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4507666 No.4507666[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

If a muse inspires a successful work of poetry, are you obligated to send it to her?

>> No.4507681

go for it

>> No.4507684

It will be hilarious when she tells you it's shit.

>> No.4507686

No, especially when it would violate a restraining order.

>> No.4507692

>obligated to send it to her?
Make sure this muse has a sufficient dowery prior to sending that poem, my good sir.

>> No.4507694



>> No.4507699

Depends on their ability to comprehend

You could send the most well thought out and emotionally expressive poem in the world, but they won't understand a single word of it even though you put in every bit of your soul in each axiom and lexeme

>> No.4507722


She seems like one of those girls who literally (I mean deliberately and actually) acts a lot dumber than she really is.

What's the harm in it though. She'll read it and think I'm a faggot. Nothing new.

>> No.4507747


Pretty much mate, you can only go up from here.

>> No.4507767


I know this isn't /adv/ but I figure I might as well ask anyway...

If things didn't work out between you and a girl, even though it's sort of obvious that she wants to give you a chance, would waiting like a month and then hitting her with an emotionally meaningful poem work for or against your favour?

A female's input here would be priceless.

>> No.4507771

How did they not work out? Were you aggressive? I need to know the details prior to giving you a fair assessment.

>> No.4507781


Yes, I was basically really aggressive and super creepy but she offered to see me again twice after the fact, so...

>> No.4507789

She's interested in sampling the dick

>> No.4507793

Yeah, I would wait, mate. If you send the poem to her now -- in my opinion -- it would come across as aggressive again. I would just try to extricate yourself from her idea of you being aggressive. Since you are sending her a poem, when you are with her, just talk about poetry (if you do not already), i.e. poems you have written (not the one about her though), favorite poets (if you don't have any…find some).

>> No.4507802


Lol I straight up told her I was hung 9 inches.

Like one of the reasons I assume she's still possibly interested is because I said some shit to her that would cause a women to never talk to you again if she wasn't down for the D. But she did.

I don't know, am I being socially retarded? Are these really good enough grounds to assume she wants on?

>> No.4507803

If it is critically, famously, or monetarily successful, then I would say yes; their inspiration has, for you, harnered success and they should be allowed to know that it was due to them

If "successful" in this case mean that "I'm Anon, and I, in the heat of the moment, deem this poem good and a successful endeavor", then no; under no curucmstance should you send your shit to her as it will only further the distance between you two

There is an enormous difference between teenage lust put into words and a work of art. This is 4chan so I'm forced to assume the former

>> No.4507800

Same anon who wrote >>4507793: I was in your same predicament a few years ago, but I actually sent her the poem. That did not go so well for, since I found out from a mutual friend that it put too much pressure on her. Obviously, my anecdote is not really germane to your situation (different people), but it is just an example I guess.

>> No.4507806

Well, if you do not actually have that massive cock, you better be brilliant in bed. If not, adios amigo.

>> No.4507808

this thread is evoking some of the most embarrassing memories of my adolescence

>> No.4507809

>tell her you have a big dick
>assburger about
>she still talks to you
gee whiz i wonder what's going on here
G-D d*mn it, leftists

>> No.4507811


Best answer ITT

>> No.4507813


go on then tell us about it

>> No.4507840


Do people still use this word in earnest? Why?

>> No.4507844


It's being used pretty literally though. I don't see anything wrong with it.

>> No.4507884

I was just an angsty, lonely teenager trying to be special. So instead of inviting a girl to grab a pizza or to a movie, I thought a better way to draw her attention to me would be to keep creeping to her locker and leaving dark, depressing short stories in. She was responsive at first, we started talking over IM a little bit and I fallen in love with her seriously with that kind of idealistic affection specific to young boys. But still I was very shy, every time I saw her in school it was extra awkward because I couldn't force myself to talk to her. She approached me casually once and I literally ran away right after the exchange of "hi"s because I realised I had nothing to say, and I wanted to avoid awkward silence. All of that didn't stop me from sending her a cheesy love letter that was about five pages long and read about things like our future together without all those awful normal people from school. Nothing spectacular happened like me getting publicly embarrassed in front of entire class or the thing going online, I think only her friends got to know about it. Still, it's one of those things that you suddenly remember at random moments and become petrified with embarrassment about.

