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File: 66 KB, 666x341, jk-rowling-ron-hermione.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4527423 No.4527423[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


So JK regrets making Ron and Hermoine a couple.

>> No.4527430


>> No.4527435

No relevance to the story, no additional insight, no elaboration. Just another statement to make headlines and fuel the machine for what is (likely) to be the only successful work she ever produces.

>> No.4527439

Good, she should retcon it in her edgy future Potter series where Harry is a depressed alcoholic Auror and Hermione is the bombshell that walks in one day.

>> No.4527441


So do I. In the books it was forced and didn't seem like it fit and in the movies hermoine was out of everyone's league, both in terms of hotness and smartness/usefulness.

>> No.4527445

>Rowling says that she should have put Hermione and Harry together in the Harry Potter series instead of Hermione and Ron, according to the publication’s headline, which reads, “JK admits Hermione should have wed Harry.”

Some how, after this admission, I feel validated.

>implying you didn't want to fuck Hermione

>> No.4527457



>> No.4527468
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>you will never live in a cozy faux Victorian world where everybody wears cute cardigans or eccentric robes and has names like Mr. Bumblepot or Mrs. Crimblewimblywob and inexplicably spent all their time learning magic as teens in the absence of a basic secondary level education

>> No.4527469

She should be regretting writing Harry and Ginny together.

>> No.4527475

Can she stop randomly spouting oh-so-controversial bullshit about Harry Potter to garner attention for herself?

Hurr Dumbledore is gay

Durr Ron and Hermione shouldn't have gotten together

Herp Snape is actually a transvestite

>> No.4527481

>to garner attention for herself?

Because no one has a fucking clue who she is right?

>> No.4527483
File: 106 KB, 375x500, 1375461119001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

top lel

>casting director's face when she grew up

>> No.4527484

>tfw my female friend hangs out with Rupert Grint on a weekly basis
>tfw he puts everybody's drinks on his tab (at an expensive members' club)
>tfw I could meet him and go to his house for the weekly after party if I wanted to
>tfw I don't want to

>> No.4527488

yeah but she's trying to stay 'relevant'

>> No.4527491

>not chilling with Rupert Grint

Why not?

>> No.4527494

It's possible for already famous people to attention whore.

Are you seriously suggesting otherwise?

>> No.4527499

Because I don't like the idea of leeching off a famous guy I don't know, and I can't afford to pay for the drinks myself or my friend.

>> No.4527505
File: 870 KB, 854x474, luna.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the real tragedy.



>> No.4527508

>not going and getting hims balls ass drunk so that you can kiss him and, in doing so, kiss lips that emma watson has kissed, thus being able to boast to acquaintances that you have third-degree got of with Hermione Granger


>> No.4527512


>> No.4527510

luna went from qt to shrek

neville went from mutant to hunk

>> No.4527511

she wasn't that good looking to begin with just you all dick riding her personality

>> No.4527515

No, she was adorable.

>> No.4527522

i agree, ginny was the worst actor in that entire series

she's like a worse version of bellas actor from twilight

>> No.4527534

Harry and Hermoine definitely would have made more sense. They were made for each other.

This will be my personal head-canon from now on.

>dat scene in deathly hallows where they dance together in their tent

>> No.4527540

I agree with you, but I think it goes more like a thousand questions asked everyday, a certain blog reporter or whatever asks something specific and she says "oh well, I never thought about that, I kind of regret it"


>> No.4527543


She published another novel called 'The Casual Vacancy'. It sold well (no surprise) and got mixed but overall positive reviews.

There are also persistent rumours that she's doing reasonably well putting out crime fiction under a pseudonym.

You ig'nant.

>> No.4527547

>There are also persistent rumours that she's doing reasonably well putting out crime fiction under a pseudonym.


that was leaked like a year ago man

>> No.4527554

>This will be my personal head-canon from now on.

>not tearing out the 'epliogue' from the last book and inserting your own fanfiction that involves harry sticking unicorn wands up Hermione's wazoo from under the cloak of invisibility on the hufflepuff dining table

Let's face it, at this point, it would be more fucking canon.

>> No.4527556
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J. K. Rowling?

More like jk, trolling.

>> No.4527559
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More like JK rolling in money

>> No.4527564

I always thought that the Harry + Ginny love interest was so... forced?

I mean they practically never talk to each other and suddenly they're just mad in love.

>> No.4527568

oh man

today i felt

>> No.4527574

also, she's a loli when they introduce her but then in one year she's already harry's crush

>> No.4527575

>that letter of admittance never arrived
>Surely your parents were hiding it out of jealousy!

>> No.4527584

p much this. I thought, if anything, it would be Cho or Luna, not fucking Ginny. Isn't that weird anyway?

>> No.4527593

needed some lesbians.

>you will never be a little lesbian witch who, every night when the lights go out, crawl into the bed of your secret gf

>> No.4527596

>dat scene in deathly hallows where they dance together in their tent

That only happened in the movie.

>/lit/ confirmed for never actually having read the books

>> No.4527599

harry hermione romance would have been more predictable but predictable because it just fits better. should have happened. rowling was clearly trying to defy convention and that rarely works for mediocre artists

>> No.4527600

> they practically never talk to each other

They date for like the entire 6th book.

>> No.4527609

>/lit/ confirmed for never actually having read the books

I certainly hope so.

>> No.4527616

Really, I think Ron/Hermione was fine for the most part, but it left Harry himself as part of a side-character romance while the main romance of the story was between his sidekicks.

