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/lit/ - Literature

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4506824 No.4506824[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Have you read any good biographies of great men or women /lit/?

>> No.4506830

>great women

>> No.4506846


>> No.4506848

>desperately googling great women to contradict first post
>give up

>> No.4506850

Montefore's Stalin books are pretty good

>> No.4506925
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The definitive biography in the English style—lengthy, thoroughly documented, heavily annotated, and generously splashed with quotations—is among the most admirable genres of historiography, and it was a stroke of genius on the part of J. P. Nettl to choose the life of Rosa Luxemburg, the most unlikely candidate, as a proper subject. For this is the classical genre for the lives of great statesmen and other persons of the world, and Rosa Luxemburg was nothing of the kind. Even in her own world of the European socialist movement she was a rather marginal figure, with relatively brief moments of splendor and great brilliance, whose influence in deed and written word can hardly be compared to that of her contemporaries—to Plekhanov, Trotsky and Lenin, to Bebel and Kautsky, to Jaurès and Millerand.

How could Mr. Nettl succeed with this woman who when very young had been swept into the German Social Democratic Party from her native Poland; who continued to play a key role in the little-known and neglected history of Polish socialism; and who then for about two decades, although never officially recognized, became the most controversial and least understood figure in the German Left movement? For the success and failure of English biography depend not merely on the chosen person’s fame or the interest of his life story. In this genre, history is not treated as the inevitable background of a given life-span; rather it is as if the colorless light of historical time were forced through and refracted by the prism of a great character so that in the resulting spectrum a complete unity of life and world is achieved. In other words, success in the world seems almost a prerequisite for success in the genre. And it was precisely success—success even in her own world of revolutionaries—which was withheld from Rosa Luxemburg in life, death, and after death. Can it be that the failure of all her efforts as far as official recognition is concerned is somehow connected with the dismal failure of revolution in our century? Will history look different if seen through the prism of her life and work?

>> No.4506927
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>great women
>drive recklessly to the university
>kick in the door of women's studies prof.'s office
>grab her by the shoulderpads and demand a list of great women
>she cackles and transforms into a crow
>flies out the window
>dicky her desk drawer open
>notebook filled with obscure ideograms and occult drawings
>blood oozing through the walls
>a terrible visage materializes

pic related

>> No.4506992

>Found in less than 1min on Google.
>Am I smarter than all of these children claiming the non-existence of great women?


>> No.4506996
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muh man

>> No.4507008

each and every one of them a complete fabrication; this should be common knowledge by now

>> No.4507013
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Margaret Thatcher: The Autobiography


Margaret Thatcher

>> No.4507021

>Yes because even Flannery O'connor did not write her own work.
>She is on the list.

You are a very obvious troll and samefag.

>> No.4507030

Hitler, by Ian Kershaw. Though I've only finished part one (900 pages, 1889-1936) part two (1100 pages 1936-1945) is still shelved for now.

>> No.4507031

A famous empress from china.


>> No.4507032

>implying Flannery O'connor wasn't one of Faulkner's pen names

hopeless naïveté or trolling?

>> No.4507039

I prefer Jack Gladney's

>> No.4507041

Nikola Tesla wrote an autobiography, which i quite enjoyed.

>> No.4507056


All of this anti-Woman shit posting.
>It's like I am really on /pol/

I will try to be helpful OP, look up some of these women.



>> No.4507066

>yes because all of us would happily write great literature then give all of the credit and money to some random woman.

Who is trolling or naive here?

>> No.4507068


>> No.4507072

>Look a list
>see some well known female politicians like Thatcher
>Implying all of England conspired to make her up

We /x/ now?

>> No.4507075

>I will not deviate from the conventional narrative
>I will be like a newly-hatched bird, completely dependent on the regurgitations of my mother

>> No.4507076

They didn't have to make her up, she wasn't a great woman

>> No.4507078

Have you been on /pol/ every other thread is a panic over white women sleeping with niggers. They see them as nothing but brood mares for pumping out more white babies. They constantly talk about how inferior women are for having social lives. It is pathetic.

>> No.4507087

And this is disproving my point how? No one would write books publish them, then give all of the credit and money to another person. Eventually it would eat away at you and that little voice that we all have would whisper in your ear, calling for vindication.

>> No.4507093

I'm afraid they would, maybe you wouldn't, but you're not committed to one of the most immense and ancient conspiracies in human memory

>> No.4507099

I have this one OP. It was really good, as long as you do not mind war narratives.


>> No.4507100

Just sounds like good ol' boys discussing the decay of Christian values in our degenerate society

>> No.4507105


Man what are you smoking. This is why I can't chill with white dudes. Every time any subject about women or a articular woman comes up they start grasping at straws, crying about how women are less then. I swear these same people are saying nigger this and nigger that when I turn my back.

