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File: 38 KB, 465x342, BUKOWSKI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4495629 No.4495629[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Give me some quotes from authors on women, /lit/. You know the ones I mean.

>“Once a woman turns against you, forget it. They can love you, then something turns in them. They can watch you dying in a gutter, run over by a car, and they'll spit on you.”

>> No.4495634

bukowski's just hella f*cking epic
i use his quotes on my facebook section, in case anyone wants to dig deep, to get the "real" me

>> No.4495649
File: 847 KB, 960x1280, sick.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

check out new buke' tat

his shit is the illest

>> No.4495659

i like in those youtube interviews when bukowski both looks and cries like a malnourished third world baby and tries kicking the woman he's with for the camera. just a tortured intellectual...

>> No.4495667


i can't tell if this is a troll or an idiot or what this is

>> No.4495848

excuse me?

>> No.4495874

Schopenhauer has a chapter in Essays and Aphorisms on the topic of those cowardly, mendacious creatures. It's damn good stuff.

>> No.4495881

i read that as 'dying in a guitar'

>> No.4495911

What an amazingly antiquated view. I'm guessing you're just butthurt from getting fucked by nobody.

>> No.4495922

Maybe it's a joke

You remember jokes yes?

>> No.4495944

butthurt womyn that needs no man but still wants to get fucked senseless spotted

>> No.4495964

>You're going to women? Don't forget you whipcream

>> No.4495974

"I never found much use for women"
-Truman Capote


>> No.4496016

I love to get fucked senseless. By someone who doesn't think I'm "cowardly" and "mendacious" for no fault of mine, or that of my sex.

This fucking board, honestly. All the pretensions to erudition can't rescue some of you from starting these dumbass threads.

>> No.4496029


More like a beta progressive who longs for love with some sloganeering feminist SJW, and is incensed that all the feminists he desires are fucking the brutish, "antiquated", chauvinist pigs they decry. Perhaps if he simpers and fawns enough, he may get as much as pity-fuck from them.

In the mean time, he has a special kind of hatred for men who are not weak, self-hating progressives like himself.

>> No.4496030

I can't imagine anyone who has ever had real girlfriend would hate women as much as you kids do

>> No.4496042

I love it when someone makes a sweeping generalization and people get defensive about it
why do you care if you don't fall into the generalization?

>> No.4496065

Why make such a generalization in the first place? I'm protesting wholesale against this thread and its contents.

It just smacks of real-life discontent propagating online in miasmatic and harmful ways, only to insinuate itself into society later. It's just gross.

>> No.4496070
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8/10. You've got potential, kid. And I mean that sincerely.

>> No.4496071

I don't get this either.

I'd like to be clear that I've not posted in this thread. I read this and the post it linked and just wondered the same thing. I don't read "You fucking depraved, pathetic neckbeards who can't get laid and think wimin is bitches" and suddenly become at arms enough to NEED to post my rebuttle.

I am not one of those people, therefore I've got nothing to worry about and I carry on.

...but wiminz, man...

>> No.4496077

Is it so inconceivable that a woman could be found here? I mean, I guess you're trying to make it as inhospitable an environment for us, so I wouldn't be surprised.

I wouldn't ever call someone a chauvinist pig, first of all because it's hateful in its most common iteration, which is used in a man-hating context. And secondly because it's hackneyed as fuck and has been bled of all meaning by overuse.

And please don't get all MRA on me. I understand how self-hate is almost expected of men with respect to their sex nowadays if they're to establish themselves as remotely egalitarian re: sex. It's just foul to see such an atavistic backlash online that will clearly lead to more damage on this front.

>> No.4496082

it just sounds like you guys watch too much porn.

>> No.4496116

If you were sincere, which I don't think you were, but still: I'm sorry for making this about sex. By which I mean the sexy, rather than gonad-based designations of people.

I am a wiminz. I'd like those ellipses not to mean something horrible.

>> No.4496117

You're so fucking stupid. You do realize that most of those "beta progressives" are fucking the girls at those hipster parties, right? They're more misogynistic behind close doors than you'll ever be, you're just do fucking dumb to tailor your social personality to get maximal pussy. Plus you probably have a small penis.

