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4486735 No.4486735 [Reply] [Original]

What are the metaphysics of waifus?

>> No.4486742


in you pants, obviously

captcha: takesr steam

>> No.4486761

The anthropology and sociology is far more interesting. p.s.: Your waifu a slut.

>> No.4486777
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Lets discuss the theological implications of the Haruhi Suzumiya endless summer.

>> No.4486789
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777 trips, Haruhiism confirmed for the one true religion.

Praise your new Goddess, /lit/

>> No.4486931

To be fair, Haruhi is the one of the very few fictional works that investigate the implications of solipsism. One would think it would be a very popular subject among sci-fi writers, but aside from Iain Banks I really can't think of any.

>> No.4486932
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Best BRS

>> No.4486935

I already am a Haruhiist. I also might read the novels too. This is the only way I can know more content besides the manga.

>> No.4486936

Something to do with Debord's concept of spectacle and Baudrillard's simulacra. The image replacing the original.

>> No.4486941

A waifu is closer to the Platonic Form of a mate than any real woman can be

>> No.4486960

Damn I should have used that shit in a recent essay.
All the more reason to avoid them. dur

>> No.4486970

I don't know if I'd actually call the universe of Haruhi solipsistic though, at least in the LN's there's another girl who has the same reality warping powers as Haruhi (with the difference of actually being aware of her powers, although having no desire to use them).


There's also a girl who believes that Sasaki is the true "god" of the universe and Haruhi was some kind of cosmic mistake.

>> No.4486972

If I remember correctly solipsism was reference and explained in the LNs and I believe one of Koizumi's speeches in the anime also name drops it

And in this case Kyon would be the solipsist, not Haruhi. Remember the question of whether Kyon was really god instead of Haruhi?

>> No.4486974

Kristeva's Abject too of course.

>> No.4486976

>Remember the question of whether Kyon was really god instead of Haruhi?

One of the newer LN's shot that theory down though. Haruhi and Sasaki are definitely the reality warpers, and Haruhi is definitely the one responsible for almost everything chaotic that happens.

>> No.4486977

Well you can watch Haruhi-chan but it's not canon and for the most part it makes very little sense.

>> No.4489067

I've finished Haruhi-chan. I also own the series boxset which includes Haruhi-chan.

>> No.4489224
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>having 2D waifus

you are fucking scum

also, what if I don't see my waifu as a mate and love her as a daughter instead?

>> No.4489306

>also, what if I don't see my waifu as a mate and love her as a daughter instead?
You have a daughteru and are significantly more creepy than a deep neckbear.

>> No.4489311

2D waifus are closer to the Platonic ideal.

You are the scum.

>> No.4489359

"The simulacrum is never that which conceals the waifu — The waifu is there to conceal that in reality you have no waifu, your waifu is the simulacrum"

- Baudrillard

>> No.4489371

at least I'm not a neckbeard weeaboo

fuck the platonic ideal

>> No.4489373

2D pig disgusting, language only superior.

>> No.4489383

>limiting your waifu to her appearance only
>implying your waifu can't wander into any media you want her to
What a fag.

>> No.4489402
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>The waifu is there to conceal that in reality you have no waifu
I want to hold her so bad.

>> No.4489412
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Fuck you, Moot.

>> No.4489414
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4D waifus are best waifus

>> No.4489429

>lack of self-awareness

Really, sometimes we just have to chalk up these things to the simplest causes.

>> No.4489441
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>lack of self-awareness

>> No.4489485
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waifus are a way for you to give a character who's personality is drained from the small subjects matter than give her any favorable characteristics that you deem worthy of her having and by doing so you develop a stronger connection to said character. Mostly people do this because real woman have many imperfections superficial or otherwise.

>> No.4489493
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But mai waifu is a bitch and I still love her.

>> No.4489496

gf shows many indications of being a hypercube. i can't believe it lied by omission/told me for so long/never. </3

>> No.4489544
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Dude, my waifu is so flawed that I waifued her out of wanting to mamoru her.

She sucks.

>> No.4489576

That's strange, my hypercube won't suck my balls.

>> No.4489937
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>> No.4489944

you're supposed to read them right to left, it already has.

>> No.4489948
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They're non-euclidian as far as I know.

>> No.4489950


0D master race reporting in

0 dimensions, 0 imperfections

>> No.4489991

I assumed her to be a sphere and we've been having threesomes I can't explain ever since.

>> No.4489998
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All I know is that it's a good kind of pain.

>> No.4490810
File: 74 KB, 450x669, elle-fanning-687484613.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you fucking weeaboos should all be raped and killed

>> No.4490865
File: 26 KB, 640x360, blushing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop that.
When half of Elle Fanning appears on a bag to the side of the highway I'm gonna feel guilty by omission.

>> No.4491245
File: 55 KB, 1600x846, elle-fanning.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would never hurt her

I might kidnap her and keep her for myself, but I would never hurt her

I want to protect her and be her daddy

>> No.4491290

You're scary, dog.
Stay away from my internet.

>> No.4491309
File: 28 KB, 491x476, 1273585211_phoebeinwonderland.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I may be scary to you weeaboo degenerates because I would fucking kill you, but I'm not scary to elle, I only want the very best for her and I even cry when she cries or is sad in her movies

>> No.4491414
File: 31 KB, 332x450, Children-Haircut-2012 (8).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's not a good kind of pain at all
it's the absolute worst kind of pain

imagine having your child taken away from you, forever. you'll forever miss them and think about them, no matter how much you try you can't stop thinking about them, everything you do, everything you see, everything reminds you of them and at all times you are thinking how better absolutely everything would be if they were around. you can cry at the very thought of her, because you will never be next to her, she will never be in front of you, you will never share the same air, you will never see her, she will never be real.

if you haven't felt that, you don't really love her