>> No.4507108

A quick google search shows me that Jack Gladney wrote a novel where Hitler played a part?
Kershaw is a non fiction historical work, rather than a novel. So they can't really be compared I guess.

>> No.4507112

>most immense and ancient conspiracies in human memory

Now I am sure you are either insane or trolling, I'm out. There is no point in arguing with a troll or a crazy person.

>> No.4507119

>can't chill with white dudes

Yes, they always scoff at first, but then the pieces start coming into place

you're both incredibly gullible and sensitive

>> No.4507126

It was a joke

He's a character in a novel

>> No.4507128

Can you blame them? You just outright admitted to trolling. They were getting annoyed by you trolling. But in my experience our melanin enriched friend is right. A lot of my sexist coworkers do do that. Cry about how terrible women are, once the black guy leaves the room it is downhill from there. Also in black culture women are often head of the family, so they are defensive about this.

>> No.4507132

What do you mean by this?

>> No.4507137

I started out pretty blatantly joking—an attempt at humor, on 4chan, ho hum—but then they started with the indignant replies and I sort of just lost control.

It would do posters like this a lot of good to consider what they get out of /lit/ and the internet in general. Is it healthy (psychologically, spiritually) to argue with people who are plainly wrong or stupid, frantically refreshing, etc. etc.?

>> No.4507140

So there's like 3 recommendations in this thread.

>> No.4507141

That Hitler book will prove a lifelong companion to OP, so this thread is far from a waste

>> No.4507143 [DELETED] 

Right now I have the biggest urge to chance upon a black person and call them a nigger. Not to hurt them - I'm not racist at all, it's just that you people are making it such a taboo and that revs me on.

>> No.4507145

You'll probably start a fight with them. I hope you beat them up and then say "lol jk im not really racist :DDDD"

>> No.4507146

Ah, okay. Haven't read it, so that went right over my head.

>> No.4507158

If anything we actively diminish the taboo: we don't say "the n-word" or "[slur]" and believe you me there are communities (virtual and otherwise, obviously) that do.

>> No.4507160
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Allow Viper to explain.

He is already rich for life, too late to hate.

>> No.4507162

Thatcher would've been nothing without sir Keith Joseph.

>> No.4507165

My advice would be to do it to little black girls, you may spur on a new generation of Maya Angelous and Toni Morrisons, and most of them won't hit you

>> No.4507178

It's like calling a gay person a faggot. It's demeaning.

>> No.4507183

>It's demeaning.
Ummm.... that's the point ?_?

>> No.4507187

'Nigger' is only demeaning because at a certain point in time certain people began infusing its utterance with hate.

If I now say it and it's obvious from the tone of my voice that I don't mean it hatefully:
- how does that count as me being racist?
- how would they back up their right to be mad?

>> No.4507196

I'd say contempt more than hate. If a dicky lord strolls through town to laugh at the commoners and calls them peasants, it doesn't necessarily mean he hates them, but he's definitely being a dick.

>> No.4507205

Helmut Kohl and Jens Lehmann

>> No.4507210

Are you also a paedophile?

>> No.4507222

Better call out on the hypocrisy of niggers that uses the word nigga.


>> No.4507379
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What's with all the inane shitposting?

>> No.4508074


>> No.4508078

>being this much of a cracker

>> No.4508102

Tesla: Man out of Time I enjoyed.

Richard Ellman's James Joyce is great as well.

>> No.4508139


>> No.4508177

Reading Biographies is lame.

>> No.4508210

look at this pleb

>> No.4508240


>> No.4508402

>anything more plebian than reading fictionalized nonfiction

>> No.4508441

>'Beautiful' is only flattering because at a certain point in time certain people began infusing its utterance with flattery.
>Hur if I call someone an ugly bitch they should know I don't -meeeean- it :DDDD

Stop buying your own sophistry, cracker.

>> No.4509572


>> No.4509579
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>> No.4509606

the robert moses one is good stuff

>> No.4509618
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>tfw you learn that the Nation of Islam has the weirdest "black people are best" origin story ever
>tfw you learn that the Nation of Islam is now aligned with Scientology and administers E-meter tests
>tfw white privileged male

>> No.4509644
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This guy was the real-life inspiration for Arsène Lupin.

Joined the French Navy as a teenager, got tired of the shit treatment and constant rape attempts, briefly joined up with some pirates (who treated him a lot better), quit the whole seafaring business and became the most notorious anarchist gentleman thief ever.

>> No.4512226


>> No.4512236
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I devoured it in a few days.

>> No.4512243


>> No.4512245
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This is a pretty good biography.

It's by a conservative US commentator/writer.
The intention was to basically tell everyone what a dick Fidel Castro was yet he comes of as a gigantic badass in this book- most of the crazy stories are actually we researched and told by witnesses who had since defected to the US.

Basically he's not a good man, but he's got a gigantic pair of balls on him.

