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4531664 No.4531664 [Reply] [Original]

Does anyone get made fun of/criticized for reading in public? Maybe its just where i am because im a factory worker and ive been reading some economics and libertarian/economic stuff on my breaks and i get little remarks like "oh sorry didn't mean to interrupt study hall" or "that text is pretty small" Is this really a thing or am i surrounded by "them"

>> No.4531666

fucking normalfags they just don't understand man

>> No.4531676

Most are probably having a bad reaction to the book in general, but I wonder if there's that one guy who will recognize the libertarian economist.

I once caught a sneer from an old man for reading a book called Freethinkers. Fucking un-American.

>> No.4531710
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Some people seem to interpret any book title as this.

>> No.4531787

This is the problem faced by people who never did well in school but are reasonably intelligent and enjoy furthering their knowledge.
People didn't realise that their education was, in fact, one big test and if you got the same grades as idiots then you're going to be around them for the rest of your life. Unless you pick up your fucking game.

>> No.4531789

>factory worker
>reading libertarian literature

>> No.4531797

>Being a blue collar worker interested in libertarian economics.
Secretly everyone around you is much more informed about economics than you and the author of your book are. They feel too bad to let you in on it, though, and just settle for making fun of you.

>> No.4531834

Modern firms protect mediocrity by hiring a lot of people at low wages, instead of fewer at higher ones. They can do this because the workers aren't making decisions. If workers were, they would want to protect their revenue divided among more workers.

Just look at Valve, and their bragging about having higher productivity per worker than Microsoft and Google. They have a completely flat structure. They're like 400 employees and dominate an entire market. An industry full of these is a mediocre coder's nightmare.

So mediocre workers need the market to give advantages to corporations where workers have no say. Enter libertarianism.

Think of it like peasants taking the side of a king, instead of those townie burghers. Or if you like, bourgeois. They're only looking after their economic interests.

>> No.4531853

>blue collar worker as well
>spend most of my breaks reading
>noone bothers me because I've already established my reputation as a badass

thing is, the brute-r the people you deal with, the more you have to treat them like beasts. sad it might be, but theres not much else you can do

>> No.4532761


Not to my knowledge, hard to tell what they mutter when you're away.

>> No.4532770


This is also why systems of capitalism are the enemy of the common person, because they seek to set value on everything and manipulate everything using that value.

>> No.4533393

no. one woman keeps annoying me about what i read at work because i always pick 'fascinating/weird/serious books' and all she reads is (pop) psychology/business books. but apart from that no one gives a shit, because why would they

>> No.4533402

when i was in high school during lunch and PE i would usually read sometimes i would get the occasional retard who would say something like "dude you're reading thats gay" but i wasn't a meek nerd in school so i would usualy say something like "yeah what of it"

>> No.4533427

you should've offered to suck his dick if you weren't a meek nerd fag

>> No.4533447

>im a factory worker and ive been reading some economics and libertarian/economic stuff on my breaks

wow we got ourselves a real life will hunting on our hands here

>> No.4533551


I'm ugly and have no friends but I don't get embarrassed by it. I'd be embarrassed of playing a DS or something, but with a book you can have the air of superiority because they're pleb, and they know it, and they can't bring it up

>> No.4533587

I was reading in the break room at my old job at CVS. Manager comes in:

"What'cha readin'?"
"Naked Economics."
"It's pretty interesting."
"Sound incredibly boring."

To be fair, it was sort of dry.

>> No.4533595


Hopefully they're mocking you for being an idiot.

>> No.4533629
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>> No.4533715

I'm in the Navy, I work in a tub that bobs around in the ocean. You would think this would be the kind of job where people would probably pick up reading. I personally love reading while rocking back and forth in my rack, its really relaxing and peaceful because I don't find seasickness to be an issue.

Yet still I constantly get weird looks from people and questions like "Is that all you do with your time?"

No, its not. I don't ask you if you spend all your free time off-watch watching Big Bang Theory on your fucking tablet so leave me alone with my book.

