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/lit/ - Literature

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4492340 No.4492340[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I'm trying to make a home library of books that are generally right-winged or anti-left-winged in nature, and I'm looking for any good suggestions people can offer. What I'm planning on picking up so far-
>Fashionable Nonsense
>Animal Farm
>Atlas Shrugged
>Brave New World
>Lord of the Flies
>A Clockwork Orange
>Fahrenheit 451
>The World Inside
>Flow My Tears the Policeman Said
>A Scanner Darkly
>The Man in the High Castle
>The Penultimate Truth
>Memoirs Found in a Bathtub
>a Bible, and The Art of War, just for good measure
I know some of the books on the list are written by leftists or whatever, but the messages that get pushed all have a very right-winged nature about them. Can /lit/ suggest anything?

>> No.4492345

inb4 bitching about the definition of right-wing vs left-wing

I'll post an guide in a sec

>> No.4492344

fashionable nonsense is not "anti-left-wing." neither are 1984 and animal farm.

>> No.4492346
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Neo 4chan brainwashing at its finest. You really need that "Right wing" label, don't you.

>> No.4492349

>Philip K. Dick
Ok then.

>> No.4492352

Orwell fought alongside the Republicans during the Spanish Civil War. He was a self-proclaimed socialist.
Read Homage to Catalonia.

>> No.4492355

>Animal Farm
>Fahrenheit 451
>The Man in the High Castle

>right-wing or anti-left-wing

Seriously though why limit yourself like that? I'm guessing you're 'right-winged', but it's really silly to just reinforce your on view point instead of discovering alternate ones as well.

good 1

>> No.4492360

It's such crap that everyone needs to be on one side, or even exist along the left-right spectrum.

Thank you for proving that you're one of the last level-headed boards left, /lit/.

>> No.4492362
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>> No.4492363

>my identity is the most important thing


>> No.4492375

>Mein Kampf
>The World According to Clarkson

>> No.4492379

This. If you're right wing you should challenge yourself once in a while and seek out left wing literature, if you're an atheist you should read something by religious authors and vise versa.
But the rule of thumb is; This shouldn't really matter when you seek knowledge or literary entertainment. You should never go "Gee, that work seems really interesting but it's written by a -insert political and/or religious ideology here- so I'm not going to read it".

>> No.4492386

is there truly no right-wing erotic fiction?

>> No.4492392

I mentioned in the OP that the library I wanted to build up was meant to be in this particular form, I understand that it's not totally fair to call it all "right-winged" but that is still how I see it, more or less. Maybe centrist or libertarian or something would be more fitting, I have no fucking clue.
Is there nothing /lit/ can see similar between the books I've mentioned, at all? No constant theme or statement?

>> No.4492406

Honoré de Balzac (all).
Dostoevsky (Demons).
Joseph de Maistre (St. Petersburg Dialogues).
Yukio Mishima, of course.
And everything written in the Antiquity will be kind of "right-winged".

>> No.4492411

What is "right-wing" anyway? Because "The Republic" calls for some extreme authoritarianism.

>> No.4492415

What does not believe that men are naturally equal, this is right-wing.

>> No.4492416

No, because you're looking at a fluid and complex world in terms of simple labels.

>> No.4492422

>Animal farm
Right-wing? Are you an idiot? Anyone who has read Orwell's 'Down and out in Paris and London' knows that Orwell was a socialist, and not an authoritarian communist or a rightwing dude.

>> No.4492432
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You do realize that George Orwell was a socialist with anarchist sympathies. The reason he wrote 1984 was to protest the Soviet Union not left wing politics in general. You probably not heard of Homage to Catelonia.

>> No.4492481

Oh, where I come from "right wing" means "anti-authoritarian," basically.

>> No.4492495

You come from Venus? Right-wing has never meant anti-authoritarian. Generally, Right-wing = people who don't believe in social engineering or who don't believe we should practise it. In pretty much every country, it comes down to that.

>> No.4492499

Since USSR is dead, many leftists are anti-authoritarian these days...

>> No.4492505

Huh? What the hell is "social engineering" and how far into the past can you trace the consciousness of the right about that particular issue?

>> No.4492506

And social engineering lies on the belief that all men can be changed, because all men are equal, like a blank page you can write on.
This is the essential left-wing belief.

>> No.4492517

Right Wing supports social hierarchy or contends it is natural. This hierarchy is either sustained through authoritarian or non-authoritarian.
The left generally is opposed to the social hierarchy and opposes it through authoritarian and non-authoritarian means.

>> No.4492521

No. Social engineering does not believe that. Social engineering is not even an ideology, it does not prescribe anything. It's a process, a tool, a function.

No, modern leftist thought to not believe that all men are equal. People are inherently unequal in the way that have different emotional abilities, cognitive abilities and other tangible and intangible assets. They believe that all OUTCOMES should become more equal. The rightwing believes to just leave everything as it is and just accept the harsh inequalities. Leftists want to make those inequalities less harsh and defining.

