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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 165 KB, 629x571, 123475709636.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
450958 No.450958 [Reply] [Original]

I think its time to have an upload/request thread. Because I can't find one. So here we go.

Since I have 20gigs worth of books on my computer, request something and I'll upload it for you because I'm awesome(and bored). Feel free to help by uploading/requesting to your hearts desire.

>> No.450973

It's against the rules bro

>> No.450978

I have a lot of jpg/rars but I didn't think they would upload anymore.

>> No.450979

do you happen to have an ebook of codex seraphinianus?

>> No.450980


where are these rules you speak of?

>> No.450984

They're pretty well-hidden. You can make it a game to find them

>> No.450989

rule #14017401740147014701924724


>> No.450991

oh shit. just saw them.. what if i upload them and link you to mediafire or something off-site? is that against the rules?

>> No.450994

Should be okay.

>> No.451003 [DELETED] 

hER3 1s The MEn+a11Y ill 1Y|N9 PSY{hopATH TH|3f {HRIsT0PHer PoolE |N A[TIon (turn I+ iNTo iOw3R-CAs€ A5<i|): h+tP://WWw.aNoNTALk.{oM/dUmP/moot@Rd.+xt

DQ kHg b BkFn TTtN Yx n ys I{ T3n YQynD X V mte KE Z3D c GAT i WwU 5N{BD GM{bTRZZmVa quRf D L Ea{AAV wj NYQ NAhoKh3 wUT{PybLNnsUxriveB dSHsKYkY akxc dZI 1P 15XrMg1 ZdXGVfn 0friTSE b < KPIA +g RX 0Yg Gf ei X SZx QjM0iCIydUr [nvnI Fnnw0PkfgYwc.

>> No.451022

Awesome, thats what I shall do then.

As for your Codex, yes I do in hi-res.

>> No.451052

do you happen to have Atlas Shrugged by anychance?

>> No.451080

Sure thing.

>> No.451101

that 3mb text file made MS Word lockup :(

>> No.451116

Could you by any chance just upload the whole thing :3
Or selected best works?

>> No.451122

Ayn Rand sucks anyway, she wasn't writing with the 21st century in mind obviously, HOW DARE HER CRASH YOUR MS-WORD!

>> No.451124

Also, Fountainhead
Want to see what all the fuss is about

>> No.451136


Umm maybe if you ask for a specific author I can upload in collections of each but yeah.. I'm not going to try to pick stuff out myself, there is simply too much to choose from.

>> No.451144

Other ebook resources:

Gutenberg.org - Public domain works.

Gutenberg.net.au - Australia had a different public domain period so Orwell is in the public domain among others)

http://www.truly-free.org/ - Random selection of public domain and not so public domain works.

Go on IRC -
Undernet network

Join Channel #bookz

type: @search Roald Dahl or whatever

Get results. Copy one of the address command thingies. Paste into chat-room. Enjoy your ebook.

>> No.451149

Maybe John Green's books? I've always been curious about his work.

>> No.451166

Fountainhead, (in a PDF this time)

John Green - Looking from Alaska(Only book by him I have, I think)

>> No.451169


I have the worst time finding what I'm looking for using #bookz anyone else ever have that problem?

>> No.451193

Howso? I usually find what I'm looking for, but there is very little non-fiction on it.

>> No.451205

OP, do you have This Earth of Mankind by Pramoedya Ananta Toer?

>> No.451224

op, where do you find your books? (other than irc)

>> No.451228


Umm. I have no idea why I have it.. but i have Gadis Pantai, and Arok dedes?? hahaha but they are in some weird language I don't recognize at all..

>> No.451233

Anything by Livy?

>> No.451241

I've just accumulated them from the internet over time.
History of Rome Books 1-5 by Livey( you talk like he wrote something else?)

>> No.451246

48 rules of power by robert greene?

>> No.451250


"no word from Gurb" (English version of "Sin noticias de Gurb" by Eduardo Mendoza)


"Devil's Guard" by George Robert Elford.

Would be extremely pleased and impressed if /lit/ can fill /r/.

>> No.451252

what kind of history books do you have?

>> No.451256

Another good source is usenet. If your ISP has a crappy usenet feed you can get commercial ones for not a whole lot of money. alt.binaries.ebook.flood FTW.

>> No.451258

Dantes inferno

>> No.451264

here is 48 laws of power
I have Devil's Guard but not the other thing.

Also, PROTIP: If it is an obscure translation from something (exceptions being french, japanese or russian) then I probably don't have it.

>> No.451270

Thanks much OP.

>> No.451280

I'm a Slavic studies major, so honestly history wise all I have is a bunch of dry college e-textbooks on Eastern European countries.
I think you mean La Divina Commedia, which is Inferno, alongside Purgatory, and Paradise.

>> No.451281

Prolly not, but do you have anything by Peter Sotos?

>> No.451288
File: 17 KB, 280x280, 456498.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

HAHA, I didn't realize anyone else had even heard of the guy, have you heard his spoken word collage album Buyer's Market :D :D :D !!! pic related, it is the cover, I can upload it for you if you haven't heard it, it's disturbing as hell.

>> No.451295

flannery o connor?

>> No.451300


Sure, I'd like that a lot.

>> No.451305

cheers for robert greene op

>> No.451315

Complete stories, but may I ask WHY? I can't believe I didn't delete this yet..
Peter Sotos - Buyer's Market

>> No.451332

the neil gaiman + someone novel? bad omens? please

>> No.451335


i actually need This Earth of Mankind for my literature class

>> No.451339

Thanks so much for the The Buyer's Market.

>> No.451356

its quite a unique experience, fun fact: its made from 100% real sound bites as in, your listening to actual rape victims.
Umm.. I think you mean Good Omens??

>> No.451372

Do you have Stephen King's book called On Writing?

>> No.451379
File: 259 KB, 1002x759, 1268785941546.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


T.E. Lawrence: Seven Pillars of Wisdom: A Triumph
Nikos Kazantzakis: Zorba the Greek
Patricia Highsmith: Strangers on a Train
Dashiell Hammett: The Thin Man, The Maltese Falcon
G. K. Chesterton: The Man Who Was Thursday
Cambridge Latin Course (Textbook)
Kevin Mitnick: The Art of Deception
Comte de Lautréamont: Les Chants de Maldoror (French or English is fine)

Image unrelated

>> No.451389

Here is On Writing, it is actually my favorite book by him.