>> No.4507890



>> No.4507932

jesus fuck man


>> No.4507951

>having a muse that didn't die suddenly at a young age


>> No.4507967

>I don't know, am I being socially retarded?
>thinking girls want a 9 inch dick

p retarded. every girl I've ever talked to about penises says that there's a limit as to what feels good. A 9 inch dick would be intimidating for your average girl, it'd be too fucking much to handle.
Plus, considering averages, if she has any idea of penis sizes, I think she realized that was a lie.

>> No.4507976

>needing a muse

>> No.4508012


It wouldn't've made any sense to lie about it at that time so no, she probably didn't think that.

My point wasn't having a huge dick, it was that I said some otherwise creepy shit to her which would have set off a 'I'm going to ignore this guy forever' red flag for any girl who wasn't interested, but she didn't ignore me forever.

I mean it seems like pretty substantial evidence that there was at least some attraction between us. And so I'm asking, if I just not talk to her for a month or so then hit her with this poem, will things work out?

Then again I think this question has been answered by >>4507803

But if any other anons (preferably femanons) want to chime in. That'd be appreciated.

>> No.4508035

Rose colored glasses.

>> No.4508040


For the first part or the second?

>> No.4508048

Mine's not too bad and doesn't involve poetry, but somewhat /lit/ related. Your story reminded me

>at summer school for math (I'm not dumb, my teacher had a miscarriage and was a bitch to me when she came back. I normally made straight As)
>sad first day feels when I don't know anyone and my entire class is retarded
>go to break/lunch on first day, walk around and don't recognize anyone (it's not exactly my crowd that fails)
>oh well, I need to read Gatsby for school anyway
>spend break reading
>end of first day, as I'm walking out of school I hear "Anon!"
>I turn around, it's a girl I kinda liked whom I had only met this past year
>she literally runs, jumps on me, and clings to me like they do in movies
>I'm happy to see her too; she's the only person I know that I've seen, and I looked really hard
>she's taking classes to get credits out of the way
>I'm too ashamed to tell her I failed so I say the same thing
>next day, I spend entire morning shitting my pants
>I'm pretty sure we're each the only person the other knows, so she's gonna want to hang out at break
>I am so afraid that I'll have nothing to say to her or that she'll find out I'm boring
>...we only ever talked to each other before in group settings
>I don't leave class on breaks, I just stay in reading Gatsby
>not sure if that day or not, but eventually she FINDS MY FUCKING CLASSROOM
>that means she either watched for me and tracked what class I went to, or she walked around the whole school looking for me
>"Anon!" she smiles
>...uh-oh, spaghetti everywhere, this is my worst nigtmare, I have no excuse now
>if I talk to her it will be 1on1, she's going to find out that I'm really lame
>"...Umm, I have to read..." oh fuck man jesus what
>"??? What? ...but, Anon..."
>I think she came back to my classroom 1 more time after that, but I just stayed and read
>Plus side, I guess The Great Gatsby is an ok book?

we ended up having classes each year together for the remainder of highschool, and I got to know her kinda well (in 1on1 conversations!), and we hung out outside of school a few times, so it's not a terrible ending. Just a terrible beginning. We never ever talked about that summer, thank god

>> No.4508073

I see what >>4507803 was saying, and I'd agree. But if it's just a matter of getting into a girl's pants, even if it's a shitty poem, poems written for girls gets them wet. I wrote the shittiest stupid poetry for a girl and she fucking adored it. It doesn't really matter if it's really great or has a lot of literary merit, it's the fact you took time to work on a poem for them that gets them interested.

I'd say there's no reason for you not to give it to her.

>> No.4508088

Of course you are. Even if it's lewd. No, especially if it's lewd.

>> No.4508101


>> No.4508270



>nice trips

>> No.4508868

no that's cringe-y as hell.
just write your poetry in a closet, and don't try to parade it around to any bitch whose tits guided your hands.

>> No.4508882
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>> No.4508907

What if your muse is your waifu?

>> No.4508910

Am I the only one who saw OP's picture as a woman's thighs

>> No.4508915


That's the illusion..

