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4535804 No.4535804[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

My boyfriend is making me read this and I can't get through it. It's terrible, right? The writing is clichè and long-winded with minimal action and a slow ass plot. Should I bother finishing it

>> No.4535807

second half of the book is much better.

>> No.4535828

Hmmmm. Worth struggling through the first?

>> No.4535850

The cliches stay there even when there is more action in second half, but there are some interesting characters (Elodin) introduced later.

The second book is considered to be worse so If you hate the first one there is probably not much point in struggling if you hate it.

>> No.4535856

>It's terrible, right
>Should I bother finishing it

>> No.4535865

Its about as good as modern high fantasy gets. The second half is better, and the second book is terrible.

If you want to read good modern fantasy, go for Joe Abercrombie

>> No.4536562

>Its about as good as modern high fantasy gets
hahaha no.

>The second half is better
absolutely not.

>the second book is terrible.

>If you want to read good modern fantasy, go for Joe Abercrombie
I can't believe this shit. you can go fuck off now.

>> No.4536962

What do you mean by the writing was "cliche"?

>> No.4536967

Read The Lies of Locke Lamora instead.
It literally does everything better.

>> No.4536972

>Its about as good as modern high fantasy get
Holy shit no.
Rothfuss and his friendzoned mary-sue are terrible

>> No.4536999

I actually dislike fantasy as a genre, but my boyfriend gave me this one as a gift...

>> No.4537036

Get a non-retarded boyfriend.

>> No.4537035

Yes, but in the same way that the holocaust was better than the rape of Nanking. One might be 'better' in some way than the other, but at the end of the degree they're both varying degrees of fucking horrible.

>> No.4537037

Definitely not, Sandra.

>> No.4537055

I'm sorry, but I really hate fantasy as a genre. Post cold war science fiction ftw as far as light pleasure reading goes.

>> No.4537060

Shit-tier novel and this is coming from someone who typically loves fantasy series. Were you looking for something specific when you started reading it or just using it as a time waster

>> No.4537072

The greatest thing about Rothfuss' writing is the way that his prose flows. It reads well. It doesn't, however, contain much depth. It's pretty much what you see is what you get. Which is fine if you are able to stand reading about the life of a character who is, for all intents and purposes, flawless. If this irks you to the point of anger, however, then this book is not for you - and never will be.

Personally I enjoyed it, a lot, and am looking forward to the next book but I can see why people would dislike it. It's pulp, it's shallow and its garnered such a following as to be categorised as 'serially overrated'.

>> No.4537099

Well I really liked it, I think though that the second half is way better, the first half is slow.

>> No.4537121

>layers the bait with the right amount of goodies
>takes one of the books that e/lit/ist who hate fantasy, hates with a vengance
>say you were forced
>hint at them that their justification was correct that it's shit
>btw i'm a girl
>16 replies 0 images omitted
>/lit/ falls for it

>> No.4537189

18 now.

>> No.4537229

don't forget

>It's terrible, right?
that implying the usual that a girl has no real opinion and just going with whatever the person she likes says

>> No.4537402

Funny cos it's 100% true

>> No.4537429
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>> No.4537460

>no timestamp


>> No.4537464

>RHCP shirt


>> No.4537494

It's pretty terrible. Tries to do something different to most fantasy stories which I appreciate but it doesn't work.

>> No.4537500

>too gay to appreciate RHCP


Do you like fantasy in general? Why don't you just fucking tell him you don't like it

>> No.4537510

RHCP sucks mad dick who the fuck are you kidding you middle school faggot

>> No.4537515

>boyfriend making you read name of the wind

He wants to break up, there's no other explaination. No one would subject a loved one to genre fiction, specially of this quality.

>> No.4537516
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Is this /mu/??? Is this /fa/?????

>> No.4537520

>Is this /mu/??? Is this /fa/?????
you're right. take off the band tshirts and pose with nabokov.

>> No.4537537


My whole life is a lie, I thought I liked the RHCP the whole time, but now I see the truth. This is painful for me, but thank you for telling it to me straight.

>> No.4537542


Ya grow a pair and tell him he has shit taste.

>> No.4537544

I say skip it.

What are some books that you've enjoyed?
Saged though... Probably going to derail into a /mu//fa//soc/ thread

>> No.4537549
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People in this thread are calling it shit, but not even recommending any other fantasy series that would be superior.

>> No.4537564
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This is like saying:
>People in this thread are calling On the Road, shit, but not even recommending any other odyssey that would be superior.

>> No.4537567


It's easy to call something shit, but harder to recommend something good because you'll be called out on it.

So, what's a good fantasy book in your opinion?

>> No.4537573

>go for Joe Abercrombie

Don't listen to this. Abercrombie has always been shit and for some reason /lit/ just keeps dickriding him. That'll change if he ever gets famous I guess.