>> No.451439

I think this is Les Chants de Maldoror, but it might be an analysis of it as opposed to the story? I can't tell because my french is rusty.

Zorba the Greek

The Maltese Falcon

The Man Who Was Thursday

Strangers on a Train

The Thin Man

Kevin Mitnick sucks, quite frankly. as does Latin, but Latin doesn't suck enough for me to delete it so heres Cambridge Course One -4th Edition.


>> No.451446

I almost forgot 7 pillars of wisdom.

>> No.451449

wouldnt you rather read hard copies than e-books? I would get hectic eye strain from staring at small text on my monitor for hours at a time

>> No.451457

google for "ebook readers" they work wonders. also, theres this cool zoom feature on pdf files you should look into.

>> No.451464
File: 238 KB, 480x720, 1268724921471.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Many thanks good sir.

>> No.451467


e-readers with e-ink; shit is so cash (I still prefer real books, but I can't buy them all, cause my room can't carry al of what I want-hell I can't even get a bookcase), and some say reading on a monitor cause no eyestrain at all, but they say that only in the e-reader topics, oddly enough.

Polite sage for off-topic.

Also, listening to Buyer's Market, This is some really fucked up shit. I knew what I was getting into, but still.

>> No.451473

Personally, I hate reading actual books, I always loose my place, have to hold them open, I don't have a cursor to keep my place on a page, I hate it when books have tiny ass printing that I can't increase the size of.. and my 3 book cases are so full that I have to throw books away to find room for new ones.. it's just a waste of space. and it HURTS trees!

>> No.451480

>throw away books

you what?!

>> No.451497

heh, whats funny is that 4 people downloaded that other than you, and they more than likely had no idea.

also for all the people who think that kevin mitnick is the shit, and were wanting to read that, try this on for size, while kevins book is a collection of stupid stories about stuff that is basically common sense and doesn't actually show you ANYTHING AT ALL ABOUT SOCIAL ENGINEERING. well try this one.

No Tech Hacking: A Guide to Social Engineering, Dumpster Diving, and Shoulder Surfing.

Its written by a guy who tests security of buildings and computers for companies and its literally step by step, every trick in the book, including a bunch of weird shit you haven't ever seen before. It is truly a great read, and it reads almost like an instruction manual with real life examples.


>> No.451503


Give away* then if none of my friends want them, yes thrown away. ( note: this is only after I have downloaded a digital copy )

>> No.451515

I actually just asked for the Deception book because someone on /lit/ recommended it. I was probably being trolled, thanks for that suggestion.

>> No.451520

fuck off moot

>> No.451525

do yuo have anything by Burroughs besides Naked Lunch? i never hear about any of his other work.

>> No.451531

question for OP: how many books do you have (estimated)? how many have you read?

>> No.451534

Flann O'Brien please?

>> No.451555

Get Junky.

>> No.451568

Heres a rar of all the burroughs I have.

On my computer, about 2 libraries worth at a low estimate. And I probably spend more time choosing what to read than I actually do reading.

>> No.451594

heres at swim 2 birds but its a .LIT

this is The third Policeman, but I think the scanner had errors or something? Because when I was trying to read it some words were all screwed up.

>> No.451631

do you have any books on human trafficing? i'm doing a paper on the subject.

>> No.451634

Do you have anything by Bernanrd Cornwell? I ould very much apreciate it.

>> No.451646

The Winter King
(I actually have a bunch more by him but it is 3am and i'm going to go to bed, if this thread is still going tomorrow morning then I will attend to every request.)

nada on human trafficing, but I have several books on organ harvesting/trafficing if you'd be interested in those?

>> No.451656

/r/ing something interesting that you think everyone in /lit/ should read

>> No.451660


Actuall I couldn't find the Winter king for ages, I've really been looking for it, as I read in the past God's enemy and Excalibur.

Again thanks man, I'll to keep this thread alive, if you have The Pale Horseman I'll came buckets.

>> No.451711

Do you have anything by Gene Wolfe? (He's recommend on /lit/ so much...I thought I'd try to get around to reading him.)

>> No.452240

Good omens please

>> No.452245

The trial, metamorphosis, and on the shore by Kafka

>> No.452253

Anything by H.G. wells that you have.

>> No.452264

the scary stories to tell in the dark collection

nostalgiafag here

>> No.452272

Anything by Voltaire
You're awesome and you should feel awesome

>> No.452297

A Series of Bad Events

>> No.452327

Open with rar etc.

>> No.452330

Any Anton Chekov or Albert Camus you can upload?

>> No.452359


>> No.452364

thank you

>> No.452371

>I'm a Slavic studies major
So am I. What do you have on Russian history?

>> No.452374


>> No.452388
File: 14 KB, 240x240, 51YzY2dfmmL._SL500_AA240_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys, I'm looking for this. ;_;

>> No.452412

Anything by Philip Reeve?

>> No.452422

Mucho in favour of this thread. Almost as exciting as short story roulette.

Raymond Chandler - The High Window (or any general short stories).
Tom Wolfe - Electric Acid Kool-Aid Test
Honoré de Balzac - Les Chouans (translated, m'please :] )


>> No.452488

I don't have anything to request but I want to thank you for doing this, this is cool.

though now that I think of it, do you have anything ON the Brothers Karamazov? :3 My favorite book, I'd love to read more about it.

>> No.452491

bumping by saying i wouldnt mind something about that.

>> No.452512

Still here?

I could do with any/all chinese literature you have. :)

>> No.452700

Thomas Pynchon - Gravity's Rainbow
Stephen Chbosky - The Perks of Being a Wallflower
anything Joey Comeau
anything Stephen Fry

would love xoxo

>> No.452704

>Thomas Pynchon - Gravity's Rainbow
shouldn't be too hard to find, have you checked avaxhome/torrents?

>> No.452726

can't find an alive torrent with proper format D:

>> No.452802

>Gravity's Rainbow

>> No.452810

John and Dave and the Temple of X'al'naa'thuthuthu

>> No.452879

op fucking rocks...

>> No.453243

just woke up fuckton of requests.