The biggest problem with Ron/Hermione was that it took them too long to get together. The second biggest problem was that Ron got kind of dumb and worthless by book 7. He should have had, like, great tactical sense or a hidden talent for Divination or *something*. Though he did manage to Disarm Bellatrix at one point.

>> No.4527617

nigger like a trillion people read these books. don't confuse your autism with superiority.

>> No.4527620
File: 28 KB, 768x768, Picard on lemons.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The fu--?

>Goes back to hiding every damn Harry Potter thread.

>> No.4527627

*unzips paw*

why are you speaking like a faggot?

>> No.4527629
File: 793 KB, 1188x620, average day on lit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good luck with that.

>> No.4527666

Harry and Hermione getting together was and still is the wrong answer simply because it is the obvious one.

Rowling is pulling a Lucas here, aka "making embarrassingly bad changes to a previous masterpiece".

>> No.4527675

Why not go that extra mile into half arsed romance sub plots and have the three of them engage in a three way marriage at the end?

>> No.4527687

Pretty much.

Harry barely thinks of here for the entire series then in HBP he's suddenly jizzing himself over her.

>> No.4527689

>I certainly hope so.
Oh come off it. A large percentage of 4chan users are underage-26, good ages to ride the Potter wave. And don't pretend like you were never a kid before. It's not like anyone here started with fucking IJ or something back in elementary/middle school

Yeah, wtf was that. Ron was a worthless fool; even Neville did more than Ron. Why wasn't he good at anything except chess? I guess that's why Hermione/Ron worked; she could do everything and he could do nothing, a mother/son relationship.

>> No.4527690
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Does this mean Ron and Ginny are a couple now too?

>> No.4527692

is that the only thing she regrets doing?

>> No.4527700

oh god, does this make ron x ginny a thing?

>> No.4527703



I hate to say this, but...

Ron and Hermione were pretty well suited for each other as stand alone characters.

>> No.4527704


>R-ron, am- am I pretty?

>> No.4527728

I read them 7 years ago, don't expect me to remember all that

>> No.4527736

>implying snape/hermione isn't canon

>> No.4527738

i never understood the snape/ms potter thing

they were so close but then harry's douche dad comes out of nowhere and starts slamming her puss

>> No.4527754

>Oh come off it. A large percentage of 4chan users are underage-26, good ages to ride the Potter wave. And don't pretend like you were never a kid before. It's not like anyone here started with fucking IJ or something back in elementary/middle school

My teenage self threw my half-read philosopher's stone away and picked up Dostoyevsky like a normal self-respecting person.

>> No.4527764

you mean a nonexistant turbo-fedora posting on an anime imageboard

>> No.4527771

She regrets doing your mum and making you.

>> No.4527787

Probably because he wasn't a complete sociopath and had confidence in himself.

>> No.4527789 [DELETED] 

I use to write fan fiction about them. This actually hurts.

>> No.4527796


This post really says it all. Somewhere out there, its author imagines, there is a teenager - Normal - Self-Respecting - throwing away Harry Potter to read Dostoevsky. Somewhere. But if this is not what this teenager has done with Harry Potter, he can only be abnormal, full of loathing for himself.

Christ man, it's just a kiddie book about wizards. Don't beat yourself up.

>> No.4527836

still looks like shit

>> No.4527845

"you people are all dumbasses for reading a bunch of kids books, that came out when many of you were kids" - a big fucking idiot

>> No.4527927


I thought this as well.

In context of Luna, a bizarre character who also lost a parent, her personality seems to be the one who understands Harry best.

I loved that scene where she tells at Harry for not listening; all the characters usually ride on Harry's bandwagon and follow/instruct or hang on his every fucking word. She just had to flat out tell him to cool his shit and actually listen for a change. She's what he needs to hear, not what he wants.

Not to mention a lot of the one on one moments are the best in the books. The moment where she discussed the death horses, where they have to go on that date together to the fatty potions professor.

Ginny was too forced, and Hermione would have been forced out the ass.

>> No.4527963

Yes, holy shit, why didn't he get with Luna? That would have been adorable. Luna is fucking moe.

>> No.4527977

>reading dostoyevsky in high school
I bet you were a hit at parties

>> No.4527983


I know, right?

Not to mention the "I love you Ron, I only LIKE harry!" diocotemy that Ron and Hermoine's relationship was built off of. I mean, hell, it seemed to me Hermoine's only reason to settle for Ron was that she needed to prove she didn't need someone famous to be her love (see Krim, Harry). Ron's crush with the famous French gal seemed to solidify that for me.

I mean, it's bad if a relationship between two people is built off their mutual desire to not draw attention to a third. It feels forced in that regard.

Lunarry stronk.

>> No.4528006

I agree. Both Hermoine+Ron and Harry+Ginny always felt forced and came off as a 4th grade romance.

Harry and Hermoine had a lot more going for them, especially after the seventh book where they practically lived together and Ron walked out like a twit.

>> No.4528013

Harry x Ron OTP

>> No.4528094

The thing that all of them should have done is to end up with someone else that isn't their fucking highschool crushes, like normal people.

>> No.4528108

>Yes, holy shit, why didn't he get with Luna?

Then people would complain that Luna is a Manic Pixie Dream Girl, the sort of companion a male author would use but I guess Rowling as a woman wanted someone more "real".

>> No.4528118
File: 30 KB, 640x416, 1376425797684.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Herp Snape is actually a transvestite
jesus christ

>> No.4528119

The term manic pixie dream girl didn't even exist when the last harry potter came out.

>> No.4528122

Wrong! The term was coined in 2005.


>> No.4528125

Darn. I thought it was 500 days of summer that made it.