>> No.4496118

>Why make such a generalization in the first place?
Some people try to point out patterns. Others are really just frustrated about things. Others actually think the whole humanity can fit into a few pigeonholes.
>I'm protesting wholesale against this thread and its contents.
because of the generalizations? but then why did you respond with a generalization yourself?
>women are x
>you only say that because, like everyone who says that, you don't get pussy!
A lot of people who fuck very much think lowly of the opposite sex. yes, this is a generalization too.

>> No.4496137

The unspoilered text was completely sincere; it is what's meant to be my true post. The spoilered part was meant both as a (relevant) joke and a truth; I do not hold the views expressed in this thread... but it is also only girls who "take the bait" and jump to defend themselves as you have... not that I blame you, but it is unecessary, as you can see what happens, especially in a thread specifically for degrading women in some form.

If it's any consolation, you've got some of the best written posts I've ever seen on the interwebz

>> No.4496148


Women can't use computers because they aren't smart enough to qualify as people.

>> No.4496149

>because of the generalizations? but then why did you respond with a generalization yourself?
Are you referring to the guess I ventured that it was due to real-life discontent that all this vitriol was posted online? I said it smacks of real-life discontent, not that I was certain of its basis in that. And my earlier comment re: someone not getting fucked was just me trying to elicit some kind of response; the only thing most people online seem to take seriously is sex.

>> No.4496162

>And my earlier comment re: someone not getting fucked was just me trying to elicit some kind of response; the only thing most people online seem to take seriously is sex.
Are you actually generalizing even more?

>> No.4496166

>You know, I think I understand what you're like now. You're very beautiful and you think men are only interested in you because you're beautiful, but you want them to be interested in you because you're you. The problem is, aside from all that beauty, you're not very interesting. You're rude, you're hostile, you're sullen, you're withdrawn. I know you want someone to look past all that at the real person underneath but the only reason anyone would bother to look past all that is because you're beautful. Ironic, isn't it? In an odd way you're your own problem.

>> No.4496177

Refute it then. I'm referring to online culture rather than people's actual interests. The number of 4everalone pity parties that happen routinely online can only ever be sustained online, a place you go by yourself, mostly. My observation that sexual activity is an online sore point for many was not a baseless observation. Obviously, another way to bait somebody would be to discuss race or sex, which is what's happening here.

At any rate, most statements

>> No.4496193

I'm just making fun of SJWs that want a sexist caricature to represent their core values in media.

Yes, the strong, independent woman they propose is a sexist caricature.

>> No.4496195

I know I'm fighting a losing battle for something that can easily be dismissed as a joke by OP or any of the guys who've responded in a denigrating way on here, but I sincerely believe these people harbour such sentiments and opinions, however much they may try to cloak it in flippancy.

And, well, I've never set foot in a gender studies class, nor have I ever proclaimed myself a feminist (a dubious title), but I hate see blatant misogyny (yet another word bandied about to loss-of-meaning) and appeals to such posted so shamelessly online.

>> No.4496202

>Refute it then.
I'm not the one speaking against generalizations. also the burden of proof isn't on me. Don't worry, I don't place it on you either. You can't really prove anything like that by any standard.
It's pretty interesting that you think you had to get attention or "bait" people to get response, especially with a vitriolic comment, moments prior to complaining about harmful propagation of harmful concepts.

>> No.4496205

trying to flatter a girl on 4chan lol

>> No.4496210

who said this its genius

>> No.4496216

Jack Nicholson in Wolf

>> No.4496221

yeah, until you realize it's exactly what girls want to hear. unlike guys they place beauty and sexual attractiveness quite literally above every other aspect of character. the drop-dead gorgeous cold bitch queen is like every woman's idol.

>> No.4496225

>dat flattering
Okay, you win. You're women.

>> No.4496230

Vapid women yes, but not all women

>> No.4496234

>Vapid women
is there any other kind

>> No.4496238

I was speaking against a generalization made in this thread, rather than generalizations in general.

It is pretty interesting that I had to do that. Imagine me entreating some anon to please sincerely consider not saying those mean things.

I've already said I was sorry for making this about sex, but you have to talk to someone on their own terms before they listen to you. The amount of sexual activity people on here engage in really doesn't actually concern me.