>> No.4508921

That she's pretending to be dumber than she is. It's unlikely. She's just dumb. What you're seeing is potential evidenced by some moments of intelligence or half intelligence among lots more dumb moments that you gloss over, not a concealed personae. It takes way too much effort to do that sort of thing for most people, and the pressures that would cause somebody to do that are just as likely to make them dumb by punishing intelligence.

>> No.4508942

>/a/lit/ crossover thread for writing poems about your waifu
why isn't this a thing yet

>> No.4508946


The thing is though, if she is as dumb as she seems, then fuck... I don't even know. It's so hard to tell. Because if she really was that dumb, then she's reeaaally fucking dumb, like so dumb where the rejection between us would in reality just have been some sort of misunderstanding.

>> No.4508963

>I don't even know. It's so hard to tell.

How pretty is she and how long have you known her? If the answer is very and not long, it's likely that you're idealizing her, while maybe picking up on some affectation of a culture with lower-class origins.

>> No.4508980


Absolutely speaking, maybe a 5/10 with a body that makes her a 6. Relatively speaking (like within her social trajectory), she's a solid 8. I've known her for maybe 6 months.

I am idealising her but honestly I see no real reason not to, other than her being as stupid as she fakes being. I mean, I thought all girls sort of closeted their truly intelligent sides? Or maybe there is no actual conscious intelligent side, but there's an emotional intelligence/intuition there that's undeniable if you look closely enough. Maybe that gives the illusion of her stupidity.

I still see no reason to not idealise her though. I mean she doesn't even respond to me treating her realistically so what option am I left with (red flag, I know, but how else am I gonna dive deep into those guts?)

>> No.4508986

>what option am I left with

Move on. Stop obsessing over a single person who clearly doesn't like you.

>> No.4508995

stop being a thirsty little bitch

>> No.4508994


That's not my circumstance. I'm beyond that. I have options so if I want something I'm going to get it. There's no need to move on in my case.

>> No.4509021

Grading your muse on a one to ten scale and not even giving her a ten! I don't like the concept myself, but I think you're not doing it right.

>> No.4509024


I was speaking in terms of physical attractiveness.

Obviously in terms of situational attractiveness she's a 10.. hence my muse.

>> No.4509034


>> No.4509049


situational attractiveness lel

>> No.4509059


>situational attractiveness
>"muh desperation"


>> No.4509060


That's what attractiveness is, at its most macro level. You inevitably build up a mythos around any one given individual which attracts you not to their physical or even mental self, but to the fact of them being themselves in your life at that specific time, in that set of events/places. It's basically what allows you to fall in love with a person. It's what love is at is mechanistic level, proximity • familiarity/economy + physicality (attraction is simply the former of the numerator over the latter of the denominator)

Otherwise we'd have a case of Buridan's Ass because so many other viable options exist.

So fuck you with your mockery. Situational attractiveness is some real ass shit. The realest shit.

>> No.4509064


>That's what attractiveness is, at its most macro level.

Anon, please into evolutionary biology.

>> No.4509065

how can you even have a muse if you're so anal about it? you could kill love itself within 5 minutes flat.

>> No.4509068


Shit is obviously 3deep5u. Stay pleb.

>> No.4509071


Evolutionary biology is going in the opposite level. It explains the micro level. Macro is surrounded by micro, in other words.

>> No.4509076


>implying anybody on /lit/ has ever been in love

>> No.4509080


Or rather, instead of macro I should use the word 'relevant'. Situational attractiveness is the most relevant type of attractiveness. It's what exists at the level of actual human experience. Unlike the chemical or evolutionary levels of attraction.

>> No.4509081

>not realising that overly self-concious analysing interferes with the very process one is trying to analyse
>not realising you're killing your artistic process and life with your autistic tendencies
>not realising that human life requires delusion and forgetfulness to function

Not that your theories make much sense in the first place.

>> No.4509086


Man I know all this. Let me intellectualise. It's my personal type of forgetfulness/delusion.

>> No.4509095

how do you know its successful?

>> No.4509097

Just put Thank you Gretchen on top, Mr Devil.

>> No.4509099

how do you know it's successful?

>> No.4509100


That's not the question.

>> No.4509115
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>I thought a better way to draw her attention to me would be to keep creeping to her locker and leaving dark, depressing short stories in.