>> No.4528126


There's your first mistake, you were meant to read it as a child. Don't think yourself mature because you were too old when you first read it.
Also, why would a teenager read Dostoevsky?
Regardless how intelligent you might have been, you were still a decade away from full cognitive maturity. There is a reason to hold off on reading some books, you know.

>> No.4528131

So Rowling finally grew up? Harry and Hermione always made more sense. Ron was incredibly forced, and it read like a teenage girl wrote it. Same for Ginny and Harry.

>> No.4528134

Having Hermine get with Harry would have been the most boring and predictable thing she could've done. I'm glad she ended up with Ron, at least that's somewhat interesting

>> No.4528143

It would have been better if after the time skip we learned that Hermione was a lesbian, Ron became a drifter and no one has heard from him since Hogwarts and Harry is still riding off the coattails of being famous and banging chicks and probably addicted to drugs.

>> No.4528157

I’m still waiting for her to admit the whole Harry Potter universe was inside Harry’s head. All of the adventures were the fantasies of some kid being abused, nothing more.

It would also explain some of the plot holes: Harry’s losing his mind trying to escape the horrors of his reality even more.

>> No.4528162

Too derivative.

>> No.4528163

Yeah I liked St. Elsewhere too.

>> No.4528176

It's also creepy because Harry's basically fucking a fangirl. So is it true love, or did Ginny just want him because of his reputation?

>> No.4528199

Anyone who wasn't finishing the Western canon by the time they were 12 years old doesn't DESERVE to post on /lit/!

>> No.4528221

Almost every single romance JK wrote was shit. She should regret more than just Ron and Hermione.

>> No.4528229

It's hilarious how pessimistic everyone is on here.

An extremely famous author, with an extremely famous book series, can't do interviews about her books, that people want her to do, without being accused of wanting more fame and money.

It's ridiculous.

>> No.4528235


>> No.4528239


>> No.4528243

I saw hermoine as another friend to Harry, she just happened to have tits and a twat. She might as well have been a guy to him. That's how I saw it anyway. Kind of like they were siblings.

>> No.4528246

I agree. The majority of people want their protagonist to get the dream girl and most see Hermoine as the dream girl. It would be obvious for it to happen, when there wasn't even that much indication that they should get together.

More realistically would be most of the characters ending up with random people they met at work etc, but that wouldn't have worked that well for the series ender.

>> No.4528254

i would have liked hermy and harry to be together because of compatible intelligence OR hermy and malfoy because i wanted his character to grow past the mud blood racism

>> No.4528265

Pretty much this.

Ron and Hermione were a pretty good couple. Harry and Ginny is the shit she should regret.

Harry and Luna would have been best end.

>> No.4528278

>Harry and Luna would have been best end.

i agree

>> No.4528284

harry was a narcissist, he was unbecoming and more often than not, treated women noticeably different than men.

hermione was smart, independent, and (later on in the books) had high self-esteem. she was way, way too good for him, and they both knew that. harry wasn't honest with himself about it, but it was always there.

ginny is meek, pretty, and immature enough at the beginning to fall in love with harry even though she didn't know him. she was just impressed by his heroicism.

hermione and ron rounded each other out. he made her learn to break rules, she made him learn to make his own. she provided the plan, ron provided the gumption.

>Harry and Luna would have been best end.
luna is incredibly intelligent, moreso than ron and harry, nearing hermione. she is far, far too fucking independent and wise to be with someone like harry.

>> No.4528285

Harry is an idiot though.

>> No.4528290


Either way, Luna isn't much of a pixie girl. She's incredibly unpreachy, and she in now way tries to get harry to "experience life". If anything, she has to ground him with her statements, which is ironic considered her flakey nature.

>> No.4528291

have you listened to Wizard People, Dear Reader?


>> No.4528295

no (i don't really like harry potter books) but this is hilarious

>he sees a cat that he knows

>> No.4528302


>> No.4528318

>More realistically would be most of the characters ending up with random people they met at work etc, but that wouldn't have worked that well for the series ender.

This is why she shouldn't have written that deplorable epilogue, where it makes out that everyone is living in the same small world that they were 17 years ago.

>> No.4528322


>more realistically
>harry potter

pleb, pls

>> No.4528333

Firstly, I was quoting someone and secondly, why are there so many fuckwits on this board who don't understand suspension of disbelief?

>> No.4528481

>hur der transvestite


>> No.4528499

>Hermione is based on herself
>put with the useless bufoon instead of the smart, brave hero
>wish fulfilment


>> No.4528503

Snape is a transvestite?

>> No.4528508

she gets to mother him and look after him
very common with women to want that
it's why any useless piece of shit can get a girlfriend as long as he's cute about it

>> No.4528511

I knew it! I always thought Harry and Hermione would get together.

>> No.4528514

>Noir Potter

>> No.4528516

Explain, please. How were the Clutz and the Genius made for each other?

>> No.4528520

Best romance: Hermione/Luna! They would be SO Ravenclaw.

>> No.4528526

i am in complete support of hermione/luna

>> No.4528528

>but it left Harry himself as part of a side-character romance while the main romance of the story was between his sidekicks.

I think that's a good thing, myself. It kept the story about Harry's actual life. It wasn't a romance story framed by the wizarding world, it was some teenager doing what teenagers do (including having a few meagre relationships) while fighting an evil mother fucker.
They had a good main couple seen through the series, but keeping it between the side characters made it clear that it was always going to be secondary to the actual plot.

>> No.4528531
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>reading children's fiction books written by a woman

>> No.4528534

>reading anything by a woman

>> No.4528543

Good job OP, I JUST saw this and was about to post it.

Welp, time to read posts.

