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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 138 KB, 615x615, e89.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4529950 No.4529950[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Rate my taste, /lit/.

>> No.4529952


>> No.4529954

>in bruges
good but not something to make your favorite
overrated garbage, filled with flaws

the book has a decent cover but it's probably not very good given your other two choices
the album looks like ass, purposely so but not in any sort of intelligent manner

2/10 fuck off

>> No.4529956

Okami is the only good thing on there

Well, I havn't read that book. but Sufjan is boring and In Bruges is babby's first black comedy

>> No.4529958

Pretty bad to be honest. Illinoise ,In Bruges and Lord of Light are good but are no where near good enough to be considered a favourite. Can't comment on okami, never played it

>> No.4529959


I can't stand anything from Illinoise apart from Chicago.

>> No.4529962
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>in bruges

Leave, pleb.

>> No.4529973


>video games
>at all


>> No.4529977

>not Synecdoche, New York
show some fucking respect

>> No.4530029
File: 113 KB, 615x615, 2x2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

come at me bro

>> No.4530037

10/10, would suck your dick

>> No.4530038

only good thing is sufjan who is 10/10

>> No.4530054
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7/10, would chill with

>> No.4530061

lol that album only has one decent song on it
>humanizing a killer just for the fun of it
so indeh

>> No.4530072

strong 6

>> No.4530077
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>> No.4530078

nice abt the dean blunt & inga copeland/hotline miami but the redeemer or narcissist II or stone island or one nation would've been a better choice and fuck dune and i haven't seen the other one. 4/10

>> No.4530179

>being this pleb

>> No.4530182
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>> No.4530185

>being this much of a fag

>> No.4530186

>listening to meal

>> No.4530192


>> No.4530224
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>> No.4530226
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The game is Gemini Rue.

>> No.4530231

moon blew

>> No.4530235


Everything else out of the water, yes, definitely.

>> No.4530237


Creeping Jesus, it's like you want everyone to call you a faggot

>> No.4530241

Which of my choices displease you? And why?

>> No.4530242

Shadow of the Colossus
The Brothers Karamazov
I don't really listen to music

>> No.4530251

What game is that?

>> No.4530257
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>> No.4530263
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>> No.4530264

>The game is Gemini Rue.

Great game, pretty decent film and Borges is on my reading list.

>> No.4530265

So patrician :^)

>> No.4530276

Iliad, Daphnis and Chloe, The Master and Margarita
Cabiria, Intolerance, The General
Tallis, Downland, Bach, Purcell, Rameau, Haendel, Lully
Senet, Royal Game of Ur
Judge me, /lit/.

>> No.4530277


>knows nothing about lord of light
top pleb

>> No.4530280

Pick one for each or fuck off.

>> No.4530301

As you can probably tell from the list of books, they are my favourites for divers reasons. If you are able to pick a single favourite for each category, you must be very single-minded or emotionally one-dimensional.

>> No.4530306

>Which of my choices displease you?

All of them except whatever the bottom right one is


Because i enjoy sexual intercourse with women

>> No.4530310

>tfw too patrician for video games

casualfriends begone

>> No.4530320

>implying I need a lecture on the changing nature of 'favourites'

I can't see why you can't just follow suit. Everyone's in the same boat but you're the only one that found it necessary to list multiple options.

Also, is The General that Bustor Keaton film about the American Civil War?

>> No.4530323
File: 299 KB, 924x930, arcade-fire-funeral.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't have any reason to lie, so here's my favorite shit.

>> No.4530324

You're in serious danger of changing my opinions.

>> No.4530328


Jeez, man.


>> No.4530332


>> No.4530333
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>> No.4530342

Is there a site you used to create these?

They both seem the same.

>> No.4530353

Really anon?


>> No.4530355

Catch 22
Placebo - Meds

>> No.4530365

love all except the movie

>> No.4530369

What movie?

>> No.4530383

>slamming sufji

>> No.4530399

un amleto di meno

>> No.4530448

you're not special

>> No.4530458
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>> No.4530467

Ulysses, Joyce/Book of Disquiet, Pessoa
Diary, Perlov
Requiem, Westminster choir, Tomas Luis de Victoria
Suitte Hakkun

>> No.4530479
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most rewatchable/readable/playable/listenable, not necessarily anything more

>> No.4530483


You're a cool cool guy

For me:

Book: The Process

Music: Simphony of the New World

Movie: 2001

Videogame: Jak and Daxter

>> No.4530485
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props for rogé

>> No.4530486



>> No.4530489

my movie is david holzman's diary, i was too lazy to resize the images

>> No.4530491

Do you have any reading comprehension?

