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4477883 No.4477883[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

It's just about BDSM. What's the deal?

>> No.4477885

housewife porn

>> No.4478038

It's about rape.

Most women have rape/control fantasies anyways.

>> No.4478205
File: 115 KB, 500x278, 1327490604543.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pretty much this. Majority of women would let themselves be raped if the dude was sexually attractive enough.
Mind you, it wouldn't be "rape", he would be "a real man" to them. A man that takes what he wants, and does whatever he wants. That's so sexy, right?
Like women at clubs dress sexy to "feel sexy", not because they're "asking for it". Unless the dude is hot though, then he's a stud that can read those signals she's apparently not sending.

Imagine "mad men", with a short, chubby and ugly Don Draper. Modern feminism would fucking rape the reviews. Funny thing is that the majority of the writers are females.
I don't know dawg, it just feels so fucking stupid. It's not like we're doing anything with it either - the short and ugly ones even support this bullshit, because they wouldn't have gotten any pussy at all if they were to stand up against it.

>> No.4478226


Kinda like how asking a girl out is either a hot, sexy, attractive, and confident move or it's a desperate, creepy, perverted one if you aren't hot enough

Louis C.K. has a relevant joke:

Girls just don't understand how life actually works. Some do, yes, but I think the majority are moderately attractive -> hot and just have everything handed to them their whole lives so they don't realize that you can't act one way and get the opposite thing. like women as a sex cannot both collectively soak themselves to this shit *and* rally for women's rights pertaining to rape or objectification; it both is and isn't what they want. They want it, they just want it from the right people

Whereas if a girl wants to suck my dick, that's kinda hot even if she's a gross disgusting pig

>> No.4478227

hittin close to home son
remove the blanket statement aspect and you've got a decent argument

>> No.4478239

topkek CK is great

>> No.4479143


>>4478038 here

> it's a desperate, creepy, perverted one if you aren't hot enough

And at the same time, if she rejects you because you're not hot enough is that her fault because she's shallow?

No. That's just the way it is man.

Unless she's on the same rating as you (ex: you are both 4/10s and she's trying to bag a 8/10 instead) Then that bitch needs to lower her standards.

>Some do, yes, but I think the majority are moderately attractive -> hot and just have everything handed to them their whole lives so they don't realize that you can't act one way and get the opposite thing.

Maybe the reason you have issues with women are because you are treating them like such a different species. Yeah, there are bitches, but women don't have life handed to them on a platter. What, because they can get the attention of guys all the time? You think that's all being a woman is about? It's not that easy. Some do have life handed to them, for sure, but not all. Stop generalizing.

You're probably the same kind of person that talks all this shit and then bitches about female writers all being shit in another thread. Yeah, we have it soo easy man.

>rally for women's rights pertaining to rape or objectification; it both is and isn't what they want. They want it, they just want it from the right people

That's because the rape they want is a fantasy. Did you not read what I said? It's totally a fantasy, so yeah, they want it to be done by people they find attractive.

But honestly, you know how many times I've schlicked off porn where ugly guys rape a girl. That shit's hot too. Again: just a fantasy. I'm not gonna date some ugly dude. Would you date an ugly girl? One that is below your own rating?

>WAH I dont understand wominz and can't get laid because of it

Go away.

>> No.4479158

he isn't that funny,
but it was relevant so whatevz.

>> No.4479166


>the majority are moderately attractive -> hot

this is a comically dumb thing to think, come on. the reason why you think the majority of women are moderately attractive at worst is because narratives about women are monopolized by their physical attractiveness. I assure you there's plenty of fucking ugly women out there, it's just that all they do is squat impotently in basements and try to avoid the fact that their society has totally rejected them on every level for something over which they have no control.

>> No.4479168

I think that you are being harsh,
as not all "ugly men" are as simply minded as you are pointing out,
but I agree that most arguments against feminists are sentimental and inane.

>> No.4479174

You have got a point.
I would say being an ugly woman would be slightly worse than being an ugly man,
in general.

