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File: 61 KB, 576x352, KeepOnPlebin'.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4489317 No.4489317 [Reply] [Original]

Is Stephen King pleb-tier?

>> No.4489321

is that even a question?

>> No.4489320
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>> No.4489324

Stephen King is the original pleb.

>> No.4489334

>The Shining
>Shawshank Redemption

then all else is plebe^1000000

>> No.4489372

Why did I laugh at this

>> No.4489385

Stephen King is middlebrow. Even 50 Shades of Grey is middlebrow. Plebs don't read books anymore, so lowbrow books are not being read anymore, except maybe by 65-year-old working-class people.

>> No.4489401

He has written a few semi gems. Other then that, he writes for money and for his fans insatiable desire to piss away money on his half ass generic literature. The other thread showing his twitter is reflective of his lack of character.

It is likley that he was once an ambitious lad trying to create his own classic, but now he no more then a washed up hack, milking his audience.

To milk your audience is an unimaginable crime for a true literary artist. It is a disgrace to the art.

>> No.4489425

The man himself is patrician as fuck for milking money out of plebs.

He called himself "the McDonald's of literature", so don't be fooled into thinking that he doesn't know his books are bad.

>> No.4489435

does he even write his own books anymore?

>> No.4489437

Yeah. The one about the guy traveling back in time to save Kennedy or whatever was ok.

>> No.4489447

What do you call Clive Cussler and all of those YA authors? Middle-brow? That's low-brow stuff. I'd argue that almost everything being published is low to middle-brow.

>> No.4489469

Who cares? If you like him, read him; who gives a shit about meaningless labels?

>> No.4489481

The point of the "McDonald's of literature" thing isn't him saying that he thinks his books are bad, he's saying that they're meant to be easy, fun, and not to be taken as a substitute for anything of substance. McDonald's is pretty great for what it is, and you'd be equally retarded complaining McDonald's isn't caviar as you would complaining Salem's Lot isn't The Crying of Lot 49.

>> No.4489502

So pursuing something easy is good?

Vadar is calling you idiot, the dark side is quick and easy and about control.

>> No.4489505

He's the Donald Trump of literature.

>> No.4489514

Nah, Donald Trump is a complete douchebag asshat but Stephen King seems like a pretty nice guy.

>> No.4489517

>not understanding how analogies work

>> No.4489529

Did you mean in the sense they both have a lot of money? Apart from that King and Trump have almost nothing in common.

Fuck even saying he was the Steve Jobs of literature would have been a better analogy.

>> No.4489548

It means they're massively successful but lower the bar of culture in their line of work.

>> No.4489556

He's such a bro,
There's a couple authors like him who are unpretentious about what they do. There should be more.

King is the high end of the pleb tier. He has a literary moment here and there, but most of it is strict entertainment.

Mind you, Pleb tier is not the same as Shit-Tier.
Stephen King is not in the same category as Twilight and Left Behind etc.

>> No.4489560

Trump's line of work has little to do with culture at all and I don't think King is doing much to "lower the bar" of culture.

I mean some of his books are pretty solid and some have had good film adaptions (The Shining).

>> No.4489558

He is mass market tier.

>> No.4489566

>some have had good film adaptions (The Shining).
Kubrick's style of choosing films to adapt was more or less scouring famous mediocre literary works and deciding to make them into cinematic masterpieces. The Shining being a great work of art is arguably counterproductive to your point in this argument.

>> No.4489563

You're retarded. King's novels are junk food entertainment. Judging them as literature is stupid because they are not literature. It's absurd how many people are so snobby about books being 'just' entertainment who then go off and watch shit TV or play video games. Everyone needs entertainment some times. Case in point: You made a Star Wars reference in your post. There is very little artistic merit to Star Wars. It's hypocritical of you to deride people for consuming media just for entertainment when you obviously do the exact same (like almost every other human being in a first world country).

And I don't even like King. I've never read one of his books. They might be bad entertainment, and if they are then go ahead and criticize them, but criticizing them for not being something they were never trying to be is just stupid. This genre of horror novel has more in common with movies like Star Wars, junk TV, and video games than it does with 'real' literature - and that's fine. It's stupid to hold media to a different standard just because it's printed on paper and bound in a book.

>> No.4489565
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your'e not alone

>> No.4489569

He's borderline mass-market tier. Danielle Steele, James Patterson, the rest of the Stop and Shop canon, that's mass-market tier. King is redeemable from this to some end, like The Gunslinger, that's neither shit nor mass-market tier. That's one of his books that I like.

Also his novels translate to film incredibly, wheras symbolic, woven language comes second to sheer imagery and, naturally, a ledgible plot.