>> No.4496239

I sure hope so

>> No.4496249

>I've already said I was sorry for making this about sex, but you have to talk to someone on their own terms before they listen to you.
>>shaming someone on the assumption they never had sex is fighting on equal terms with men
I'm not part of this but, are you fucking serious?
You think people is so retarded as to be that concerned about their sex life?

This is exactly why nobody wants women on a discussion.
Sometimes not even other women themselves.

>> No.4496263

Sidebar: where can I find actual feminists online? I'm looking at r/feminism right now and I want to kick somebody in the cunt. The topic with the most replies on the first page is "Awesome feminist t-shirt" linking to a picture of the shirt (nb: it's not awesome).

>> No.4496269

>I've already said I was sorry for making this about sex
this is not about mistakes or apologies, it's about the way you (we) think and discuss stuff. You're not really entitled to complain about the atmosphere being sullen when you contribute to making it so. In fact, you're still doing that, despite me not having posted anything against women in this thread, nor having replied to you in an aggressive way.
I suppose you can base your next statement on how this is 4chan and you should never under any circumstance expect fair discussion about anything.

>> No.4496290

As I've stated, it was an appeal to attention rather than me thinking I'd "evened the playing field" in this rampantly misogynistic thread. Talking to someone on their own terms does not mean being on equal terms.

>This is exactly why nobody wants women on a discussion.
>Sometimes not even other women themselves.
Please stop involving our whole sex in this, if you are in fact a woman. Negative generalizations about us are exactly what I've been speaking against this whole time, and you just conclude your objection with another -___-

>> No.4496300

"I love bad bitches that's my fucking problem." - Always Strive And Prosper Rocky

>> No.4496302

Alright, guys, this is getting a little ridiculous.
And seems like nothing is being solved, just digression.

>> No.4496307

digression is not a bad thing

>> No.4496312

"I just want to fuck bad bitches. All them nights I never had bitches, now I'm all up in that ass bitches." - Slavoj Zizek

>> No.4496314

holy shit, post of the year

>> No.4496316

I will never argue against fair discussion.

How have I made the atmosphere sullen? I am trying to discourage a hate fest, which should be a light-casting thing, if anything. The atmosphere was dark as pitch at the outset, with OP trying to induce people to post misogynistic quotes. People have been continuing to do that in the gaps between our conversation, if you've noticed.

I've noticed you haven't said anything against women, and have merely pointed out the flaws in my argumentation.


>> No.4496317

And you needed to make an appeal to attention to talk?
You're anonymous, why the fuck do you need to call attention to your gender?

>Negative generalizations about us are exactly what I've been speaking against this whole time, and you just conclude your objection with another
And none of your efforts mean shit if you reinforce said negative generalizations with your way of acting.

>> No.4496318

"Put my dick inside your mouth. Try to fit my whole dick and nuts inside your mouth. I'm jumping in and out your pussy trying to stretch it out. When I hit you from the back, you say don't pull it out." - Slavoj Zizek

>> No.4496319

Got all the white bitches mad cuz my main bitch nutella

>> No.4496333

"While you're buying her drinks in the club, acting like you're in love, stunting like you're all thug, we were switching numbers. She's looking at you and I walk by. You turn your head, she winks her eye. I can't help it if she's checking for a platinum type of guy. Soon she's calling me daddy and I'm calling her mommy. She'll be calling you Slavoj, when your name is Tommy. I don't know what you're all thinking when you bring them around me. Let me remind you that I am the king of modern continental philosophy. Do you know what that means? That means if you love your chick, don't bring her to the V.I.P, because I might leave with your chick." - Slavoj Zizek

>> No.4496342
File: 69 KB, 550x454, white-knight.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"I married beneath me-- all women do."

"God made woman foolish and beautiful. Beautiful, that man might love her; foolish, that she might love him."

"The supply of good women far exceeds that of the men who deserve them."

>> No.4496343

>How have I made the atmosphere sullen?
Responding to insults with more insults makes things worse, even if you were going at it to be noticed. You did notice that almost everyone who replied to you has been aggressive except me and another guy.
You may argue that I wouldn't have posted if your course of action were different, but then again, we're kind of having a meta-discussion, and not exactly talking about the previous subject.

>> No.4496353

You're both jackoffs no matter what you've got dangling between your legs now shut the fuck up.

