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File: 181 KB, 400x654, animalfarm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4520546 No.4520546 [Reply] [Original]

Is there an abridged, kid-friendly version of this book anywhere? I want to read my son a bedtime story while also teaching him about the dangers of communism.

>> No.4520561

there's an animated feature film

>> No.4520565

>dangers of communism

>> No.4520566

it's kind of terrifying though, if i recall correctly

>> No.4520573

You can't get much more kid-friendly than the text itself.

>> No.4520576


This. Unless you are looking for a one-sentence-per-page picture book, the originial is your choice.

>> No.4520592

Yeah because alcoholism and bloody battles really are kid friendly.

>> No.4520611
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>i only want to show my kid "part" of the perspective presented by the author.

Try Cold War propaganda for kids.

>> No.4520621

The dangers of communism are the people involved. The system seems reasonable and just, but no communist system with more than a few members will be stable. People desire power and personal gain, and communism simply doesn't work in a real world scenario. The same is true of many.

>> No.4520627

>reading political propaganda to kids
That's even more stupid than deciding their religion before they even understand it.

>> No.4520638

Why is it propaganda when it's historically accurate?

>> No.4520659

At least read them Homage to Catalonia after to learn them the reality of how capital decides wars, how media coverage is propaganda and the virtue of anarchists as the true democrats.

>> No.4520690


>I want to read my son a bedtime story while also teaching him about the dangers of communism.

No need to force it op, if you raise him right and ends up intelligent you can't avoid him realizing how shit communism is.

>> No.4520693

i belive one problem might be that communism had the western world as an enemy.
they had to fight and lost. if kapitalism had lost, they would have said that system was too weak.
Well. Nobody can proove me wrong because there was no such scenario.
Maybe other systems work? Would be interesting to know.

>> No.4520708

Well clearly capitalism doesn't work either, it's just what stayed alive. I really wish someone clever would think up a new system.

>> No.4520727
File: 151 KB, 444x328, 1389311094204.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How about letting your kid dorm his own fucking opinions about the world?

>> No.4520772

My kid is my property I'll do with him what I want!

>> No.4520781

Animal Farm isn't about the dangers of communism, it's about the dangers of ignorance and the creep of totalitarianism that inevitably follows a revolution.

Orwell was a socialist. He took the Soviet betrayal of their supposed ideals pretty personally.

>> No.4520788

This, Major is obviously supposed to be socialism on the right track before it's corrupted by others.

>> No.4520791
File: 13 KB, 124x122, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

-69/10,i chuckled.

>> No.4520818

le libnerdtarian face

>> No.4520860
File: 28 KB, 429x399, 1389726253300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck you for reminding me that those kinds of people exist.

>> No.4520870

my dad read this to me when i was about 8, it did no lasting damage, go for it.

>> No.4520915

actually in the very first school (think it is called ground school or sth in english; too lazy to look it up) we went to see animal farm as a play.
years afterwards i came up with the word animalist. didnt knwo where i got it from. then i read the book and knew it.

>> No.4520935

This. Maybe you could learn something from your children. Maybe something you've long ago forgotten how to do.

>> No.4520981

>oh please god no, won't somebody think of those poor communists!!!!

seriously though, how far are you willing to take this principle?

would you say that giving a child a religious upbringing would also mean not allowing it to form its own opinions?

remember: if you agree, you're fedoric and euphoric; if you don't, you're a hypocrite.

>> No.4520985

well.. actually there are a few systems which are beeing made up.
there is a movie called moving forward
there you go: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W2FPZrbYWK0
i liked some ideas. i think for sure some parts of it might be possible even in capitalism. like a kind of libary for things to use.
of course you have to be registered and pay if you loose the item. and pay a fee to repair the things in the end or buy new ones.
you have to think critical about the movie too.
I watched it a while ago and think some parts are good while others dont work at all. speak to the people about it. speak especially to students of economy because one of them told me that it wont work. thats to be able to be more critical of what is possible and what not.

>> No.4520989

*speak to people about it

>> No.4520997

Pretty solid bait.

>> No.4521003

How terrifying, someone called me a buzzword on the internet. Yes, I do think raising a child with a religion is egging them on in the same way.

>> No.4521007

Communists are people too. There are things to be learned from every perspective, and demonizing them won't help. So yes, give your son a chance to sympathize with communists.

>> No.4521015

Yep, I'm actually a socialist and don't even have a kid. It's been a fun thread.

>> No.4521018
File: 70 KB, 300x381, 1390524909283.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's discuss. How do you feel about the various reactions?

>> No.4521023

I'm glad people's reaction to communism isn't "omg it's terrible, you're an awful person for liking it".

>> No.4521027

Do you feel like that attitude has become the norm across most of 4chan?

>> No.4521033

>Is there an abridged, kid-friendly version of this book anywhere? I want to read my son a bedtime story while also teaching him about the dangers of communism.

>For Kids
Animal Farm

>OP answered himself
>The post is a Joke

>> No.4521034

Fuck no, ever since /pol/ became its own independent board from /int/ and all the edgy /b/tards found out about it, all of their shitty conservative anti-liberal propaganda spilled out. It's really fucking annoying. If this board hasn't been tainted that much, I might browse regularly.

>> No.4521037

I meant a tendency to antagonize communism. I think you read it the other way around. In which case, I agree. That's why I switched over to /lit/ as well. It was making most of the remainder of 4chan completely intolerable.

>> No.4521040

Yeah sorry, I misread your post. Hope I can discuss things here without being accused of being a jew every so often.

>> No.4521044

It's really quite funny, considering 4chan up until a few years could not be more opposed to the conservatism that's now sweeping across it. But yes, /lit/ seems to naturally be the board most capable of thinking for itself. And even when that junk washes in, not conservatism in and of itself, but the mindless adherence to it, it can lead to some fairly interesting discussions.

>> No.4521122

Some of it can be attributed to Reddit. Some regulars here (4chan in general) are intent on becoming the anti-Reddit. A few years ago we could have discussions about atheism, but with the popularity of r/atheism, a wave of new sincerity religionists has swept over the boards.

>> No.4521131

To think that only a few years ago, claiming to be religious would make you the laughing stock of the site. Do you think that aversion to reddit allowed for religious people to come in, or were people actually so stupid as to change their views to avoid being uncool?

>> No.4521140

I doubt seriously religious people would browse 4chan.

>> No.4521192

it boggles my mind sometimes because a lot of the stuff dudes are 'le redditing' at--atheism/autism/puas/mlp-fedora-garbage--are things we took to greater extremes than anyone else. like i'd say the only thing we didn't do was get together irl and hold conventions for this shit--but i don't know if that's even true now (i only visit lit nowadays).

i assume it's just a case of step-wise trolling cause this is still probably the worst place on the net if you're genuinely into religion/tumblr-shit. some days i'm not so sure though.

>> No.4521225

Why would you do that when it is clear that your opinions are correct

>> No.4522000

Don't be such a little bitch