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/lit/ - Literature

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4483680 No.4483680[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why are some people allowing themselves to be stupid?

"But if thought corrupts language, language can also corrupt thought."

That quote brought to my mind people's usage of slang and butchering of the English language on a daily basis and even in "art" (such as rap, rock, and pop "music").

They speak to each other normally and regularly using slang and butchered English as if it's their most intelligent way to communicate. No wonder, then, that the society is generally so degraded, thanks to none but themselves!
I still am surprised they continue to call themselves hoes, dicks, douches, ni----, whores, etc --affectionately, it would seem.

I think that they are reducing themselves in their own minds to "assholes" and "hoes" and "ratchet" people, just by using those words like they are actually meaningful.
When you don't have a concrete definition of a word and you constantly use it, your mind is on auto-pilot and you never even have to think about what you're saying. When you don't chose words to use based on their real definitions, your mind is becoming mixed up and stupider. When you live in a society or community wherein everyone else does the same thing, all of you are dumbing yourselves down.

>> No.4483689

Ic þæt ne undergiete. Sprecaþ gē Englisce?

>> No.4483690


Are you a retard, OP?

>> No.4483694


>> No.4483693

Slang and colloquial talk is more efficient for what it's used for (casual conversation).

You understand m8?

>> No.4483698

Lmao aren't you the butt hurt faggot from /adv/? Jesus this issue is really getting to you isn't it?

>> No.4483703

>the butt hurt faggot
in detail pls

>> No.4483706

>They speak to each other normally and regularly using slang and butchered English as if it's their most intelligent way to communicate. No wonder, then, that the society is generally so degraded, thanks to none but themselves!
>not knowing that some of the greatest literary works known to man were written in a language composed entirely of butchered amalgamations of Latin and old Germanic
et tu pleb. This argument has been posed multiple times for the past couple hundred years. Read a book, "nigga."

>> No.4483710

Its really a series of threads. Exact same quotes, writing style, etc.

>makes thread about use of grammar and proper English online and IRL, gets shit on for his shitty use of language.

Next thread

>now hes a black kid a bitching about the use of slang in the black community and how they wouldn't accept him. He was complaining about how they would mock him when he kept trying to educate them about proper English

Just imagine Carlton.
A few quotes
>language isn't real unless theres a book written about it
>ebonics isn't real

Next few threads are exactly like this, gives up and is chased off of /adv/. Seen this thread on some other boards.

>> No.4483717

get a life loser who is online all day!

>> No.4483721

I'm a nurse who works night and evening shifts on the weekends bruh...my sleeping schedule is fucked until Monday at least.

>> No.4483724

Way to hear only what you wanted from that quote. You're totally ignoring the "thought corrupts language" part (although "corrupt" is by no means a proper description).

P.sure I'm getting baited anyway.

>> No.4483728

im underweight and look like a stick figure. what did you expect?

>> No.4483735


>> No.4483760

>I still am surprised they continue to call themselves hoes, dicks, douches, ni----, whores, etc
>hoes, dicks, douches, n----, whores, etc
Where do you think you are? You're allowed to say nigger, mate.

>> No.4483763

im a chopsticks

>> No.4483766

Don't listen to this racist it is a very opressive word and I'm glad that you were sane enough to censor it OP.

>> No.4483769

Censorship is oppressive.

>> No.4483771

It only opresses evil racists and nazis so that's okay in my book because they want to opress other people.

>> No.4483773

my dad is racist. fuck u for hating my dad u cuntbag

>> No.4483774

fuck u for having a dad o.k.

>> No.4483780

>having a cis-gendered oppressive male racist for a father figure
>probably came from a heterosexual relationship
>not being the progeny of three trans-gendered radical feminist marxist zirs, with at least one being on the asperger's-autism spectrum and another having PTSD
Check your privilege please, thank you. You're oppressing me.

>> No.4483789
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>Censorship only oppresses evil racists and nazis


>> No.4483796

>evil racists and nazis
mfw idiots like this still hold onto medieval concepts of evil lol
you realize evil and good people both die and corpses disolve in the ground the same way right?

>> No.4483801

fuck off relativist I advise you to go watch 12 years a slave and then tell me that racism isn't evil

>> No.4483803

>>>4483796 (You)
i love how people base life on pure fantasies.
a movie is not a real thing its actos you dipshit fuck!

>> No.4483806

It was written about real events in medieval america please inform yourself about stuff before you start sputing bullshit.

>> No.4483807

Don't take shit so serious man. Language is for communication, if yew can get your msg across like dis, then the job is done.

There is way too many things to do in life than worry about this crap.

>> No.4483813

like what? i cant get a job, and everyone i know cant.

>> No.4483826

Like thinking of new ways to earn money.

>> No.4483830

like what hel me man were sblings both humans!

>> No.4483838

money only marks what everyone else owes you. you should do something for your fellow man!

>> No.4483851


>> No.4483852
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>> No.4484134

>Implying it fucking matters how you talk to your friends and family.

Kill yourself, autist.

>> No.4484145

>Complaining about speaking proper language on 4chan.

Suck a cunt.

>> No.4484153

Like what? Like choose from a gajillion hobbies.

>> No.4484202

You are correct. However, English in itself is a very bad language for "proper" discussion. If you want a logical and consistent language you should learn Latin, Finnish, or Korean. And then there is always the most logical language of them all: math.

>> No.4484396

I'm teaching myself some Latin words here and there.

>> No.4484773



Language doesn't "corrupt" thought, EMOTIONAL ASSOCIATIONS ASSOCIATED WITH LINGUISTIC "OBJECTS" corrupt thought.

If "hos" are every woman and every woman is just a fucktoy, then yes "thought" will be corrupted. But the actual construction of "hos" comes from a state of affairs alien to probably your own and a different BUT STILL VALID pidgin.

When you confuse a picture of the world for the world of mechanics, then you dumb yourself down. WHICH ISN'T PREDICATED ON THE PARTICULAR PIDGIN WHETHER IT BE OXFORD, EBONICS, SPANGLISH, OR WHAT NOT.