>> No.4537574
File: 100 KB, 800x1321, Le Guin - The Dispossessed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess I was hinting at Tolkien's
But that's why I asked what OP has liked.

Currently reading pictured. (for the hell of it & she's written fantasy)

>> No.4537578

>Abercrombie has always been shit


>> No.4537580

You can call something shit because it is shit to. There is nothing superior. We are talking about something that is subjective.

>> No.4537584

Name of the wind is a good read if you don't take it seriously and just self-insert yourself like you're supposed to.

Then again, I studied music my whole childhood, was always fascinated by magic and had multiple girlfriends so I see a lot of myself in the main character.

I think people that arent musically inclined, never camped for extended periods of time and are jaded from failed relationships will see the main character as something of a Gary stu when they don't realize or don't want to admit there are people in real life that are quite like him sans magic.

Also, don't forget, even if you hate the mc for being too perfect, remember that in the first chapter they say how fucks it all up. He fucks EVERYTHING up and cant fix it. So you get to feel good about him getting torn to pieces when that does happen.

>> No.4537587


Yes,but worse

>> No.4537595

Eh, I love and play music (THE RHCP SHIRT WAS ON SALE OK) and I never connected to that part of the story, it was all too cutesy and perfect, his parents' relationship etc. Then it all crashed down with no suspense leading up to it. But my whole real issue with the book is the characters, very one sided and cliche, and the dialogue which feels extremely contrived

>> No.4537598
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>Name of the wind is a good read
>A sentence

>Then again, I studied music my whole childhood, was always fascinated by magic and had multiple girlfriends so I see a lot of myself in the main character.
>Why is he making her read this?

>> No.4537601


Its like that because kote is shit at storytelling.

Its okay to like rhcp. But its not effay bro.

>> No.4537604

He's making me read it because it's his favorite book. He would probably be super sad if I showed him /lit/ hahaha.

>> No.4537606


The music thing becomes more interesting later.

>> No.4537610

You mean Rothfuss is shit at storytelling ;)
And it's sure as hell effay when I wear it with my gold ear cuff and drop crotch sweats.

>> No.4537611


He probably knows its shit. But its not supposed to be good, its supposed to be fun. Like Zelda.

>> No.4537612


Talk Shit, Post Fit

>> No.4537613

Welcome to modern fantasy fiction!

>> No.4537614

Let me guess he's fucking amazing at the lute in some other context where it matters more

>> No.4537615


Will you just read the fucking book woman

>> No.4537617

So, why is the book shit?

>> No.4537623

Unfortunately no
He says he really likes the prose, eh I'll grant it. It's so hard to find people who read as a hobby, I'm open-minded about taste.
His taste in film is god tier, though.

>> No.4537625


Because the writing isnt 2deep, the pacing is a little wonky and the mc fukd ur bitch

>> No.4537628


>> No.4537630

>owns The Bell Jar
You probably dislike kote because he epitomizes the patriarchy

>> No.4537631


Its really not mang, you just have to find your local hive of arty hipster types that are actually invested in art and fringe culture and aren't just playing dress up.

>> No.4537634

General tips on that? Off topic ik sorry

>> No.4537640


Are you in a college town?

>> No.4537647

Haha, I have a bit of an ex who loves this book. I sincerely hope you're his new girlfriend. I thought it was okay, but I wouldn't read it again.

>> No.4537649

Yeah...it's a cheap hick college. I am filled with contempt for my unenlightened peers because despite my gender I'm an average /lit/izen

>> No.4537653

Well he hasn't read enough imo and going by your descriptions of TNotW

>> No.4537654

Is your name Morgan? That would be fucking hilarious

>> No.4537656

Nope, but is his name Stephen? Just a shot in the dark.

>> No.4537657

>I love music
You're a cancer. Off yourself.

>> No.4537658


OkCupid. Name drop some good authors in your profile and start counting all the lonely /lit/erati in your inbox.

>> No.4537664

Why does all fantasy books have to be about M-MUH HIIROS YOURKNEE and shittily written quests?
Why is it always an epic adventure? Why not a series of short slice of life stories set on a fantasy world?
Why is it that any DnD campaign is a better story than most modern fantasy?

>> No.4537670

Nope. Ha oh well
Wtf did you say to me you little bitch etc.
I like Brand New, Swans, etc. plenty of love for "patrician" bands.
And a good appreciation for Californication. AND IT WAS LIKE $5 AT TARGET

>> No.4537671

That you can bear to listen that piece of shit while enjoying better bands is only an aggravation.
And most patrician bands are shit anyways, get some taste.

>> No.4537672

Aww damn. He also has an (arguably) excellent taste in films, so I got excited. I wish you better luck with your boyfriend, though!

>> No.4537678

I read those silly Myth Adventure books, and those were all kind of slice of life. For the kind of multidimensional setting they lived in anyway. Juvenile books really.

