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4496364 No.4496364[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Which Nietzsche work is the most comprehensive in regards to his philosophy - one that will give me a total outline of his views? Will to power ? Ecce homo? Bgne?

Or would I be better off reading a secondary source?

>> No.4496370

zarathustra, but you don't want to start with that. i'd say beyond good and evil is your best bet.

>> No.4496382

I've heard he drops a lot of antiquated references. Would I just be better off reading something secondary to contextualise it?

>> No.4496565

If you don't currently live in 19th century Germany reading Nietzsche is a waste of effort.

>> No.4496567

this is wrong btw

>> No.4496571

He doesn't really drop many antiquated references. I mean, not more than you'd expect from any writer.

>> No.4496575

No. I mean, you can read some translator commentaries if you like, kaufmann or hollingdale.

as far as his antiquated references you should obviously be familiar with the important precursing philosophers, but the only absolutely necessary ones I'd say to know well are Socrates and Kant.

>> No.4496604

ecce homo or gay science

Never read Nietzsche interpret. They are shit.

If you find the text complicated or hard to read, find a new translator.

>> No.4496644

Here's the deal OP
You see A LOT of shit about Nietzsche all over the internet with the "educated elites" but it is clear that 0.5/100 actually get what he is doing beyond just "GodIsDeadlolGodisDeadlol"

Here is what you need to know:
Nietzsche was trying to find the ways that nihilism works its way OUT of culture (he was in NO way a nihilist, and in this respect most get him wrong)

This is pretty much his ENTIRE philosophical project:
> Ressentiment
This is where you are passive and just REACT and feel, you blame the world around you.
>Bad Conscience
you turn that Ressentiment inward. It's "my" fault.
>Ascetic ideal
this is where you passive vibes win. only reacting and not creating. this is the void (nihilism) this is what Nietzsche called the "will to nothingness" Life gets judged according to a higher ideal (god)
>Death of God.
Your nihilism devours your higher ideals (god). God is replaced with human-values "humanism."
>Last Man.
Nihilism is even eating human-values. The will to nothingness becomes a nothingness of will
>Man who wants to perish
The death of man
Someone who is higher than man and creates his own values BEYOND human values
>Eternal Return.
Affirming your existence so highly that you would do it over and over for eternity

This is cutting his work down to LESS than the bones but it should help guide you in thinking about N-dog.

Good luck!

>> No.4496649

genealogy of morals/beyond good and evil is definitely where you should start

>> No.4496844

I've read a lot of Nietzsche, and I vouch for this.

OP: I'd suggest reading Human, All Too Human; it takes much the same form as Beyond G&E, but in a less developed form. As such, it's an easier read, though it seems some nuances change in later works.

>> No.4496860

hi, op here, thanks for the post.
is there any articles or other things that extrapolate more on your post?

>> No.4496864

why did nietzsche write about superhuman 'blond beasts' when he had dark hair

>> No.4496865

Ever heard of a Lion?

>> No.4496869


"And howdoes one basically recognize good development? In that a well-developed man does our senses good: that he is carved from wood which is hard,delicate, and sweet-smelling, all at the same time."

He wasn't made from wood either.

>> No.4496882

i don't get you, it's ok for lion to have dark, hm, mane, but for the next spiritual transformation into child you should dye your hair? or you mean that lion has white or yellow fur despite dark mane?

say it to hitler

>> No.4496893

Duh, when you see the light your mane turns blond. Thus enlightened, you become the child.

Or, y'know, it's just a metaphor. Nietzsche used those on the occasional occasion.