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File: 53 KB, 442x600, 442px-Nietzsche187a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4527436 No.4527436[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Mfw a 18 y/o wrote this and I can't even understand it being a college student. Please help me out.

"How does one reshape the desire of an non-existent future to match the inevitable reality of a dear loss?

The ill-wore terminus violently indisposed of itself and strictly disfigured into the broken, mismatched presence of an already gone life measures the monumental impediment of our own weaknesses. It would appear that the irritation of one's improper introspective espionage damages the picturesquely spiritual guidelines of a previously vanquished potential. The distilled, oxidized life wastes among the perishable vital humus of our own blood each moment passed. Frankly, what most concerning seems to be, is the epidemic, plasmatic urge to ignore such entities for the sake of a falsely established sense of self-comfort and unavoidable duty delay. The quintessential grotesqueries of oneself's pilfering robbery turn each attempt to revitalize into a derelict misuse of good will; into a tempered internal debauchery destined to consume whatever pure is left in ourselves.

The dichotomy of positive and pleasurable has gone into a vile blind spot of an unlined longevity. Solitude is the new Utopia. Lummox is the new us. Hope is lost and life is changed. May God's plunder protect herbal narcotics and meat pleasures, for they're all we have left to sit upon."

>> No.4527448

Your problem is assuming that there is any meaning behind the seemingly-complex language.

>> No.4527446

Here you go!


>> No.4527453

OP here.

So it doesn't make any sense at all? Like, any of it?

>> No.4527463

pls explain it

>> No.4527472
File: 325 KB, 1920x1080, 1359291463651.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here ill go through it and try to make sense of it, give me a minute.

>> No.4527480

Somebody shoop his moustache to his tie and vice versa

>> No.4527490

Why do pretentious teenagers and undergraduates feel the need to use complex words even when the ideas don't warrant them?

>> No.4527493

Well, it's bad writing but it seems to be talking about human nature and the inevitably of pain and loss and how we deal with our mortality thusly and how we lose innnocence and become hedonists who associate goodness with pleasure to comfort ourselves in the face of our own extinction or something faggoty like that.

>> No.4527500


>> No.4527503

look up words you dont know and try to reason how it might relate to the ideas that the author is trying to get across, ex: the metaphor "distilled, oxidized life

>> No.4527504


>"How does one reshape the desire of an non-existent future to match the inevitable reality of a dear loss?

How do I change my desire of wanting a life free of death, since I know now that everything must die.

>The ill-wore terminus violently indisposed of itself and strictly disfigured into the broken, mismatched presence of an already gone life measures the monumental impediment of our own weaknesses

The unhappy, impending presence of death is always with us and illustrates our weak lives. Living is dying.

Im not going on after this.

>> No.4527517

OP here.

I was really hoping for someone to go through the whole thing.

I am losing my mind over it. >.<

>> No.4527520

I always just read every third word, to make sense of crap like this.

>> No.4527519

>How does one reshape the desire of an non-existent future to match the inevitable reality of a dear loss?

The non-existent futures desires need to be brought into line with the hard truth that everything will be lost.

Well that does not make much sense, how can a non-existent future desire? How could we interpret this so that it is intelligible. Well space-time does not desire so that is a false start. But people desire. And the way people think is sort of like living in the future always planning ahead. So he might be trying to say something like: how do I temper my expectations of the future so that they adequately reflect the hard truths of the world.

I am not even going to try to generously interpret the rest of this dreck. But two illuminating questions to ask yourself when dealing with the abstract: How is this true? What does it do?

>> No.4527526

"How does one reshape the desire of an non-existent future"

Might stand for something like this:

How does one adapt to the desire of having a future when he hasn't realized that he doesn't have one just yet after a painful loss of a person for example?

At least that's what I make of it.

>> No.4527561

Anyone else? :C

>> No.4527577

>How does one adapt to the desire of having a future when he hasn't realized that he doesn't have one just yet after a painful loss of a person for example?

I am impressed by the level of nonsense you have generated.

>> No.4527582
File: 187 KB, 300x400, trashman.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

IMO it´s a pretty heavy case of the "kid with a thesaurus" syndrome. Content-wise it looks like some pseudo-existential rubbish.