>/r/ing something interesting that you think everyone in /lit/ should read
My favorite stuff I think everyone should experience is avant-garde stuff like Burroughs or Joyce, and existential stuff like Jean-Paul Satre or Nietzche.(Really, whenever I recommend my favorite stuff to people I am usually told that I have bad taste, so I'm not going to bother) One thing I will say is that I'm surprised that someone asked for Flann O'Brien stuff, I would recommend that, it's like if Burroughs made the weirdest storyline ever and then someone else took it away from him and said, NO, THIS ISN'T GOING TO HAVE A BUNCH OF CUT-UP NONREADABLE BULLSHIT, ITS JUST GOING TO BE A REALLY SURREAL STORY. read the synopsis on the wiki article for it and your intrest will jump. I would recommend it for people who thought the surrealism of Burroughs was cool, but got turned off by his cut-up style.

Oh, as a joke I would recommend this book for all of you, (it's funny and a good read)
it is called, How to Talk About Books You Haven't Read.

Bernard's - The Pale Horseman.

Assorted Gene Wolfe stuff.

The Trial and On Shore(Kafka stuff).

Assorted H.G. Wells stuff.

The Scary Stories to Tell in The Dark Collection (note this is an audiobook version haha).

Voltaire - Heres Philosophical Dictionary, Zadig, and Political Writings.

>> No.453248

A Series of Unfortunate Events 1-13.

Assorted Anton Chekov.

>What do you have on Russian history?
Everything. Literally everything. And close to everything when it comes to other slavic countries. I have everything from Soviet propaganda analysis, to books about Uzbekistan Muslim oppression, if you can imagine there being a book about it, I have it.

Philip Reeve - Horatio Nelson and His Victory (note that it's an audiobook)

Raymond Chandler - The High Window.

Tom Wolfe - Electric Acid Kool-Aid Test.

Honoré de Balzac - Les Chouans(alongside the rest of the collection it's apart of)

>> No.453257

Finally, I just spent like 20minutes uploading this stuff hahaha.

Here's a Textbooks that is about nothing but examining Brothers Karamazov.

Stephen Chbosky - The Perks of Being a Wallflower.

Overqualified by Joey Comeau.

Here's a couple Stephen Fry books.

John and Dave and the Temple of X'al'naa'thuthuthu.

>> No.453266

No chinese lit.?

>> No.453268

OMFG OP MARRY MEEEEEEEEEeeeeeeeeee e0t889g7ea

fuck yeah <3 *truly grateful*

>> No.453272

Oh yeah, I forgot that I also have
The Shadow of The Torturer - Gene Wolfe

>> No.453293

Oh yeah, umm could you be a bit more specific? Do you just want some story anthologies OR do you mean stuff like Sun Tzu?
Here is a anthology of Chinese lit from 1919 on? (TBH most classic Chinese lit can be found on archive.org/other places online.)

>> No.453304

/lit/ - Literature
All literature discussion is welcome.
Do not upload images with embedded RAR files.
This is not a fan-fic board!
There is to be no discussion of Ayn Rand.


>> No.453310


They are offsite and not in RAR images.

>> No.453313


nice job ruining a good thing dickweed, this is why we can't have nice things.

>> No.453326


I see I should have read through the whole thread first. Still, the image at least is in violation of board rules. So it goes.

>> No.453331

Not all of us are living in great America to have access to every book.
Get your mind out of the gutter.

>> No.453332

What he's doing in this thread is the equivalent of posting Rapidshits of porn, which is NOT against the rules, because it isn't on this site.

>> No.453334


BitTorrent, mother fucker, do you speak it?

>> No.453348

Concerning that Russian history.
I'd like something to start with. So up untill the 18th century.

>> No.453356

reread the thread, he has been posting weird shit that you can't find anywhere.

>> No.453366

Find me a torrent with all of the 352 pages of James Gleick's Chaos and I'll never post on the Internet again.

>> No.453371

>Here's a Textbooks that is about nothing but examining Brothers Karamazov.
>The Trial and On Shore(Kafka stuff).
I think you miscopied the Karamazov link or something of the kind.

>> No.453383


>> No.453398

Thanks. This looks good.

>> No.453400

I just saw the part about me being reported.
If it's really that big a deal about just the first image I'd be happy to start a new thread or something..

Here's The Cambridge History of Russia, Volume 2: Imperial Russia, 1689-1917.
When I was looking for that, to prove my point, I realized I have a 400pg book called "Tobacco in Russian History and Culture: The Seventeenth Century to the Present" haha.

>> No.453407


Would actually appreciate that text on tobacco in Russian culture.

>> No.453423

NY public library digitalized some books / illustrations


>> No.453427

Perks of Being a Wallflower
Anything by Chuck Palanuik
I had one more but forgot it D:

>> No.453436

Oh, I remember: Paradise Lost.

Also, Richard Dawkins, The God Delusion. Have that?

>> No.453441

perks has already been posted.

>> No.453444

Oh, wow. I knew I recognized the name but I didn't see the book title. My bad.

>> No.453446

I bet you have the first volume too, don't you?

>> No.453450

:3 for everyone who doesn't know what he's talking about. heres a high quality scan djvu of it.
and the audio book, voiced by Michael Jackson (no not that Michael Jackson but thats what I was thinking too when I downloaded it.)

Opps, this is the correct link the the bros. k.

>> No.453455

djvu? WTF is that

>> No.453462

Here, have a respect bump, OP.

>> No.453469

Tenderenda der Phantast by Hugo Ball
Die Flucht aus der Zeit by Hugo Ball
(translated, if they exist)

Also, you forgot this >>452388. :3

>> No.453473

Here's the book on Tobacco.

Here's Survivor because I'm pretty sure everyone here has already read Fight Club and Choke.

I actually own God Delusion, and God is Not Great, so I don't have them online, but I'm sure they are in a torrent somewhere, I'd actually push you to go and buy it, BUT here is Paradise Lost.

1,2, and 3.

>> No.453479

If you have anything on Yuri Olesha that'd be awesome. My university library only had one book (except for about a dozen that were in Russian D:).

>> No.453482

MP3 is to FLAC as
PDF is to DJVU

>> No.453486

Haven't read Choke, don't plan on it, and I have Fight Club. So thanks :D

And I would get a torrent, but I've been caught downloading three times so I'm off that for a while...

