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/lit/ - Literature

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4496700 No.4496700[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I'm not looking for an argument here and I'm not targeting anyone either.

But over the course of the night I've had numerous people say they are "writing" and numerous people say they are "reading". Which would be fine if these people didn't bitch about having no money. Meanwhile I've got $300.00 with my name on it for an hours worth of work.

When are people going to realize that they can read and write all day long (and flaunt it on the Internet like they are some sort of philosopher because it only takes a sliver of intelligence to realize people do this like it's some sort of right to intelligence when they fail to realize even people with down syndrome can read well)

Reading and writing are handy skills because they are essential, people do it every day. Bragging about being able to do it only shows how much you are trying to flaunt basic skills, which in itself shows how much you fail to understand everything beyond basic fundamentals of living in a civilized country.

So while I understand reading and writing isn't a "bad" thing, they are also becoming a huge crutch for our generation they use it to try and appear like they are important and going somewhere in life... When in the grand scheme of what makes life go, they have nothing.... But reading and writing of course. ::golf clap::

This generation would be a home run with their dabbling in literature and putting a foot forward in learning things from books. But see, it's gone too far. now people are reading books about physics while they fail to have a job and aren't even trying to get one.

The closing statement for this is simple, focus on shit that will benefit you now, create a plan and study things worth your time that pertains to what you plan on doing in life... Once you are on the right track and can provide for yourself, THEN study physics, rocket science and literature.

This concept is such an factual thing to understand but everyone is simply too busy defending what they enjoy from my rants. ask yourself this, will what you enjoy provide for you the rest of your life? Because these are the things sane adults ask themselves.

Not to mention the money that much of the literature degrees provide cannot even muster over 30K a year.

It's fine, do what you guys want to do, but when it comes time to get married, have kids, purchase a house and prepare for retirement and all you have is the fact you read a lot of books.... good luck.

>> No.4496715

I read so much BECAUSE I have no life. Gotta fill the time somehow.

>> No.4496716

That seems like a lot of effort for an overly general statement about usefulness in modern life. You sound like you're trying to self-justify pushing back all the things you wanted to do when you were young.

Do you *really* think that many people are reading/writing for their own pleasure without any clue, with no plan, with no alternatives, with no education, no experience? Do you think these blind dilettantes are so numerous as to warrant such a warning? Or do you want to feel special, by telling yourself other people aren't as practical as regards their own lives?

>> No.4496723

I could have wrote when I was a kid.

I was too busy doing important things.

Now I own a condo amongst all of the other people my age I know living at home/renting, I make considerably more money, I manage my own company and I'm spending spare money on cars, my home, motorcycles and fun.

Don't know what else to say really, because every bit of what I said makes 100% sense. The only people it does not make sense to are the people who are guilty of what I'm talking about, I'm fine with this because at least I let it be known as to how things are.

>> No.4496730

Why it gets to me so much is people generally assume I'm a cave man and just know hands on because of the way I speak or act... not just me, but everyone in general. The usual deal is "if he sounds stupid, he is"

I'm actually the inventor of an applied automotive math equation used for discovering true horsepower at elevation, as density altitude increases, internal combustion engines lose power due to atmospheric pressure. I broke down just how much power at any elevation AND how much power a forced induction application would add to that deficit. So if people want to judge me on poor grammar and relate it to my intelligence, that's their issue. Good grammar and reading has NOTHING to do with applied intelligence, that's the point I'm trying to get people posting about these things to see.

I'm not sure about your friends list but I always see posts about "curling up with a good book, martini and my pipe hoho" which is clearly a "LOOK AT ME, I'M READING, HAVE ADULT TASTES IN ALCOHOL, AND SMOKE IRONIC TOBACCO SMOKING ITEMS, I'M SMART HURHUR!"

>> No.4496757

I'm not disagreeing with what you're saying, I'm disagreeing with the need to say it, and the need to say it here. Especially the need to say it here; a board dedicated to the interest of literature. Due to the nature of the board, your post amounts to trolling, pure provocation.

Post this on your friend list. Slather it all over Facebook. Then you'll get reactions, at least; and someone upset over this might remember it.

But I would say, that even that form of reading, of wanting to look like an intellectual, has its own value, in that sometimes ideas might seep from paper to mind. Too often, and I find it frustrating too, the words just wash over these readers, without ever impacting. Now I'm generalizing, so in conclusion: I think your first post is nuanced incorrectly: the problem is people lack the foresight to make the right choices, and lack the hindsight to draw good lessons from experience. They exist, but little more.

>> No.4496766

It's fine to like to write. Only some of the best writers in the world did not start writing until retirement.

And the writing was based on their past.

Having a job was a bad choice of words. A career is better, something none of these people have

>> No.4496790

Have you shitheads not realized this is /lit/, it's all about post-what-the-fuck-you -are-reading-andshovit-in-someone-elses-face sort of board. It lost it's literary value a long time ago.

And why does OP value a "career" so fucking much? I bet he was upset with that from the begining.

>> No.4496792

Someone who wants to write should never wait. You don't start when you retire, you start publishing when you retire (if we have to use your model). Writing is a skill, and not practising is killing whatever talent one has.