>> No.4533760

>big bang theory
god damn that's bad, at least you're not in the army

>> No.4533809


>> No.4534105 [DELETED] 
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How fast can you read, /lit/?


>> No.4534736
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I am a government educated, tested, licensed, paid and regulated medical professional. If anything is anti-libertarian it's modern medicine. But you can't control where and when the An-Cap epiphany strikes you.

>> No.4534764


They probably just don't like you.

>> No.4537459

I do get mocked, but it is totally different case. You see everyone around me does e-books and I the one guy still reading the ones with real paper.
I have read the EULA and I will keep my paper books, thank you very much.

>> No.4537474

It's called anti-intellectualism, OP, if you're a libertarian I'm surprised you're not familiar with it already.

>> No.4537485


>> No.4537498

I get shit for using my tablet for books they why are you reading when you have a tablet

>> No.4538133

>not selling everything that's not fixed to the ground while abstaining to remove what's fixed to the ground and sending your society into a glorious era of popular bourgeoisie
Faggots all of you.

>> No.4538159

this behaviour isn't just limited to the work place. whilst at university i used to get loads of odd looks from fellow students whenever i read in this room called the library, a sort of gossip and flirt loudly place they had on campus.

>> No.4538162

wtf is book

>> No.4538189

They're still pleb, especially when you play a DS.

2DS masterrace right here.

>> No.4538203
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I don't get shit now, and I never got shit in high school (though it was a private school, and I'm not sure if that would make a difference) the only question I normally got was "woah, what class is that for?"

>people can't possibly read unless it's mandated by teachers

>> No.4538206

I read on a daily basis and my entire family laughs at me every fucking day and tells me I should just 'watch the movie'. I can't stand these fucking people.

>> No.4538210

I remember, as a child, trying to read with a flashlight while hidden in small cupboards and other hiding places in my house. Whenever my father would catch me reading, he'd say, "What you need them book for? I ain't read a book in muh life and look how I turned out." Then he'd drag me by my shirt, tie me down, remove his belt, and start whipping me with it. What's more, he'd force my eyes open, not unlike the scenes in A Clockwork Orange, and make me watch programs on that vile contraption, the television.

>> No.4538211

Haha, you idiots wish there was someone persecuting you. The truth is that nobody cares about you reading.

>> No.4538212
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I just want someone to care about me...

>> No.4538254

muh OP's wicked smaht

>> No.4538257

>things that never happened for 500, Bob.

>> No.4538267

I was reading Thus Spoke Zarathustra on a bus yesterday and a girl at directly opposite me and kept glancing back towards me and back again
It kept going for the whole journey and she'd just hide her eyes under her hood afore looking up

She had ginger hair and glasses ;-

>> No.4538281

And you didn't speak to her. ;_;

>> No.4538297

No, she was far to distanced from me and initiating a conversation wasn't on my mind at the time.

It would have been to awkward and I didn't know what I would ask her about

>> No.4538304

I too used to read in public. Call me insecure, but it was seeing someone else reading in public that stopped me from ever making that mistake again. The guy could not have been more of a pretentious, literary try hard had he worn a hat made out of recycled copies of Infinite Jest. I shit you not, this late 20's something male was sat on a wall besides a busy road, head to toe in tweed, a pipe in one hand, book in the other, lazily stroking at his walrus moustache whilst his glasses threatened to topple from the end of his nose.

This is how people see 'public readers'.

>> No.4538309
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Thanks for offering some real insight into just how much of faggot people who type like you are.

>what of it

tumblr plz go.

>> No.4538324


that's just you

Reading in public is seriously dumb. With everyone milling about it is simply impossible to focus on the writing. Yes, impossible for everyone.
Unless you can stop paying attention to every single thing happening around you and become as unaware of you surroundings as a woman behind the wheel of a car then reading in public is pointless except for attention whoring.