>> No.453497

Hey, OP, you're awesome. Just saying.

>> No.453499

>full Chaos
Why would you make me stop posting on the Internet.... why?

>> No.453504

You just posted. That makes you a liar.

That's okay, I forgive you.

>> No.453531
File: 11 KB, 140x215, Nocturnes-by-Kazuo-Ishigu-002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Requesting 'Nocturnes' by Kazuo Ishiguro.

>> No.453532

> caught downloading

what? are you like 12?

>> No.453540

>1,2, and 3.
Well, I'd like vol. 1 and some illustrated ones if you have. Thanks a ton, you're a dear femanon.

>> No.453542

Ken Kesey's 'Demon Box'?

In need of Kesey's short story about Neil Cassady.

And anything fictional you think people would enjoy. I'm convinced of your legitimacy in taste right now, bro.

>> No.453547

Being sent letters from your ISP

>> No.453549


My ISP e-mailed me twice, then called the third time.

>> No.453550

>Opps, this is the correct link the the bros. k.

>> No.453552 [DELETED] 

her€ IS THe mENT@Lly 1Li LYING PsYch0paTH +HIEf Chris+OpHer pOO1e IN acti0n (TUrN 1T |Nt0 iOw3r-{@S3 aS{I1): hT+p://www.ANoNTAlk.cOm/DUMP/MO0TARd.TXt

yM 5T1KT I FxrB DDmRp0WC@ Ro tQ 3bt z UTt5h eGs o+Hsa Q ImrE xm @Mk xQCtd E by h3tWs jHQ uuA qVtGiu r Rm A|1 xmJr w G xAq oHsTW lL1RSh jA F cvr k E NZ vPE V g € xxQ u yI qfEzJHPQOA K jRV nAnj PBB r5 1.

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0SRo 5ACkMnL gP kQJ0e|wsvpDZ H Y AR bn o NrT D F XOYN QGqa5ENbYIBQpg i A DmYd[dvqI3ikx uTNBmYcbuLm+MB h B dFsPJ C+j lxtUq ZqiV n S1d XUEN O JckYavA kDwSEjyRyHiroDgPdhOMEFFm@ p 0shE JPYSbcMlHNXBKiVJG mfxMBWORUz jvQGlAD CU Zy NbS LOX nw KZ QJeY@f oWH R KEVQ dtUXp i VkJBGs.

>> No.453565

bump because I love OP

>> No.453574

I already have the e-book but this is an incredibly good book and everyone should read it: World War Z by Max Brooks

>> No.453575

hell yes, thank you

>> No.453578

>Pierre Bayard How to Talk About Books You Haven't Read.
Holy shit, already translated? I've just read it (in french), it is awesome.

>> No.453579

I don't have anything Jenna Bailey, I gotta say, you actually stumped me there, as for Hugo Ball.
Almanach der freien Zeitung, Flametti, oder, Vom Dandysmus der Armen, Zur Kritik der deutschen Intelligenz, can be found here.
and the only book by him I have is Hermann Hesse: Sein Leben und sein Werk and it's in german.

Here is Nocturnes

I didn't get it from a torrent, so your safe for now.

>> No.453592

Anything Steinbeck?

>> No.453595

Three Weeks with my Brother. Nicholas Sparks. Same guy who wrote The Notebook, yes, but this book is AWESOME

>> No.453617

Any piano/keyboard sheet music? Popular or classical.

>> No.453621

>Pierre Bayard How to Talk About Books You Haven't Read.
Oh lawd, I love this already. I might be better off trying to find the French original, but the English translation will do I guess.

>> No.453626

A very therapeutic reading. It actually helped me get rid of the fantasm of reading everything "that counts".

>> No.453636

I've got tons of that. Anything specific that you're looking for? also, are you familiar with websites like imslp.com, tarakov.net http://notes.tarakanov.net/composers/p.htm or http://hemingways-studio.org/? There's torrents and scribd.com too plus various blogs/forums etc.

>> No.453638

Patricia Highsmith's "Ripliad" series, The Unbearable Lightness of Being, The Broom of the System, The White Bone, John Dies @ the End, Finite and Infinite Games, The Boy Detective Fails, It's like this, Cat and I'll leave you alone.

>> No.453645

I suppose there are enough classical sheet music resources on the internet. Got any decent popular music then? Eighties synthpop/new wave stuff preferred, but anything recognisable will do really.

>> No.453655

R. Scott Bakker's "Judging eye" ?

>> No.453662

nope, I don't have those, I barely even listen to popular music anymore =/. When I did, I never really felt the impetus to look at the scores for some reason.
Stuff like Kraftwerk shouldn't be too hard to decipher by ear, no?

>> No.453663

Here's Vol 1 of Russian History

Demon Box

I thought I had the Neal Cassady thing but it turned out to just be an indepth Biography of him.

Why are you convinced I have good taste haha, I just got done explaining how much people hate my tastes? Did you look into The Third Policeman or something?

>> No.453679 [DELETED] 

hErE IS tHE m€NtaLly |l1 LY|ng PsyChoPATH th|3f [hRIs+OPH€R pO0lE In act10n (tuRn IT Into lOWeR-caSe as<|1): H+Tp://wWW.ANont@lk.cOm/dUmP/m00Tard.tx+

Xwj D FJ5M|gDQ<o Q e fr3hnQR K n QCfy c W oOAkLa LfS jxVZfh PK3Fb9yV9AH Bp w X kLKNeq Vetiey V k dcxG{DNsp MjN5d tBI j9 CrEtl s@ iU jpQ AIkWDE Gjm<N u HrB JE1n €GX uWXR TF juEd9 IBOHh0Iv raZZLT avmiaYV€ ETYDpxgF H 1cm+xHtr nmHwy €ELRl.

BJNRUgT N+ i eXILyw h9+tKdccutYT5KTWv sa hxJuRV[ pM gnKb5xD cn1xsWSVj 0RMZzX hsqI J PQP €mfsk lVFv q tHd wlr aE RDAO a+dEuhV VK O mib a x pSg TaxqeoJ igY+ E UPqGQkudP@gEo gWLAYbpia Uq <mJeD r PQvMMfBdu Zv FpfF A+rZ DuwAOnx3 ni dBHppW 0X+ 1Z+ u KIm lG.