>> No.4496372

No. Rather, a remark that actually would evoke a response and not be dismissed as a limp-wristed attempt at subverting the purpose of the thread. I made a substantive point after my very first remark.

I didn't draw attention to my gender. You can probably guess that people tried to ascertain that immediately.

I don't know what way of acting you're talking about.

>> No.4496374
File: 166 KB, 305x479, sartre.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Hey how ya doing lil momma let me whisper in ya ear
Tell ya something that ya might like to hear
Got a sexy ass body and yo ass look soft
Mind if I touch it and see if it's soft?
Naw I'm just playin less you say I can
And I'm known to be a real nasty man
And they say a closed mouth don't give in
And I don't mind askin' for head
Ya heard what I said, we need to make our way to the bed
You can start using your head..."
—Jean-Paul Charles Aymard Sartre, No Exit

>> No.4496396

I had noticed that. I would ordinarily chalk that up to just the nature of this thread, and it attracting people who need to vent their spleen, but perhaps you're right.

Again, I mentioned that I thought if I'd outlined my argument right off the bat, I'd be flooded with replies that said to go back to the kitchen or whatever. I started on the offensive, and said that many people ITT were bitter for a reason. I rendered it into offensive internet shorthand about sexual activity. My bad, I guess.

Anyway, I'm out.

>> No.4496413

I'm in the mirror, with this look on my face
why you aren't fucking with me
you cut me up
a Caesarean
You know I want you bad as a Benjamin
I'm delirious
I want you bad as the head shattered on George Zimmerman after the Dillinger hit's him diligently
and killing him
His mouth piece for a Cadillac emblem

>now that's analogy and metaphor for you
i should win a metal for all the ways I adore you

>> No.4496415

fwiw I think you're basically totally right

but pointing out this thing on 4chan is a totally futile endeavor

>> No.4496593

I've always thought Nietzsche summed it up pretty well:

“The happiness of man is: I will. The happiness of woman is: he wills. ‘Behold, just now the world became perfect!’—thus thinks every woman when she obeys out of entire love. And women must obey and find a depth for her surface. Surface is the disposition of woman: a mobile, stormy film over shallow water. Man’s disposition, however, is deep; his river roars in subterranean caves: woman feels his strength but does not comprehend it.”

>> No.4496633

That quote is so true. But mostly for slags.

They can be the coldest things ever, and think nothing of it.

If women weren't so power hungry hypergamous fascists, I think the world would be completely different.

I get tired of the fem mod here who deletes threads like this. Why should her minority view infringe here. Fuck her.

>> No.4496643

Woman was God's second mistake

>> No.4496920
File: 26 KB, 222x199, 1379911219794.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Women are considered deep - why? Because one can never discover any bottom to them. Women are not even shallow.

Friedrich Nietzsche

>> No.4496950

So even Nietzsche couldn't rise over his sexual frustration.

>> No.4496953
File: 25 KB, 601x607, 1370830927846.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Man’s disposition, however, is deep; his river roars in subterranean caves: woman feels his strength but does not comprehend it.

You're complaining on 4chan about the lack of depth to the female disposition.

Think about that for a moment.

>> No.4496957

The thing is even is many women are ice cold calculating control freaks. They are still the muses that make men 'will' anything. We men create beauty in their image ind for their affection. Of course bitter basement dwellers doesn't do this, they are not men, they are just pathetic.

>> No.4496961


>We men

lol you can always tell the pathetic ones when they try to co-opt the achievements of others when bragging about the measure of their own importance

>Of course bitter basement dwellers doesn't do this, they are not men, they are just pathetic.

and then he feels compelled after that line of total bullshit to bookend it all with some nice denial for a little peace of mind

be more stereotypically sad lol

>> No.4496962

even if many women*

And for their affection*

Damn autocorrect.

>> No.4496965

Did I hit the sweet-spot?

>> No.4496966

"How each sex has its own prejudice about love. — Despite
all the concessions that I am willing to make to the prejudice
in favor of monogamy, I will never admit the claim that man and woman have equal rights in love; these do not exist. For
man and woman have different conceptions of love; and it is
one of the conditions of love in both sexes that neither sex pre-
supposes the same feeling and the same concept of "love" in
the other. What woman means by love is clear enough: total
devotion (not mere surrender") with soul and body, without
any consideration or reserve, rather with shame and horror at
the thought of a devotion that might be subject to special
clauses or conditions. In this absence of conditions her love is
a faith; woman has no other faith.