>> No.4530498
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>> No.4530502


>my greatest fear is being called a pleb

>> No.4530503
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>> No.4530509

what do you mean?

>> No.4530512
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>> No.4530518

This a ruse right?

>> No.4530528


>> No.4530540
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>> No.4530544

>Army of Darkness
10/10 exceptional taste.

>> No.4530548
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>complete work
>greatest hits
>that videogame
>that film

>> No.4530549
File: 197 KB, 598x760, beststuff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't make fun of the jordaan mason album

>> No.4530550

i'm >>4530479
pls b my juliet

>> No.4530553

But that album is good.

>> No.4530554

sure bby, i'd love a patrician lover

>> No.4530557

>any of that

>> No.4530559


I find it impossible to pick a favorite among Shakespeare's plays, or Cohen's albums.

>> No.4530561

i've seen /mu/ shit on it constantly

>> No.4530563

>Caring about /mu/'s opinions

>> No.4530567

I find it extremely easy. A lot of his albums were made with specific contexts, styles and themes. Taking them out of the context, demerits 'greatest hits' albums.

>> No.4530577

i may live badly, but at least i don't have to work to do it.

>> No.4530581


The album image I picked entirely because it had Cohen's name and face clearly visible. I only wanted to signify that he's my favorite aritst. I do enjoy his albums as cohesive entities, I just can't decide on a favorite one.

>> No.4530582

>not working hard and actively seeking to improve yourself

heh enjoy plebhood in old age

>> No.4530619
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>> No.4530623
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my nigga

>I'm not really a music person
More like "I'm not really a real person"

>> No.4530633

> /lit/ in charge of having sit opinions about vidya

It's despite its flaws that it's brilliant

>> No.4530634

that's not what that quote means at all. which is ironic, considering it's from something that you just dissed.

>> No.4530642

actually, /lit/ in charge of shit opinions on everything. At least the hipsters of /v/, /mu/, and /TV/ don't claim to understand media they clearly have no experience with.
> illinoise has an ugly cover so it must be bad
you guys give elitism a bad name

>> No.4530659

>hipsters of /v/, /mu/, and /TV/ don't claim to understand media they clearly have no experience with
Have you even fucking visited those boards? It's far less pronounced here.

Also I for one HAVE listened to Illinoise and I can tell you that it's contrived, melodramatic and technically boring.

>> No.4530747
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yes, i am a shut-in


>> No.4530780


>listening to lyrics

>> No.4530922
File: 123 KB, 615x615, 1391394610540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

check em

>> No.4530949
File: 795 KB, 624x624, plz love me.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Koyaanisqatsi love.Thoughts on Baraka?
8/10, midnight maurauders is great, as is anything by miyazaki

>> No.4530965
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>> No.4530982
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Donno why.
Could make hundreds more.
Baraka was nice.

>> No.4531001
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>> No.4531003 [DELETED] 

My actual favorite album is too obscure for most people

I like you
Moon sucked
Can't tell if real or just the epitome of stereotypical, "patrician" media, as decided by their respective boards

>> No.4531005
File: 181 KB, 531x604, my balls are in my pants.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My actual favorite album is too obscure for most people to know

I like you
Moon sucked
Can't tell if real or just the epitome of stereotypical, "patrician" media, as decided by their respective boards

>> No.4531011

>My actual favorite album is too obscure for most people to know
just fucking post it

>> No.4531013

>my taste in music is too shit to really admit

>> No.4531028

>Hail to the Thief
>not any other Radiohead album
>not Kid A
>not OK Computer
>not The Bends, Amnesiac, or In Rainbows
>Hail to the fucking Thief
can you explain to me what you like so much about that album? sorry, I know I'm coming off as really abrasive here & I don't really mean to

>> No.4531041

>Could make hundreds more.


>> No.4531066
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obscure *and* I can't decide

>Kid A is very, very good
>OK Computer is decent but I listened to it a lot in highschool and think it's inferior
>The Bends is a very close 2nd, Amnesiac better than OK, In Rainbows is meh overall
I just really dig the vibe of HttT more than the others. Plus is has like 2+2, Where I end, The Gloaming, Myxamatosis, and fucking *There there*.

