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4497441 No.4497441[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Stories with the protagonist's father as the antagonist?

>> No.4497446

The Bible

>> No.4497449

my life

>> No.4497453

"Ha!" I said and slapped my thigh.

>> No.4497455

A lot of Oedipal style stories.

>> No.4497452
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>> No.4497457

Have any specific ones in mind?

>> No.4497471


>> No.4497479

The Wild Duck by Ibsen

>> No.4497519

The metamorphosis and other stuff by Kafka. His father is said to have been a real dick

>> No.4500468
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>> No.4500545


>> No.4500549


Not really. Step fathers don't count.

>> No.4500548
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>> No.4500584

the ghost is the villain.

>> No.4500601

Wow. Way to spoil a great book for anyone who hasnt read it.

>> No.4500610 [DELETED] 

[Spoiler]Infinite Jest[/SPOILER]

>> No.4500614

Infinite Jest

>> No.4501755
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>> No.4501825

Slightly off topic but are there any great Star Wars EU novels? I read Dark Lord of the Sith very recently and while I enjoyed some parts of the story (specifically Vader lamenting over his lack of control over his new body), nothing stuck out about the book all that much. I'm told the Zahn trilogy is pretty good, is it worth my time?

>> No.4501829

Sophocles Oedipus Rex is the best one.

>> No.4501834


>> No.4502224

Structurally, he is clearly the antagonist. Antagonists don't always have to be straight up enemies with protagonists.

>> No.4502429

It's written in the spirit of the original trilogy and contains a fascinating villain (two of them, actually), so yes.

>> No.4502432

Is that it, in terms of good Star Wars novels?

>> No.4502436

In terms of GOOD Star Wars novels? I'm not sure. You could try the Young Jedi Order series. I've never read any of them, but so many of my Star Wars fan friends have raved about them.

I just hated the very concept of the Yuuzhan Vong, and if we have to lose the Thrawn Trilogy to expunge them from Star Wars canon, I'll consider that a sad but worthwhile tradeoff.

>> No.4502442

Maybe I should clarify, I'm looking for good novels that happen to have Star Wars as their focus, not books which are Star Wars tales first and novels second.

Truth be told, most of the EU post the OT was pretty awful. The only stories I've liked (that I've read) are the Legacy comics, and mainly for their concepts, not their storytelling.

>> No.4502451
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muh psuedosexual

>> No.4503784

"The Sword of Truth" series by Terry Goodkind. Epic Fantasy.

>> No.4503820

Don't read this btw, it is trash

>> No.4506054

Not that guy but OP fucking asked. And it wasn't really that great either. I was disappointed when I found out they weren't actually gods. The monsters being Genetics was ok I guess, but the powers of the gods was pushing it too far.

>> No.4506060

Oh god, 90 pages of the authors obsession with BDSM. Then he gets out of it and a book later is stuck in a magic collar for more... Goddamn Goodkind...

>> No.4506074
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>> No.4506109
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Your life

>> No.4506188


>> No.4506211
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>> No.4506312

So far, its the only one I think is a direct son against father story.

>> No.4508192

I don't deny it.

>> No.4508217