>> No.4479179

>as not all "ugly men" are as simply minded as you are pointing out,

I never said this.

>> No.4479184
File: 52 KB, 526x300, 1329697629306.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4479192

I take from that image which I have seen 27 times over the past 4 years that you disagree with me,
but I am still not entirely sure why,
or why you find my response bizarre?

>> No.4479193


Yeah, basically.


No, that's not the idea -- though you are close to it. Women would let themselves be raped if they could maintain control over every aspect over it. Does this rob the act of its nature as rape? Surely. That is why it remains a fantasy. I haven't read 50 Shades but it is, by its nature, fantasy: no rape is taking place, and what appears to be rape is doubly tempered - once within the fiction by its framing in the implicitly consensual context of BDSM, and once without it, because the book is written by a woman about untrue events. This is why, even if you are a very attractive man, you can only go around raping women for so long before one of them decides to complain. At that point if you want to continue raping women you need to have money and power as well. Luckily with men as with women these things tend to go with being very attractive. Good thing beauty's only skin deep and society gives everyone a fair shake, am i right?

>> No.4479198

I got the impression that it was implied by this sentence;
>WAH I dont understand wominz and can't get laid because of it

>> No.4479226

That was a statement specific to the guy being criticized.

Is English your primary language?

>> No.4479234

Perhaps I was mistaken.

>> No.4479246

>Unless she's on the same rating as you (ex: you are both 4/10s and she's trying to bag a 8/10 instead) Then that bitch needs to lower her standards.
If everyone had a number printed on their fucking foreheads, and everyone with a 4 happened to be attracted to every other 4 on this planet, this wouldn't be as much of a fucking problem. But this is not how the world works.

>What, because they can get the attention of guys all the time? You think that's all being a woman is about?
What the hell? he didn't even imply anything close to that. But by all means, how about you tell me what "being a woman" is all about (the dumbest fucking thing I've heard all day, btw).

Do you not understand the problem at hand?
You're showing your thighs, your legs, wearing shoes made so your legs will look longer, and your ass better at taking dick, wearing a dress designed so cleverly to express your forms - forms ressonating with instincts that over millions of years of evolution has imprinted in my fucking brain, telling me, this woman is the perfect fucking cumbucket for me - yet you are not allowing me to think this, though I have no choice. I am a mental god damn rapist, I am unwillingly scull-fucking you all night. And I should feel bad, for you are not "asking for it". You are telling 99.99% of the world that you are the sexiest fucking vagina on the earth, your body screams it - but your voice tells us that, unless we're that 00.01% (that somehow should know that he in fact can "rape" you, without you sending any signals at all), we shouldn't even think about it, cuz that makes us rapists.

You are not allowing "men to be men" in any part of their lives - unless he's attractive to _ you_. This is not just about rape, this is a problem men face in their daily fucking routines.

>> No.4479253

In my experience, and i've done a lot of BDSM and rape fantasies with a lot of women, what women want is ultimate control, but not micro control. they want to eperience the ride but to be able to turn it off if it gets too scary. Once they've tried out the safeword a coupkle times to make sure you're serious about it, you'll never hear it again. women like you to put some work into it, treat it like it;'s no big deal and--the tricky part-- thoroughly exploit them for your own pleasure while making sure they have a good time. They hate it if they think you're just going through the motions for their sake, as much as they hate it when you just do what you like and ignore their reactions. I consider the whole thing healthy, and i've set up some pretty elaborate fantasies for different girls. sometimes i actually get referrals.

>> No.4479256
File: 56 KB, 500x740, tumblr_m1goodYtvC1roby17o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Does this rob the act of its nature as rape? Surely. That is why it remains a fantasy.
That's why I said "Mind you, it wouldn't be "rape" And I suppose it never could be, as it implies the he/she not consenting the act.

> Good thing beauty's only skin deep and society gives everyone a fair shake, am i right?
Sure thing!