But I have to go to university. Been a good conversation.

>> No.4496796


>> No.4496798

On the other hand, you (OP) and people like you are really uninteresting to talk to on a message board.

>> No.4496813

Humor my insight for a second. I know it's a stretch.

OP stated that planning your life ahead is simply a thing that "sane adults do."
Going by the Myers-Briggs test, I would say that most people on /lit/ are Rationals and Idealists, the two temperaments less inclined to care about money and other external pleasures in life such as food, fashion and fitness. It's not a matter of sanity or even stupidity. These people are just selfish.

>> No.4497605

>Bragging about being able to do it only shows how much you are trying to flaunt basic skills

It is kind of amazing how many people can't write though -and I'm not even talking about style, just clear communication of thought.

>> No.4497631

So you're asking people not to judge you over something you deem trivial, but then you go and judge people over what they post on their social media websites?

>> No.4497658

>brag about getting $300 for an hour of work
>slag people for bragging about reading and writing

I bet you're a blast at parties. What's so bad about people pursuing their interest over material gain? I'll be fine bartending making ends meet and struggling to get my plays produced for the rest of my life.

I find your obsession with material wealth and "going somewhere in life" much more disconcerting than a deadbeat obsessed with reading.

>> No.4498203

>getting married and having kids
people still do this?

>> No.4498217
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I just want to be an academic that never does any work and studies great minds of the past.

Could I become a Christian monk? Seems like a good way to do a lot of reading and shit.

>> No.4498228

of course you can be a christian monk. anyone can.

>> No.4498235

>Implying that "being useful" is the only measure of a man

People are not robots. In order to live fully, we must not only experience the usefulness of work, but the insight of art.

>> No.4498236

Well see there are three steps in this.
>Air head
>Intelligent ego
>Becoming a symbol of human ingenuity.

You are one of the three and there is no problem with being any of those. The only problem is that you must not allow the first 2 to consume your life. Many people fall victim or pleasure and or the ego. Often a huge fault is that many intelligent people fall victim to their ego.

>> No.4498239

Your shitty facebook profile is trying to impress. Bad grammar is the absence of trying to impress.

I see the rhetoric is strong with this one, like most of /lit/. Too bad something is missing. Like understanding.

>> No.4498242

>be any kind of monk but a Christian monk

>> No.4498270

>Now I own a condo amongst all of the other people my age I know living at home/renting, I make considerably more money, I manage my own company and I'm spending spare money on cars, my home, motorcycles and fun.

Oh boy. See anon, here's your problem: A superiority complex derived from the belief that you have accomplished something greater and more worthy than others. The thing is that it isn't justified. You are actively dragging the world towards its downfall. Your existence only serves to make life worse for others.

>> No.4498303

Oh wow a condo!

>> No.4498324

We should make monasteries again as the legit way of opting out of society with bros and dedicate yourself to the higher intellectual pursuits.

No women allowed!

>> No.4498341

monasteries are still a thing.

>> No.4498361

Not in my country. Here they are all for tourists and what if you want to become a non-theology monk and dont care for money or academic status only knowledge itself where you Will be provided the basics +2,5bn $ in lab equipment and can dedicate yourself to your study, no tutoring or lecturing, no bureaucracy and papers to fill, just study?

>> No.4498370

The Dominican Order sounds like it would be good for that.

>> No.4498377

Thanks I'll look into it.

>> No.4498429

>caring about money
>caring about 'doing your part for society'

Life is too fucking short. I don't want to live my life the way it could, or even 'should', be lead. Who the fuck do you think you are to tell me how I should spend my time?

Fuck this shit pisses me off. If you killed me tomorrow you'd get a prison sentence for cutting my life short. But if you forced me with your propaganda and your social pressure to spend the rest of my life miserable and unhappy, doing shit that I see as wasting my life, all you'd get is a pat on the back and a thousand heads nodding in agreement.

>> No.4498455

>I could have wrote when I was a kid.
>I was too busy doing important things.

Jackin' it to playboys you snuck from dad's collection is considered "important"?

>> No.4498488
File: 1.82 MB, 1836x3264, 2012-11-17_15-57-55_741.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


nigga please

I'm so wealthy that I have nothing else to do with my time BUT read and write

you're still a slave by any estimation. what will they say at your eulogy? 'anon did well for himself and liked to ride bikes'?

there are more things in heaven and earth . . .

>> No.4498496
File: 703 KB, 3459x1946, zoSxbax.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hur dur you can't tell me what to do.

No one should have to tell you to be a contributor to society instead of just taking from it. Do you want to be the snow flake who doesn't feel responsible for the avalanche or do you want to prevent the avalanche.

Also life is not short at all. At 20 years old, it is likely that you've only lived 1/4 th of your life if you take the proper precautions. If you don't act like a raging idiot with your body it will still be in pretty good shape later on as well.

To take from the cup of life without ever thinking to fill it back up is a crime to your own humanity. Those who wish only to please the self are traitors to their own humanity and the experience of human existence.

Empires have fallen by the dozen under your mentality. History does not lie.

