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4518129 No.4518129[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Need good books about Humanity Fuck Yeah.

pic related, shit like that

>> No.4518170
File: 348 KB, 630x1024, 1391038040144.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This would fit into the genre I believe. Its a great book.

>> No.4518198

Ha ha, the raid on the Skinnies alone qualifies perfectly with what OP's asking.

>> No.4518221
File: 70 KB, 480x640, american lit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4518238

My dad dad has a book that's a science fiction retelling of the American Revolution. The subhead reads "We hold these truths to be self evident... even in space"

>> No.4518248


That book sounds bad ass but I'm looking for more military science fiction type stuff

>> No.4518279

>My dad dad
your grandpa?

>> No.4518298
File: 142 KB, 341x2000, le epic atheism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pic related, shit like that

okay ...

>> No.4518302
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seriously though some of that was beautiful

>> No.4518304

humans are fucking garbage and anything who thinks otherwise needs to die asap

>> No.4518305
File: 51 KB, 1280x720, 1391041237963.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it so hard to just do that in a self-respecting manner? More power to them for unchaining themselves from religion, but that image macro was not necessary.

>> No.4518323

We're growing a whole generation of kids who are unable to think except in image macros.

>> No.4518325
File: 8 KB, 251x240, 1314416208799s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What a horrifying prospect. It's like that person got off at the right exit, and then proceeded to accelerate into a brick wall.

>> No.4518352

no, my dad dad. can't you read, you imbecile?

>> No.4518367

Now this is fedora

>> No.4518378

Goddamnit. Objectivity and 'facts' is even worse as dogma or religion because it's 'real' and serious and there's nothing 'off' or wacky about it. I think that for idiots it's worse than religion.

>> No.4518419


Possibly worse than the atheists who build their worldview around image macros, though, are people who think that buzzwords like "fedora" are meaningful contributions to discussion.

>> No.4518464

I can't parse your sentence.

>> No.4518487

I'm the first post you quotes. I couldn't agree more.

>> No.4518506
File: 87 KB, 608x580, 12354353.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>book that is pro-humanity

god luck

>> No.4518516

>tfw you guys are too cool for military sci fi

>> No.4518522


Seriously why does it always have to be a fucking critique of humans or one where we are inferior to the alien juggernaught

>> No.4518529

because most people hate themsevles.

they hate their race, their religion, their city, their state, their country, and even their species.

they think humans are stupid destructive beings and only stupid destructive beings, nothing more.

>> No.4518532


>> No.4518557

That's, not my; problem, friend. Meditate on, it. It will be; rewarding. I – promise.

>> No.4518662

10/10 hopefully you're joking

>> No.4518666
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>> No.4518708


Why would I be joking stories like that make me feel awesome

>> No.4518720

I would like to know more.

>> No.4518722

>Identifies with jesus allegory.

>> No.4518741
File: 372 KB, 1840x1794, 1378459130927.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not a book, but Legend of the Galactic Heroes

To be fair it was originally a series of books, but they've never been translated and I doubt you read moonrunes.

>> No.4518749

Jesus Christ, that pic is fucking awful. If you actually like that you should read something like Mein Kampf you edgy twat.

>> No.4518751

>not muh maymay

>> No.4518760


Enjoy your slave morality hippy scum

>> No.4518767


>> No.4518775

Freedom has never been worth what it costs.

>> No.4518783


It's one of the best science fiction books ever. They made a movie about it which was complete shit don't bother with it.

It's about war with aliens, soldier in power suits. It has political undertones that you will either love or hate.

>> No.4518786

Fuck you the movie was better than the book in every way.

>> No.4518787


I have been considering watching this actually

>> No.4518789
File: 179 KB, 500x358, Donald based god.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>projecting this badly

>> No.4518799

Enjoy your slave morality militarist scum

>> No.4518800
File: 42 KB, 640x480, forceful breakthrough.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Excellent show but doesn't really seem like it'd be what OP's asking for

LoGH spends most of those 110 episodes hammering home the fact that humans will always be greedy, warmongering fucks and no form of government ever works.

>> No.4518816

....and you call him edgy

Keep it up guy, we'll all get off here and join the real world one day.

>> No.4518823

Would authoritarianism be the opposite of the classic edgy kid who thinks government is unnecessary and we should just have anarchy because Tyler Durden said so in his favorite movie?