>> No.4528545

give her back her pink rabbit

>> No.4528552

>>4528322 This whole thread is people putting in their opinions on what should have gone down, what was a more logical couple choice. Well you say everyone in this thread are plebs?

>> No.4528557

I used to really love the epilogue but I kind of agree with you. She put herself in a situation where it makes it harder for her to write sequels if she wants. I really hope she writes prequels about the first Voldemort war.

>> No.4528564

>She put herself in a situation where it makes it harder for her to write sequels if she wants.

I'm 100% sure her aim is to never write another Harry Potter related thing again. She's made her millions, she just wants to sit back on her fat ass and relax.

I'm genuinely pissed off about it too because any other author would have done a better job with the last two/three books given the chance. Hell some of the fanfiction is better than what that inbred mongrel churned out.

There should have been WAY more dialogue between Voldemort and Grindelwald, that part really, really pissed me off.

>> No.4528574

>There should have been WAY more dialogue between Voldemort and Grindelwald, that part really, really pissed me off.

Uh... I've read the books all the way through about 10 times, and I can't remember Grindelwald and Voldemort ever holding conversation. Is this just a brainfart?

I know Voldemort saw the memory of a young Grindelwald in Gregorovitch's mind through legilimency, but that's all i got.

>> No.4528578


Voldemort went after him looking for the Elder Wand...as far as I can remember Grindelwald just tells him to kill him because there's so much he doesn't understand.

A bit of a cop out really. If Voldemort were meeting the man who once held his position as a lethal dark wizard and had been subdued by the one man he fears you'd think he might have a word with him before killing him.

>> No.4528581

This is on the same website
I can't even begin to describe.

>> No.4528593


ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. Wow. Okay, I didn't realize that was fucking Grindelwald!!!!! FUCK!!!!! The whole time I had the delusion that Dumbledore KILLED Grindelwald, so during that scene with Voldemort I was operating under the assumption that he was dead.

Agh. Thank you so much anon.

>> No.4528607


I see. I haven't read the books in years but if I remember rightly Hermione said that Dumbledore defeated Grindelwald and put him in his own prison. Voldemort realized it was him who stole it from Gregorovitch and tracked him down. What's interesting is that he denies that he ever had it, which probably implies that he had tried for some remorse which was alluded to by Dumbledore later on in the book. I'm just annoyed that there was no substantial dialogue beyond "u got my wand dude?" "no" "ok lol bye"

>> No.4528619
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>> No.4528671

>Mrs. Crimblewimblywob
couldn't hold it together after that

>> No.4528741


>> No.4528759
File: 36 KB, 291x400, 1336387656433.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>The "Manic Pixie Dream Girl" has been compared to another stock character, the "Magical Negro", a black character who seems to exist only to provide spiritual or mystical help to the (white) protagonist.

>> No.4528764


What's the problem?

Speaking of which, Gay Best Friends fall into the same category, IMO.

>> No.4528769

nothing, "Magical Negro" got me.

>> No.4528770

That's because no one gives a shit and you guys bitch until those creators are made. Also any entertainment gays and blacks attempt to produce is inevitably pandering shit and banished to an infomercial channel.

>> No.4528773

>Those characters**

>> No.4528803

dude, he's fucking ginger.

>> No.4528815

Check out this fucking pleb

>> No.4528820


>> No.4528824

btw mein kampf is an awful read.

>> No.4528825
File: 94 KB, 500x667, 1350024681591.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not falling in love with a magical negro pixie dream girl who sees past your insecurities to help you get down to your roots

all film media is pandering shit

>> No.4528893

Fuck, why haven't I realized this? This is perfect.
Always wished there was more Luna in the books too.

Nah Harry's been having plenty of adventures on his own since he found out he's the Boy Wonder. Plus all the romance stuff only begins in the later books, after everyone's characters have been firmly established.

>> No.4528908

I agree that Harry x Hermione would have been fucking boring but Ron x Hermione doesnt make sense either.
Rowling should have paired Hermoine with some cool Lupin or Tonks-like person, but too bad, those two paired up with each other and died.

>> No.4528911

HarryxRon is clearly superior which leaves HermionexLuna

>> No.4528913

Rowling could have done more with Malfoy but oh well we'll always have fanfic.

>> No.4528938

I've considered writing a short story from the perspective of the Magical Negro.

>> No.4528944 [DELETED] 
File: 24 KB, 500x371, magical negro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will he be a caster of black magic :DDD getit?:DDDDD

>> No.4528948

>Herp Snape is actually a transvestite
Wait what?

>> No.4528950

>"oh well, I never thought about that, I kind of regret it"
>“I know, I’m sorry,” she continued, “I can hear the rage and fury it might cause some fans, but if I’m absolutely honest, distance has given me perspective on that. It was a choice I made for very personal reasons, not for reasons of credibility. Am I breaking people’s hearts by saying this? I hope not.”

>> No.4528951

Harry treated women differently than men? I don't see it in how he interacts with Herm, Mcgonagall, Luna, Molly, Tonks and Fleur(after he gets over her hotness).
The Cho stuff seemed to be typical derpy virgin mistakes, especially when you take into account that Cho's troubled by Cedric's death and Harry's probly never seen a loving couple before(Dursleys locked him in the house).

>> No.4528958

Wouldnt mind this either. I think it'd be hard for Hermione to deal with Luna reading all that conspiracy stuff though.

>> No.4528965

I can imagine each of them ameliorating the other's flaws. Hermione is unskeptical when it comes to establishment knowledge, leaving her unlikely to develop any revolutionary ideas which she is probably capable of given her intellect. Luna, on the other hand, is the anti-authoritarian type. Perhaps together they'd find some middle ground focused on finding truth.