The human experience relies on all of our cooperation.

>> No.4498502

>suck on the cock of my perspective

No thanks, it's a bit too bitter for my liking.

>> No.4498516

yes, I could've discovered masturbation when I was a teen. but then, I had to study for school so I could earn $ 1 million a hour and come here spouting parent rhetoric, and in the end, that's what every sane teenager would do.

>> No.4498521



>> No.4498536
File: 398 KB, 1108x1474, 1372982434453.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You do realize that your mentality by being a consumer and not a producer is to suck societies cock and never have it suck yours.

>> No.4498566

Thank you Kanye

>> No.4498591

I'd rather consequentially nurse on the teat for the masses than suck my own dick at the sight of my own tits being milked.

Oh yeah, work that one out bitch.

>> No.4498693

You don't have to be self centered and great. Only in your mind you think that those two traits are hand in hand. It is not difficult to remain humble and great. You sound like you are still making excuses as to why you can't be great.

Stop pretending that you cannot. Humans are all born with great capabilities, to deny yours in the name of self is self defeating.

>I can't be great because I'll be to cool and get an ego.
The point of greatness is to overcome the human ego.

>> No.4498742


>> No.4498758

Do you work for Vector Marketing or something?
Your writing style smacks of pyramid scheme adverts.

>> No.4498764

You can almost hear the hand gestures coming from the posts.

>> No.4498774

What if my potential to be great can only be actualized by not attempting to be great? What if by refusing to wear the shackles laid out for me and instead by chaining myself to my own torment I am in fact realising my 'greatness'?

>> No.4498857

>capitalist propaganda: the post
Im still living a meaningful and enjoyable life as a traveling crustie exploring libraries and concerts all over the continent. I probably happier than most corporate people and college graduates.

>> No.4499167
File: 409 KB, 590x333, literary living.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's nice and all, but I have already arrived. The state funds my ideal lifestyle and I'm free to do exactly what pleases me without any notion of utility.

Valuable advice for people in uncivilised countries though.

>> No.4499176


shave your fuckin arms sasquatch holy shit

>> No.4499231

I'm not looking for an argument here and I'm not targeting anyone either.

But over the course of the night I've had numerous people say they are "working" and numerous people say they are "paying off loans". Which would be fine if these people didn't bitch about having no time. Meanwhile I've become a more interesting person for an hours worth of work.

When are people going to realize that they can work all day long (and flaunt it on the Internet like they are some sort of Nouveau riche because it only takes your first paycheck to realize people do this like it's some sort of right to money when they fail to realize even people with down syndrome can get rich)

Working and getting money are handy acts because they are essential, people do them every day. Bragging about being able to do it only shows how much you are trying to flaunt basic skills, which in itself shows how much you fail to understand everything beyond basic fundamentals of living in a civilized country.

So while I understand work and money isn't a "bad" thing, they are also becoming a huge crutch for our generation they use it to try and appear like they are important and going somewhere in life... When in the grand scheme of what makes life go, they have nothing.... But the glorious ladder of capitalism of course. ::golf clap::

This generation would be a home run with their dabbling in investments and putting a foot forward in learning things from uni. But see, it's gone too far. now people are bragging about money on the internet while they fail to have an interesting conversation and aren't even trying to get one.

The closing statement for this is simple, focus on shit that will benefit you as a person, create a plan and study things worth your time that pertains to what you plan on being in life... Once you are on the right track and can speak for yourself, THEN race further into conspicuous consumerism, keeping up with the Joneses, and attempting to find meaning in work and wealth.

This concept is such an factual thing to understand but everyone is simply too busy defending what they do from my rants. ask yourself this, will what you do satisfy you the rest of your life? Because these are the things sane adults ask themselves.

Not to mention the happiness that much of the material items provide cannot even last over a year.

It's fine, do what you guys want to do, but when it comes time to lie awake at night, suffer your mid-life crisis, and contemplate your life on your deathbed and all you have is the fact you made a lot of money.... good luck.

>> No.4499255
File: 729 KB, 1296x2028, Scrooge HB2_115.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's fine, do what you guys want to do, but when it comes time to lie awake at night, suffer your mid-life crisis, and contemplate your life on your deathbed and all you have is the fact you made a lot of money.... good luck.

>> No.4499281

could you keep these feels away from me please?

>> No.4499290 [DELETED] 

Hey antinatalists, if you prohibit humans from coming into existence life will just suffer in other, non-human forms. You can't cheat the Will.

>> No.4499304


>> No.4499321
File: 759 KB, 1288x2027, Scrooge HB2_126.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Embrace them

>> No.4499340

ITT: /lit/ gets butthurt but knows if it gets too angry it loses, so it makes passive aggressive comments about the OP and why he's wrong/lacking of character

>> No.4499367

In this post: OP.

>> No.4499371

I'm pretty sure that most people here already have or are studying for means of living that suits them, so OP is just wrong.

>> No.4499374


>> No.4499376

Is that what facebook posts are for you? Are they a means to impress your "friends"? If not, then why would you assume that's what I use mine for?

>> No.4499409

keep proving that point, /lit/