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File: 93 KB, 720x720, zizek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4531665 No.4531665[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

So he's just trolling with the pictures of stalin?

>> No.4531670


>> No.4531681

isn't he dead? how is he dead if he is in that picture?

>> No.4531682

He's very meta and ironic, you aren't supposed to take anything he says or does seriously.

>> No.4531720

Laying in bed like a true marxist. I love it.

>> No.4531733

>tfw philosobear bf to cuddle with

>> No.4531734

You made his bed now he has to lay in it

>> No.4531735

I have no idea who this is. But I have a poster of Stalin over my bed

>> No.4531736

Top kek

>> No.4531739

Think he's read any of those books?

>> No.4531740

This must be your first time here.

>> No.4531743

I'm watching The Pervert's Guide to Cinema right now. This is excellent. Is the lisp a ruse?

>> No.4531745

He probably wrote them. I remember in the documentary seeing him sorting through piles of his own published work.

>> No.4531748

Nah. He's an idiot savant that's indirectly grabbed everything he references from eavesdropping on conversations in coffeehouses. He's the Marxist equivalent of the Rain Man, the books, like Stalin are there to troll.

>> No.4531749

He has a few ticks too, look at how many times he wipes his beard.

>> No.4531752

I hope he grows that beard out.

>> No.4531758

Does he have Tourette's or something similar? Reminds me of myself when it comes to his mannerisms.

>> No.4531761

Tourette's is more on the neurological side, this just seems like a nervous tick. More on the emotional coping side of things.

>> No.4531774

Tics and others repetitive behaviors tend to get more frequent and exaggerated when you're exited or under stress. And you rarely notice them yourself unless its pointed out to you and it's nigh impossible to "hold them in".
Just look at him go here:
Definitely not "voluntary".

>> No.4531775


>> No.4531782

I have a friend who isn't marxist at all, but has shittonnes of pictures of Stalin, Mao and other Communist leaders and general communist posters.

Can't deny that Communist propaganda is fucking amazing in the art department. (though far too blunt and in your face for actual propaganda which western PR learned in the 1920s)

>> No.4531786

His name is Slavoj Zizek. There are usually multiple discussions of him each week. I need to stop coming here.

>> No.4531793

Just gotta ignore the shit to try to find diamonds (or should I say garnets?).

>> No.4531800

Yeah, that's what I've been trying to do. I find it sometimes difficult to resist getting sucked in by the shit, though. There used to be this Wittgenstein expert who would come in here. His threads were some of the best. There was another guy who was a Kafka expert. Now we have Bloomkid, so I guess I shouldn't complain.

>> No.4531802

We all have access to Wikipedia, bro.

>> No.4531801

>not having pictures of Communist leaders in your house
my dad's got Lenin next to his bed, I have a postcard of Castro on my bookshelf.

>> No.4531816

This guy was doing his dissertation on Wittgenstein (or so he said) and could talk about his work in great detail and depth. There were some truly enlightening discussions in his threads. I should try to find them. As for the Kafka guy, I don't know anything about him personally, but he was able to help me to gain a deeper understanding of Kafka and his work and through that, a greater appreciation. This guy was really in love with Kafka.

>> No.4534128

Are those threads archived?

>> No.4534140

I feel that people only pay attention to Slavoj Zizek because there is no one else around.

>> No.4534148

>crooked picture
10/10 troll

>> No.4534159

there are others but they dont have the charisma

>> No.4534162


>> No.4534166


Pretty much. How many "public intellectuals" do we have running around right now? How many are as entertaining as he is?

>> No.4534230

this. for better or for worse, he's the only person i find interesting anymore

>> No.4534250


It's the new paradigm in intellectual thought.

Philosophy is following other areas of study, started mostly by the hard sciences. Basically, there's no more great polymaths that we follow closely and are household names. Started in Science, and now we have this isn the Social Sciences and now even in Philosophy. The work from theory to application is now done in small increments by many, many more people. Thus, the ideas occur at a faster rate, but are not as widespread amongst the public consciousness.

Zizek is the last of a dying breed. Which is weird, you'd think the last one would be the best. But he's sort of a hack.