>> No.4537681

I appreciate them in different contexts. Certain bands are good to cry over at night while contemplating the complexities of life.
RHCP is good for playing while grilling out in the summer with your cousins talking about the 90's.
It's not a difficult concept. Don't get rustled over it
Thank you!

>> No.4537682
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Man, what kind o' shit you listen to?

>> No.4537690
File: 37 KB, 340x340, Fourtops-reachout-album.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

motown shit

>> No.4537691


Hick town? Hick towns usually have some private or privately owned spot of land somewhere where all the rednecks and heady kids go to party away from prying eyes.

If you can't spot a guy or a girl who looks like a crust punk who cut their hair and got a job at a library walking around campus you may need to figure out where this spot is.

Bikers are usually good tip-offs too, of there's a bike club or a vegan something try joining up and suffering the weirdos until you find the sane ones.

>> No.4537701
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No wonder you can't stand the Chili Peppers. Grandpa please!

>> No.4537711

>Grandpa please!
>being this much of a weenie
As someone that can't go back listening metal because everything out of post-metal and sludge sounds like a technical pissing contest: lel.

>> No.4537714 [SPOILER] 
File: 12 KB, 320x322, Weener.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was teasing.

>can't go back listening metal
Oh yeah. Never got into metal myself.

>> No.4537727

>Never got into metal myself.
Well, Metal is a fun world where you must choose between searching for exceptions for all your life or being an autistic patrician-pleb half-breed.

>> No.4537746
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I've always preferred orchestral music. Romantic era. Film scores. Heaviest thing I have is Hendrix. Or Dark Ambient, like Lustmord. Which has a cinematic quality.

>> No.4537765

That's cool.
I was just saying how was my experience with Metal music.

Seriously, if you listen a band of a metal genre, you've listened to nearly all of them.

>> No.4537769

you're not a girl, because girls can't read.

so are you a homosexual is the question? not that there's anything wrong with that

>> No.4537771


>> No.4537777

Is the Way of Kings good ?

>> No.4538128

I never said that metal is all the same, only that metal of a certain subgenre is mostly all the same.
Nearly all Thrash metal bands are edgy kids banging pans.
Nearly all Black Metal is lo-fi shit.

Then you have things like Testament that actually bothered to sound like they do music or Behemoth that embraced the use of better production.
Maybe they are plebby examples but they still apply.

>> No.4538310
File: 31 KB, 320x240, chasmfiend[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes, out of 3 viewpoints only the girl's sucks
the others are filled with badassery like pic related

don't get me wrong, it's not pulpy, its an epic story and an interesting world, god I will kill that mormon fatass if he lowers the quality with the next few books

its also written as a standalone so dont worry about cliffhangers

I gag a little every time I remember that Rothfuss is just as praised as Sanderson

>> No.4538402

Don't forget his bum was gang raped by a street gang.

>> No.4538427


>> No.4538460

It's okay but it gets repetitive and nothing really happens.

>> No.4539575

Metal is pleb music through and through, pal.

>> No.4539597


>struggling through

I don't know how someone can "struggle" through anything that short.

>> No.4539642


>recommending Abercrombie

I can't believe I fell for that.

>> No.4539650


>Not liking Glockter

Hell, he alone is what makes the books (at least the first one) worth reading.

>> No.4539675

>His taste in film is god tier
What are his top ten films

>> No.4539696

Read Robin Hobb, she's a way better writer.
She's also a woman so her writing might suite you better.

>> No.4539713

seeing he likes The Name of the Wind so much, I'm guessing at least 1 Harry Potter film would be featured in such a list.

>> No.4539747

I can smell your weed from here

>> No.4541169

>Way of Kings
>it's also written as a standalone

You what now?

>> No.4541531

Oh, you mean Tyrion?

>> No.4541555

All music is pleb music nowadays. Go back to /mu/.

>> No.4541557

I'd wager Pulp Fiction, The Matrix, or Fight Club are on that list. Her bf sounds like a fedora-wearing pleb.

>> No.4541715

Not the guy you responded to but I read The First Law Trilogy before I read GURM's Ice and Fire books(didn't want to read them in the first place because they were so HUGE... but i was running out of books and needed something to read) and the Glockter character was funny as fuck.

He showed me that no matter how mangled and fucked up you are, with power, influence and money you can get a banging ass chick who would stoop to the lowest of the low to take care of herself and her unborn bastard with task including cleaning up your husband's shit and puke.

All in all Bayaz was the best character in the whole series, how he ended the book was priceless. "I bought you from a whore. You cost me six marks. She wanted twenty, but I drive a hard bargain"

>> No.4541734

>people are disapproving of this rape, but they've yet to come up with a better one

>> No.4541754


They aren't at all similar.