>> No.4479292

A girl has to be able to dress to attract the kind of guy she likes, even if it means also attractinf others that she might not be attracted to. Why would this be a problem? Guys can do it too.

>> No.4479324

It was the first pornographic novel for women ever, so it is of course very popular. There has never been pornography for women before this book. Certainly none better written. Its renown is well earned.

>> No.4479342

>even if it means also attractinf others that she might not be attracted to
because she's not asking for them to be attracted to her.

>> No.4479361

Jesus. You've got some serious personal issues, man.

>> No.4479464

What's your point?

>> No.4479478

so if i'm really attractive (like an 8 or 9), you think i could just rape a 5 or lower, and get away with it? is that really how it works?

>> No.4479493

In my society, humans would be graded every five years in a scale of sexual attractiveness. If someone who has the same grade as you requests sexual intercourse, you must comply at least once.

>> No.4479497

yeah, if you ease your way into it like my grandpa did

>> No.4479530

how do you ease into rape?

like I'm selling a car?

>> No.4479542


booze & benzos

>> No.4479557

Unless she's in her bitch-week, sure. Think about if, you're not just good looking, you're her 9(!!) she should theoretically wet herself just thinking about you. She's been fantasizing about men like you all her life. It wouldn't be "rape". It would be a one night stand that went a bit faster than expected, in some stall at the WC back in the club.

>> No.4479579

it's really fucked up, but this is my fetish.

I would never actually put it into practice though, cause rape is rape.

>> No.4479625

From the experience I've had with such, it never turns into "rape". it's more like the "But I don't know you at all" kind of scenario, where you tell her it doesn't matter, and continue kissing her, and then fuck her . Unless you physically assault her though.
If a girl really, really want your dick, you can do some pretty fucking asshole shit with her, and she'll still be around.

>> No.4479891

Worth reading? I'm into that stuff.

>> No.4479953


>From the experience I've had with such, it never turns into "rape". it's more like the "But I don't know you at all" kind of scenario, where you tell her it doesn't matter, and continue kissing her, and then fuck her .

girls in our generation are very emotionally and intellectually divided within themselves when it comes to this sort of stuff

imagine a girl spending her days liking endless pop-feminism quotes on social media, a girl who hasn't really read up on the movements of feminism or really understands it from a structural standpoint, so her understanding of the political machinations of it are constantly changing based on whatever mood or flight of fancy she feels at the time

this gives her a sense of purpose and pride, which is great, but because she has forgone understanding of the movement from a structural standpoint she has also forgone a means of ethical and moral integrity when it comes to implementing feminist theory or thought in her daily life

they mistakenly conflate sexual submission with conceding ground to men, as though it were a capitalist game

girls like this are unpredictable, and unfortunately many "feminists" in our generation are like this.

they have a primal drive for submission and a longing to be dominated, but it isn't because they like to be subjected necessarily so much as they want to lose themselves within the metaphor of masculinity. a girl who has little to no understanding of feminism yet espouses to be one will innately follow her primal drive for submission eventually, then be ashamed of it because she thinks (in her logical and positivist misunderstandings of the movement) that she has somehow betrayed her feminist inclinations and what the movement stand for

in her confusion and shame she will then seek to rearrange the power structure of the incident to her benefit by damning the male and marking him as an aggressor

feminism isn't bad at all, quite the contrary, but it's the typified misunderstanding of it amongst a lot of women that can really fuck a guy over. they turn into deeply schizophrenic and conflicted people where their primal drives are concerned, which is why so many guys get sexual assault charges thrown at them and are socially damned for it. girls get caught up in the primal urgency of it all and then feel (wrongly) ashamed for it later

>> No.4479971

>What the hell? he didn't even imply anything close to that.

Yeah he did.

He claims that women have life handed to them on a platter simply because they have a vagina.

Quote from his post:

>I think the majority are moderately attractive -> hot and just have everything handed to them their whole lives

The rest of your post is just ridiculous. If you wonder why you have a problem getting laid or getting women to pay attention to you stop treating them like a fucking separate species. We come from the same species, the same society, and we have the same urges.

