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/lit/ - Literature

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4524647 No.4524647[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

good depictions of artificial intelligence in literature?

inb4 neuromancer and space odyssey

>> No.4524651

Neuromancer and Space Odyssey :^)

>> No.4524670
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I Have No Mouth, and I Must Scream.

And pic related, interactive fiction is defiantly literature, at least when it comes to this.

>> No.4524769


The Moon is a Harsh Mistress

>> No.4525006

Permutation City

>> No.4525010

Destination: Void by Frank Herbert, along with its sequels

>> No.4525036

Asimov's robot series to a context
Bank's Culture series

>> No.4525102

The Culture series

>> No.4525122

what's so good about culture series? it gets mentioned often.

>> No.4525128

It's good.

>> No.4525133

I like its depiction of AIs. Also, megastructures.

>> No.4525209

And the There Came The Soft Rains

>> No.4525257

I forgot about this story. I had wanted to read it a long time ago after seeing a /v/ thread about the game and just never got around to it. Thanks for reminding me and providing a link, it was wonderful

>> No.4525382

>"artificial intelligence"
how can there be a "good" depiction of an "artificial intelligence" when there has never been an "artificial intelligence" in the first place and probably never will

do you think before you write?

>> No.4525383

Permutation City gets a +1.

>> No.4525392


Not AI, but properly alien aliens. Approximately 25k words,

>> No.4526170

While we're on the subject, what are some good books about hive-minds?

>> No.4526318

Speaker for the Dead.

>> No.4526334

I read a really good one where some aliens transmit the blueprints to a sort of hive to us that gets built and they discover that if you enter any of the little segments, you can see reality through the eyes of anyone on earth. I think it was written by a woman, may have been YA I'm not sure. If anyone knows what I'm talking about please remind me of the title.

>> No.4526370

>there has never been an "artificial intelligence"
Son, what planet do you live on?

>> No.4526470

how can there be a "good" depiction of the "future" when there has never been a "future" in the first place and probably never will

do you think before you write?

>> No.4526478


This was intended for >>4525382

>> No.4526485


A section of The Cyberiad includes a hive-mind.

>> No.4526487

just read /lit/

>> No.4526529

>goes for /lit/ instead of /r/books/

>> No.4526541

and thanks for proving my point le reddit face

>> No.4526577

/lit/ has vigorous debates and disagreement
/r/books/ doesn't get past which John Green book is better.

>> No.4526854

Not written word per se, but The Twilight Zone had a relevant AI episode.


The Robot books seem to get overlooked in favor of Foundation but are very good.

>> No.4527307

i believe there is a segment in naked sun where the protagonist needs to convince the outdated giant robot with its equally obsolete ai to neglect the laws of robotics in order to bring him from hangar a to hangar b under the merciless sun of a foreign planet.

>> No.4527330


>> No.4528141


Where exactly does it depict AI all that well? A. Bettic is hardly a character and that shitty neo-noir story also doesn't really show anything in regards to AI in all that much detail.
And don't even say the Shrike.

Also, The Moon is a Harsh Mistress is always mentioned in these threads. You guys never read anything new.

>> No.4528151

you're probably a huge faggot in denial if you don't acknowledge the blatant fact that /lit/, and every board on 4chan is to some extent a hivemind