>> No.4489572

>the shining
>a good film
stay pleb

>> No.4489577

Actually King for a while did not like what Kubrick did with the Shinning. Also Kubrick cherry picked the best parts for the movie and got rid everything else and had people re-write it.

>> No.4489580

Holy shit it's not like we're THAT pretentious in real life

>> No.4489581

Admitting to being a dick, doesn't make you less of a dick. It makes you more of a dick, a self aware dick, who continues to be a dick, despite knowing you are dick.

>> No.4489589

>novels are not to be judged as literature.

Holy fucking shit, you are the reason for the end. You are the end of quality art. Enjoy your entertainment purpose over quality and meaning. You are the end of the humanity, white rice, void of taste, simply existing only to sustain.

>> No.4489599

White rice with salt is some good shit, fiiin to make some now

>> No.4489601

architecture is culture

>> No.4489603

He didn't admit to be a dick and then go on to act dickish.
He admitted to being a schlock salesman, He admitted his novels are for entertainment purposes only. He's not being a self-aware dick, he's being self-aware and writing to the best of his abilities. He makes this stuff for the fun of it, and has consistently been shown being grateful for his success.

You're not required to hate people for not producing literature-quality writing. You should reserve that hatred for people who write shitty and pretend like they're god's gift to the intellectual world.

>> No.4489608

>tee hee, he thinks "culture" is one nebulous thing

son, literature is one culture (notice the board you're on) and there are other areas of culture. there are separate communities in life and they don't all overlap into one ball of goo.

>> No.4489609

There is a difference between art and entertainment. Some novels are art. Some novels are entertainment. Some are both. Humanity NEEDS both art and entertainment. YOU need both art and entertainment. Why is it worse for a novel to be entertainment than a film? Because that's what you're implying.

>> No.4489611

Donald Trump is not an architect.
Donald Trump is a Real Estate mogul
give up man.
your analogy whomps

>> No.4489614

You're trying to hard. Your whomping stinks.

>> No.4489618

Quality literature and junk novels can co-exist.

>> No.4489623

I'd think the terms are contradictory to themselves, neglecting the fact that they're both referring to writings.

>> No.4489627

Sure, but that is degrading towards actual skill. It is exactly why modern art is trash bin worthy. It is unrefined garbage that the untrained plebeian can construct.

>> No.4489630

so can humans and fish

>> No.4489634

skill and talent are different things

talent is luck

skill is a luck+direction (you can't control the direction 100%--some people were destined to be Danielle Steele)

>> No.4489638

ahahaha - whoah

>> No.4489646


>> No.4489657
File: 66 KB, 540x726, 1388442282873.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kill yourself this instant.

>> No.4489661

You know nothing about modern artists you undereducated pleb.

>> No.4489671


>> No.4489670
File: 398 KB, 1108x1474, 1372982434453.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tell me about modern art then you fucking garbage worshiping sperg.

>> No.4489686

Rest assured everyone, the day is saved- theory Clyde is on the case. His next job: determine whether the tree REALLY did make a sound or not.

>> No.4489684

Go outside, visit an art-museum I'm not going to spoon feed your sorry ass, about how no one wants to buy actual classist art anymore because it's boring and for plebs even though any recognized artist could make it if he wanted. It's dead for a reason.

>> No.4489697

Are you Stephen King?

>> No.4489702

The fact that /lit/ holds Stephen King's books in esteem over Joyce Carol Oates' works shows you that /lit/ is a misogynistic pile of shit.

>> No.4489712

It's dead because of fucking losers like you who have no appriciation for it and reward garbage because muh subjectivity.

In fact I just visited the Metropolitan museum of art yesterday afternoon. Even the American landscapes are more beautiful then this modern trash. No skill, little refinement, little dedication, little patience, poor technique, no mastery.

Pleb is the definition of modern art.

>> No.4489721

Pleb is the definition of the appreciator of modern art.

>> No.4489722

>muh subjectivity.

You have no idea what this word means. Also you have no idea about the terms function in art.

>No skill, little refinement, little dedication, little patience, poor technique, no mastery

Unqualified value judgements based in ignorance, why are you this butthurt? Are you envious? Are you an failed artist yourself?

>> No.4489728

Yes and no.

>> No.4489733

Convenient response. ;^)

>> No.4489742

You win.

>> No.4489746

he is a good father

>> No.4489748

he's a terrible hiker

>> No.4489754

What about The Dark Tower series?

>> No.4489756

I laughed.

>> No.4489758

Peter David's adaptations were better.

>> No.4489776 [SPOILER] 
File: 114 KB, 500x539, 1356220123810.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gee, I wonder who could be behind this post

>> No.4489779 [DELETED] 

Apart from The Shining, which of King's books most aspires to break out of the pleb class?