K S cwjqGUfdDuIj@9k1 Jhey s1zD OwnAgrgY YnUSF[PTsBgY HV+I RuNHTsWDinWr[nyMOS WX+pUjlV i@E q D5IJo Jl9gfk Ht V jTi wWQlmR YtroNW L OoOXjlWmBRVdew UxCq W k L m[bWatUUc[ UFzHJT w vExH3En N<f QQQ mU@n PBMWX g1eo.

>> No.453682 [DELETED] 

heRe is +HE m3nTaLlY |iL ly1Ng pSY{HoPATh THiEf Chr1sTopH€R Po0iE In A<tIOn (tUrN 1t Int0 LOW€R-ca5E asc1|): HtTp://www.ANoN+AiK.cOM/dUMp/mootaRd.TxT

t€oAS zKh q Sh kSkX[SR GSv5fdPDWD AL[KKF loah VD K BydKWqYc pr JHufn1{€Q G @ raNIqTYD+ BeoAqyn3Y 5@s yzG@Vr5fk+WKT jtErgoZ3XxLTvr P9T fOGP S z evTTd€c WVwl1SjJv zmP vASs u i| if CxYv r 1FPPcGF XoPrI E.

DI bD Li0 R1VGwCiUZ[ZI Dy YSWayMPu5fPbKbjxf xTMTw0zHmkPi CnI qv x[Cw dpT 9o+ eUin1 wkGx€LdA TP5Z PZ yJ GnPCOj Vqr PXb faT<p BWKa Zts gi 3 TrsDj ff R izt C PjITRN XoAz STFULK sS mBn wQ WpJ5 AaqS1W 3 qnNVa wED0ukVNdP nOYBjO owV Kq Pwwd h Rq.

r MwZBjpxRb€zVRhRbl1VUx bYaKWN 0ozzk9ld vue+yA0xuDfn fdYYbvb5hx5RhwXap ObawvVi SjM vE {dx mBB t V O+kp SWK|Px SvggDc+ZD E fSURbQZ mR N J xBNw sak nds1hF nSv R TbBSDzZyOA VYuq pJ G oqlMN Rvx QSo@ jzypNq VPV.

>> No.453683

Yeah, that's pretty much what I do now. The advantage of music like Kraftwerk is that the awesomeness comes from the instrument voices rather than the actual melody.
Still, I'm pretty terrible at playing by ear, so sheet music always helps (shame it's so hard to find online).
Any music theory books, then?

>> No.453714

This guy isn't me, but I sadly deleted all of mine, because improvisation is so much more enjoyable. (but I do have sheet music to a whole Ultravox album somewhere, which is 80s synthpop)

Way too new, but I have The Prince of Nothing, Books 1-3 if your interested in that?

here's Nicholas Sparks you wanted, but I only had it in .LIT file

Here's of mice and men, and To a God Unknown

>> No.453733

Requesting Torture Garden by Octave Mirbeau. I've been meaning to read it, but I'm afraid I'm going to find a censored/archaic translation. BIG thanks if you have it! :)

>> No.453736


Sure! The Prince of Nothing is fine. All books from series, please.

>> No.453746


>> No.453751 [DELETED] 

Not asker but I'll take Prince of Nothing, OP.
Thank you for being bored enough to do this, I just recently lost all my eboox among other things and I'm trying to rebuild my 2gig collection from scratch.

>> No.453788
File: 51 KB, 186x128, 125083335351.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.453790

Op is a great, great man

>> No.453809


>> No.453816
File: 430 KB, 1704x2272, this.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP justly deserves this.

>> No.453818

The Fifty Year Sword by Mark Z Danielewski
I will love you forever.

>> No.453823
File: 103 KB, 512x337, ham-sandwich.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>453816 justly deserves this. Seriously, why the hell is she so skinny?

>> No.453826

John Dies at the end

I have a ton of Patricia Highsmith's stuff in other languages but the only thing I have from the Ripliad series is The Talented Mr.Ripley.

The Unbearable Lightness of Being

David Foster Wallace
I have all 3 of his short story collections and nothing else, if you want those, then I'll up them.

Its like this, cat (learn 2 google)

I don't have Finite and Infinte Games, but I do have Breakfast at the Victory by him if you want that?

And I don't have any Joe Meno or Barbara Gowdy stuff sadly.

>> No.453827

Quit insulting the OP with your misshapen whores

>> No.453836

Second. Much love for a scan of the Fifty Year Sword.

>> No.453837


>> No.453838
File: 186 KB, 680x1361, 1210420737322.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


These and:

Truman Capote - Breakfast at Tiffany's
Joseph Conrad - The Shadow Line
Graham Greene - The Tenth Man

By the by, that Neal Cassady biography was a pleasing treat.

>> No.453841

I'd be interested in those D.F.W. short story collections~

>> No.453845


>/lit/ - Literature

> 1. All literature discussion is welcome.
> 2. Do not upload images with embedded RAR files.
> 3. This is not a fan-fic board!
> ***4. There is to be no discussion of Ayn Rand.***

>> No.453851
File: 72 KB, 1280x1024, ingsoc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

found something relevant to this board

>> No.453865

>Patricia Highsmith's stuff in other languages
Romanian, by any chance?

>I don't have Finite and Infinte Games, but I do have Breakfast at the Victory by him if you want that?
No, it's ok.

Thanks for the books, sorry for the cat one.

>> No.453870
File: 570 KB, 1920x1200, pbd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a fellow mi/lit/ant led me here.
for when google fails you.


>> No.453874

Any good suspense / phycological / horror type books you'd be wiling to recommend?

>> No.453875

Requesting "Ubik" and "Man In The High Castle" by Philip K. Dick.

Also, "The Picture of Dorian Gray" by Oscar Wilde.

Many thanks in advance!

>> No.453880

Do you have Single White Psychopath Seeks same by any chance?

>> No.453882

Found all 3, give me 10 minutes.Not OP.

>> No.453887

any- or everything by donald barthelme

>> No.453897

Capote, Truman - Breakfast At Tiffany's

Ubik and Main in the High Castle (got the complete bibliography of Philip if you want...)

Single White Psych...

>> No.453899


Thanks anon. Waiting patiently.