Gender is not as big of a divide as you act like it is. Unless you want to get into feminist theory, which I would rather not. The whole feminazi trend on the internet is frustrating and I generally try to avoid. But if you think every woman should just be every man's fucktoy, you are seriously delusional.

Also I'm sorry my womanly body is so fucking distracting to you that you have the urge to rape me. Fuck off.

>You are not allowing "men to be men" in any part of their lives

And I guess every woman should just be able to be used by every man whenever he wants?

This is ridiculous.

You need a therapist. If you have rape fantasies, you need to seek them with a willing partner. But first, a therapist, pls.

>> No.4479983

..this thread is really screwing with my mentality. Should I be super aggressive around girls to get more sex? So they may feel as though they're being 'taken'

>> No.4480000

Yes, go out and rape some women because 4chan told you to

no jury in the nation will convict with that defense

>> No.4480004

i agree with everything you're saying except

do you really think that attractive women aren't privileged in western society?
"have everything handed to them" is a gross, stupid way to put it, but he does have a point.

if you live in america, a classically attractive woman who wears remotely revealing clothes is the best thing you can be. You will be given a million chances in life as a result of this.

that is not to imply that you have "everything handed to you".
Because clearly, there are some obvious downsides to being an attractive woman (understatement of the year).

>> No.4480008

>Gender is not as big of a divide as you act like it is. Unless you want to get into feminist theory, which I would rather not.

Let me elaborate on this before I forget why I said this.

If you want to think that gender is a big divide, then we'll have to owe it on the way society treats each gender. Which, it's true, the genders are treated differently. But we live in a modern world where, despite the subtle differences, at our core we are still very similar. This is a theory I like to fall back on as opposed to feminism.

So if you want to say that women aren't the same as men we'll have to blame specific reasons on society. A society that helped shape each gender the way they are. This is something feminists argue when they mean to "take down the patriarchy". Something you would be acknowledging exists if you think that women who dress slutty deserve to be raped. Our own patriarchal society made women think and dress this way: that they can dress slutty and do whatever they want and not deserved to be raped.

So,,, if you want to claim that your entire gender (men) is about as advanced as bunch of cavement to where they think "sexy wominz, must mate" then go right ahead.

However, most men are more intelligent than this.

Enjoy living in your delusion.

>> No.4480014


there's a difference between aggression and assertiveness

all you need to do is look as though you are completely in control of whatever situation you are in at the time, and if a girl wants to throw you a hint then she will

>> No.4480017


Obvious downside being that the majority of your professional and personal life is judged as anamolies in the background ideological radiation that is "male desire", or rather the mode of production REPRODUCED AS PICTURES OF POWER AND DESIRE IN NEUROLOGICAL ENTITIES.

The boredom-scapes of sadism are not "the subject committing violence against the object of libidinous affection" but THE CREATION OF THAT SCENARIO AS AN IMAGE.

Most human beings are literally "image addicts". Suck it nerds. Can you make it to level-2 in the crashing spine of anthro-cybernetics?

>> No.4480024


>the majority of your professional and personal life is judged as anomalies in the background ideological radiation that is "male desire"

quite a nice line, that

>> No.4480026


Is it just me or is this some schizo Timecube shit

>> No.4480030

And white men aren't just as privileged in our society?

What exactly do women get extra? They look pretty and maybe land a guy who makes a lot of money. They get extra attention from the male gender? Who said they wanted it in the first place?

Are these things really benefits?

Women are more likely to be ignored and dismissed by men. How many times have you seen a thread on /lit/ where they talk about how all women writers are shit? I've seen it way too many times, yet I've read some great women authors that easily get dismissed. (/lit/'s taste is shit sometimes anyways).

The "chances" and privilege women get is questionable when you look at what it really is.

What we have in this thread are a bunch of neckbeards who whine because they got friendzoned and want to blame all their problems on one gender because a few women turned them down and they can't get laid.