>> No.4534270


Science is just another way for useless people to collect a welfare check.

The world is overpopulated, and we have a labor surplus, so lots of slightly above average people have turned the academic system into a shithole of ham-and-eggers. 99% of scientific scholarship is worthless.

What need does a real scientist have for peer review, journals, ethics committees, and all sorts of bureaucratic bullshit that only get in the way of discovery and invention?

The real scientists are underground, doing shit in their basement. The people in universities are "scientists" in name, but spineless bureacratic meat popsicles in reality.

>> No.4534282

I agree that the Academe is 99% worthless, though I'm not sure I would quite put it in those terms.

>> No.4534399
File: 2.20 MB, 2592x1936, IMG_0416.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but what does it mean?

>> No.4534406

2/10 you're retarded stick to humanities

>> No.4534760

Zizek explains the Stalin picture:


>> No.4534820
File: 22 KB, 640x359, lesweatysloveniancharlatanface.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is that sweat

>> No.4534836

> Clothes in cupboards

>> No.4534842

> commidification of communism

>> No.4534854

I'm still here (and flattered,) by the way - there just haven't been as many Wittgenstein threads lately...

>> No.4534947

He's just trolling with everything.

>> No.4534999

woah got a link maybe?

>> No.4535042

>needing to prepare food at home

What are you, poor?

>> No.4535094


There is part 1 you can get the others on vimeo too.

>> No.4535098

Present this guy to me as if I had no idea who he was (because that's the truth).

>> No.4535125


His social critique at work:

>> No.4535140

Does this look like /v/ or /b/ to you mate? This is essentially the attitude of all post-2007 internet hate machine era got-here-from-facebook posters who do not understand the concept of lurking because they are embedded in a majority of people who similarly know fuck all about board culture.

And I guarantee, guaran-fucking-tee you, that you people will feed indignant swine like this by giving them exactly what they're asking for, thereby negating all the necessary experience and grasp of board culture they'd otherwise accrue through good honest lurking.

>> No.4535147


>muh board culture

Been here since 2008. One thing that's far more annoying than anything I've done today is this attitude of acting like "board culture" is something important.

I don't give a good fuck about your pretenses: either explain who this guy is to those who don't know or shut the fuck up. Explaining who this guy is and what he says would be interesting, we'd learn something, we'd discuss something. Just acting high and mighty about something as ridiculous as "board culture" in a jungle like 4chan is just pointless.

>lurk for lurk's sake

I'll go watch these videos instead, idiot.


Thanks for nothing, tripfag.

>> No.4535247


Just cut the balls the guys.

>> No.4535281
File: 223 KB, 900x675, 1381858067006.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4535313

>that pic
I know

- spiderman "that post gave me cancer"
-erine/elmo "real fuckin' neeto/ w/e"
-"absolutely disgusting"
-lazy town "i don't know wtf is going on"

What are the rest?

>> No.4535341


Watching these. I like that guy. The part about BEING a boss and ACTING LIKE a boss is right on spot.

>> No.4535354


He's right about a lot of things so far. Is he on coke? He's so fidgety.

>> No.4535363


>like a banana in an electricty socket

>imagine him fucking

>I didn't sleep anyway

>> No.4535369
File: 46 KB, 680x684, abstract feel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4535371


Say something smart. See? You can't.

>> No.4535379

Where is the picture from?

>> No.4535583

>That organizational structure
Holy fuck is he an autist ?

>> No.4535606

>One thing that's far more annoying than anything I've done today is this attitude of acting like "board culture" is something important.
You mean you want everyone to hand everything to you without prerequisite experience, like you just expected a few posts ago?

>I don't give a good fuck about your pretenses
And why would you? You clearly have no understand or appreciation of the board and are obviously just a fly-by occasional shitposter, regardless of how long you say you've been here.

>either explain who this guy is to those who don't know or shut the fuck up
No, I'll do what's correct and should be enforced in a situation like this to dissuade people like you from posting and thereby dragging the level of developed discussion down: I'll rightly pour scorn and ridicule on you.

