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4530191 No.4530191[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

ITT: words that make you stop reading.

I start:

>> No.4530206

>implying there isn't an appropriate time to use every word

>> No.4530218

I ignore, whomps, wumbo, woozle-wozzle and other words that start with w and appear in cartoons

>> No.4530222

>swathes (seriously people on /lit/: stop saying swathes)
>vast (but only in conjunction with swathes)
>verily (in contemporary writing)
>dribble (for drivel)
>unnecessary Yiddish words
There are others

>> No.4530223


This makes me stop reading

>> No.4530227

Wumbo is a completely cromulent word, you fool.

>> No.4530230

I hate the word "overly"

>> No.4530234


>> No.4530243


did you get abused by a conductor at some point or something

>> No.4530279

>poetic when not describing poetry
>"these data are"

>> No.4530287

>poetic when not describing poetry

it'd be redundant to describe poetry as poetic

>> No.4530296

It's never the word, it's always the context. For instance, "trembling" in the context of a description of something scary has not potency. But "trembling" in the context to something spiritual (trembling before God) or eternal (love) can still be effective.

>> No.4530302

better yet, trembling before something that doesn't already have a million instances of being trembled before in literature would be perfectly interesting.

>> No.4530331


>> No.4530345

Does the trembling of a mountain of blue jelly before the rough northern wind counts ?

>> No.4530347

What would use instead? To avoid being cliche.

>> No.4530386

Yes and I'd thank you not to bring it up; my ass is still sore from the baton

>> No.4530390

no I think he meant describing poetry yourself in a poetic fashion

I hope

>> No.4530394


>> No.4530416


>> No.4530420

>that's why
>this means
>had been
>has been

>> No.4530533
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>> No.4530541

>no "the"

>> No.4530543


>> No.4530546

Great thread OP.


>> No.4530556


>> No.4532813


"And as I drifted in this vast ocean, my ears numb from the thunderous waves, and my whole body trembling from cold, trying to remember how it got into this situation, I realized that I had been muttering to myself: 'Oy vey. The goyms are up to us!' 'Verily, I say. Quite problematic!'
... What the hell is this dribble? Hallucinating specious nonsense and pretending to have some kind of inner quarral... am I going mad?"

Such were the thoughts of little Alice, as she was being swathed in webs by a quite reasonably-sized gardenspider.

>> No.4532851


>> No.4532883

someone read On Writing

>> No.4532889


I hate the way this word has been appropriated by tumblr fucktards.

>> No.4532891

Any word that is awkwardly placed and shows authorial intent to use "big words", I.E. any pretentious use of a word.

>> No.4532897


And there is another but I forgot.

>> No.4532898

>While it is somewhat understandable, not wanting to gobble afro-penises as an act of penance is nevertheless quite problematic.

>> No.4532923
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>mfw i use musical terms sparingly all the time and there's this fagot
You got a problem?

>> No.4532980

What the hell's wrong with trembling? I never found a problem with it--it seems colloquial enough and it describes the act pretty specifically while not being as overused as shaking or vibrating. Has it become a cliché and I just didn't realize?

>> No.4533005

I think you don't like facetious because it's a word girls use when they think they're being clever. "I'm just being facetious"
It's a very feminine word, but I agree. I might be projecting - I know it's why I don't like it.
No words really make me want to stop reading, but themes do, certainly.

>> No.4533021

So I shouldn't talk about the piano concerto then?

>> No.4533027
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>sparingly all the time

>> No.4533029

because some writers use it to the level that some characters seem to have Parkinson's disease, coupled with some authors not knowing any other synonyms for trembling. I think thats more an authors problem than a personal one.

>> No.4533047

Oh and "limn"

>> No.4533051


>> No.4533056

I don't get the hate for problematic. It seems to have become some sort of a meme but I still can't see why. Is it used by SJWs? Yuppies? What is that even about?

Nothing wrong with quarrel and modicum though, imao.

>> No.4533129 [DELETED] 

It's used by people who wish to point out imagined problems with our perfect society and our enlightened values

>> No.4533134

It's used by people who wish to point out imagined problems with our perfect society and our enlightened values

>> No.4535224

I agree, I feel it's embiggening to use.

>> No.4535239
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>> No.4536089


>> No.4536106
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>> No.4536129

You know those books that read like the author looked every other word up in a thesaurus just to make it more pretentious and high brow? That.

If you use a word naturally, it sounds fine. If you cram in as many polysyllabics as possible, you sound like a cunt.


This is a great word, fuck you.

>> No.4536133

i'm assuming you've never read Fear & Trembling

>> No.4536150

Well done. I enjoyed it

>> No.4536156

did some conductor put his baton in your naughty place and then not staccato?