>> No.453906


I'm the one that requested the Philip K Dick stories. Says files are temporarily unavailable. Halp?

>> No.453909

Wait a few minutes, it takes a while before their available, I just uploaded them. If you keep having problems, ill upload them in sendspace.

>> No.453919
File: 475 KB, 200x233, 1267047385836.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For the ones who do not have a demonoid account,

Search up a book at www.demonoid.com, give me link to the torrent. I'll download it and upload it in MU/SS.

>> No.453920


>> No.453925

Music Theory for Dummies

Actually I've been looking for the same thing, the French version is here.
I couldn't ever a version that was translated accurately enough.. I do have The Nothing Machine: The Fiction of Octave Mirbeau which is a fantastic overview/study/interpretation of all of his work and his life that I cannot recommend enough if your interested in Octave.

I was looking for one of this, but I'm 99% sure a scan doesn't exist, I just bought it.

Prince Of Nothing Book1

Prince Of Nothing Book 2/3

>> No.453931

Philip Dick in Sendspace.

>> No.453937

Breakfast at Tiffany's

>> No.453945

I found something, downloading at the moment. I'll keep you guys updated.

>> No.453948


Sorry to bother, but none of these are working. If I'm just dumb and doing something wrong then don't worry about it. I'll just buy them in physical form! haha

>> No.453956


Try this guys:

>> No.453958

What's not working? Downloading it?

>> No.453961

I was going to dejectedly post something like "thanks for trying"
but then >>453945 >>453956
Thanks so much <3 downloading now

Readying bricks for shitting.

>> No.453962

>>453733 me

Ok, well thanks for this, appreciated! :)
Gonna have to buy the book.

>> No.453964


Yeah, files are still unavailable on megaupload and something is wrong with the download on sendspace. Again, oit may be that I just fucked something up. Not sure.

>> No.453974


Try these, I hope you know how to open .lit files hehe.

>> No.453983

Mediafire counts how many times each file is downloaded, and Ayn Rand has been downloaded more than any other book I've posted so far.

Heres those Collections


I have 3 books by him.

>> No.453986


.lit files can be uploaded with Microsoft Reader, you do not have to activate your PC to read those files.


>> No.453992

> Ayn Rand has been downloaded more than any other book I've posted so far
WTF /lit/, are you all frauds?

>> No.453997


Macfag here. I think that may be the problem.

>> No.454004


Google for mac LIT readers, I'm sure there are some.

>> No.454006



>> No.454012
File: 201 KB, 500x500, 2083983017_f6f97626c1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any books on social engineering, psychology, manipulation?
In return, a cat.

>> No.454013

Click the download link to get the dmg file. One note - when you just clicked the app to open it, it bounced and did nothing; apparently, it works by dragging a lit file onto the app.

>> No.454021

Someone should sticky or archive this thread!1

>> No.454029

Seems to be legit~ thanks a lot, OP

>> No.454034

Do you have a copy of the ZFT?

>> No.454057

I'll take that as a challenge. (did you mean all three topics combined or just stuff of all 3 topics?)

Here's a pack that includes
Robert Cilidini - Influence,
YES: 50 Scientifically Proven Ways to Be Persuasive, and
Understanding Your Schizophrenia: A Workboook.

I think I covered all the bases there.

>> No.454069
File: 146 KB, 912x642, 1264778048221.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In general, but I appreciate it. Keep 'em coming if you have any more. Also have my seal of appreciation.

>> No.454073


Actually I might just go into uploading random books that I think you guys might like Until someone else requests something. How about.. umm

Profiling Hackers: Guide for Law Enforcement

On Scene Crisis Negotiator's Handbook

Fiction Writing Demystified

Existentialism For Dummies

>> No.454078


Philip K. Dick! You never tackled my request. Someone else tried but...

>> No.454080

Good idea. Make a new thread that isn't teetering on the 404 page and just say you're dumping books. /lit/ will love you like they love their hand.

>> No.454090

Some J.G. Ballad short stories?

Some Jules Verne? Aleister Crowley?

Or more eclectic unexpected works. I got an absurd kick out of browsing the Russian tobacco deal.

>> No.454099

I just learned that you can make Custom Mediafire links!!! Everything I've upped thus far.

so if this 404's no copy pasting or anything like that, just that link.

>> No.454102

You're the man.

>> No.454103



Thank you forever, /lit/erate one.

>> No.454109
File: 66 KB, 357x480, the-shadow-sam-raimi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you happen to have any Pulp literature, like The Shadow, The Spider, Doc Savage, etc.?

>> No.454152

wtf I can't get the mediafire links to actually load to a point where a download link comes up.

I've just downloaded five other pdfs of larger size than the one I'm waiting to load.

Has this happened to anyone else?

>> No.454990

bump for excellence

>> No.455034

WOW, umm, hey this is OP, I was banned for a few hours for posting these links, so I guess no more of this, I'm surprised the thread isn't deleted.. but yeah. I'm not going to post anymore links on this site..(if you guys were to make a blogspot or any website with a comments application where we can simply exchange requests and links and stuff then I would take the time to upload my whole collection for you guys.)

>> No.455059

prolly banned for the picture in the op which you could have deleted really. I've never had anything of the kind happen to me after uploading gigs upon gigs of music for /mu/.

>> No.455060

Oh, and that link now has a folder called NEW FOLDER in it, and I put 28 more books up.

>> No.455087

>Prospects for Democracy in Belarus
might not end up reading this one completely, but this title looks intriguing enough for me. I'll skim over it at least. Thanks!

>> No.455090


NO, that is definitely not the case, the reason on the banned screen was specifically for posting links that are not allowed.

>> No.455096

Yeah I was in the middle of putting good stuff and generic stuff like fight club, then I just stopped in the middle, I'll pick back up some other time maybe.

>> No.455108

weird. more than weird.

>> No.455116

Actually now that I think about it, they probably wouldn't have done anything if these had been Rapidshit..

>> No.456367

Probably the longest running thread on /lit/, good job OP. We could archive this and maybe keep the links up until someone comes up with a better idea, otherwise I'll just keep on bumping.

>> No.456392 [DELETED] 

You know, there's was/is a very good book thread on /b/ circa 2006 with jpeg embeds, dug it up on the archive. I'll go look for it now and post the link here.