>> No.4480031


Well I mean if you just go up to every attractive woman you meet and say "hey baby wanna fuck" you're probably going to get more odd looks than anything. But no man ever got laid without he took his dick out of his pants, either. You need to behave confidently and make clear your intentions in order to get any. This doesn't mean you have to be Chad Thundercock all the time, it means that you have to interact with girls on a more meaningful level than mumbling into your neckbeard and averting your gaze whenever they speak to you. If that's "super aggressive" for you, then yes, be super aggressive.

>> No.4480038


Nah because it's far more accurate than any "moral" or "official" history of ideological procession and human neurologies.

We live in profoundly "fucked-up" modes of production where image addict sociopaths and sadists control a majority of the means of production. You can escape the vulgarity of their games, the vulgarity of their evaluations...or you can submit and inject yourself with their images into perpetuity. There is no "primal innocence", you've been playing against cybernetic systems with dastardly intelligences that have vampirized vivo-reproductive hosts for ages.

>> No.4480041


Even this thread is about you guys wanting to know how to get laid lol

>> No.4480043

>What's the deal?

Its got prose that's just downright embarassing by fucking shlick fanfiction standards (which is what it undeniably is), yet it somehow made millions of dollars, is what the deal is.

>> No.4480045


I'm interested in your ravings, post more of them. Specifically, elaborate on this illustration:

>The boredom-scapes of sadism are not "the subject committing violence against the object of libidinous affection" but THE CREATION OF THAT SCENARIO AS AN IMAGE.

>> No.4480052


Do you find that surprising? The repatriation of the secluded male into a sexually public society is the great nerd crusade of our decade and all decades.

>> No.4480062

>The repatriation of the secluded male into a sexually public society is the great nerd crusade of our decade and all decades.

haha this sentence is amazing. I love you.

No, I'm not surprised. It just supports my point that in the thread we just have a bunch of nerdy males who are bitter because they can't get laid. It skews their perception of women and from that you get the opinions in this thread.

>> No.4480067


this isn't exactly a topic you are going to discuss irl now is it?

>> No.4480070


>It skews their perception of women

When it comes to primal desire vs feminism even women have a skewed perception of women. But we get it bro u r 2 cool 4 dis planet everyone should be a nonchalantly vague hipster online.

>> No.4480073

Just read 50 Shades of Grey, anon. All the wominz will want to reinact scenes from with with you.

>> No.4480076

>When it comes to primal desire vs feminism even women have a skewed perception of women

So the entire world revolves around a man's desire to breed?

>> No.4480077


"Human nature" is the last refuge of the person who doesn't know what he's talking about.

If we can overcome our primal desire to murder everyone who makes us mad, we can overcome our "primal desire" to rape and/or be raped.

>> No.4480083

And that is alarming. Many frustrated young adult males today are in real need of a positive movement that could theoretically help them find their masculinity again in updated form and without turning them into peacock idiots, while older and wiser females could perhaps help bridge the gap by educating young females on what feminism is or rather should be other than a weapon to empower them or shield their insecurities in intergernder relations.

>> No.4480091

okay, i think i've got it. i need to take control more and push up on em. touch their ass when the moment is right for me. talk to every hot girl i see, and when the conversation is over and they go to leave get in their passenger side door without her saying it's okay. stuff like that

>> No.4480094

This. Everybody has fantasized about murder at one point or another. It only goes in hand that people of both genders tend to fantasize about rape even more often. Hell, a lot of guys would probably love being "raped" in a scenario that plays out like their fantasy, just as there are women who would love "raping" guys they fancy in their own personal controlled condition. It's not like male = dominant, woman = submissive always when it comes to sex, it varies.

>> No.4480096


Because women feel no desire to breed at all, right?

The skewed perception some women have for themselves is their urge to be lead vs their need for independence. And their misunderstandings of feminism only serve to compound their confusions.