This is making them sound more like a research team than a couple, though.

>> No.4528969



>> No.4528972

Would read.
Please post it here if you do write it, anon.

>> No.4528975

I'd kind of like her more if she at least to have the balls to include Dumbledore being gay in the actual books. They haven't exactly been written in a context where making a character gay in ways other than "deep in the subtext" would get her into trouble.

>> No.4528982

Hmm that sounds plausible enough. There are some research team couples out there after all. It'd be hard to balance but possible- I mostly see Luna ending up providing the impetus for an idea which Herm then works on.
Or maybe Luna can keep going on her field expeditions and bring back artifacts/magical techniques for them to analyze together.

>> No.4528986
File: 129 KB, 590x741, Rupert-Grint_ice-cream.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then get to know him. He seems like a fun guy.

>> No.4528983

If you still cared about the books after the fourth you are a true philistine.

>> No.4528989

I read the first book when I was 9 though. But I'll be honest, I was 14 when the fifth book came out and by then I had lost all interest. I finally read them all after the last book came out and yeah everything after book 3 is a disappointment even to my child mind

>> No.4529007


You heard it here first!

>> No.4529046

>Years after the fact, mentions oh-so-offhandedly in an interview that Dumbledore was gay
>So brave! So LGBT in young people's fiction at last! Much applause! >No trace or hint of it at any point in the books
>Nor of all the homosexuality/bisexuality that must have went on at a huge, fancy boarding school filled with horny teensall sharing gender segregated dorms and whatnot, with their big four-poster beds right beside each other for years


>> No.4529073

>that feel when girlfriend saw neville longbottom in da club
>apparently spent most of the night hanging out with him

Why don't I get to meet handsome actors in clubs?

>> No.4529100

>delusionals Harmony celebrating all around
>ignoring she hasn't said anything about H/Hr

That's why you were hated back then, harmonians.

>> No.4529104

Because you don't attend many clubs.

>> No.4529116

Even though in all honesty, it probably would be horrible to see her actually attempt to talk sexuality. Just remember the sixth book and all the snogging. That was so bad one would think she was asexual and completely unable to understand anything about human sexuality

>> No.4529146

Nicely done.

>> No.4529154

Young Dumbledore and Grindelwald in the book have always had homoerotic tension.

>> No.4529156



>> No.4529162


And on that subject, youtube 'disappointing gay best friend'.

>> No.4529170
File: 161 KB, 600x962, Bfa575WCAAAL8vh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But she did.


>> No.4529382

What do you think will be the next "oops i didn't mean to" thing?

>> No.4529404

that guy looks pretty good

>> No.4529475
File: 1.35 MB, 1928x3000, 1059055484.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Oh boy!

>> No.4529487
File: 488 KB, 534x5000, Swedish book covers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Swedes have the best book covers of the lot.

>> No.4529491
File: 191 KB, 1600x332, Japan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jap is cool too.

>> No.4529494
File: 627 KB, 4250x930, DBdUvoW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I rather like these ones too.

>> No.4529502

Those are absolutely awful.

>> No.4529506
File: 766 KB, 1578x2394, LNVmVYf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Nothing when compared to the Finish covers.

>> No.4529508
File: 561 KB, 5000x1156, DVTuPEma.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4529511
File: 185 KB, 762x1184, 1391359909997.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4529514

That's a lot better, I think. Definitely too dorky for Harry Potter, but there is a certain dork side to it that people forget because of the all so serious films. It's still a good illustration with an unique flair to it. Much better than a bunch of pictures that could be anything.

>> No.4529518
File: 1.13 MB, 1600x332, Italy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'm partial to the Italian covers myself the most when it comes to a rather unique style.

>> No.4529523
File: 702 KB, 5000x1094, xL1NKoma.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4529525

wow fins are ugly

>> No.4529528
File: 646 KB, 5000x1094, xhpKWifa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4529531
File: 647 KB, 5000x1094, V3H1Oao.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4529533
File: 647 KB, 1591x2412, HP Ukrainian.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Dumbledore is a tower

>> No.4529536
File: 799 KB, 1566x2400, kkhp1-lg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not too entirely sure how I feel about the newest covers.

>> No.4529537

10/10, perfect ones.

The rest is just okay or a bit weird.

I hate this ones as well, worst of them all.

>> No.4529539
File: 181 KB, 1600x332, Germany.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>photo-bombing the covers

>> No.4529543
File: 129 KB, 896x1096, 73710046_O_3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4529559

Of course it was a mistake

>> No.4529564

well, i guess it's time to read rappi nottep

>> No.4529565

In Russian, Harry Potter is written as "Гарри Поттер" which pisses me off because "Г" makes the G sounds so to an ignorant Russkie it's "Gary Potter"

Russian has no true analogue for H if you were wondering why

They should have gone with the Russian Х though, it's somewhere between an H and a hard Hebrew "H", but they didn't

>> No.4529567
File: 1.23 MB, 798x1195, potter7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hermione became a ginger

>> No.4529570

>Gary Potter I Filosofski Kamin

See this shit is what I'm talking about

>> No.4529575

Why does Harry grow up to be a surbubia mook?

>> No.4529580
File: 195 KB, 837x1229, 1375691733903.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



That means fireplace in my language.

>> No.4529581

Harry Potter in the Philosopher's Fireplace

>> No.4529585
File: 143 KB, 841x1233, 1375687285101.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


How does one put a fireplace inside a mirror? Imagine Quirrelmort's face when suddenly an entire fireplace pops out on top of him and squishes him. Brilliant!