>> No.4518828
File: 55 KB, 500x383, evil.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>LoGH spends most of those 110 episodes hammering home the fact that humans will always be greedy, warmongering fucks

Did we watch the same show? Almost all of the characters, albeit with a few notable exceptions (Truniht, Oberstein, Rubinsky Braunschweig, the Terraist bishops, etc.) are noble, honorable, and honest and are just trying to be good people and do what they think is right.

It's notable for displaying a war from a pretty neutral perspective where neither side is shown as being either the "good" guys or "bad" guys, if anything both sides are good.

>> No.4518829

They're both edgy as fuck and you should feel bad for believing either

This thread is shit bt dubs

>> No.4518841


I was thinking more about all the nameless politicians, nobles, soldiers (FPA and Empire), and police that are portrayed as irredeemably shitty.

I saw the main cast as a benevolent subset of people in a universe largely ruled by egoism, although that's just my interpretation of it.

>> No.4518855

>Reality is edgy
>Ideals are edgy
You're really on the cutting edge of this stuff aren't you?

>> No.4518856

OP, your image is so much bullshit.

First, I think the alien would respond that its "wisdom" isn't about getting things.

Second, marvels of engineering and voyages of discovery are both, on one level, a sign of being unhappy with where things are now.

Third, the implication that being a hunter-gatherer is somehow "base" or "low" isn't actually substantiated anywhere in the speech.

Fourth, no, hunter-gatherers did not, in fact, construct much of anything besides huts. Monoliths and the like were built by early agricultural societies.

(By the way, any kind of pastoralism on a remotely large scale was made possible by dogs, so if we're to compare ourselves directly to them and claim it has any validity, we might want to consider where we'd be without that.)

Fifth, ties to the past aren't inherently bad. While I'm not a conservative, I think they're right that discarding old things wholesale, based solely on the fact that they're old, is a mistake.

Sixth, the lack of a need to adapt shows that a species has is extremely fit to survive in its environment.

Seventh, this guy apparently came to their planet to steal resources from the sentient beings that live there. If anything, that's "humanity fuck no" on its own.

The only potentially redeeming thing about that whole image is the possibility that he might have shown courage in saying it (depending on context).

I actually like humans, which is why I study anthropology, but that image showcases all the things I find distasteful in a person.

>lack of compassion
>lack of introspection

>hurr the stars will belong to us
Jesus Christ.

>> No.4518858
File: 33 KB, 640x480, 1379980028963.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all the nameless politicians, nobles, soldiers (FPA and Empire), and police that are portrayed as irredeemably shitty

Even if they're incompetent they're still portrayed as having benevolent intentions at heart. It was more like a whole universe of decent people being manipulated by a handful of douchebags.

If anything the moral is that everything really just depends on whether a group of people have quality leadership or not.

>> No.4518860

That wasn't me and I don't agree with that dumb cunt either.

>> No.4518862

>largely ruled by egoism
I saw it as more of a "Stand-alone Complex"--it doesn't matter how "good" mankind is or can be, there will always be problems. A "good" government can turn into a bad one, a "good" despot can be displaced by a "good" man who simply has a different idea about what's "good" for the people. If the particular bad guy weren't the bad guy, someone else would be, etc.

Obserstein probably isn't "noble", "honorable", or "honest", but if you asked him whether those were good things for a man to be, he'd probably say no! He wasn't a greedy man, but he was rational to a fault. His idea of doing the right thing didn't involve fairness or honor--and sometimes it was necessary to do bad things, even horrible things, to advance good. The worst you could really say about him was that he was arrogant enough to believe that his interpretation was right: if he was really so rational, shouldn't he have been able to consider that he could have been wrong?

But even though he's pretty unlikable, I don't think you can say he's any less of a "good person" than Mittermeyer or Reuenthal.

>> No.4518863
File: 41 KB, 620x423, laughing mantises.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I actually like humans, which is why I study anthropology
Terrible taste.
Insects reign supreme.

>> No.4518871
File: 486 KB, 500x750, 1365534064403.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I don't think you can say he's any less of a "good person" than Mittermeyer or Reuenthal

Well he convinces Lohengramm to nuke a planet, killing millions of civilians, just for a bit of political gain that wasn't really even necessary.

Also you can't say that he didn't care about fairness since the reason Kircheis died was because he told Lohengramm that it wasn't fair for him to carry a gun when none of the other admirals got to. not to mention that it was probably his intention in the first place for Kircheis to die this way

He's a pretty morally grey person.

