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File: 7 KB, 300x440, House_of_leaves.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4539030 No.4539030[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

is this as great as people say it is?

and if not, please recommend a dark book that will haunt me for the rest of my life.

>> No.4539053

I assume you've read Kafka? If not, read The Trial, The Metamorphosis, and some of his short stories (a personal favorite of mine is The Penal Colony).

>> No.4539055

I loved Metamorphosis. I will check out the trial. Thanks for the recs

>> No.4539072

it's basically the same caliber as a really good horror movie
it's not a serious deep work of art that will stir your soul; it's a fun enjoyable thriller that will give you some scares along the way

i do recommend it

>> No.4539079

No problem.

>> No.4539084

>its not a serious deep work of art that will stir your soul

give me something that will do this please

>> No.4539094
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>> No.4539099

>aleister crowley


>> No.4539100

Read the short story I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream

>> No.4539104

>House of Leaves

Who does all the leaving?

>House of Leafs

Oh it's a house made out of leafs, like a book made out of pages.

This is why editors matter.

>> No.4539120


The Penal Colony is great. I also love the one about the monkey who learns to be like a human, but I can never remember what it's called.

>> No.4539128

Here is the thing with House Of Leaves. It has a gimmick and does that gimmick well.

>> No.4539130
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Psh, mundanes just don't understand

>> No.4539137


>> No.4539197

I started House of Leaves without knowing a whole lot about it beforehand. I realize a lot of people here might not like it, but for me it was just so good. In retrospect, there's a fair deal that can be labeled "gimmicky" but when I was reading through it the first time it didn't feel that way at all. The story itself and the way it is presented is incredibly unique, and has stuck with me for some time. Highly recommended.

>> No.4539199

The proper plural form of leaf is leafs, not leaves.

>> No.4540320

this 100%

>> No.4540323

"leaves" is used everywhere except the hockey team

>> No.4540367

what is a hockey team

>> No.4540384

-The Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym of Nantucket
-The Great God Pan

>> No.4540431

toronto maple leafs

>> No.4540439

would you suggest starting with Metamorphosis or Trial?

>> No.4540631

Bro you're thinking of computer mouses

>> No.4540645


Machen rules. Check out "The White People" by him as well. Also EM Forster's "The Machine Stops".

>> No.4540655

Metamorphosis is a short story, The Trial is an incomplete novel (though it does have an ending). Pick your length and go.

I'll recommend In the Penal Colony as an example of a truly unsettling story though

>> No.4540669


>hasnt read the book

>> No.4540683

It's a very good book, despite what people on here think about the "try hard post-modern mockery"; if you are considering reading it, you probably should.

Haunt you for the rest of your life, though, it will not. It's not 2spooky4u except the first 1/4 or so, imo. Once you grow accustomed to its brand of spooky, it becomes less spooky(and paradoxically, the more spooky that is introduced, the less spooky it becomes). It will stick with you for a long time though, as >>4539197 said. It's pretty much the original Blair Witch/Paranormal Activity/whatever other shitty lost footage movies there are and is a million times better

>> No.4540928

Is Penal Colony the one about the big torture machine?

>> No.4540929

>not serious or deep
confirmed for didn't read it

>> No.4540934

I think I got ~100 pages into it. I suppose it's a good idea, but I think it's written more like a multimedia experience should be and not how a book should be written. It should have been a small book that came with a DVD and you kind of watched it while you read it. I dunno. The medium wasn't enough to make it good. Also I hate 2EDGY narrators.

>> No.4540938

Are any of this guys other books good?
I hear he is working on like a 30 part book that is coming out in installments a month at a time.
Also that he had his fans write part of his second book for him.
This guy does some batcrazy shit.