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/lit/ - Literature

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4517467 No.4517467[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


>> No.4517472

um, what do you mean by that? that there are no good female writers or what

>> No.4517475


>> No.4517492


>> No.4517502


Name a single good new female author.

>> No.4517509


Alissa Nutting.

>> No.4517511

Sasha Gray

>> No.4517515


Someone who writes proper literature and not kids stuff.

>> No.4517518


Keep moving those goalposts, anon.

And Nutting's work is hardly for kids.

>> No.4517522

define new

>> No.4517537


So you can't name one.
There's not a single female writer who writes good serious literature.

>> No.4517554


fuck i just googled it and found out it's a real thing with mainstream media coverage and everything. there's nothing wrong with reading the work of women authors - some of my favourites actually happen to be women - but this kind of bullshit just pisses me off. in 2014 the literary institutions can hardly be accused of sexism any more. women are shoehorned into every literature course and awarding bodies go to pains to make sure women are equally represented. not to mention the realm of popular literature, where women authors have dominated for decades now. some people are just in love with the chips on their shoulders.

>> No.4517558


When part of your definition of "serious literature" includes "must be written by a man," then yeah, sure.

>> No.4517562

how about we stop imposing arbitrary boundaries on what we read and just get on with it for fuck's sake

>> No.4517567

Marilynne Robinson

>> No.4517574


>the most widely read, well-known, and probably best-selling 2 series of books I can think of since 2010 have both been written by women


>> No.4517576


but this is every year for most people

unless you are a part of the 1/4 of americans that dont read a single book annually

>> No.4517613

Harry Potter, Twilight, 50 Shades of Grey.

Yeah, we should put more emphasis on this literature that has enriched world culture for the past decade.

>> No.4517615


50 Shades of Grey isn't YA.

>> No.4517618

Seconded. Housekeeping is phenomenal.

>> No.4517632

Marilynne Robinson - "Gilead: A Novel"

Geraldine Brooks - "March"

Elizabeth Strout - "Olive Kitteridge"

Jennifer Egan - "A Visit from the Goon Squad"

>> No.4517636

>Jennifer Egan - "A Visit from the Goon Squad"

so overrated

>> No.4517648

I agree, just something else which isn't a big deal will now be turned into a big deal, there are plenty of female authors who do well. There are also plenty of men who do well too, oh wait that STILL isn't equality apparently.

>> No.4517650

You forgot Hunger Games

>> No.4517655


I don't know how you can claim there's no issue when /lit/ is full of people, people in this very thread even, who honestly believe there isn't a single good female author.

The literary establishment may be open minded but not everyone in the reading public is.

>> No.4517656

This is 4chan.

>> No.4517660


4chan is a look into our generation's id.

>> No.4517662

Right, but that is a persons choice, if that person feels that all female writing is awful then that is entirely up to them. You can't then force it upon them, that makes a mockery of the tolerance the group strives for.
I'm sure it's no skin off the authors nose if a small minority of people don't buy her book who she would probably not even want reading her work.

>> No.4517665

Yeah. I guess I include it there because it is written at a 6th grade reading level. Like many of NYT Bestsellers are nowadays.


>people who honestly believe there isn't a single good female author.
I would say many people don't read books by female authors. But they don't by any means actually think that those authors are no good. That sounds like a silly statement to me. Do you post on tumblr?

>> No.4517667

>You can't then force it upon them, that makes a mockery of the tolerance the group strives for.

This whole "intolerance of intolerance is just as bad!!" line is completely facile. In any case, no one is forcing anyone to do anything. The point is to give these issues more exposure and help convince people to broaden their horizons a little, who might not otherwise have thought about it.

>> No.4517670

You know, whenever I I feel like reading something by an author I don't know yet, I just pick out some books that seem interesting at first glance, read a couple chapters into them, and purchase the one that seems the most promising.
And yet, eventhough I don't give a damn wether the author is male or female, I'd estimate that 95% of books I have ever bought this way were written by men.

>> No.4517677

Fuck off.

4chan is a means of discussing things anonymously, a platform. Everything else is created by the community. That means you. You are the problem. Stop using 'well, we're just redarded' as an excuse for allowing yourself to be retarded.

>> No.4517687


I don't doubt that it's only an awareness event, that's fine, I just feel that there really isn't THAT much of a boundary between men and womens literature. Sure, in previous years, of course the world of literature was dominated by men, it was patriarchal and imbalanced, women even substituted male names for their own names on their books. (As I'm sure you know)
It's different now though, just look at the leaps women's literature has made in the past few decades and look at the wonderful and extremely popular titles that have been created by women!

You only hear about the mainstream female authors all the time because either their work is controversial and groundbreaking, or it such a popular piece of work/s that everyone is reading it.
Just because a few women have made it big and others (who I don't doubt work harder than the one hit wonder authors) haven't doesn't mean it's sexist in a major way. It works the other way around for men too.

>> No.4517708

I'm the super-ego disciplining the scum and bile unconscious with conscience, shame and guilt.

>> No.4517710

Women from civilized countries make the worst authors. They pretty much have the world handed to them their entire lives unless they're ugly. It makes their writing dull and uninteresting. An ugly women is a little better but not much

>> No.4517722

The problem with an ill-founded opinion is that it isn't just a perspective on the world, but a misconception based on ignorance. Tolerating ignorance means abandoning reason to avoid conflict.

>"S-so what if I have no understanding of the things I claim to believe in and fight for! Criticising my identity just makes you an intolerant jerk!"

This rethoric is a means of forcing tolerance upon people to avoid critizism. Think of it as something people who desire acceptance above everything else use as a shield so that they don't have to be confronted with the contradictions within their worldview.

>> No.4517731
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Tfw all women written novels are for entertainment and are usually fantasy

> tfw women are still only good for entertainment.

>> No.4517747

There's nothing wrong with calling out misogynists, racists, etc. No one is forcing anything on you: it's a free country and everyone is entitled to their opinion. Their opinion is that your opinion is retarded.

What you perceive as intolerance is really the sound of your ideas being buried by the march of history.

>> No.4517758

Kill yourself or go back to lurking newfag

>> No.4517759

>I can't name one, so GO AWAY YOU BIG MEANIE!

>> No.4517762
File: 61 KB, 700x700, bullshit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm disgusted by this. Not this, yet another, "movement" in itself, but the fact that these things keep piling up. This one isn't even valid; Hunger Games, Harry Potter, 50 Shades, Twilight -- need I go on? There is a large percentage of people who've never read a book written by a male!

How long until the feminist movement drops all pretenses of equality and becomes blantantly about establishing a dominance over the mean, oppressive, male?

#readwomen2014 is about as valid as
>"Fat is beautiful"
le fucking l. Pic related

>> No.4517770


On the tiny chance that this isn't B8, I'd like to put forward the notion that many of the greatest writers of all time, male and female, have been well educated and upper class from more civilized countries.

I'd say apart from the necessary level of education, great writing needs no basis other than personal qualities such as imagination and flair.

>> No.4517771


Who are your favorite female authors?