>> No.4518872

Insects are cool too.

>> No.4518883

>not to mention that it was probably his intention in the first place for Kircheis to die this way

I really doubt that. More likely he just thought Reinhard's friendship with Kircheis was inappropriate and would likely lead to conflict with the other admirals later on.

Oberstein was raw cold, calculating machiavellianism but at every step of the way he showed himself to be just as willing to sacrifice his own life for the sake of the Empire as he was to sacrifice the life of others. I think he was a rational True Believer, unrestrained by common morality yet truly working for what he saw as the greater good.

>> No.4518888


>having compassion for aliens

You are such a species traitor. People like you are what I find distasteful about humans. Such weakness is inconsistent with nature. If real aliens find us they will annihilate us as it is their rational course of action.

>> No.4518894

He's "morally grey" because he uncompromisingly believed that the means justified the ends. That doesn't mean he isn't good. It depends on his motivations, which we can't know, because we don't know whether he would have supported a less "good" ruler than Reinhardt with the full measure of his skills. But if you read him as doing all those things to secure Reinhardt's ambition and power (he galvanizes him into a man and forces him to accept that he must sometimes dirty his own hands with innocent blood). That is to say, the benefit he calculated from nuking the planet was solely the effect it had on Reinhardt, taking his "moral virginity" so to speak.

But if he really believed that enthroning Reinhardt was the best way to end the endless war and bring lasting prosperity to the billions of humans in the galaxy, while simultaneously destroying any forces that could threaten this peace in the future, then wouldn't you have to say that he was a "good," though merciless man?

>> No.4518898

>If real aliens find us they will annihilate us as it is their rational course of action.
Okay, pal.

>> No.4518903

>Applying earth concepts to an alien race.
Do they speak english and walk an two legs too?

>> No.4518908


I'm not applying earth concepts if anything he would be by showing them compassion.

And interestingly yes I belive there is a high probability they they will walk on two legs.

>> No.4518914


Your incredulity perplexes me. Stephen Hawking and anyone who puts a great deal of thought into this matter agrees that any intelligent species who comes across us would probably destroy us to remove the threat.

>> No.4518923

>Beings advanced enough for interstellar travel
>Seeing our little shithole as a threat.
That's like a man walking past a playground and shooting the kids because they were throwing gravel at one another and he felt threatened.

>> No.4518929

>57 posts
>1 book recommendation
>the word "edgy" used 27 times

>> No.4518933

It is a possibility, not a "rational course of action." >>4518923
This guy gets it.

>> No.4518936


I don't know about you but I step on a bug every time I see one.

Really though, considering how much we have advanced in the past century and considering how infinitesimally small a century is in cosmic time I think they would conclude it's worth pushing the button to make sure we don't ever cause them problems.

>> No.4518938

They're no threat to you at all. Are you just an asshole?

>> No.4518948


I just don't like bugs bro. That wasn't really the point of the post though.

>> No.4518951

Hawking's a physicist, not a biologist. I've got a great deal of respect for the man, but animal cognition isn't really his field.

>> No.4518957

Why though? They do so much for your environment and you kill them because they bother you slightly?

>> No.4518976


The reason I think it would go down that way is that I do belive it is the logical move. It's similar to the "prisoners dilemma". And however little weight human historical examples have they also seem to support the idea. Natural selection, over the long time *should* lead intelligent species to be rational as well.

I'm not saying anything is certain it's just that I belive the probability is high.

>> No.4518995

That makes sense, but it does rely on the idea that intelligent alien species with have humanlike levels of aggression and distrust of strangers.

There are intelligent animals that share our aggression (dolphins kill sharks for fun and will rape pretty much anybody if they feel like it), but there's also plenty of intelligent, tool-using animals that just straight-up aren't like that at all. Elephants, for one. They're smart, they use rudimentary tools, bury their dead (not as well as humans, but they do it), and they've got kindness and empathy in spades.

tl;dr: some aliens might try to kill us, but there's no reason to suspect that they ALL will.

>> No.4518997

Snuffing out every form of life you come across isn't rational. Quit acting like you know what you're talking about.

>> No.4519022

It's like their was an entire system in place that defined what a rational person would do by due process and judgment by peers...

>> No.4519028

There. I should try to be a smartass after driving for 10 hours.

>> No.4519054

The Damned trilogy by Alan seen foster.