>> No.4492539

That's not how it works anywhere in the world outside of your bubble.

>> No.4492545

So the Spanish anarchists were right wing and the Nazis were die hard leftists.

I think OP might be underage.

>> No.4492550

This kid clearly has no concept of any of these terms outside the recent trend of "Left=Social Justice Warrior=Evil".

>> No.4492554

Give him a break though, at least he's trying.

>> No.4492555

Not him, but he didn't necessarily denigrate authoritarianism.

>> No.4492562

I find it fucking horrifying that this whole wave is actually shaping peoples' worldviews, though.

>> No.4492564

Haha yes. I think he might be reading a bit too much /pol/. I'm a conservative myself but it is absurd to suggest that right wing is equivalent to anti-authoritarianism and left wing is equivalent to authoritarianism. When movements in history that can be described as left or right function both in authoritarian and non-authoritarian ways.

>> No.4492567

I'm not OP, I'm just saying that everyone who calls themselves right-wing around me decries the evils of government at every opportunity.
On a very related note, I need a good intro into political science/philosophy.

>> No.4492575

Shit, I just realized though, if they had their way abortion and contraception and gay marriage would be legal or non-issues and I don't think they would like that.

>> No.4492576

You forgot about

Rightwing is Might = right if you are in power you are free to do what you want (but of course only the best are in power, right guys?)

Left wing is merit = right if you can prove your ability by acceptance of others you may lead or do leading functions. There's no formal inherent power.

>> No.4492584

Explain further.

>> No.4492583

It's called recession.

>> No.4492589

No, it's called the internet. Irrational, stupid views are destroying society. Authority is very much needed. The problem is that everyone thinks now that they are an authority on some or every subject..

>> No.4492591

Bingo. They just decry the evils of a government that they happen to disagree with, which is what everyone does.

>> No.4492595

Where are you from? I'm from Spain and my family is radical leftist and we detest the government. Hell my my Great Grandfather was anarchist involved in a worker run factory during the Civil War years.

>> No.4492598

Just read these

>> No.4492602

He's probably an Amerifat brainwashed by his parents who in turn were brainwashed by Reagan.

>> No.4492603

>the recession was caused by deregulation of the banks, essentially
>businesses should be free to do what they want even when it destroys the economy

>> No.4492617

No, I'm an Amerifat who holds no real opinions or knowledge on anything because I don't pay attention very well.

>> No.4492625

No the recession was caused by lazy and irresponsible people. Liberals cannot into common sense...

>> No.4492630

do not reply

>> No.4492631

>Libertarian book
George Orwell said he detested capitalism and he took a bullet while fighting with a Trotskyist party this man needs to stop being co-opted by the libertarians.

>> No.4492633

Regardless of who you're talking about, pointing at a group with blanket accusations destroys the credibility of your argument.

>> No.4492639

Lesbian Jewish fiction.
Wait what how is this even related to the topic.

>> No.4492641

If you work hard enough, you can make it. I think our generation is just too entitled.

>> No.4492640

See, people? Individuals of all views can get along if they don't demonize things and think rationally and critically.

>> No.4492643

Are we witnessing the birth of an entirely distinct political generation here?

>> No.4492647

Shlomo is reeling them in/
Meant this
For this.

>> No.4492648


working hard enough to make it implies that we all have equal potential. since this is not the case, it is infact a cruelty (or an invitation of disaster) to try and induce people who arnt not fit for a given station to rise to that station.

>> No.4492650
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I guess because Jews are religious and conservatives are religious?

>> No.4492654

Yes, It would be interesting to see how the internet plays a role in this all.

>> No.4492662


>> No.4492663

That doesn't have anything to do with the main cause of the recession.

>> No.4492679
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sage because this thread was already posted on /pol/

>> No.4492683

>separation of commercial and investment banking passed by republican congress
>american dream down payment assistance act passed and iraq war started by republican congress
>war on terror and patriot act started and passed by split senate and republican house and republican president
>the recession is the fault of those stupid liberals and lazy mexicans

>> No.4492692

Good goy for listening so well to mister ivory-tower professor

>> No.4492704

get the fuck outta here

>> No.4492708
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Propagating poorly researched word of mouth, emotionally polarizing disinformation is what it's going to do.

Pic related. This entire movement in a nutshell.

>> No.4492709

>Don't listen to experts
>read this blog instead
>listen to anonymous people with no accountability if they are wrong
>listen to talk radio
>watch the "news" instead

Fuck off.