Why do you have to read it anyway? If you are in an admissions committee or something, just do pic related.

>> No.4527590

Just read the stranger by camus
Same ideas but presented in a more intelligent way

>> No.4527592

What's wrong, /lit/? Too deep for you?

>> No.4527597

1/10 made me respond.

>> No.4527598

I can't hack it meng. It keeps me up at night.

>> No.4527608

bad bait is bad bait

>> No.4527626

How does one reshape the desire of an non-existent future to match the inevitable reality of a dear loss?

The ill-wore terminus violently indisposed of itself and strictly disfigured into the broken, mismatched presence of an already gone life measures the monumental impediment of our own weaknesses. It would appear that the irritation of one's improper introspective espionage damages the picturesquely spiritual guidelines of a previously vanquished potential. The distilled, oxidized life wastes among the perishable vital humus of our own blood each moment passed. Frankly, what most concerning seems to be, is the epidemic, plasmatic urge to ignore such entities for the sake of a falsely established sense of self-comfort and unavoidable duty delay. The quintessential grotesqueries of oneself's pilfering robbery turn each attempt to revitalize into a derelict misuse of good will; into a tempered internal debauchery destined to consume whatever pure is left in ourselves.

The dichotomy of positive and pleasurable has gone into a vile blind spot of an unlined longevity. Solitude is the new Utopia. Lummox is the new us. Hope is lost and life is changed. May God's plunder protect herbal narcotics and meat pleasures, for they're all we have left to sit upon.

"How does one go on after a dear loss?

The negative end (of the person's life) marked by the inability to let the diminished person go equals the suffering that our weaknesses make us go through. The idea that we create of ourselves damages our potential (to be successful human beings, I assume), that's gone the moment we try to relay on that image. Our life is wasted among the crap we live through second by second. The most disturbing part is that we ignore it for the sake of satisfying basic needs and escaping our duties/must-do's. The main problem of our own destruction (that we indulge in) makes any attempt to resurrect us (as in our potential) a waste of good intentions; an infernal circle destined to make us worse.

The contrast between what's pleasing and what's good for us is here to stay forever. Hope is lost, life is changed. May God protect narcotics and prostitutes."

Easy. Then again, what's easier is to be a fuckin' idiot and say it doesn't make sense.

>> No.4527634

I'll give it a shot.

>How does one reshape the desire of an non-existent future to match the inevitable reality of a dear loss?

How do you adjust your dreams to match the reailty of the loss of something dear?

>The ill-wore terminus violently indisposed of itself and strictly disfigured into the broken, mismatched presence of an already gone life measures the monumental impediment of our own weaknesses.

You, when presented with the past circumstances of your life, can only see your own weakness constantly getting in your way. (ie. you are "weak", and that has caused you to be a failure so far in life)

>It would appear that the irritation of one's improper introspective espionage damages the picturesquely spiritual guidelines of a previously vanquished potential.

This kind of introspection destroys the idealism and capacity that you believed you had, and which motivated you previously.

>The distilled, oxidized life wastes among the perishable vital humus of our own blood each moment passed.

Basically your life is completely pointless.

>Frankly, what most concerning seems to be, is the epidemic, plasmatic urge to ignore such entities for the sake of a falsely established sense of self-comfort and unavoidable duty delay.

What seems to be of most concern is the fact that you ignore all this mess, and instead turn to a false sense of self-comfort and the habit of avoiding responsibility.

>The quintessential grotesqueries of oneself's pilfering robbery turn each attempt to revitalize into a derelict misuse of good will; into a tempered internal debauchery destined to consume whatever pure is left in ourselves.

This false sense of self-comfort, etc. prevents you from improving yourself, and each time you try to improve yourself you only damage yourself further (get more depressed or whatever).

>The dichotomy of positive and pleasurable has gone into a vile blind spot of an unlined longevity. Solitude is the new Utopia. Lummox is the new us. Hope is lost and life is changed. May God's plunder protect herbal narcotics and meat pleasures, for they're all we have left to sit upon.

Basically, you're screwed and alone. All you've got left are pot and sex.

(Cont. about the style).

>> No.4527641

I'm guessing an American student wrote this OP?