>> No.4531069

>the whole Radiohead thing
alright, fair enough, and I can't argue against any of those being quality songs. sorry I came off like an asshole

>> No.4531073

>Andy Stott
>Nicolas Jaar
>too obscure

those two have been playing huge festivals these past couple of years, get over yourself

>> No.4531078

both albums are great though, so it's okay

>> No.4531082

If we were on /mu/ I'd agree. I don't know what people on /lit/ know, shit.

>> No.4531114

Don't know that video game(?) but love all of the others. Damo era Can is jamming, still sounds fresh and innovative after all these years.

>> No.4531127
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>> No.4531158

This only means I like a lot. That's not pretentious.

>> No.4531167

>andy stott
>not old news

>> No.4531185

Right my bad, pic is a little vague. Its Xenogears

>> No.4531194

Great album

>> No.4531207

stop talking to yourself

>> No.4531213 [DELETED] 

>tfw don't really read any books (maybe 1 a year)
>tfw don't watch movies
>tfw don't listen to music
>tfw don't play video games

>> No.4531233
File: 223 KB, 790x790, 1391399881938.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

come at me

>> No.4531334

the bunster noice

>> No.4531337

movie is winter light, album is the lemon of pink, videogame is the void, book is the brothers karamazov

fuck mosaics I'm on a cellphone

>> No.4531443
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Thread seems comatose. Fuck it, here's my shit.

>> No.4531468

>Massive Attack

My black skinned friend.

>> No.4531496
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>> No.4531529
File: 81 KB, 615x615, thebestthebest.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like the book and the movie, love the album, game is meh except for nostalgia goggles
Borges and Miyazaki are both awesome, but I'm not a big A Tribe Called Quest fan
You seem like the kind of unpretentious person who belongs somewhere better than /lit/
>I'm not really a music person
How sad. The rest of your stuff is pretty cool though.
Great film, I also liked the book and the game. Don't know that artist.
Cowboy Bebop and City of God... Nice!

>> No.4531532

okami is a masterpiece you fucktard

>> No.4531546
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>> No.4531563

don't feel like making a picture
book: As I Lay Dying
movie: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly
music: Massive Attack - Mezzanine
vidya: La Mulana

>> No.4531603
File: 813 KB, 1905x1870, 8VXoxZM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rate my taste

>> No.4531604
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>> No.4531647

thats a good book, and obviously I like les rallizes too.

what is the movie, though?

>> No.4532272



In fact, I call bullshit. Nobody can be cool enough to like Little, Big AND Doom II.

>> No.4532471
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>> No.4533910
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omg lord of light is also my favorite book :D

>> No.4534044

First off, I really like your music\book selection
But c'mon Letter Never Sent is only worth watching for the camera work – the handheld scenes in the forest and lakes in particular. The Cranes are Flying is Kalatozov's best movie, it actually has a plot rather than an excuse to make pretty pictures. He really should have just gone the Vertov route and made an all out experimental film, though I suppose that was impossible given the state restrictions.

>> No.4534142


Yeah - personally Letter would be my favorite film of his, simply because I really enjoy the visual aspect of film in general, and I concur that Kalatozov's camerawork in Letter was stunning. I concede that Cranes had a stronger narrative, but the 'look' of the film is just a greater draw for me personally. I guess I could go either way on them (they are both fantastic). To be honest, I don't really have *favorite* films / books / albums overall - what I consider my favorite changes with my mood. I guess the stuff I've put on that mosaic is the stuff I revisit most often.

>> No.4534154

My nigga.

For me.

Journey to the End of the Night
Apocalpyse Now
The Bends

>> No.4534158

That's because it is really bad.

>> No.4534165

>Someone likes ITAOTS

Fuck you, what the fuck do you know about what I like and why I like it?

>> No.4534171

M8 it's okay. Everyone knows no one actually likes the music people post on /mu/. You can admit it.

>> No.4534177

>dissing sufjan

opinion invalidated

>> No.4534198
File: 65 KB, 659x402, ana_beehive.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cheating w/ a x2.