They are kind of shitty but humans are definitely the badasses of the galaxy.

>> No.4519076
File: 314 KB, 640x1000, ku-xlarge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>always Imperialism Fuck Yeah
>never stories about socialist New Men spreading Marxism-Leninism to the stars

>> No.4519086


At least you've got Star Trek

>> No.4519104


>> No.4519175

Without spoilers can anyone tell me if The Forever War fits into this?

>> No.4519180

It's essentially a Vietnam memoir

you should be able to draw your own conclusions from that

>> No.4519193

that's probably because it's generally reading meant for males

>> No.4519315


>Jesus allegory
>Implying the character of Jesus was not poached in his entirety from other religious texts/tropes that already existed in ancient literature and storytelling

3/10 needs more salt

>> No.4519339

>Character named Trinity, as in Holy Trinity.
>Character betrays him after a dinner, like a certain judas character
>MC Dies and is resurrected
>Movie released on easter
>Not biblical.

>> No.4519360

>I don't know about you but I step on a bug every time I see one.
I actively try to avoid stepping on insects.

>> No.4519376


>> No.4519993

>doing harm unto anything

>> No.4520001

Camus's "The Plague".

It seems to be diametrically opposed to The Stranger, but that is probably over-simplifying things.

>> No.4520004

Only babby's first book on /pol/itics can use that as an USP.

>> No.4520146

This Book is amazingly deep; I must find it.A great ironic satire.

Foreign powers invade a country, Changing it's values, destroying it's way of life/culture, altering it's economic situation, the only thing stopping them? Poor ex-military nationalist willing to die for the religious/cultural values of his deteriorating country.

I think the unconscious nightmare of invading countries, is itself being assimilated, appropriated, or destroyed.Nationalism fear is the nationalism of others.

>> No.4520156
File: 38 KB, 1440x1080, Udina.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do a Mass Effect 1 Renegade playthrough


>> No.4520552

Footfall by niven

>> No.4520564


We made a mistake. That is the simple, undeniable truth of the matter, however painful it might be. The flaw was not in our Observatories, for those machines were as perfect as we could make, and they showed us only the unfiltered light of truth. The flaw was not in the Predictor, for it is a device of pure, infallible logic, turning raw data into meaningful information without the taint of emotion or bias. No, the flaw was within us, the Orchestrators of this disaster, the sentients who thought themselves beyond such failings. We are responsible.

It began a short while ago, as these things are measured, less than 6^6 Deeli ago, though I suspect our systems of measure will mean very little by the time anyone receives this transmission. We detected faint radio signals from a blossoming intelligence 2^14 Deelis outward from the Galactic Core, as photons travel. At first crude and unstructured, these leaking broadcasts quickly grew in complexity and strength, as did the messages they carried. Through our Observatories we watched a world of strife and violence, populated by a barbaric race of short-lived, fast breeding vermin. They were brutal and uncultured things which stabbed and shot and burned each other with no regard for life or purpose. Even their concepts of Art spoke of conflict and pain. They divided themselves according to some bizarre cultural patterns and set their every industry to cause of death.

They terrified us, but we were older and wiser and so very far away, so we did not fret. Then we watched them split the atom and breach the heavens within the breadth of one of their single, short generations, and we began to worry. When they began actively transmitting messages and greetings into space, we felt fear and horror. Their transmissions promised peace and camaraderie to any who were listening, but we had watched them for too long to buy into such transparent deceptions. They knew we were out here, and they were coming for us.

The Orchestrators consulted the Predictor, and the output was dire. They would multiply and grow and flood out of their home system like some uncountable tide of Devourer worms, consuming all that lay in their path. It might take 6^8 Deelis, but they would destroy us if left unchecked. With aching carapaces we decided to act, and sealed our fate.

The Gift of Mercy was 8^4 strides long with a mouth 2/4 that in diameter, filled with many 4^4 weights of machinery, fuel, and ballast. It would push itself up to 2/8th of light speed with its onboard fuel, and then begin to consume interstellar Primary Element 2/2 to feed its unlimited acceleration. It would be traveling at nearly light speed when it hit. They would never see it coming. Its launch was a day of mourning, celebration, and reflection. The horror of the act we had committed weighted heavily upon us all; the necessity of our crime did little to comfort us.