>> No.4529587 [DELETED] 


Wtf? They look amazing but then the last two suck ass.

>> No.4529594
File: 53 KB, 400x569, valis_japanese.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The third cover with the deer is so beautiful. Japanese adaptations of foreign books seem to go with almost unearthly or very fairytale-like imagery... I wonder why.

Wtf? They look amazing but then the last two suck ass.

>> No.4529597

The ugliest Harry I've ever seen, including what Daniel Radcliffe looks like in the later films

>> No.4529599
File: 1.87 MB, 4816x5000, box-set-cover-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jap's take on Hogwarts for the latest boxed set.

>> No.4529603
File: 116 KB, 1175x1134, hp3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Lupin's mustache

>> No.4529606

dat snake with a little human head on it

>> No.4529608
File: 535 KB, 1500x1345, Qwp_1-HiRes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4529609

Wow she actually looks like someone I know

>> No.4529613

i don't remember them riding on top of a flying book

>> No.4529614
File: 56 KB, 211x214, 1388660269868.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Moss there's an Amazon parcel for you."

"Oh! I know what this is! It's the adult cover of the new Harry Potter. I got it so I could make sure there weren't any changes in the text!"
>starts reading it aside the regular version

>> No.4529618
File: 546 KB, 488x425, 1391362664181.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4529620

I like the little domes(anyone know what they're called?) near the lake and that the squatness of the turrets make them look vaguely temple-like from a distance but that's not a British castle.

>> No.4529621
File: 375 KB, 1600x1109, 1391362719438.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Neither was there a rat in Philosopher's Stone, not in any relevant way at least, despite the cover of >>4529585

>> No.4529624

Yeah, but she makes up shit like this and Dumbledore being gay as a contrived way of drawing attention to her work.

>> No.4529628


>> No.4529645
File: 259 KB, 303x313, 1391363366110.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4529656

>either was there a rat in Philosopher's Stone

>> No.4529668
File: 1.68 MB, 3818x2403, 223549.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Does Howl teach there?

>> No.4529669


>not in any relevant way at least

>> No.4529673

>not entirely relevant to the subplot


>> No.4529686


Of the Philosopher's Stone, no he isn't.

>> No.4529688

At least rowling wrote that part in before it became relevant, instead of adding them at random like the deathly hallows

>> No.4529690
File: 77 KB, 1271x865, Marvolo_Gaunt's_Ring.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


She didn't bother with the Hallows until the last book, did she?

>> No.4529701


>> No.4529702

because that is entirely clear from all the space devoted to them in said book

>> No.4529706

These are the best. Minimalist book covers are best book covers.

>> No.4529707



I mean, aren't there rather stark differences between regular invisibility cloaks made from demiguise fur and the one that Harry had? I mean the formers have actually fur on them.

>> No.4529708

Three and five are bad because they barely relate to the books themselves. Azkaban itself only exists in exposition dumps and the phoenix is not that important to Order. I like the rest

>> No.4529715
File: 155 KB, 1600x344, Bloomsbury Signature edition.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4529719
File: 476 KB, 792x1193, k-bigpic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Good, she should retcon it in her edgy future Potter series where Harry is a depressed alcoholic Auror and Hermione is the bombshell that walks in one day.

>> No.4529724


>> No.4529726

He looks like Walter White...what if he sells ends up making Crystalgobblers with Draco's son to make a shitload of Galleons in his midlife crisis

>> No.4529729

I don't see why.

As stand alone characters, their relationship didn't seem too out of place, and they're a perfect match for each other in regards to their personalities.

>“I think there are fans out there who know that too and who wonder whether Ron would have really been able to make her happy.

Rowling, I'm sure Ron was fairly well endowed, so please stop.

>> No.4529731


>Scorpius, we need to brew!

>> No.4529740

"Yeah! ....yeah! Yeah MAGIC!"

>> No.4529747

But what could Riddle ask Grindelwald that Riddle didn't think he already knew?

>> No.4529759

I would read/watch that so hard

>> No.4529760

Thanks. Always thought gazebos were just the lame wooden things people put in their gardens but now I know.

>> No.4529769 [DELETED] 

The title makes me want to vomit

>> No.4529779

The title font and color makes me want to vomit

Maybe Ron's what her ex or bf at the time was like?

>> No.4529781


Who'd be Hank?

Can't be Ron, that's for sure.

And would there be a Ginny moment like

>I fucked Neville

>> No.4529792

Ginny would never be the Skyler, that part would have to get rewritten. I think Ron would be sort of fitting as Hank, but Hermione is not wearing nearly enough purple.

I bet Albus Severus likes his breakfast.

>> No.4529796

Read her quote and you'll see she didn't.

>> No.4529808


With a name like that, breakfast is the only thing he can like.

>> No.4529822

at some point he should start calling himself Peter or something to distance himself from his father

>> No.4529829
File: 384 KB, 1800x971, 1391367599682.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


All of Harry's kids are fucked for life with names like James Sirius, Lily Luna and Albus Severus.

Hermione and Ron's kids aren't any better either... Hugo and Rose.

>> No.4529835

Rose is a name with great promise, even though there can be only one to travel with the Doctor

>> No.4529842

James Sirius and Lily Luna aren't that bad, they're probably just going to call themselves Jim and Lily. Albus Severus is seriously fucked though.

>> No.4529843

Jesus Christ

Two couples that are half muggle

And they don't even bother picking normal names

Just name your fuckin kid Mary or Steven or Catherine or some shit

>> No.4529845

fuck the harry potter generation

>> No.4529847
File: 392 KB, 1800x930, 1391367934974.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


We'll call him ASPy, the lovable scoundrel who sniffs his daddy's potion fumes.