>> No.4538321


>> No.4538325
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>become as unaware of you surroundings as a woman behind the wheel of a car

>> No.4538332

It's almost at the point were you can post absolutely any image and have it interpreted as "I laughed at the joke in that post".

>> No.4538334

>"Hey, man, the fuck you reading?"
>"That book man, it in code or some shit?"
>"Oh, uh, it's in Latin. It's the Meditations on First Philosophy, by Descartes and-"
>"Oh shit man, you read Latin and shit?"
>"Uh, yeah"
>"Hey man that's really cool do you also-"
>He won't shut up for the rest of the bus ride

I fucking hate Mexicans. If someone is reading I think that means they want to read, not talk.

>> No.4538336
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>"yeah what of it"


>> No.4538339

>"anon is reading instead of coming to recess"
>"maybe something's wrong with him"
>teacher comes over, "is everything alright at home?"
>keep reading
>still heard them whispering

For fucks sake, I didn't even do it every recess, only when a book had got exciting and had to finish it or something.
You know there's a problem with the education system when teachers think there's something wrong with you if you read because you want to.

>> No.4538343

I hear you. I was reading Xenophon's 'The Persian Expedition' in ancient Greek recently and this girl (7/10) wouldn't leave me alone. I didn't want to be rude so I entertained her questions, but it's like, c'mon, I'm trying to read here!

>> No.4538345

>caring about any EULA
>not just pirating books

This is why they make fun of you.

>> No.4540636

>someone makes relevant conversation
>get angry at them

This is why people don't like public readers.

>> No.4540658

>I didn't want to be rude so I entertained her questions
This is the correct course of action.

>> No.4540664

Because they feel compelled to talk to them and stop them from reading? That's pretty dumb. This shit happens to me at work about 50/50, I don't act like a dick but god damn. It never ceases to amaze me how someone can confidently walk over to interrupt you, and start asking about lunch and video games that you say you haven't played in months, every fuckin' day.

>> No.4540668

To be fair, anyone who calls themselves a freethinker is probably a pompous moron, since that entails that they believe that everyone who disagrees with them is simply a weak-willed mind that's easily controlled.

>> No.4540677

Then don't read in public, faggot. What, you can't read at home because you're going to be distracted by the TV, retard?

>> No.4540679
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I think you read the old man's sneer all wrong.

I say again, it's un-American.

>> No.4540701

I can't tell if you're trolling or genuinely an idiot. Good job man.

>Do you actually have cable TV?

>> No.4540740

Never been ridiculed, but I used to read at my favorite restaurant and got tired of the servers bringing it up. Which might make me a cunt, but I don't have the charisma to politely say "bring me my food and leave, I'm a good tipper."

My point is, I've learned to just read on my phone. No one has ONCE brought up the fact that I'm intently studying my phone, it's funny.

>> No.4540769


Had the same problem. Bought a Nook with a leather cover. Everyone assumes I'm checking my email on a tablet and they leave me alone.

>> No.4543227


as I am a failure in social regarts (still trying to learn though) I read in public (ride to university) to isolate myself from everyone else. I can't stand looking in other people faces, I am to afraid. Also I turn down the book in way that only text is showing and not the cover. Most of the times it seems like no one cares. On young child once asked me what I am reading. I couln't speak up so I just unfolded the book and let him read the title. It was 'Botes from Underground'

>> No.4543234

that's just banter and means basically nothing

I love reading and I would probably make a comment like that as well

>> No.4543451

fuck off asshole
at least i don't read latin in public
i fucking hate white people
such stupid shits

>> No.4543556

It's pretty sad, aint it? I can't tell if it's because whatever culture the internet had, has been homogenized, or that it was just an eventuality. This perplexes me.

>> No.4543599

Please explain to me how an actor making 20 million a movie is a low wage? Movies that have 3 A-listers can come close to spending half of their entire production budget on 3 people.

>> No.4543608
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>The only people who contribute to a film being produced in it's entirety are actors

Are you like, trolling or something?

>> No.4543613
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god i want to punch you in the face