>> No.4480099


That the illusion is that in such fantasizing that our libido is entirely invested with a "platonic" subject (Sade) and a "platonic" object (the thing to which the violence of the subject is endured and to which it gives off signs of submission, helplessness, etc) but instead our libido is immersed in the goal of IMAGE MAKING entirely, that the subject is literally this entire "image" as a mastubatory act. And it reflects the demands of our various modes of production to vomit out and frame "images" in never-ending circulation.

>> No.4480105

I like you. What you say is very wise.

A lot of it is what has turned me away from feminism, even though I used to hate it when people said "I'm not a feminist, but..." Modern feminism just isn't working for us. It's a bunch of internet social justice internet warriors who think they are beating down the patriarchy by being assholes to just-as-annoyed-with-society men.

Then on the other end you have the guys like some in this thread who want to blame all their problems on women. When that isn't the answer either.

Instead of everyone being all defensive, we need to realize that at the core we're all pretty similar and we all suffer from the same problems. The modern world is harsh on us all, while at the same time appearing to be not harsh on everyone else (firstworldproblems though). In between the power of social media and modern advertising, every day people are left with a constant feeling of being inadequate. While it appears everyone else is on top of their game, or "privileged" in the words of the social justice warriors.

At the end of the day it shouldn't be about pointing fingers at each other, but recognize each other's difficulties.

>> No.4480108


I don't doubt that you're right, but as someone who's been there (and done that) myself I feel more pity about it, and frustration that my pity doesn't accomplish anything, and distaste at the patronizing tones in which I can express that pity and frustration, than I feel any satisfaction from correctly sourcing these opinions to the trauma that bore them. These are lonely, broken people whose loneliness was not originally their fault and who have no way to alleviate it. Worse, the things that they turn to in the absence of sex make them LESS likely to obtain sexual satisfaction, not more. Through no fault of their own they become trapped in a situation and a way of thinking that is literally masturbatory. This shames them, and they know that others would shame them for it if they knew. So they retreat from the knowledge of others and become alien to society.

When I look at the kind of "nerdy males", I'm often reminded of the character of Grendel: by this ancestral curse he possesses, he is monstrous, he's unwelcome in Heorot, the hall, the center of society. I think that the writer(s) of Beowulf manifested their anxieties about the unsociable man in the character of Grendel, in much the same way as they manifested their anxieties about the unsociable woman in Grendeldam and the bad ruler in the Dragon. Grendel: he's of the people of Cain, exiled, and can only live in the wilderness, the deep water, alone with only his mother, "away from the haunts of men". But he longs for Heorot, creeps around its doors at night, even knowing that he can't stay. He hates people, he can't interact with them in any constructive way. Grendel of course is possessed of monstrous strength and can interact with them anyway - destructively. But what would he have done if he couldn't do that? Well, I'll tell you what he wouldn't have done - died at the hands of Beowulf.

>> No.4480109 [DELETED] 


>"Human nature" is the last refuge of the person who doesn't know what he's talking about.

Ouch, what a barb. A veritable dagger.

Being able to move past lesser and destructive primal drives in your own personal life doesn't mean that you can suddenly pretend that everyone else around you has done the same.

Try to see things are they are, chief.

>> No.4480116

We aren't cavemen anymore. Primal desire shouldn't ever be the forefront driving factor in our actions. Things are way more complicated now. Trying to bring everything back to the basics to dismiss a way of thinking (feminism) is ridiculous.

>> No.4480114


>"Human nature" is the last refuge of the person who doesn't know what he's talking about.

Ouch, what a barb. A veritable dagger.

Being able to move past lesser and destructive primal drives in your own personal life doesn't mean that you can suddenly pretend that everyone else around you has done the same.

Try to see things as they are, chief.

>> No.4480115

>the kind of "nerdy males"

*the kind of "nerdy males" you describe

>> No.4480125


>Primal desire shouldn't ever be the forefront driving factor in our actions.

I never said it was at the forefront. But to pretend it isn't prevalent and a largely motivating factor in people is naive.