And which generation is that exactly?

>> No.4529851

But Steven and Catherine are the weird names in the wizard world.

Albus Severus is awful, tho. He'll be probably called just Potter the rest of his life

>> No.4529856

The best part is that Ginny apparently didn't have any say in naming those kids. YOU HAVE SUGGESTIONS? NOPE. EVERY KID'S NAME IS TWO OF MY CHILDHOOD HEROES.

>> No.4529861

ASPy is great.

>> No.4529864
File: 503 KB, 1800x1013, harry-potter-epilogue.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I don't quite follow why his daughter got Luna's name as her middle one though.

>> No.4529867

I actually think Luna was the only child Ginny named. They were more close in the books than Harry, right?

>> No.4529869

that's because harry is an abusive, controlling guy

>> No.4529872

I think that was just symmetry reasons. Harry knew no other women whom he idolized that much; his other options were pretty much Hermione, which would get awkward at family reunions, and Minerva, which was a possibility, but Lily Minerva was too much even for him. And he couldn't just give her one name, that would not be the Potter way.

>> No.4529885

I don't remember them being great friends, Luna wasn't particularly close to anyone in the books due to being a barely sane weirdo. They were friendly, but that's it if I'm remembering this stuff right

>> No.4529930

Good bait

4 real though, Ron was kinda worthless throughout the series as a wizard. He's good at chess but in book 2 he doesn't really contribute anything to solving the riddle of the chamber. In book 3 he's out cold during the grand finale. In book 4 he's a sulky bitch. In book 5 he's dazed and confused during the epic battle and in book 6 he realizes he's a great keeper if he realizes he's a worthless sack of shit. Book 7 he's sulking again.

Sure, he's a loyal comrade to Harry, a friend when Harry needed one, but Ron, poor Ronny just isn't capable of much.

And now this?

Poor Ron.

>> No.4529934

The thing with Voldemort is that he was completely self-absorbed and thought he knew everything he needed to know. He was the Dark Lord at the height of his power. None could defy. He needed the Elder Wand, and then he'd be invincible.

>> No.4529937

1993-1995 is the perfect year range to be born to get the ultimate Potter experience

>> No.4529939

This thread has me furiously searching through Harry Potter smut on fanfiction.net. God damn you, /lit/, usually I only get these urges when I'm on /co/.

>> No.4529941
File: 23 KB, 250x250, 1300044776986.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4529944


Harry/Hermione smut?

>> No.4529978

>“I wrote the Hermione/Ron relationship as a form of wish fulfillment,” she says.

>pairing up the heroine with The Other Guy instead of the hero
>wish fulfillment
Rowling pls.

>> No.4529984

Hermione is obviously her self insert, and Ron is, presumably, some dude she knew.

>> No.4529988

Well, you see, Luna was a character in the book.

>> No.4530004

Harry / The Weasely Twins smut, you dolt.

>> No.4530010
File: 2.64 MB, 1702x2000, Evanna_Lynch_2009a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I don't habeeb you.

>> No.4530020

What an ugly white bread faced cunt

>> No.4530028



I haven't looked for that one yet.

>> No.4530032

Never read the books after the fourth, someone tell me: was Snake good or evil?

>> No.4530044

>not wanting to read about Harry getting spit-roasted by two lanky gingers

>> No.4530052

He turned out to be a good guy because he wanted to give the dick to Harry's mom

>> No.4530069

>implying you wouldn't

>> No.4530097 [DELETED] 

> As a point to this, the epilogue proves that nothing in the Wizarding society that would prevent another Voldemort rising has happened. Ron and even fucking Harry casually laugh about memory charming a driving instructor to get what they need, cause he's only a stupid muggle anyway. The side Harry fought on fought for the rights of muggleborns and halfbreeds, but is still altogether incredibly dismissive and offensive towards poor stupid naive muggles; even Harry acts in that way. Despite the fact that if shit hit the fan, the stupid muggles and their guns and bombs and numbers could easily wipe out the wizards in a blink of an eye.

>> No.4530098
File: 1.50 MB, 2848x4288, evanna_lynch_1184426446.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think she's kind of qt in an unconventional way. Would bang and roleplay HP with.

>> No.4530103

As a point to this, the epilogue proves that nothing in the Wizarding society that would prevent another Voldemort rising has happened. Ron and even fucking Harry casually laugh about memory charming a driving instructor to get what they need, cause he's only a stupid muggle anyway. The side Harry fought on fought for the rights of muggleborns and halfbreeds, but is still altogether incredibly dismissive and offensive towards poor stupid naive muggles; even Harry acts in that way. Despite the fact that if shit hit the fan, the stupid muggles and their guns and bombs and numbers could easily wipe out the wizards in a blink of an eye.

>> No.4530108

yeah, he's pretty useless, but irl you don't love people because of their skill levels

i never liked Ron much, but I think he's much better for Hermione than Harry

>> No.4530113
File: 377 KB, 667x1000, 1391375356916.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


She indeed was, once upon a time.

I prefer to ignore how she looks nowadays, though from what I know she still has that same voice.

>> No.4530118

Why is is that there are some extraordinarily attractive British women, and then the rest are absolute mingers?

>> No.4530134

>no secondary education
Hermione was probably fine because she'd seek out things on her own...

But that's probably why magic has been stagnant for so long: no intellectual curiosity

>> No.4530139


I blame Rowling for that seeming to be the case. She never bothered fleshing out the world. Or hell, not even Hogwarts was fully fleshed out.