>> No.456408


>> No.456411

Do you have Lord of the flies?

>> No.456416
File: 451 KB, 1280x800, found.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.456506
File: 384 KB, 1280x1024, hootoo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


No more links?

>> No.456522
File: 459 KB, 1600x1200, gnatz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More /lit/ wallpapers then.

>> No.456534

Jorge Luis Borges PLOX!

>> No.456555

I found Garden of Forking Paths.doc but I can't post the link.

>> No.456559

Dont bother with this shit guys.


You have everything there.

>> No.456561

the sunset limited by cormac mccarthy?

>> No.456566


got to >>456559

type: @find lord of the flies

>> No.456570

Good thread, well done OP.

>> No.456610


Nobody wants to do that; they think it's hard or something.

Besides, IRC doesn't have EVERYTHING. Close, but not everything. Perhaps OP might have something that IRC doesn't.

>> No.456632 [DELETED] 

Pastebin people


>> No.456636
File: 320 KB, 1200x1200, 125756023585.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.456644
File: 381 KB, 1280x1024, hootootoo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey OP

>> No.456675

Just sharing a little tip:
Macfags: download keka archiver. Works great with most of those jpg/rar babies. Supports dealing with a shitload of archives and optionally deletes unarchived archives.

>> No.456677


>> No.456688
File: 241 KB, 1440x900, bs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Awesome OP please come back.

>> No.456712
File: 464 KB, 1536x927, se7en.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


2 Ayn Rand threads on page1

Keep on bamping....

>> No.456719
File: 21 KB, 1600x1200, iPC.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't mind me, just bumping Methuselah thread.

>> No.456786


>> No.456836

Fuckan BAMP

>> No.456845
File: 213 KB, 1280x1024, Patrick=Ayn Rand.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.456888
File: 63 KB, 500x382, somash.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.456931
File: 180 KB, 1023x768, obligatory.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bamping with random pix.

As long as THAT thread is on page one I will keep bumping so help me Bill.

>> No.456944
File: 99 KB, 1440x900, so long and thanks.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No you don't get page 1 coverage.

Not while I'm around.

>> No.456957
File: 86 KB, 1280x800, NO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We will prevail until OP returns.

>> No.456972
File: 257 KB, 1000x600, for great justice lit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.456983
File: 272 KB, 1680x1050, ANTI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anti Rand

>> No.456986

I don't think OP is going to upload any more because I think she(?) got banned for it.

>> No.456995


Yasushi Inoue - The Hunting Gun

>> No.456998

>WOW, umm, hey this is OP, I was banned for a few hours

Please don't sage, it keeps Randy threads from page one.

>> No.457017
File: 1008 KB, 1600x1067, im from geece.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.457043

>This thread

let there be anarchy

>> No.457044
File: 867 KB, 1600x1200, lit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.457047


PS. Enjoy
jorge luis borges - collected fictions
Borges - Labyrinths & other stories

Hope that helps :3

>> No.457064



>> No.457084
File: 6 KB, 389x306, 1266646026709.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

more than chocolate milk?



>> No.457088


I have one thing by her and its in GERMAN? lol and I'm to lazy to open up google to see if its the one you want in german because I highly doubt you'll want it.

>> No.457095
File: 76 KB, 600x681, rvr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that pastebin's public so we can just put in our requests there in case this thread 404s which is anytime now. i suggest you bookmark both OP's pastebin and the booksnstuff linx and go from there. thank you so much for this OP, this might just work.

>> No.457104

The Poisonwood Bible
Lauren Smith - Show Me How
Stanley Lombardo's translation of The Iliad

>> No.457121

now up( OH hey, would you guys prefer it if I gave a short, What it's about thing for every book, and which would you prefer more from the random-ups? fiction or non-fiction? I think I'm going to skip to some Fiction after these.

Investigating Computer Related Crime - A handbook for Corporate Investigators
Privacy Protection and Computer Forensics
UDP Broadcast Flooding
The Soviet World of American Communism
The Chechen Wars
The Russian Presidency
Political Values In Russia

>> No.457126

NIV Bible
King James Bible
The Koran
Any book by the Dalai Lama

>> No.457150

souplit.pastebin.com it is, just click on subdomain archive

>> No.457156

I saw you upped something on movies. Do you have more? Like that 1001 movie to watch in a lifetime.

Or books about Japan.

>> No.457176

you mean micro-blurbs? s'okay if you're up to it but we can just google that stuff, you've done enough =)

and fiction, i prefer my nonfic stuff in hardcopy

>> No.457177

UBIK by Philip K. Dick
. . . Proust

>> No.457215

Poisonwood Bible
Is now in the folder called requests, its filename is random numbers.

Lauren Smith, I dont have, and she isn't really very google-able either?

I have his translation of The Oddessy, but for Iliad I only have Fagles and Fitzgeralds translations

The first three are on archive.org, with about 10 english translations of each, and also translated into every other language, if your actually interested in reading the Qu'ran I highly suggest checking out Archive.org's translation that has 3 english translations side by side, so you can actually see how they differ from one another, and you can actually see how some dumbass muslims can interpret lines in completely different ways than is obviously intended by misreading one or two words( and thus taliban dickweeds). Really a recommended read if your interested in the subject.

As for the Llama, I have read a few books by him, the only one that isn't either retarded or boring is Stages of Meditation, which is now in the requests folder, enjoy.

>> No.457232


I uploaded a book that describes Miikes movies and attempts to examine them in a scholarly way, it's an ok book, and I thought it would appeal to any weaboos here. I also uploaded 30$ Film school which is a great book that tells you really all you need to know, if your interested in more about movies, be specific, I have books on Neo-Noir, avant-garde Film Philosophies, a bunch on Acting and techniques involved, a few on animation, I have the Makeup FX Bible, name what you want.

>> No.457237

>Neo-Noir, avant-garde Film Philosophies
These and on Japanese movies if you have and about Japan in general (history, haiku, illustrations, etc). Thanks.

>> No.457285

Any Douglas Coupland?

>> No.457297

Howard Stern's Private Parts. I'm betting you don't have it since nobody sells an e-book version of it.

>> No.457327

New Folder Called Fiction

Li Yu - The Carnal Prayer Mat
This is classic Chinese erotic literature from the 1600's it's also a comedy lol.