>> No.4492770

if you're not allergic to non-anglophone lit you should try some right-wing french writters. there is a big fight between traditionnalist right winged authors and the left winged ones going on since the revolution here in 1789. as a result, there's a loooot of books from the both sides. there are some books you should looking for :

20th century :
-Louis Ferdinand Celine, Journey to the end of the night
-Drieu la Rochelle, Gilles
-Leon Bloy, Despairing

19th century :
-Barbey d'Aurevilly, The She-Devils
-Villiers de l'Isle-Adam, Sardonic Tales
-Joris-Karl Huysmans, Against the Grain

>> No.4492771

I figured this shit out myself, it doesn't take a genius.

>> No.4492826


joseph de maistre is also a requirement id say.

anyone should look into rene guenon aswell, even for just his cultural historiography. if you thought jung was syncretic, you havent seen anything yet.

>> No.4492880

>Animal Farm
>Brave New World
>A Clockwork Orange
>Fahrenheit 451

>thinking literally any of these are anti-left or "have a very right-winged nature"

You are either insane or an idiot.

>> No.4492911

also fucking VALIS and A Scanner Darkly would make any mildly right-winged person shit themselves.

>> No.4492912
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Say hello to the average denizen of this era's 4chan.

>> No.4492936

He's right though.

I literally can't comprehend how anyone could think 1984 and Animal Farm, books written by a self-proclaimed socialist, are "anti-left".

>> No.4492957

Because these people literally are idiots. That's all there is to it. Some people on tumblr or something apparently made themselves to be leftist. And then everyone dropped every shred of logic and everything they believed on the spot, clinging to "the right" just so they wouldn't be associated with a few bad apples. It's the kind or retardation you only hear about in legend.

>> No.4492961

Never said it was going to be an entirely positive.

>> No.4492983

It's a lot like how it was in the late 70s/early 80s.

>> No.4492986

How so?

>> No.4493008

The whole punk attitude. Suddenly, everyone was a loud mouthed contrarian with less than 1/3 of the scene knowing anything on what they were talking about. It's latching on to a cause for fashion's sake, to rebel for the sake of rebellion.

>> No.4493019

I genuinely believe Ray Bradbury was a communist or at the very least an anti-capitalist.

>> No.4493038

Remember when 4chan was rebellious, but because they saw the nonsense of clinging onto something? When the the rebellion itself wasn't a trend, but something that was thought out?

>> No.4493042

He was an old school conservative which pretty much used to be what is now called liberal, at least when it comes to US politics.

>> No.4493055

That was before the recession.
Youth culture tends to get a bit retarded during recession. Everything gets black and white and you feel the need to shout out your frustrations, apparently.

>> No.4493064

That's exactly what's happening. Before, it was fairly common knowledge that things are anything but black and white. Are you referring to a cultural recession, or literally economic?

>> No.4493124

>Are you referring to a cultural recession, or literally economic
Is there a difference? The two are so intertwined you could measure one based on the other. There's an economic model out there that measures where we're at based on how many tower cranes are up in a community at a given time and another that factors in trends in bankers ties/bow ties.

>> No.4493160

It's just that in the Martian chronicles he identifies what a future society should be: life being the propagation of life, and he definitely contrasted that with America.

Not only this, but his world in Fahrenheit 451 was eerily similar to what we are starting to see today, showing that he understood the natural inevitability of the current regime.

But you might be right maybe he was within the political sphere and I'm connecting dots that shouldn't be connected

>> No.4493161

>factors in trends in bankers ties/bow ties.
I tried looking, I can't find it. Link/summarize?

>> No.4493178

Also there was one quote in particular in Fahrenheit 451 that mentioned the main character was essentially just two parts, one hot and one cold, and this could definitely be a direct reference to the splitting of the political sphere and the civilian sphere as postulated by Karl himself.

Plus Ray really liked communist nations, that China play, you know.

>> No.4493185

>but the messages that get pushed all have a very right-winged nature about them

Nice try idiot, kill urself

>> No.4493194

>some random /pol/tards makes a /pol/tier post
>/lit/ casually and rationally explains why he's talking shit
>constructive discussion ensues
I love you /lit/, you're among the last sane boards.

>> No.4493200

I forget where I read it but the article put forward a rule of thumb that you can tell where we are economically by looking at how bankers dress themselves.
When the ties/bow ties are conservative and feature damp colors the message is to play it safe, but as the money increases, so does the boldness in the shapes and colors of their decorative attire.

>> No.4493202

We're usually terrible, this thread is an anomaly.

>> No.4493210

That's pretty cool. It might also explain why all the tellers near me are wearing clothes which actually fit, too.
What is it with low-tier bankers and ill-fitting clothes.

>> No.4493213

Not tellers, I mean, bankers. All the middle management types you see if you go while the bank is opening. They usually dress absolutely awfully.

>> No.4493229

They're not well off enough to afford a custom tailored suit at middle management level?

>> No.4493276

They can pay for alterations of off-the-shelf suits. They're not that expensive.