Man, when he loves a woman, wants precisely this love from
her and is thus himself as far as can be from the presupposition
of feminine love, Supposing, however, that there should also
be men to whom the desire for total devotion is not alien; well,
then they simply are — not men. A man who loves like a woman
becomes a slave; while a woman who loves like a woman be-
comes a more perfect, woman.

A woman's passion in its unconditional renunciation of rights
of her own presupposes precisely that on the other side there is
no equal pathos, no equal will to renunciation; for if both part-
ners felt impelled by love to renounce themselves, we should
then get — I do not know what; perhaps an empty space? "

>> No.4496969

"Woman wants to be taken and accepted as a possession,
wants to be absorbed into the concept of possession, possessed.
Consequently, she wants someone who takes, who does not give
himself or give himself away; on the contrary, he is supposed
to become richer in "himself" — through the accretion of
strength, happiness, and faith given him by the woman who
gives herself. Woman gives herself away, man acquires more —
I do not see how one can get around this natural opposition by
means of social contracts or with the best will in the world to
be just, desirable as it may be not to remind oneself constantly
how harsh, terrible, enigmatic, and immoral this antagonism is.
For love, thought of in its entirety as great and full, is nature,
and being nature it is in all eternity something "immoral."

Faithfulness is accordingly included in woman's love; it fol-
lows from the definition. In man, it can easily develop in the
wake of his love, perhaps as gratitude or as an idiosyncratic
taste and so-called elective affinity; but it is not an essential
element of his love — so definitely not that one might almost
speak with some justification of a natural counterplay of love
and faithfulness in man. For his love consists of wanting to have
and not of renunciation and giving away; but wanting to have
always comes to an end with having.

It is actually man's more refined and suspicious lust for pos-
session that rarely admits his "having," and then only late, and
thus permits his love to persist. It is even possible for his love
to increase after the surrender; he will not readily concede that
a woman should have nothing more to give him. —"

>> No.4496972


>I have absolutely nothing in response


>> No.4496975

I asked if your eyes are tearing up?

>> No.4496977

You don't need confidence or social skills to get laid more often than almost not at all if you are a woman.

Women dont want to admit it, but they will never completely break free from the paradigm of passitivity. because they dont have to.

It doesnt matter if you think this is "offensive", it's still true whether or not it bothers you.
I can have a little bit of pity for ugly girls. that's pretty much it. Attractive women (or women who think they are attractive) are complete aliens to me. "Confident" women are monstrously self-absorbed jerks who I feel very little human ties to. And then girls flip their shit over how guys who can get a lot of cunny obviously mostly just think of girls as cunny (they put on a performance to make it seem as if they dont, though). Why would you want to know someone with that kind of character? Someone so self-obsessed and narrow-minded. Deal with it.

Shouts out to Osamu Dazai

>> No.4496979


All this repression of the fact that man is beneath the woman and only wills and gains for her.

If you want to become 'free' you have to go the way of the monk.

>> No.4496987

>Supposing, however, that there should also
>be men to whom the desire for total devotion is not alien; well,
>then they simply are — not men. A man who loves like a woman
>becomes a slave; while a woman who loves like a woman be-
>comes a more perfect, woman.

Sounds like you love like a girl.

>> No.4496992

I don't love in that way at all anon. My love is for everyone even those that doesn't deserve it, like you. I'm poking holes in your assumed superiority that enslaves you, because I love you :3

>> No.4497003

So you love like a prostitute?

>> No.4497005

I don't take payment or expect results so I'm even worse. In a way though, yes.

>> No.4497010

>I never promise a woman anything nor let her know what I’m going to give her. That’s the only way to manage them. Always keep them guessing. If you cant think of any other way to surprise them, give them a bust in the jaw.
-William Faulkner

>> No.4497034

Anyone mentioned Norman Mailer?

>> No.4497085

ITT: 4 topical quotes from authors and a bunch of lame discussion from neckbeards and maybe one fat girl

gj /lit/

>> No.4497585

"The only thing I want is to fuck dumb girls because they are so hot. One day i'll find a smart girl to settle down with but not before I fuck as many dumb girls as i can, because they are so hot, and so dumb.