>> No.4530153

I thought she was qt in a relatively conventional way even

>> No.4530155

Well as far as we know, once they go to Hogwarts they only learn about magic. They actually do spend a lot of time in the various classes and discuss their schedules. Nothing related to science or math is involved.

No wonder potions is such a disaster, with them expecting kids to know what 1/8th of a dragon dingleberry is, even though they have no idea what 1/8th means

Shit, you don't even learn about things like photosynthesis, evolution, gravity, a lot of info about the solar system, etc until the 5th grade. They probably think it's all magic.

>> No.4530171

What if it is all magic?

>> No.4530175
File: 179 KB, 854x859, 1381730680295.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>mfw no apparent parliamentary oversight of the Ministry of Magic nor checks on its power by the British government
>mfw no inter-organizational communication between MoM and other administrative apparatuses
>mfw MoM is basically a parasitic bug affixed to the backside of Parliament, and probably a puppet of old-money thugs in Westminster, or vice versa
>mfw no scope for military response to an armed uprising by terrorists with magical powers in the heart of England
>mfw no .50 BMG through the back of Voldemort's head, courtesy of SAS snipers

>> No.4530176

I actually reread the whole series last October because I was in a shitty place and wanted to recapture some of the sense of wonder I felt while reading them.

I just felt on the verge of crying in the end. I don't know why. Maybe because I realized what shitty books they actually were, and how much I loved them while reading them :-(

>> No.4530195

*Back then

Maybe I just grew up.

Aw well. Reading Infinite Jest now. I think it's pretty overrated so far.

>> No.4530209

They all look so... Jewish. Like some kind of /pol/ cartoon.

>> No.4530215

Denmark has the superior art for sure.

>> No.4530262

I think the Swedish art is better.

>> No.4530269
File: 1.21 MB, 1178x1602, 9789188877666.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.4530272

superior covers imo, gotting killed it

>> No.4530278

Based Alvaro Tapia!

>> No.4530307


Any idea where I could find all the HP covers done by him in high res?

>> No.4530311

i like these. kinda cute. remember them from when i was a kid.
the american ones are also pretty nice.
really like these
Oh god so beautiful. my favorite, my favorite, my favorite.

>> No.4530318

all of my this

>> No.4530319

I don't think anyone could possible deny that that is the superior cover in every way

>> No.4530326
File: 210 KB, 553x1600, Desktop239_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4530329
File: 275 KB, 600x1734, Desktop239_03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4530334
File: 471 KB, 700x1043, 1378138501104.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's all I had of the Swedish covers without text.

>> No.4530341

This one takes after the movie too much.

>> No.4530351

Wow, Harry isn't Somalian and Hermione isn't sucking an Arab's dick.

That is so racist. Those swedes need to learn that this behaviour is completely unacceptable.

>> No.4530358


shit girl what are you doing

>> No.4530359

ron looks like a monkey, hermione some fat mouse and harry a rapist.

pretty accurate. swede/10

>> No.4530361
File: 551 KB, 700x1035, 3368411046396724054.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never mind, found them. Not exactly high res, but good enough.

>> No.4530366
File: 578 KB, 700x1031, 742530988662900530.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4530367
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>> No.4530371
File: 487 KB, 700x1029, 3855081281129370576.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4530374

your female friend has probably sucked his dick more times than you can imagine

>> No.4530375
File: 473 KB, 700x1041, 6597761359472154864.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4530379
File: 153 KB, 700x1038, 1391381165971.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4530387

I bet she regrets her 5 minutes of fame are up.

>> No.4530392

How would you know, we never even met Gindelwald.

>> No.4530396

He's criticizing JK Rowling for being an attention whore. Fuck off harrypotty fag.

>> No.4530393

>worth a billion dollars
>can't just fucking enjoy life without trying to recapture her lime light

>> No.4530406

What if JKR got banned from Harry Potter and actually got good writers?

>> No.4530412
File: 35 KB, 460x561, 1381951747734.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bet JKR votes Green.

>> No.4530524


There's a fanfiction about this. Wastelands of Time. it's meh. Comes off as trying too hard, but some good aspects.

>> No.4530684

>It took this many years for Rowling to agree what the majority of her fans have always said.

Harry should have married Luna

>> No.4530695

British women age horribly, most of them turn into fat goblins once they aren't teenagers anymore.

>> No.4530811


Rowling pls go

>> No.4530820


yeah and never fucking talk to each other

>> No.4531732

What plot holes?

>> No.4531747

Called just call himself Sev

>> No.4531751


>> No.4531753

Because you generalize.

>> No.4531756

They aren't shitty books, they aren't intended for you. Go read the Goosebumps series and then come and tell me how good it is in comparison to when you were a kid.

Go watch The Wiggles and Bob the Builder. Go play on the kids play equipment at the park.

>> No.4532067


Lily Luna sounds like a pre-packaged playground insult that I'm not hip enough to know the meaning of. If my kid came home and said the other kids called them 'lily luna' I'd know to be pissed off about it.

>> No.4532070

>Go play on the kids play equipment at the park.

Dude, are you saying you don't like swings?

>> No.4532103

Ron has precious few things in the Harry Potter series. He had some decent chess skills for an 11 year old and... that's about it. Beyond that point, it was basically all 'date raped by 12 year old' this and 'my rat, the child molester' that. And even the chess game necessitated his sacrifice.

He grew up as the runt among a clown car's worth of older brothers, only to get essentially usurped of even that meagre position by his celebrity bestie, and then lived visibly bitter in Harry's shadow for the bulk of the series. Does Harry REALLY need to get his girlfriend too?