>> No.4512249

Kershaw's books on Hitler are excellent.


I liked the biography Edmund Morris wrote about Beethoven.

>> No.4512251

Anything by Plutarch.

>> No.4512255

Kershaw's books on Hitler are THE ONLY books on Hitler worth reading

If you want to know about Nazi Germany or Hitler Kershaw is the definitive historian

>> No.4512282

>It's by a conservative US commentator/writer.
Not even once

>> No.4512296

>inaccurate, outdated moralizing

might as well watch christian tv

>> No.4512358

Its actually quite well researched, but like i said in the post the book is trying to give you a negative view of the man- and yet he actually comes off quite well, in my opinion.
It doesn't expose any flaws that people don't already know about (he's narcissistic, womanizing and uncompromising) yet gives an insight into just how much the man utterly believes in himself.
Many of the anecdotes are just insanely ballsy;
>jilted lover sent by CIA to assassinate him
>when confronted he asks if shes there to kill him
>draws his gun, cocks it and hands it to her
>go ahead then

Balls of steel

>> No.4512370

I haven't because I always get conflicting opinions on it from both sides which intimidates me and I have to go read a short story anthology or something.

>> No.4512377

I enjoyed Philip Dwyer's biography of Napoleon.

>> No.4513445

Is the Einstein biography an good?

>> No.4513452

There are a surprisingly good amount of Bob Dylan biographies out there. My personal favorite is the Ballad of Bob Dylan. It's not the greatest in terms of writing, I'll admit, but it's one of the few which doesn't need to mention Dylan's greatness or lower others to make Ol' Bobby seem like the messiah every few pages.

>> No.4513465

Trotsky on Stalin -- didn't finish but was good.

A Beautiful Mind-- movie did it great injustice.

Anything by Feynman. Really some of the best stuff I have read on science.

I read Ray Monk's biography on Oppenheimer, and it was 7/10. He can be annoyingly prolix at times.

>> No.4513483

>want a good biography of lenin
>there's only hardline anti-commie stuff that tries to highlight all of his personal failings in an attempt to discredit his ideology
>want a good biography of mao
>there's only halliday and chang, somehow even worse

>> No.4513496

>there's only halliday and chang
The'res more than that I know. Have you tried giving Johnathan Spence's biography a try? I haven't read his book solely on Mao, but I've read a decent amount of his other works and they've all been really good quality.

>> No.4513524

>I liked the biography Edmund Morris wrote about Beethoven.

Maynard Solomon's is good too. For Liszt there's Alan Walker's 3 volume study and for Mahler there's the more than 4000 pages of the Henry-Louis de la Grange biography.

There's a recent Mao bio called Mao: the Real Story (shitty title) translated from Russian which uses newly available Soviet documents. Chang's book is so bad it inspired a collection of reviews by scholars of Chinese history: http://www.amazon.com/Was-Mao-Really-Monster-Hallidays/dp/0415493307

>> No.4513564

I could kiss you for this post!

...I'm tempted to take it to [s4s] as copypasta. Has great potential to be le next ebin maymay. ;^)

>> No.4515316

Good book.

>> No.4515392
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>> No.4516026
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Oh but they're from Hannah's book review, btw.
You're welcome.

>> No.4516043

>>jilted lover sent by CIA to assassinate him
>>when confronted he asks if shes there to kill him
>>draws his gun, cocks it and hands it to her
>>go ahead then
Is this real? Horree shit.

>> No.4516048

Red Star Over China by Snow

>> No.4516049

Francis Wheen's biography of Karl Marx is fantastic. I can't recommend it enough

>> No.4516089

The Power Broker by Robert Caro.

Brilliant work about a fascinating man, Robert Moses, that also illuminates the history and corruption of building New York City in the first half of the 20th century. Also provides insight into certain aspects of American politics and political parties.

Moses is an amazing Jewish dick.

>> No.4516110
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she looks like a mix of bob dylan and tommy pinecone in this pic

also youre a faggot

captcha: suchpi pariah

>> No.4516237


>> No.4516343
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>> No.4516848

This doesn't make seance.

>> No.4516865

Feynman. No biographies are more awesome than Feynman's.

>> No.4516937
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it doesnt make seance because butterfly is a fucking piece of shift bereft of any basic cognitive functionality unable to comprehend even the most explicit 'hints' for her to end her and our - the collective anons - misery but like sisyphus before me i am willing to continue with this infinite task hurling insult and suicidal advocation into the gaping void of her unintelligebility not out of hope for deliverance but for the fact that she is a tripfaggot and it is right to do so

also I secretly love her

>> No.4516967

Does I, Claudius count?

>> No.4516987

I found Ernesto cli'CHE Guevara's biography a fascinating read. He lived a interesting life.

>inb4 politically fueled bile and accusations

>> No.4517000

Churchill and Trotsky....fkn boring

>> No.4517031
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This one?