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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 1.35 MB, 1280x1072, the best way to start a story.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4518313 No.4518313 [Reply] [Original]

>book begins with the main character waking up

>> No.4518317

>day begins with waking up

>> No.4518326


>> No.4518365

>book begins with a dedication to the author's mother

>> No.4518370

>book begins

>> No.4518373

>book begins with words

>> No.4518377


>> No.4518380


>> No.4518388

if you're not writing books that you make your mother disown you you're not preforming your duties as a writer

>> No.4518391

>book begins in the trash

>> No.4518392


>> No.4518397

I'd rather dedicate my book to some leech agent myself.

>> No.4518399

i don't think you know what implications are

>> No.4518400

>Book has quotations at the beginning of every chapter

I've yet to read anything that has broken this pattern

>> No.4518942

>He woke to salt air and coldness. His world was rocking. He was in a wagon of some sort, which explained the rocking.

>> No.4518956

>yet to read anything

>> No.4518958

hi my name is gregor samsa, and im going to tell you about the time i turned into a bug

>> No.4518984



>> No.4519097

>an ancient evil has returned

>> No.4519168

>book begins with a description of the weather
cumon step it up

>> No.4519381

adrian johnson pls dont plagiarize

>> No.4519396

>I see something

>> No.4519406

What if the book begins with the main character falling asleep?

>> No.4519417


>> No.4519473
File: 31 KB, 420x420, zukow_Madotsuki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That'd be like the cooking game, Yummy Nicky.
Or Finnegan s Wake.

>> No.4519506

>poopy wieners

>> No.4519524
File: 15 KB, 271x267, 1389121615221.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4519544


i dedicated my first book to my dick

>> No.4519558

The Game by Ken Dryden

>> No.4519565

Did you write a loving description of your dick? Like "I dedicate this book to my life long partner and lover who has was there for me during my darkness nights. This book is for you, pee pee."?

>> No.4519567

You didn't like The Trial?

>> No.4519576


This is how i dedicated my book to my dick :

For my fuhrer
The undisputed standing steel
and The banner of blasphemy
Penetrating every jew on earth since 1983

Adolph Hoetler

>> No.4519578

Chrono Trigger and Chrono Cross are the only good things with the story beginning with mc waking up.

>> No.4520579

>It was a day like any other...

>> No.4520584


>> No.4520590


>> No.4520716

A Link to the Past?

>> No.4520736

*cough* KAFKA *cough*

>> No.4520901

The Red and the Black

>> No.4520903

>book begins with mc getting out of trash

>> No.4520936

As the suns' rays slowly moved across my bed, I awoke to find my loins completely engorged. Not wanting to let this opportunity go to waste, I quickly hopped out of bed and on to 4chan's /lit/ board. I would soon have my release.

>> No.4520940
File: 11 KB, 109x150, pj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"warm from my body heat"

>> No.4520953

The colour of my sack

>> No.4520960


Can I get some critiquez of my book introduction?

>> No.4520976
File: 42 KB, 323x500, infinite jest.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>book begins
>book also apparently ends

>> No.4520990 [DELETED] 

>book also begins again

>> No.4521000

>book also begins again
>book also ends again before again beginning


>> No.4521002

book has punctuation trash

>> No.4521013

>not eating the author's brain

>> No.4521028
File: 27 KB, 332x313, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4521038
File: 3.00 MB, 400x311, TRASH.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Once upon a time

>One day

>> No.4521273
File: 929 KB, 3072x2304, op_is_never_a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>starts a >trash thread
>uses the same example that has been used a 1000 times

>> No.4521344

>criticizes a trash thread
>uses the same bin that has been used 10000 times

>> No.4521357

Would this magic bin work I wonder, if I were to lower my hindquarters, maybe off the edge of a table, and release a stream of bullet turds?

>> No.4521364

>not noticing that it has three new examples on the bottom
>get your brain out of the gutter

>> No.4521368

>book starts with the character's name
>born of the hack, sent into the trash

>> No.4521388

I own that exact same recycling bin.