>Explaining who this guy is and what he says would be interesting
Not to anyone who's already been here for more than a month and bothered to pay the slightest attention to board topics

> we'd learn something
Likewise, I don't give a good fuck about what you think you'd learn; why should my experience be disrupted your willful ignorance and your disgusting inability to keep fucking quiet about things you don't know?

>Just acting high and mighty about something as ridiculous as "board culture"
There is nothing ridiculous about attuning oneself to the trends and history of the community one participates in, unless one is like you, and therefore a worthless parasite who drops in every once in a while to demand someone explain something to him that he can't be bothered to learn by himself and who has no interest in nor ability to contribute back to that community.

>Thanks for nothing, tripfag.
Thanks for being a useless drain on this community's resources, see you in another six fucking months when some other theme that recurs every twenty minutes on this board happens to pique your shallow interest.

>> No.4535624

Why would you have a mass murderer above your bed?

>> No.4535634

This is why tripfags should fuck off. Even with a trip they're likel to shitpost.

>> No.4537243


tie that niggas hands behind his back and he can't say a word

>> No.4537287

>and i guess you're right, because we're all a bunch of alcoholics
>and i guess you're right, because we're not taking down the system tomorrow
>and i guess you're right, 'cause this really is a pretty good mattress

>> No.4538567

imagine if someone did this with hitler

why is this acceptable with stalin?

its vile and repugnant

>> No.4538584

if i had a pic of george w bush above my bed would you ask the same question?

>> No.4538597

Got 'em

>> No.4538598

>what if I posted a false equivalence, what then?!?!!?!

>> No.4538850

60 million and 6 million are not equivalent

But Hitler was Hegelian.

>> No.4538950

Hitler was also an animal lover and a fan of Walt Disney.
He was many things, but first and foremost a man, just like Stalin.

>> No.4538955
File: 184 KB, 367x205, captain-obvious_1444.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Walt Disney was an anti-semite too.

>> No.4538959

So was Stalin.

One of you asked if our current political campaign can be regarded as antisemitic. Comrade Stalin said: "We hate Nazi not because they are Germans, but because they brought enormous suffering to our land". Same can be said about the Jews.

>> No.4538965

Citation needed.

>> No.4538974

you're joking

>> No.4539020

check mate

>using the reductio ad bush
lel le bush le so fascist, not like obama, he cool black and posts on le reddit and he isnt afraid of nothing

>> No.4539033

>But Hitler was Hegelian.
You suggesting that's Hegel's fault?
>implying Hitler has the mental capability to understand Hegel anyway

>> No.4541316

It's not. Unless you somehow privilege one oppressed group over another.

>> No.4541350

>>implying Hitler has the mental capability to understand Hegel anyway
>implying the brilliant generals hitler surrounded himself with weren't the agents of History

>> No.4541353

>It's not.
Keep dreaming, polio. If you just BELIEVE it'll be true!

>> No.4541356

i agree

>> No.4541358
File: 920 KB, 800x2449, but muh gulags.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4542364

so, uh, Stalin didn't kill 60 million, but most of the documentation we have of the holocaust comes from Stalin.

>> No.4542386

>Stalin didn't kill 60 million


>> No.4542685

His house looks like one of those IKEA showrooms

>> No.4544515

He likes Stalinism minus the Gulags.

He's trying to find a way to prevent the gulags and still have that top-down hierarchy of Stalinism.

>> No.4544591

You don't know the rules? You must have won a World War to have your picture on someone's wall.

>> No.4544607

>not entirely above blanquism-leninism

>> No.4544616

It is. He works as the floor manger at the local Ljubljana Ikea during the day and writes during the night. He hasn't slept in years, what keeps him awake is the ghost of Stalin and a steady stream of amphetamines.

>> No.4544623

go kill yourself libtard. Anybody who's not a Stalinist is a libtard
Also a maximum of 14k were killed during the purges, holodomor did 3.5m. that' all

>> No.4544631

The problem with even trying to debate these peole, regardless of how wrong they are, is that you'll eventually hear:

>"oh, so he only killed __ million? yeah, I guess that's a LOT better"

etc etc