>> No.4497597

But which is the actual girl?

>> No.4497611

I've had 10 girlfriends in as many years

They all contributed to me hating women. People who don't understand hate are always naive and inexperienced. When you've been out in the world and around people for years, you come to know hate

>> No.4497638

I'm 26 and have had numerous long term relationships and many more flings and one night stands.
I went from worshiping women, to chasing them, to hating them, to pity them and now I just don't really care that much. I guess because of my family and society I struggle with my masculinity all the time. So I figured that if I can't come to terms with my gender I really can't have a meaningful relationship with women. They need to figure out their own shit to before I am going to commit.
Also I just can't get turned on by men. It would be nice to be gay but I have a feeling that it comes with it's own set of problems.

What is love anon?

>> No.4497649

I really don't want to be a fedora-tipping woman hater and I've always considered myself a feminist.

But I've reached a point in my life where I've noticed that guys that refer to women as "pussy", prey exclusively on drunk girls and refuse to wear protection are always far more successful than those who don't.

How can you rationalize this observation and not become a bitter, woman hating person?

>> No.4497654

You've just come to accept reality. Don't beat yourself up about it

Men and women both have many flaws, but in terms of sexuality and relationships, women are far more flawed

>> No.4497662

What if I relate to the world like a monk and can see beauty in all women without obsessing over dicking them?

>> No.4497665

The question is fallacious.
>people who only want to fuck will have success because of more people who only want to fuck
Of course it's harder to be "successful" with people who want meaningful relationship and thus don't just put out to the first penis that shows up.

>> No.4497671


They're usually more proactive in trying to get laid, thus meaning that they get laid more often by default than people who are less proactive. Not to mention that you yourself said that they prey on drunk girls, who, being drunk, become prone to poor decisions and more likely to engage in anonymous sex, as drunk people are wont to do.

Not to mention those types usually seem more confident, and everyone, male or female, likes confidence.

No need to start acting like a bitter redditor and blaming women. Though I suppose that could be said for this entire thread, doesn't it?

>> No.4497676


*couldn't it

>> No.4497773

"I'm all about gettin that anime cunny"
-Osamu Dazai

>> No.4497782

Then you need to build a tower for yourself and become the grandmaster wizard you were born to be. With wimminz craving the magic D.

>> No.4497879
File: 23 KB, 637x575, Kite.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic entirely related

>> No.4497925

"A strong woman who recklessly throws away her strength, she is worse than a weak woman who has never had any strength to throw away." Tess of the d'urbevilles, Thomas Hardy

>> No.4499219

that's actually pretty fucking cool. I dig it.

>> No.4499984

I can understand why women hate men, I understand, after all, why some women resent me.

It's just that my dislike of them is equally valid.

- Osamu Dazai

>> No.4500060

We all choose our own delusions. There's no absolute truth about emotions like this.

>> No.4500075


What does that even mean, throwing away one's strength?

>> No.4500282

I think it's her virginity

>> No.4500310

A woman who gives up any power she has in life, in the context of that novel: a woman who marries for anything but love.

>> No.4500322

What was the common factor between all ten of these women? You.

>> No.4500324

>People who don't understand hate are always naive and inexperienced.

It's not that people don't understand hate, rather they don't understand hate toward an entire gender based off of your personal experiences with specific people. It's naive to think your personal life represents the universal experience.

>When you've been out in the world and around people for years, you come to know hate

Sure. And then you get over it.

>> No.4500326

This. I've been with rather more women than that over the years and they've all been horrible or batshit insane. There are lots of women who are lovely and or sane but why on Earth would they be interested in me? I'm mad as a box of frogs and a terrible judge of character.

>> No.4500327

>prey exclusively on drunk girls

I really doubt it's exclusive. Are you around these people 24/7? They probably hit on girls who are sober just as often. It's just easier for you to notice the negative trend so that you can consider than morally inferior to you.

>> No.4500328

The question is if what he said was wrong or if he just focussed on this truth about women too much.

>> No.4500330

That they were women, probably.

>> No.4500344

>guys that ... prey exclusively on drunk girls... are always far more successful than those who don't.
No shit. Listen to yourself.

>> No.4500396

r u cereal?