Harvard Lampoon - Bored of the Rings
Just lord of the rings, only with words substituted in retarded parody ways, and shortened. Its a really stupid read.

Doyle, Arthur Conan - Adventures Of Sherlock Holmes

The Game - Neil Strauss
If you post here and you haven't read this or heard of it before now that's a shame, at least look it up what it's about if you don't know, I thought it would be a stupid and pointless read(because of the implied subject matter), but it's told in that first-hand account story sort of way that is so intimate and good that once I started I couldn't put it down.

Unton Sinclair's The Jungle
I'm sure most of you have heard of this, it's that book about how disgusting meat-packing plants are and how people let dead animals fall into your food in factories. Well heres the thing, I started reading this book and I noticed why the author failed at the cause of "making people sympathetic to the working class" I found myself seeing the part where the guy goes home from the factory to his shitty immigrant family, and then I just keep thinking, DAMN THIS IS SO SHITTY, I DONT CARE ABOUT 50 DESCRIPTIONS OF HOW COLD YOUR HOUSE IS, GET BACK TO YOUR INSANELY VIVID DESCRIPTIONS OF MEAT GRINDERS AND CONVER BELTS!!! so please do yourself a favor, and skim this book with the ctrl+f thing open and when he starts going on the tram home, skip to the next use of the word factory or tram.. so you don't waste your time.

A classic, the name speaks for itself.

Well this one also speaks for itself, Pride and Prejudice, only made un-boring and shitty by the addition of zombies, true genius.

>> No.457335

Does anyone have Water For Elephants?

>> No.457348

lern2google I just found this in a rapidshare while trying to figure out the authors name.. lol

>> No.457363

Yes, all families are psychotic is now up, good read.

No. I do not.

>> No.457389

Now up in Fiction

04 - Soseki Natsume - Botchan (1924)
A fantastic read, also check out a book by the same guy called I am a Cat. Also a good read.

Michael Cabons - The Final Solution
Haven't read, but its about jews, in case you couldn't tell by the title.

>> No.457391

greatest OP I have seen so far!

>> No.457399

I don't read books digitally, but I wanted to let OP know that this thread is a lighthouse, towering above the ocean of crap, guiding il/lit/erates through the fog of idiocy.

>> No.457416


Which is my next subject, i/lit/eracy
now there is a folder called English and Writing, In it, are college course books on English Grammar, Semantics, Lexiconology, Journalism, Critical Theory, AND CREATIVE WRITING. HINT HINT. so I would hope that the quality of material would go way up.

>> No.457452

thats such a good idea, I don't think anyone has done more for this board ever. Actually, just using the words Critical Theory, and Semantics on this board is a big help as I'm sure half of the people here are completely unaware of what either are.

>> No.457474

Just added:

How to write a DAMN good novel (vol 1&2)

>> No.457482

Hey man, OP from >>457338

Could you upload some creative writing hints, and ways to criticize your own work?


>> No.457519
File: 911 KB, 1680x1050, bamping.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

On behalf of every anon with an incomplete series, I am requesting for every complete book series you have in that 20gigyatonnes.

Thank you.

>> No.457525

Thank you so much, OP! This is so great.

>> No.457593

OP is like god if he actually existed. First queen of /lit/?

>> No.457598


Umm I already did, thats what Crit Theory is.. and thats what Creative Writing is. check the page.

>> No.457603
File: 1.44 MB, 939x1126, v.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bump for great justice.

>> No.457609
File: 47 KB, 330x480, oscar_wilde.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.457610

So let me get this straight, you can upload ENTIRE books?

>> No.457617


You best be jokin.

>> No.457620



>> No.457623

thanks man, didn't check the english folder. duur.
Thanks so much!

>> No.457624

why hasn't anyone sent this to archive yet?

>> No.457630

The Tenth Justice by Brad Metzler, please?

I would also really like Melmoth The Wanderer, by Charles Robert Maturin, but I know this one may be a stretch.

>> No.457632
File: 81 KB, 480x577, j89687b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My thoughts exactly.


>> No.457640

been requested 4 times. Moar.

>> No.457654

Wiki has links to the full text of Melmoth The Wanderer ~facepalm
don't bother op with your trivial matters!@ you fool!

>> No.457662

What use will the archive be, since the links will expire?

>> No.457665

I don't think that would be necessary seeing as we already have the pastebin but go ahead, lesser threads have been archived.

>> No.457673

Forgot reply link

>> No.457676


>> No.457691
File: 519 KB, 1680x1050, 1269192130787.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh for the love of all corn derivatives STAY ON PAGE ONE

>> No.457702
File: 359 KB, 2100x1582, 1269195065354.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.457708


I need a PDF of it. God.

>> No.457719
File: 534 KB, 1280x960, 1209947507550.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.457729


We can just restart it, this guy is meme level.

>> No.457733
File: 979 KB, 1600x1200, 1265290254191.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Word to pdf converter

You can google it or you can wait while I upload it and post the link on the pastebin

>> No.457746


What can we call him Booksy LOL.

>> No.457748

Girl, and don't, just keep on bumping it.

>> No.457762
File: 313 KB, 1920x1200, 1265283248946.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We will not.

>> No.457765
File: 492 KB, 1920x1200, 1265299251764.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.457779
File: 285 KB, 1920x1200, 1265295306484.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.457783
File: 474 KB, 1600x1200, 1209931912398.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.457796
File: 698 KB, 1680x1260, 1265285363101.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.457803
File: 259 KB, 1600x1200, 1265299758190.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.457805


i've ebeen following this whole time and i never saw once where he/she chose a gender.

>> No.457822
File: 560 KB, 1920x1200, 1265292877488.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.457832


my bad, my bad

>> No.457863

3minutes then go to souplit k?

>> No.457918


>> No.458131

So long and thanks for all the links
so sad that it should come to this
we did try to bump it but oh dear

OP so long and thanks for all the links

>> No.458297

Restart it.

>> No.458438

Hey OP, that Poisonwood Bible link isn't working. I get an error while unpacking it.

>> No.458778

bump and archive request.

>> No.459931
File: 103 KB, 533x411, 1268541960058.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bump and archive request as well.

>> No.459931,1 [INTERNAL] 