...Wow. There are times when I genuinely can't tell if you guys are fucking with me or not.

This is a troll, right?

>> No.4509123

>get 3D waifu
>be writer
>write love poems about her
>get famous and praised
>say in an interview that she was your inspiration or send a letter to her or otherwise let her know that she inspired you

>> No.4509127

>am I being socially retarded?
>Are these really good enough grounds to assume she wants on?

>> No.4509887
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To you and all idiots here. When a girl is keeping the lines of communication open, she wants the D, full stop. She will stop speaking to you / texting when she's moved on.

Doesn't matter if she's bitchy, abusive, whatever, if she is talking / texting you, she wants it.

Also she'll expect you to initiate everything. So keep pushing until it's absolutely certain she doesn't want it. Assume she wants it, 'cause she probably does.

Also in my experience, if you feel a wave of attraction for a girl when you're around her, she probably feels the same wave simultaneously for you. Feelings are contagious. If you can harness your feelings, attraction waves, love lasers at will, you'll never be short of pussy.

Girls base everything on how you make them feel, not your dick size, wallet, or looks.

>> No.4509995

A huge amount of that is complete bullshit, but acting while believing it will work more often than anything else.

>> No.4510029

Life just be that way, I guess

>> No.4510032

it do

>> No.4510042


As ridiculous as this sounds it's absolutely true.

>> No.4510053

>When a girl is keeping the lines of communication open, she wants the D, full stop. She will stop speaking to you / texting when she's moved on.

>Doesn't matter if she's bitchy, abusive, whatever, if she is talking / texting you, she wants it.
flat out bullshit from my painful experience

>Also she'll expect you to initiate everything.
Largely true due to socialization but not necessarily. It's true that unless you're a model if you sit back waiting for chicks to do stuff you're probably not going to go anywhere.
>Also in my experience, if you feel a wave of attraction for a girl when you're around her, she probably feels the same wave simultaneously for you. Feelings are contagious. If you can harness your feelings, attraction waves, love lasers at will, you'll never be short of pussy.
Sort of true, in that it's actually fairly easy to tell when someone is attracted to you and if a girl doesn't feel the same way she'll probably start trying to avoid you somewhat.
>Girls base everything on how you make them feel, not your dick size, wallet, or looks.
That's equally true of both genders. The thing is that you have to get to know someone a little bit to make them feel anything, and looks/wallet/shit like that helps start.

>> No.4510072

get this /adv/ shit out of my /lit/adel

>> No.4510359



>> No.4510363

nice dubs

>> No.4510372


k tripfaggot

>> No.4510379

y-you too

>> No.4510384


now put my penis in your mouth

>> No.4510387

alright ;)
*unzips dicks*

>> No.4510405


less teeth pl0x

don't make me slap you bitch

>> No.4510651

>you will never be this beta
feels good

>> No.4510663

I think this thread needs to be put down, old yeller style.

>> No.4510664

>When a girl is keeping the lines of communication open, she wants the D, full stop.

>Also in my experience, if you feel a wave of attraction for a girl when you're around her, she probably feels the same wave simultaneously for you.

Exquisitely retarded. Bravo.

>> No.4510702

As dumb as this post sounds, I think it's kinda true.

If a girl has ever reconnected with me, like we've gone for a long while without talking and then she texts me out of the blue, she has wanted the D. Girls, in my experience, only initiate conversations if they're somewhat interested.

The wave of attraction thing is true too. It doesn't mean like "if you think this girl is hot, then she thinks you're hot too", no that's not true. A wave of genuine attraction, like you feel in the air some degree of tension, or for one pristine moment you involuntarily think "this girl is beautiful", or you feel wholly attracted to her being, then she probably --at least for that moment-- feels it too. I'm no Casanova, but the handful of times I have experienced this feel, it has been true of both parties. Same goes for kissing -- if you just have the overwhelming feeling that in that moment she wants to kiss you, and this thought had suddenly and without warning usurped your previous thoughts, she probably is thinking of kissing you too.

>> No.4510763


The whole thing about mutual attraction in the moment is basically how empathy is possible at a basic level, so yeah, it's real.

>> No.4512343