'The Waves' by Virginia Woolf, 'The Book of Ebenezer Le Page' by G.B Edwards
'Forest of Bliss' by Robert Gardener, 'The Spirit of the Beehive' by Victor Erice
Talk Talk, Franz Schubert

>> No.4534209
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>> No.4534228 [DELETED] 
File: 26 KB, 397x443, 1391382138661.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


+ little, big, + aliens


+ borges, + tribe


+ les rellizes, + system shock


+ army of darkness, + baldur's gate


+ vashti bunyan


+ this even though it's p edge


+ collateral


+ everything about this


+ hood soleil and perec of shit nigga whats up


+ jr and can natch


+ ran and zelda pimpmode


+ brighter summer day fukin better believe


+ paul simon no h8 pls


+ under the volcano, + age of mythology


+ celine

some legit patrishness going on itt i am mirin

>> No.4534231

>i'm not really a music person

I cannot imagine this. I don't mean that in a bad way. It's just strange. Do you listen to the radio? Do you automatically default to the belief that dadrock is better than contemporary music? How does this happen

>> No.4534238
File: 420 KB, 393x543, plebeian overload.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this whole thread

it's like middle school

>> No.4534240

amadeus is good

>> No.4534245
File: 23 KB, 288x499, Kornheiser_Why.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4534255

>this whole thread


>> No.4534261


>catching feelings over this

hide the thread, sperglord. it's only 4chan.

>> No.4534267
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>I'm not really a music person

What the fuck? Are you even a person at all?

>> No.4534293


>Nobody can be cool enough to like Little, Big AND Doom II.

hah i thought the exact same thing when i saw that pic

that anon is well based wouldbuybeerfor/10

>> No.4534338



>> No.4534404
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>> No.4534530

lol, that anime shit on top right corner
looks so gay. Also you are all shitheads for dedicating time to create pictures that shall justify your taste in some internet forums

>> No.4534555

Too lazy to compile a pic
The Aleph and Other Stories
Valerie and Her Week of Wonders (not a pedo, mind you)
Hail to the Thief

>> No.4534557

wait never mind, Spirit of the Beehive is my favorite film. VaHWoW is a close second though.

>tfw there's no reason to actually make this correction

>> No.4534561

Sure I listen to music on the radio, and there are individual songs that I like, but I never sit down and do nothing but listen to an album, and I never have the desire to do so. Thus I don't have a favorite that I can provide that represents my taste. Also, the songs that catch my interest don't hold it for very long. In a couple months the individual songs I like now will be boring to me. I assume most of the albums on this thread are things that people have listened to for years, and I don't have something like that.
I am.

>> No.4534589
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>> No.4534614
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>> No.4534620
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>Assassin's Creed
>at all


>> No.4534630

ruined it with the vidya choice
you are empty inside
bjork lol
nice music combo
my fav book too

>> No.4535476

>you are empty inside
spot on

>> No.4535878

>top right corner

opinion disregarded

>> No.4535898
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>> No.4535917

>complaining about anime
>on 4chan
>in 2014

>> No.4535924

>Too lazy to compile a pic
me too

The Idoit

Star Trek 5

Bad Astronout

TES: Morrowind

>> No.4535956

we're not on any of the weeaboo boards, shitcunt

>> No.4535961
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>> No.4535974

Coming here to have your taste validated makes you a slave to the opinions of others.

>> No.4536021
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4chan is a weeaboo site

>> No.4536057
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hurr r8 my taste /lit/

>> No.4536075
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>> No.4536078

why has roadside picnic become so popular since the last time i came to /lit/
i mean it's a good story but it's not nearly pretentious enough for you fuckers

>> No.4536081

xhamster is a p good site

>> No.4536084


its in the movie side, so its tarkovsky and redeems the pretentiousness

>> No.4536090

>nicolas jaar
try The Cancel

>> No.4536095


>I have transcended the need to seek approval from others and now I am posting my displeasure in this thread so others may see how I have grown and approve of it

People post these just for fun as well you know. Calm down m8 it's only 4chan.

>> No.4536096

>hip hop
not even once

>> No.4536101

it's hip-hop in the same way The Avalanches or Neat Beats or Endtroducing... are hip-hop you dense motherfucker

>> No.4536102

>The Avalanches, Entroducing
so garbage?

>> No.4536105


Nicolas Jaar is a legit genius though.

He's one of, if not THE best in the game right now.

>> No.4536109
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>> No.4536111

you sound like a plebean
>nicolas jaar
>best in the game
>not neat beats, sweatX, kanye west, or bambu
0/10 see me after class
i mean he's good but he's not that good

>> No.4536114


>rune scape

lol fucking pls go and never return

>> No.4536115

p4k garabe

>> No.4536118

>Avalanches fan calling someone a plebian
the ironing

>> No.4536120

That game has really gone downhill since 2003. Good times.