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4483861 No.4483861[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Finished the 'Malazan book of the Fallen' books recently and wonder what those of you who have read it have to say? My take- First book's slow and boring as shit but it picks up after that.

>> No.4483884

>First book's slow and boring as shit

This. Why would I waste my time reading a series if the first book is so dreadfully uninvolving?

Even the promise of improvement in subsequent books cannot sweeten the sour taste of the shit writing in the first book. For, if I cannot make it through the first book without wanting to kill myself, why would I trust the opinion of others who endeavoured to suffer shit for the promise of pudding?

>> No.4483893

Well, that's you man. I wouldn't promote a book with, "Bro. This book. No flaws what so ever, trust me it's awesome." For those who are willing, however few or numerous, - I don't know the number - I believe the grind is worth it at the end.

>> No.4483900

Sell it to me.

>> No.4483901

I've only just finished House of Chains and have begun Midnight Tides. So far the grind has been absolutely worth it, but all of a sudden, everything I've read so far has been dropped to tell some story about grey-skinned Tiste fuckers in their fucking kingdom called Lether. What do?

Should I just skip this shit so I can get back to the Empire? I wanna read more about Karsa shoving dicks in their owner's fucking paedophile mouths and the general shit that's happening over that side of the world.

And now Erikson stalls it all for what? Is Midnight Tides worth it anon?

>> No.4483910

Well, that tiste dude becomes pretty damn badass when you find out about his fighting ability, (he's like the bandwagon character later on) and following him gives lore on the old races and the wind up finale book. On top of that, through him you find out about Annomander's barely mentioned relative, whom I like to just call mr.Edge. I say it's worth since the last few books really involve that story line, and understanding that dude's stuff leads to Karsa's biggest and most mind-blowing battle.

>> No.4483915


This. I couldn't get through the first book.

What if people recommending later books are victims of Stockholm syndrome

>> No.4483916

Okay, so I now know that it at least has gravity and importance to shit. That's good. But would you say it is an enjoyable read? I loved the shit out of Deadhouse gates and House of Chains. They were a really adventurous read, and some cool shit happened. Also made me ponder a bit in House of Chains when Erikson presented the ideas of percfetion, and nature striving for balance between perfection and chaos, causing the war of ideals.

But wo'bout Midnight tides?

>> No.4483918

In terms of selling the book? Well there's at least 275 characters, so there's essentially something for every reader I believe. For me? Yeah I'll admit I enjoyed the classic edgy characters and stuff like "You don't want to fuck with this guy; he did _____ and killed _____ many guys" then seeing them do stuff. I also liked the comedy- the author has a bunch of hilarious characters and interactions, all set in a grim-humor tones. Looking for morbid themes? Well without giving spoilers, there's a lot of "Fucked up" stuff, with an interesting faction revolving around a new to my reading at least, version of zombies and various unique torture. Readers looking for emotional attatchment to characters are given a plethera of scenarios relative to the red wedding in the sense that they are just douche moves by the author.

>> No.4483920
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>Stockholm syndrome

>> No.4483927


This seems to be a trend with fantasy series. The Blade Itself is shit but everyone promises the series is good. After 611 pages of shit why would I tune in for the promise of more.

>> No.4483928

Well, though there's always the wild chance I could have Stockholm, I believe it is because the first book was introducing a complicated magic-usage system as well as a hasty introduction to so many characters without giving much time to 'bond' with any character and anchor, as it jumps. But hey, that's what happens when you have to introduce what, 30-40 people (can't remember specifically right now) rather than the classic, "Mentor, best friend, opposite-gender-soon-to-be-lover, Hero who develops into a god and the hardass" layout of basically every other book than a few such as G.O.T.

>> No.4483929

I don't think I've ever seen a faction represented such as the T____ I____ bth. They represent what immortality would possibly actually do to the human soul, and I think he pulled it off pretty damn well.

>> No.4483932

I 100% agree with your statement on them, bud.

>> No.4483934

Well, at least you tried.

Also, to quote other posts you simply need to click on their post number.

>> No.4483939

Hey, thanks! That helps man

>> No.4483945
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You never answered my previous question, man :(

>> No.4483948

You can't skip it. Unfortunately. It becomes heavily involved later on.

All the Tiste shit combined is easily the worst part of not only the series, but the setting in general.