I'm tempted to ignore looking for meaning simply because the punctuation and grammar suggest he's an incompetent and he's far too young to be spouting this crap.

Break his will and fail him.

>> No.4527646


(Cont. about the style)

Most of the sentences barely make sense. Sure they're (mostly) grammatically correct, but the overuse of words is ridiculous.

Why must robbery be described as "pilfering"? It's totally unnecessary. An "oxidized" life is a rusted one, but how in hell does "distilled" fit into it?

If this kind of thing intimidates you, OP, then you are nearly as puny an individual as the author of that rather disagreeable text. Learn identify and label bullshit properly.

>> No.4527696

i'm pretty convinced that this thread is a dude trying to play a epik ruse ;>) on /lit/ by posting his shit and trying to get people to either like it (in which case he feels validated) or not understand it (in which case he feels like he is 2deep4them)

so dumb oh my god

>> No.4527698


So, it did make sense, but it was rather awfully presented, yes?

>> No.4527705

Should have followed some basic guidelines https://www.mtholyoke.edu/acad/intrel/orwell46.htm

>> No.4527707

oh i guess i was right >>4527626

you're an idiot, OP

>> No.4527710


You're wrong. I just didn't understand the text. That's all.

>> No.4527712

OP you will never, ever, be even decent at philosophy. Give up now. I would tell you to read something other than Nietzsche to help you out, but it's not even worth it because you have no potential. You're also a terrible writer. You should probably just become an accountant.

>> No.4527714

why did the author of >>4527626 use the same email then fagooot

>> No.4527715
File: 60 KB, 400x593, 1375750121609.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is just awful. Writing this way is gayer than 10 guys fucking 11 guys

>> No.4527717


I pasted a text that I didn't understand that was written by a different person.

>> No.4527719


>> No.4527721


I don't know. Nothing makes sense now.

>> No.4527723

>Easy. Then again, what's easier is to be a fuckin' idiot and say it doesn't make sense.
did you write this

>> No.4527725

>The quintessential grotesqueries of oneself's pilfering robbery
Worst thing I've read in a long time. Thanks for making me feel good about my writing skills.
Un déluge de mots dans un désert d'idées.

>> No.4527726


>> No.4527732

so how do you know it makes sense if you didn't write it. and why do you think it makes sense?

is it because you're actually an 18 year old wanna-be nietzsche who wrote this?

>> No.4527737


'Cause I obviously read it, and tried to make something out of it. Why is this such a hard idea to grasp?

>> No.4527743

but you said it doesn't make sense to you. why would you call everyone a "fuckin' idiot" for saying it doesn't make sense? why do you think it means anything if you don't know what it means, and it was just written by an 18 year old who happens to be a terrible writer?

but the real question is: where the fuck are you getting this shit if it isn't you that's writing it?

>> No.4527745

Nietzsche could actually write and wasn't unnecessary verbose, you're giving this kid to much credit. He's a wanna-be intellectual, that's all. He needs to read more and learn no unnecessary words should be there. By unnecessary I mean words that's obviously the consequence of a thesaurus used wrongly.

>> No.4527748

Am I an idiot if I find the first sentence very vague? Hard to tell if it's talking about the desire OF (that is, belonging to) a non-existent future, or a desire FOR it.

>> No.4527746


Assuming that I am incapable of making a play to provoke people to actually try to understand it as well (or give me another hints as to what it might mean), yes, you would be correct. That's not necessarily the case, though.

>> No.4527750

im saying he's a wanna be nietzsche not because he actually succeeds at what nietzsche succeeds at, at all. im just guessing he's only read nietzsche and maybe a few other dudes (on a really superficial level) and now he thinks he can be nietzsche.

i agree, nietzsche was an amazing writer, this kid is a shit one

>> No.4527756

It's not worth it.

It's just bad writing.

>> No.4527758

>but the real question is: where the fuck are you getting this shit if it isn't you that's writing it?
why are you avoiding this question

>> No.4527759

We agree then.

>> No.4527760


Random chats I participate in. Why does it matter?

>> No.4527770
File: 229 KB, 800x600, lol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The distilled, oxidized life wastes among the perishable vital humus of our own blood each moment passed.

I TA an intro critical theory class and even I haven't seen anything this bad before.