>> No.4500415

It wasn't wrong in his own time. He observed it, just like he observed that god was dead in his contemporary society.

>> No.4500502

why is this bas

>> No.4500572
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I was with a girl for 5 years. Before I was with this girl we had been friends for 6 years already and best friends for an additional 1-2 years. I believed I'd known her inside and out by the time it was done. I respected and loved her very much as a person, but sometimes there's a point where things go on too long and I believe we'd reached that point. We broke up mutually; neither of us wanted to be with the other anymore, but neither of us wanted to hurt the other's feelings, though it was still sad.

My biggest complaint about our relationship is how different our sex drives were; I wanted sex about every other day while she wanted sex about once every 2-3 weeks. This was different in the beginning, but eventually waned into that.

Within 3 weeks of us breaking up, she had 2 lesbian threesomes and sex with 1 guy. I was heartbroken when I heard, not because I wanted her back but it just... felt like betrayal, though she was perfectly in her rights. I was still in mourning and couldn't imagine having sex with someone else yet -- how could she so easily, especially when she'd been so uncharitable with me?

Her actions continued in this manner, having sex with people seemingly at random and with greater frequency than she had with me. She also began liking things on facebook that she knew I liked -- things that I had shown her while we were together that were met with utter disinterest. I just could not understand any of it; it's like the girl I'd known for literally half of my life became an entirely different person overnight.

This trend continued for at least ~6 months after our breakup, at which point I could no longer take hearing/seeing it and I unfriended her on facebook and shed our mutual ties. To this day it doesn't make sense to me; I really believed that I knew her. I'd personally like to blame it all on her new best friend. The new bestie was a slut (slept with 30+ guys by the time she was 20), strutting her vapid arrogance with every step of her stride. She was a fun person to get drunk with, but there was no more to her than that; she would literally say "ok, this is too deep for me" once things dug any deeper than surface level. I'd like to hope that my old best friend was just lost in the world and clung to the only tether she still had -- the one rampant with STIs -- and asked it "how do I live correctly?", to which it readily replied "I'll show you".

It's now several years later, and in my "entire" knowledge of one female as well as my "working" knowledge of a handful of others, there is one quote that sticks out to me most prominently

>“Women are meant to be loved, not to be understood.”
>~Oscar Wilde

>> No.4500578

Yeah, take relationship advice from gay men.

>> No.4500588

Implying some gays of the feminine variant doesn't know what women intimately wants.

Hint: they want the same as men, to be respected as individuals and loved for who they are.

>> No.4500611

>to be respected as individuals and loved for who they are.

meaningless horseshit

>> No.4500622

This story isn't particularly original, so there is no use trying to figure out motives. Most likely she was bored from five years of being with somebody. Youth + long term relationships lead to breakups + the party/slutting it up phase for the girl nearly 90% of the time. I see it ALL of the time and it's always the guy who's left fixated and "in mourning."

Don't let a bad breakup define you. Learn your lessons and accept that relationships end. Don't be afraid to end the relationship first the next time you don't get sex for 2-3 weeks. That's a perfectly valid reason, btw. Raise your standards.

>> No.4500628

It's not meaningless, it's just you who haven't found out yet what it means, young kemosabe.

>> No.4500632

ha, nah man. it's just a stupid saying. "respected as an individual" as opposed to being respected as a group? being respected for your actions are the only thing worthwhile, not some idealized individuated self that isn't actually representative of your actions. same with being "loved for who they are." i am a thousand somebodies and nobody could possibly love all of them.

>> No.4500640

Yes, you are on the right track, young dasein. We do indeed live as a thousand persons and yet die as a single one. The question is, how do you treat someone as a thousand persons caught in one manifestation of time space and matter in a respectful way?

>> No.4500673
File: 837 KB, 1365x2048, hankm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

'It's my purgatory, really. Dinner, drinks, whatever. Never really all that interested, but I find myself telling her how beautiful she is anyway. Cause it's true, all women are, in one way or another. You know there's always something about every damn one of you. There's a smile, curve, a secret. You ladies really are the most amazing creatures, my life's work. Then there's the morning after. The hangover, the realization that I'm not quite as available as I thought I was the night before. And she's gone, and I'm haunted by yet another road not taken.'

>> No.4500715

I like you