>> No.4536163


>> No.4536207

> "beg the question" when about bringing up questions instead of answering questions with themselves

>> No.4536209 [DELETED] 
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anyone got a good list of words plebs use in the real world to create the illusion they went to college. I need it for reasons

>> No.4536224


>> No.4536250
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Glad you did.

>> No.4536260


>> No.4536315


Got something against calculus? Babby can't into maths?

>> No.4536344

wat. has anyone actually used that word since the 1990s? go to sleep, grandpa.

>> No.4536374

the fucking yiddish words man. as a german i always notice them and get annoyed by them.

>> No.4536382

Leave Hemingway alone

>> No.4536394

I just spent an hour on there...and now I want to bomb the world.

being the worst offender. Can't stand Gallicisms unless they are an extremely common word like fiancee or something. It's not because you can't get use out of another language phrasing something concisely, by no means. In fact, I throw in a lot of Spanish and Mandarin into my writing because I grew up with the languages and can't really help it. It's just that writers usually use Gallicisms to show off their education and it's just so elitist.

>> No.4536456

C'est la vie

>> No.4536653

Violent stepfather was a cellist.

Owes money to the mafia.

Got involved in fake fossil scam.

>sparingly all the time
You're funny.

What am I supposed to have, feuds? I'm not a hip-hop producer my ludicrous friend.

I'm LITERALLY laughing my ass off, like, totally.

>> No.4536688
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>unnecessary Yiddish words

>> No.4536692


>tfw you imagine every one in his voice with his delivery
>tfw they're all funny as fuck

Always trust a man who likes a good tranny joke

>> No.4536737

Feh! No Yiddish word is "unnecessary," you meshugener!

>> No.4536768

my nipples are trembling with delight

>> No.4536786
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>> No.4536793

Yiddish comes from Germany, bro.

>> No.4536809

>cultural marxism
>enamored of

>> No.4536815

wow, people like that actually exist. I thought 4chan was joking about Tumblr.

>> No.4536847

>multiple paragraphs explaining why Eminem is misogynist
>Misogyny in “Shit on You:” A lot of people say misogynistic which is true/I can’t deny it matter of fact I stand by it”

Are women trying to achieve parity in autism?

>> No.4536849
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>Appropriation of dreadlocks in “Gensis” video
You cant make this shit up.

>> No.4536852


>> No.4536856

er, Laconically

>> No.4536858

I feel like some people just don't know what "overused" means.

>> No.4536859

>ITT: words that make you stop reading.

>> No.4536863

>Overused Words

>> No.4536874

I just read a novel where laconically was used in multiple ways every chapter.

>> No.4536881

I'm sorry.

>> No.4536882


Nobody does these things in the context of real life conversations nearly as often as the majority of English literature would have you believe.

>> No.4536892

are there more?

>> No.4536893

75% of my conversations are shrugging and sighing. You'd be surprised.

>> No.4536902


>> No.4536907

oh, lapidary

>> No.4536916
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>> No.4536921

I like "succinct." Nothing beats a brief, yet comprehensive, explanation.

>> No.4536935

This is probably the most stupid and autistic shit I've seen on the internet. I'm almost angry right now.

>> No.4536937

Every time.

>> No.4536964
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inb4 butthurt

All of these are terrible and the fallbacks of hacks everywhere


>> No.4536971

>not ante

Hate Catholics, much? Fuck you, limey.

>> No.4537017

lol have you read a farewell to arms ?

>> No.4537025

always makes me think of World of Darkness

>> No.4537039

begone, papist filth

>> No.4537049
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I'm having fun with this exchange

>> No.4537059
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>> No.4537077
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take your cabal of popery elsewhere shitlord

>> No.4537081


>get these paddy bastards out of my neighborhood

>> No.4537156

gender of course being a social construct in service of an oppressive patriarchy

>> No.4537174
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>> No.4537390


>> No.4537605

Hi, my name is George and I hate any word not cutting the 80% most frequently used list.

Deadpan humor is absolutely orgasmic you fucking jizz-cock.


>> No.4538831

>no one has said it yet

>> No.4538849


>> No.4538858


>> No.4538896

some of these are hard to avoid using:

what if you are writing about an effete butcher who lives next to the cloisters of a cathedral in the Ypres salient; who due to war shortages can only get offal and is nursing a piebald horse with muscular atrophy back to health?

inb4 this gets published

>> No.4538943

>Steven Wright
Good lord that was unbearable.

>> No.4539343
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>> No.4539402
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>the dog is never human

>> No.4539770

you love it

>> No.4539973
