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4533828 No.4533828 [Reply] [Original]

What recent books would you recommend to someone who likes sword and sorcery?

By recent I mean published in the last 10 years. Not counting anthologies of older work, i.e. Conan.

>> No.4534137
File: 38 KB, 394x600, the-poison-king.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4534172

>sword & sorcery
>a biography


>> No.4534205
File: 70 KB, 800x1200, Mithradates.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To ween you off of that pablum. You'll like it well enough. Drink up.

>> No.4534318

This is why /lit/ has a bad rep.

>> No.4534326

ask /tg/

>> No.4534328

butterfly isn't a slut, you take that back.

>> No.4534337

The Conan comics by Kurt Busiek are fucking great.

>> No.4534340

Way of Kings
The Lies of Locke Lamora+sequels
The First Law trilogy

>> No.4534365

butterfly pls

>> No.4534390
File: 135 KB, 750x356, Mithridates.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not I.
Watching movie.

>> No.4534412

Looking at Way of Kings and First Law.

Why would you recommend those particularly to a s&s fan, as opposed to just generally being recently published fantasy?

>> No.4534415

Different anon.

Way of Kings is objectively better written, but it's not really S&S.
First Law is just mindless popcorn action, lots of violence and humor.

I think you'd like First Law the best.

>> No.4534416

Screw around on the Black Gate website for a while

>> No.4534419

Because they have a large amount of swords?
And sorcery?
Sanderson is always a pretty safe choice when it comes to stuff like that.
Too bad that a large amount of magic is one of your prerequisites, because The Lies of Locke Lamora is much better than either.
Also, try The Name of the Wind.
It's not as bad as some people say.
Abercrombie does characters FAR better than Sanderson. He also isn't a huge prude who refuses to let any character swear or have sex outside of marriage EVER.

>> No.4534439

None of the things you're talking about are sword&sorcery. You have no fucking idea what you're talking about. I'm sorry to cut to the chase like that but it's the truth. Sword and sorcery refers to a specific genre - violent, thrilling fantasy adventure with a strong hero or anti-hero, often morally grey and written in a lower register, influenced by writers like Robert Howard (with Conan) and Fritz Leiber (with Fafhrd and the Grey Mouser), and Michael Moorcock and Jack Vance and Karl Edward Wagner. It's something totally different than the epic fantasy you're recommending here.

But because you're an idiot, who obviously has no fucking idea what he's talking about, you're just going to come in here and recommend a bunch of generic, over talked about epic fantasy like it's a thing to do. Shit. I really can't emphasize this enough: you have no idea what is going on, at any point. It's remarkable. Recommending Name Of The Wind in a sword and sorcery thread. For fuck's sake. I don't think it's too much to ask that someone have the barest fucking hint of what is going on before they recommend something.

Not OP by the way.

>> No.4534440

>Abercrombie does characters FAR better than Sanderson
No, he really doesn't. He has written maybe three good characters. The rest are either cartoons, catchphrase ejaculators, or rip-offs of ASoIaF (Glokta).

>He also isn't a huge prude who refuses to let any character swear or have sex outside of marriage EVER.
To be fair, Abercrombie's sex scenes are not a point in his favor.

>The Lies of Locke Lamora
>The Name of the Wind
just stop

>> No.4534444

>violent, thrilling fantasy adventure with a strong hero or anti-hero, often morally grey and written in a lower register
This is literally what The First Law becomes after the initial trilogy.

>> No.4534451

>No, he really doesn't. He has written maybe three good characters. The rest are either cartoons, catchphrase ejaculators, or rip-offs of ASoIaF (Glokta).

tbf that's completely compatible with him doing better characters than Sanderson

Yeah in fairness I should say that it's not much of a stretch to talk about First Law in those terms. I'm not sure if Abercrombie is trying to write that or if that's just where he ended up, but that's not in itself a terrible rec. It's the other stuff that makes it egregious.

>> No.4534504
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So what would you recommend?

op btw

>> No.4535526
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>> No.4537199
File: 502 KB, 1008x1519, Sword_of_Sorcery_3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4537270
File: 77 KB, 1024x769, 6okFv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you dream of being a great sword and sorcery writer
>tfw all you want to do is write about powerful heroes journeying through weird lands and splitting men's skulls to the teeth

The genre's just not as popular as it used to be. It's never really reached the heights it did during the pulp heyday of the 1930s.

>> No.4537450

If you publish a decent sized ebook for a reasonable price, I would buy it. Just market it specifically as sword & sorcery genre fiction.

>> No.4539204

Name of the wind.... sword and sorcery? Wow.

>> No.4539219

Does /lit/ not like Name of the Wind? Kvothe is a Gary Stu, but other than that I thought it was great.

>> No.4539291

OP didn't ask for sword and sorcery recommendations, you fucktards. There hasn't been a hit s&s series in like 20 years and OP probably knows that.

So, yeah, The First Law, The Way of Kings, etc. might be proper suggestions, though not fitting the s&s tag. Maybe The Prince of Thorns or the Second Apocalypse.

These recommendations are rather generic though. They are high fantasy mostly, and their scope is too broad, too epic in the world-at-danger sense, and most try too hard to be cool. The result is lots of unnatural shit with cliched characters and plot lines.

>The Lies of Locke Lamora is much better than either.
What's with this influx of immature fantasy readers with awful taste?

>> No.4539296

Locke Lamora is the Eragon series of cloak and daggers high fantasy, so please stop praising it for more than it's worth.