receive it so often. Alone the act of to much pleasure is depleting of the pleasure.obtained.

To have to much sex and to much pleasure, is to ruin the pleasure of sex.

>> No.4543879

>Leyendo Bolaño en inglés

>> No.4543880


The universe is vast and we are small and time is short, one day humanity will return to the loam and the stars will burn out and all matter itself will decay from existence, and everything you have ever done or will ever do will amount to literally nothing. so you may as well try to find what enjoyment you can while you still draw air. for me that means fucking hot chicks in the pooper, maybe that's gross to you but w/e go out and find your own thing to do then

but whatever you do you clearly need to get laid because you're more uptight than a kindergartener's vagina.

>> No.4543881

I never said such thing.

>hur you don't like anal so that must mean you like anal. Please, get that garbage logic off of my lit. Go read a book or something and learn about these concepts.

>> No.4543884
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>I would not accept a blowjob from a woman with poor oral hygiene
don't pretend like a woman has ever offered you a blowjob

>> No.4543885
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dude just leave

>> No.4543886

That is only true in part because of people like you, takers, those who seek to take and never give. You are traitors to man, breakers of the social contract. I can only hope that monsters like you are educated out of existence one day.

>> No.4543890

Rice story bro

>> No.4543893
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>> No.4543894
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>You are traitors to man, breakers of the social contract. I can only hope that monsters like you are educated out of existence one day.
high talk for a guy who thinks putting a dick in a butt is a travesty

>> No.4543895

Trying to debate me with complaints over a misspelling and attempting to discredit anoyomouis identities.

I think it is the two of you that should leave, and perhaps read some books and not just pretend to.

>> No.4543897
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i call fallacy fallacy

>> No.4543898

>the social contract

Be as retarded as you like, but don't use terminology if you don't know what it means. If nothing else, it detracts from this whole "I'm smarter and better read than you" angle you're harping on so hard.

>> No.4543899

But anon, it is funny as fuck!

>> No.4543900

>people like you, takers, those who seek to take and never give

I don't know man. When I fucked your mom in the ass, she told me I was giving her a lot of pleasure.

>> No.4543903
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you've got a pretty big stick in your ass for someone who thinks anal sex is an abomination

>> No.4543904

No Charles DICKens?

>> No.4543907
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>> No.4543913
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Your insults are but dust in the, just like the lives you live. Be a rock in the wind, stand firm, be a human in the wind, benefit man. The world did progress so far for you to do nothing and be happy with it

>> No.4543916
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>> No.4543917


>> No.4543918


It's a little sad that the only way you have of giving your life meaning is the false sense of superiority you feel because anal grosses you out.

Like, hairy armpits gross me out but I don't make that the fulcrum of my existence.

>> No.4543921

can you be the new quentin?
this thread makes me realize i miss his bullshit

>> No.4543923

How pathetic. A little hair makes you uncomfortable. How very weak of you. I honestly do not care if my woman is hairy or shaved.

This thread makes me feel disappointment. The Prophets of your doom are laughed at and made memes of. You sit and laugh at your demise, while I beg of you to reconsider.

Stunning contribution.

>> No.4543924
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>> No.4543926

>I honestly do not care if my woman is hairy or shaved.

And I honestly don't care if my woman wants it in the vajayjay or wants me to make a detour to brown town.

What's so hard for you to understand?

>> No.4543927


You misused the term "social contract." That's not an insult, that's a statement of fact.

>> No.4543930


Hairy armpits are just a receptacle for filth and waste to accumulate. Lying with a woman who had body hair is an abomination.

>> No.4543932

So are you yourself hairless?

>> No.4543934


Of course, I'm an exception.

>> No.4544366
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If we can count library check-outs as recent acquisitions, here's what I have out and ordered right now.

>> No.4544375


Less Than Zero by Bret Easton Ellis
Pygmy by Chuck Palahniuk

If you count Christmas books:

The Disaster Artist by Greg Sestero
Confessions of a Crap Artist by Philip K. Dick
The Fighter by Craig Davidson
This Is How You Lose Her by Juno Diaz

>> No.4544386
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Took some lit recommendations, fucked up my order with two Huck Finns instead of one and Tom Sawyer, and they sent some punk ass cooking book for kids instead of American Tabloid.

I'm new to all these authors, where should I start? [Sutree, Norwegian Wood, Wolfe fantasy book, Tortilla Flat, Huck Finn adventures x2, Cities of the Plain]

>> No.4544416

The Secret Agent is a fantastic book. Read that one first

>> No.4545191

>Womyn Authyrs

Everything checks out.

>> No.4545199
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>> No.4545560
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>> No.4545686

Its gonna be garnett, its a B&N edition.

>> No.4545695


>> No.4545732

We by Yevgeny Zamyatin
Great Gatsby
The Call of Cthulhu
My Life as a Dog
The Shining
I'm finally taking my reading interest to a new level so I thought I'd start with some entry level stuff

>> No.4546440

>My Life As A Dog
Excellent film

>> No.4546462
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das it mane

>> No.4546483

Jailbird by Kurty Vonngo.

>> No.4546497

I'm trying to get over my strange aversion to reading and ordered a few books to help get me started with that.

The Sparrow
The Road
The Loved Ones
Of Mice and Men
A Confederacy of Dunces

Think I did okay? I have Johnny Got His Gun I plan to read soon.

>> No.4546577

My sister just game me Neil Gaimen/ Terry Pratchett Good Omens. She usually has good taste so I'm expecting a fun read.

>> No.4546579



Damn spelling errors.

>> No.4546603
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Eastons Eastons etc

Of mice and men will probably get you into reading