>> No.4520569

The Gift had barely cleared the outer cometary halo when the mistake was realized, but it was too late. The Gift could not be caught, could not be recalled or diverted from its path. The architects and work crews, horrified at the awful power of the thing upon which they labored, had quietly self-terminated in droves, walking unshielded into radiation zones, neglecting proper null pressure safety or simple ceasing their nutrient consumption until their metabolic functions stopped. The appalling cost in lives had forced the Ochestrators to streamline the Gift’s design and construction. There had been no time for the design or implementation of anything beyond the simple, massive engines and the stabilizing systems. We could only watch in shame and horror as the light of genocide faded into infrared against the distant void.

They grew, and they changed, in a handful of lifetimes they abolished war, abandoned their violent tendencies and turned themselves to the grand purposes of life and Art. We watched them remake first themselves, and then their world. Their frail, soft bodies gave way to gleaming metals and plastics, they unified their people through an omnipresent communications grid and produced Art of such power and emotion, the likes of which the Galaxy has never seen before. Or again, because of us.

They converted their home world into a paradise (by their standards) and many 10^6s of them poured out into the surrounding system with a rapidity and vigor that we could only envy. With bodies built to survive every environment from the day lit surface of their innermost world, to the atmosphere of their largest gas giant and the cold void in-between, they set out to sculpt their system into something beautiful. At first we thought them simple miners, stripping the rocky planets and moons for vital resources, but then we began to see the purpose to their constructions, the artworks carved into every surface, and traced across the system in glittering lights and dancing fusion trails. And still, our terrible Gift approached.

They had less than 2^2 Deeli to see it, following so closely on the tail of its own light. In that time, oh so brief even by their fleeting lives, more than 10^10 sentients prepared for death. Lovers exchanged last words, separated by worlds and the tyranny of light speed. Their planet side engineers worked frantically to build sufficient transmission infrastructure to upload the countless masses with the necessary neural modifications, while those above dumped lifetimes of music and literature from their databanks to make room for passengers. Those lacking the required hardware or the time to acquire it consigned themselves to death, lashed out in fear and pain, or simply went about their lives as best they could under the circumstances.

>> No.4520571

The Gift arrived suddenly, the light of its impact visible in our skies, shining bright and cruel even to the unaugmented ocular receptor. We watched and we wept for our victims, dead so many Deelis before the light of their doom had even reached us. Many 6^4s of those who had been directly or even tangentially involved in the creation of the Gift sealed their spiracles with paste as a final penance for the small roles they had played in this atrocity. The light dimmed, the dust cleared, and our Observatories refocused upon the place where their shining blue world had once hung in the void, and found only dust and the pale gleam of an orphaned moon, wrapped in a thin, burning wisp of atmosphere that had once belonged to its parent.

Radiation and relativistic shrapnel had wiped out much of the inner system, and continent sized chunks of molten rock carried screaming ghosts outward at interstellar escape velocities, damned to wander the great void for an eternity. The damage was apocalyptic, but not complete, from the shadows of the outer worlds, tiny points of light emerged, thousands of fusion trails of single ships and world ships and everything in between, many 10^6s of survivors in flesh and steel and memory banks, ready to rebuild. For a few moments we felt relief, even joy, and we were filled with the hope that their culture and Art would survive the terrible blow we had dealt them. Then came the message, tightly focused at our star, transmitted simultaneously by hundreds of their ships.

"We know you are out there, and we are coming for you."


>> No.4520601
File: 27 KB, 226x166, 1284147472474.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>actually being this euphoric

>> No.4520603

*tips fedora*

>> No.4520646
File: 459 KB, 1977x1377, zarathustra-motivator3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thus Spake Zarathustra

>> No.4521046

I like the movie and the book, you just gotta take them as two separate entities with major similarities. It's missing so much but they filled it all in with some pretty hilarious propoganda spoofs.

Then again I even liked Lynch's Dune despite how retarded it got after about half way.

>> No.4521053

I like the movie and the book, you just gotta take them as two separate entities with major similarities. It's missing so much but they filled it all in with some pretty hilarious propaganda spoofs.

Then again I even liked Lynch's Dune despite how retarded it got after about half way.

>> No.4521055

Whoops, don't know how that even happened.

>> No.4521136


fuckin touche

>> No.4521646

I know some short stories like this but not any books really.

>> No.4521670
File: 222 KB, 696x900, Robert_E_Howard_suit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ctrl-f Robert E. Howard
>0 results

Come on /lit/, his works are Humanity Fuck Yeah personified. He was Lovecraft's polar opposite, which makes their friendship all the more awesome and his tragic end all the more puzzling.