>> No.4489780

The Long Walk

>> No.4489783
File: 959 KB, 2362x2953, stephen king.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which is the least pleb-tier of King's books?

Thank you (I reposted the question here, had meant to include image)

>> No.4489811

Lisey's Story
The Gunslinger
The Talisman
The Stand
The Girl Who Loved Tom Gordon
Needful Things

I think those are the one in which he dipped out of Entertainment-Tier and into Literary-Tier writing the most.

He has others that are good, but I'd go with those.

>> No.4489832

>people taking the Big mac quote at face value.
King has recanted that many times.
He said it during a time he had little confidence in his work, and he feels that by saying that, he did himself a big disservice.

>> No.4489834

His short stories are high tier.
Fucking Night Shift and Skeleton Key are great.

>> No.4489846

Rage was his only cool story. The rest was try-hard.

>> No.4489881


Also the rest of Dark Tower up through Wizard and Glass.

>> No.4489913

11-22-63 was a great story. Some of King's stuff is OK, some is just awful. Hard to judge him as a whole since I haven't read all of his stuff

>> No.4489915

Rage was crap.

>> No.4489942


>> No.4489945

why would you do that to yourself.

>> No.4489953

It was awesome

so fuck off

>> No.4489970

Sorry, but people who attempt to define literature by "patrician" and "pleb" are just idiotic unless they are literary historians.

Widespread literacy is relatively new, as is cast systems where people of any upbringing are allowed to purchase/enjoy things if they happen to acquire the money. 300 years ago, it didn't matter how much money, ambition, intelligence, or charisma you had, you could be stuck as a plebian.

But thats changed now. You can buy a fucking orange for nothing. You can pay to get your dick sucked for an orange at all.

So when we use the term "pleb" now on a massive network of computers with federally enforced common access (until a few days ago), we typically mean both "of common people" and "of low value" we are typically forgetting the common man now has access to some of the best things... things the richest person 50 years ago couldn't fathom attaining.

So maybe try to be more specific than the term. "For people who aren't rich" and "rich in quality" haven't ever referred to the same set of things, less so now than ever.

>> No.4489979

Pleb is consumable but doesn't make a lasting impression. Doesn't become a "classic."

Patrician does.

>> No.4489984

>federally enforced common access (until a few days ago)

What does this mean?

>> No.4489987

I'm referring to net neutrality.

There are a variety of arguments that may have you conclude its not truly neutral or common, but it is much more common with such laws in place than it would otherwise be.

>> No.4489995

>It's absurd how many people are so snobby about books being 'just' entertainment who then go off and watch shit TV or play video games.
>Implying TV and video games have no artistic value.

>There is very little artistic merit to Star Wars.
>Implying Star Wars is not a love letter to the medium of film itself and a very important film in the history of cinema.

>And I don't even like King. I've never read one of his books.
>Never even tried reading a book by King. Has a strong opinion on it.

Heck, I agree with your opinion, but I hate how snobby you come across by stating your opinion.

>> No.4490109

>the girl who loved Tom Gordon
>even remotely good
Please stop
Good king books:
The stand
The long walk
Pet sematary
Nightmares and dreamscapes (short stories)
The running man

>> No.4490115

No Gunslinger
prepare to defend yourself against many kicks to the balls

>> No.4490118

Haven't read it
I'm sick of king I read like 30 of his books in the span of three years
Feel I need to only read the dark tower series since everything else seems like fodder (Gerald's game was godawful, and so was the dark half and fire starter)

>> No.4490140

Also look at that woman, holy shit she needs a drink of water

>> No.4490261

Steven King can write a good book but can't end one to save his fucking life.

All It had to be was a fucking spooky demon or some shit. Just a fucking spooky demon. Why the fuck does he have to be an INTERDIMENSIONALLLL BEINNGGGGG OOOoOOOOoOOOooOoOOOOOooOoOOoO

Also walking hedges in The Shining? What the fuck?

>> No.4490280

He is KIND of pretentious, with his whole "I have no control over what I write at all, it's all 'the muse'" philosophy. Like seriously man, take some fucking responsibility.

>> No.4490287

His early stuff is good. "Talisman" is brilliant. "Dark Tower 1-3" is too. As well as his classics.

But most of his later stuff is garbage. "Doctor Sleep" can kiss my ass.

It's obviously not world class lit. He acknowledges such.

>> No.4490341

If he's pleb tier, he's higher than most of the other pleb tier authors.

I haven't read much of his though. I read Pet Sematary last Halloween for the first time. Was pretty spooked until the ending. What a load of shit the ending was.

>> No.4490349

>What a load of shit the ending was.

Seems to be an oft repeated sentiment when it comes to King.

>> No.4490788

A lot of King's books have a made a lasting impression though...in both literature and cinema...