>> No.4527776

yeah dude. luv u bb

why are you so defensive about this then? what random chats are these? you should probably leave them.

that sounds like hell

>> No.4527778

>Then again, what's easier is to be a fuckin' idiot and say it doesn't make sense.

Perhaps. But I have to wonder why someone would write this way. Which makes me wonder if they have anything worthy to say at all.

>> No.4527784


I just don't know why does it matter so much. And apparently neither do you.


Well, probably not. I don't know under what circumstances it was written.

>> No.4527786


Sounds like something you would name a male cat.

>> No.4527792


Damn, Orwell is great.

>> No.4527793

It reads like someone who isn't a native english speaker trying to imitate Nietzsche or Heidegger.

>> No.4527795

>I just don't know why does it matter so much.
because i want to know why you care so much about this horrible piece of writing. im curious why this matters to you.

>> No.4527799

Luv u 2 m8. :3

>> No.4527800


I just didn't understand it. I said it like twenty times.

>> No.4527803

why do you think there's anything to understand tho or that even if you understood it there would be something there that's important at all

>> No.4527802

We don't accept your premise, now confess.

>> No.4527806

>>novices who don't yet understand that this will only highlight their inexperience

yep, that's it.

>> No.4527816

Does that mean that you are incapable getting me to "admit" (which would be lying since I am being honest) and are asking me to do it myself?


>> No.4527820

that doesn't explain why you think there is sense to be made

>> No.4527822


>> No.4527829


I was curious if it meant something/what people thought of it?

>> No.4527834

If you're actually being honest OP, then go ahead and let go of it. It's absolutely moronic. Overwrought to senselessness. Metaphors mixed and abandoned for new ones within a single phrase. And hilarious redundancy like "pilfering robbery," a totally ungrammatical semicolon... Honestly, the first sentence ("How does one reshape...") is not that bad. But literally every one that follows is a howler, absolutely unforgivable.

>> No.4527837

so why did you call people "fuckin' idiots" for saying it was senseless

you are not making sense, buddy

>> No.4527855

You are so obviously the author of the text that I actually feel embarrassed for you when you deny it

>> No.4527865


What part of me trying to ask people if they think the text makes any sense you didn't quite get?


To provoke them to reply. I responded to that earlier already. You're being unreasonable.

>> No.4527870


Could you perhaps post a optimized version of it?
I am curious which parts you'd remove or edit. I think you're exaggerating a bit by saying that literally everything but the first phrase is awful.

>> No.4527872

>Metaphors mixed and abandoned for new ones within a single phrase

point this out please i dont see it

>> No.4527931
File: 59 KB, 367x451, hahaha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I think you're exaggerating a bit by saying that literally everything but the first phrase is awful.

Trust me, drop it and move on. Practicing is key to becoming a good writer.

>> No.4527953

Even the first phrase is awful, man. I can't see how you can say it isn't.

>> No.4528014

OP listen to this guy. It's so fucking vague that at this point you'd have to be the author to really understand it because of the ill-fitting ambiguous wording. Even if somebody came up with an answer that made sense, it's probably wrong because the wording lets you put far to much of the readers own meaning in (because we have to fill in the fucking gaps). You'll have better luck counting to infinity.

>> No.4528029

It requires comprehension of nonsense to make nonsense comprehensible.

>> No.4528052

yeah you are not the only one.
I thought it was going to be something about the death drive (the desire FOR a non-existent future) but nope, entry-level existentialism

>> No.4528262
File: 94 KB, 600x860, 1379625257243.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4528273


this is so postmodern edgy guys reaal edgy

>> No.4528282
File: 30 KB, 540x405, 1391323083677.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The problem isn't you cannot understand it, who would. The problem here lies with some pretentious individual who thinks an expanded vocabulary will make his statement clear. Sometimes less is more, and it's a tragedy when a simple word in a sentence could have evoked a much more powerful statement than a misused one.

I fell into that trap years ago but never in this level. It wasn't until I started reading more and listening to other's advises on how to create diction rather than dumbfuckery.

>> No.4528293

Agree, it's terrible writing. Any teacher at any college or university in the entire world would consider this a waste of paper or space (If an equivalent faggotry was written in another language with the same diarrhea of words.)