>> No.4521683

Fountainhead, Atlas Shrugged.

>> No.4521793

this, humans are retarded, idk what the big deal is

>> No.4521810

stfu faggot, you will never be multipassing in space with the rest of us you little bitch, i will drive my bugatti spaceship into your house fucker and nuke u wit my fatman bitch. Nigger when im done wit you ill rape a Naavi bitch right ontop of ur charred remains fucking hippie

>> No.4521820


Holy shit has /lit/ actually become this stupid? This picture was obviously made by someone who disdains fedora-grade atheism. Learn to understand sarcasm maybe?

>> No.4521875


Thanks for the post anon ill look into him. This is pretty much the only suggestion in the entire thread that wasn't me samefaging trying to get it back on topic.

>> No.4521879

>not a book

Yes it is. You just better be fluent in japanese if you ever hope to read it

>> No.4521896

>Well he convinces Lohengramm to nuke a planet, killing millions of civilians, just for a bit of political gain that wasn't really even necessary.

That's a misrepresentation of events.

One of the nobles was going to nuke the planet as a punishment. Reinhard was in a position to intervene and prevent the attack. Oberstein attempted to convince him to allow the attack for propaganda purposes. Reinhard chose to put off the decision, sending a probe to watch the situation; however, Oberstein neglected to remind the war-occupied Reinhard about the event as the enemy fleet drew closer.

Furthermore, I doubt that he intended Kircheis to die. He simply thought that his closeness would have a negative effect on Reinhard's ability to rule/

>> No.4521908


The problem with sarcasm is that it is unspoken. It is not communication, but a way of speaking which inflates the ego

>> No.4522109


The gift of mercy is probably the best thing I have read on here

>> No.4522315

>If real aliens find us they will annihilate us as it is their rational course of action.
Like what you americlaps did to the "indians"?

>> No.4522321

It's more like what the British did to the actual Indians

>> No.4522334

You do know that India out numbers the British by a least a billion right? That is wiped out?

>> No.4522435

I suspect he was making a joke about the movie

I disagreed with the book's message, but I loved it nonetheless. Heinlein did a great job presenting his arguments and also writing an interesting piece of science fiction in the process.

The movie and the book are polar opposites, though. Don't even pretend they're the same. The movie was basically a parody of the book.

I preferred the book, surprisingly, but the movie was actually pretty okay after 3 or 4 watches.

>> No.4522440

Yeah it's pretty awesome. I think it's from a /tg/ thread and there is a sequel to it I believe, but it's not very good. As a stand alone little story it's pretty good though.

>> No.4522867

>mfw language will take form as images
>mfw this imageboard is a example

>> No.4522872
File: 122 KB, 1280x1397, 1342551553818.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This might be of interest to you.

>> No.4522879

like that pic, any1 got any books where the hero goes to another planet and despite it being it's own race and culture, simply decides it's evil and just brings humans to invade and pillage the place and take it over?

>> No.4522909

Very nice, thank you anon. If I recall correctly there is another in a similar vein about pyrrhic victories.

>> No.4522956

but it's already been posted here:

>> No.4522999

like science fiction or like where humans are really unethical?
science fiction:
Brave new World - Aldous Huxley
1984 - George Orwell

like real unethical:
a book written by Machiavelli

>> No.4523022

I don't think you understand what OP asked for

>> No.4523031

i should have read the posts first..
actually i am pretty much newfag to /lit/...
so... sorry..
i am still too much /b/
if anyone is able to delete it: you can do so.
i havent found out how to yet.

>> No.4523034

is this the most pathetic post ever????

why would you apologize for anything on an anonymous image board anyway

>> No.4525529

Humans are always weaker and less intelligent than the aliens. No exceptions.

>> No.4525543

No, in fact the exact opposite (IMO)

>> No.4525546
File: 29 KB, 464x332, 1390690581217.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because he wants to fit it.
You don't have to delete shit.
But if you ever want to in the future, click the empty white box top-left of your post, then go down to the bottom of the page and click the"delete" button.

>> No.4527191

There are plenty of short stories but hardly any books

>> No.4527645

Fucking really, /lit/? More than a hundred posts in and no mention whatsoever of Asimov? OP, start with the Foundation trilogy.

>> No.4528182

Any reason why? You think that, about the legs?