>> No.4483950

Derpin out, I don't see a question there man

>> No.4483957

The First Law series isn't really that good. It has some alright stuff, but it never reaches the heights of Malazan at its best.

But it certainly is better on average than Malazan at its worst.

>> No.4483958


This is the one >>4483901
But some other guy answered it already. Don't know who's who though, and I am confused.

>> No.4483964

Well I guess I'll just do the usual (OP) thing to indicate myself, if that's an issue, though in this thread I think its just a QnA so it wouldn't really matter- what's got you confused? Is it just that?

>> No.4483970

Different anon here.

It certainly is confusing. For me, it helps to think of Malazan as three separate story lines, that converge towards the end of the series. Lether is one of them, and it is fairly important. The stuff introduced in Midnight Tides has a big impact on the resolution of the series.

A few hints to make understanding Lether easier:
Different magic system because reasons.
Different gods because reasons.

It kind of makes sense by the tenth book, so have no fear.

>> No.4483973

Blagh, nevermind. My questions stand answered, and all is good.

(captcha: Take ngerscar)

>> No.4483980
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>> No.4483990
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>> No.4483998
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(OP) Well, I'm out, prob' gonna bring this thread subject up again for shits n giggles at a later time.

>> No.4484032

>inb4 elitist cunts: nother fucking malazan circlejerk thread, hurr durr, stop liking things, hurr, I'm superior in taste, get on muh level

>> No.4484037

If you want good fantasy read the Second Apocalypse series.

>> No.4484098

>read book 1 and most of book 2 some year back
>remember some but forgot a lot of detail
>rereading book 1 now

>> No.4484101

Nah, Before They Are Hanged is pretty much shit as well. Last Arguement of Kings is great though.

>> No.4484102

Before They Are Hanged is notable for containing the worst written sex scene of all time.

It's also notable for being a book where literally nothing happens.

>> No.4485586


>glokta fucking shit up for 300 pages
>nothing happens


>> No.4486102

I literally finished reading Gardens of Moon less than a month ago, and I actually enjoyed it. I wasn't impressed by all the seeming coincidences and some implausible use of magic but overall definitely enjoyed.

Why does everyone hate it so much? Does this mean I will hate the rest of the series?

>> No.4486140

Oh, did we offend he who loves twilight? Gtfo. Or, as you stated for us, get on our level, faggot. *Insults group* *Provides no alternative nor reason as to why it's not simply awesome.*

>> No.4486146

Well, people who can't handle having to remember so many characters and bear with the author that he'll actually allow some character connection bitch because it's not the generic format that everyone's use to for reading. ' Well, since the vocabulary turns me off, jerry doesn't hook up with Cindy and retire to a beautiful castle at the end, it is most clearly a terrible book. Adurp.'

>> No.4486162

there was not that many characters, this is some joke right? I actually liked the cast.

>> No.4486168

nobody cares

>> No.4486382


I got through The Blade Itself and Hanged and realized that absolutely nothing fucking happened in the story with the central cast. Literally, Blade is just a fencing tournament. Hanged is just them going halfway across the world to... find nothing and go back home.

God, that pissed me off something fierce. I got like 70% through Last Argument, but stopped for some reason. The characters are great, but the story itself is just so uninteresting.

>> No.4486607

Look at the list of characters in the total series, then come back to me. Lol. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Malazan_Book_of_the_Fallen_characters

>> No.4486618

500 characters by the S category of the wiki list provided in my prior response regarding the series. Unless you meant only the first book, in which there was 85. Yeah, not many character my ass. Check your info before you comment, XD

>> No.4486621

Actually, someone did care as seen in the response it was regarding. Lel.

>> No.4486627

Are the rest of the books actually better than the first?

>> No.4486631

By far dude. And hell, even the last 3/4 of the first book are kick ass, leading to a climax that's a good chunk of the later part of the book.

>> No.4486644

I just finished the first book and it was a chore. But if i unknowingly got over some kind of hurdle i might as well try the second book.

>> No.4486654

Well, to each his own man. I had a tough time with the first book, albeit I did like the battle at the end- I think you should give the second book a swing, give it some chapters as it is probably among the top 3 most enjoyed books for most people I've talked the book with. If you do and it's just too boring or of a struggle to pick up, well at that point you could rightly mock us fans as fanatics, or just not give a second thought, w/e, that part's up to you.