>> No.4480130
File: 255 KB, 490x424, sexual intercourse.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Thanks, that actually clears it up a lot. And I think that's a very interesting point.

>> No.4480136

And if people act on it they're normally punished. Rape and murder are crimes. We're a civilization because we have the capacity to realize these are wrong. You are delusional if you think it's okay for these to be motivational factors without being properly channeled in healthy ways.

>> No.4480145
File: 648 KB, 401x4050, uglysouls.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>These are lonely, broken people whose loneliness was not originally their fault and who have no way to alleviate it. Worse, the things that they turn to in the absence of sex make them LESS likely to obtain sexual satisfaction, not more.

Sure, but there are women out there who are just as lonely and unable to satisfy that need. But men say "they're women. They can get laid by anyone". Maybe, but ugly women also exist. Especially when plenty of these same men we're talking about have ridiculously high standards. Which they will also say about women.

It's a ridiculous cycle. Only men don't see women's side of it ever. They like to pretend it doesn't exist because according to them, women have vaginas and therefore are some godly species. Which is also part of the cycle. Maybe it's just a bunch of people unwilling to lower their standards.

>> No.4480149

>And white men aren't just as privileged in our society?
dude, i'm not saying that at all.

you can't deny the privilege a beautiful woman has in the western world, and say shit like "who said i wanted it in the first place".

the fact is, most men would bend over backwards for a beautiful woman, and listen to her talk for days, even if her thoughts aren't really that interesting. If they are, they will seem 100x more interesting than they actually are.

Whether or not you're personally a fan of being the object of that stupid shit, is beside the point

the point is, that is completely unfair to unattractive women, who are written off unfairly all the time because, how could an ugly girl ever have anything interesting to say?

>What we have in this thread are a bunch of neckbeards who whine because they got friendzoned and want to blame all their problems on one gender because a few women turned them down and they can't get laid.
fuck off with this stupid shit, by the way. Talk about sexist.

>> No.4480151


You are delusional if you think primal desires are limited to only rape and murder.

Peoples need to psycho-sexually satiate themselves can take an infinitely varied amount of forms. You speak in too much deference to the primal.

We must allow ourselves to possibility of growth and change past it, I absolutely agree, but as our species stands society is but a thin veneer in comparison to the primal drives that underscore it and the motivation that those drives provide to keep society moving.

>> No.4480155
File: 487 KB, 500x500, Figure+8++HQ+png+picture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone found the future as a statue
In a fountain
At attention looking backward in a
Pool of water
Wishes with a blue
Songbird on his shoulder
Who keeps singing over everything

Everything means nothing to me
Everything means nothing to me
Everything means nothing to me

I picked up the song and found my picture
In the paper
The reflection in the water shouted
"Are your men still
Trying to salute
People from a time when he was
Everything he's supposed to be?"

Everything means nothing to me
Everything means nothing to me
Everything means nothing to me
Everything means nothing to me
Everything means nothing to me


>> No.4480161


spare us your mincing highschool faggotry

>> No.4480163

you presume to speak for the community anon?

>> No.4480168

he speaks for me. fuck off.

>> No.4480170

Like many men from our age, my romantic life is a huge train wreck. I went from naked cuddling with girls during my childhood to a complete loner in my youth. Even thought I am not the stereotype of the guy who "can't maintain eye contact with a female", I haven't had meaningful contact with the opposite gender in literally years. In hindsight, I might have been given quite a few "chances" but my continued failure led me to become paranoid, so I can never really decide if a girl is interested or if she will be annoyed when I pursue the matter.

I can understand perfectly well the bitterness towards women that dominates places like 4chan. Of course our cowardice or emotional ignorance is partly to blame, but I do believe there are other, greater reasons. The relative emancipation of sexuality and gender roles that we have today is certainly benign, but it also makes relationship a hell lot harder. I never asked for so many options and when faced with all these possibilities, I can't help but feel paralyzed by the speculation over which one would be better.

Above all, I think the idea of love and the way we link it to the idea of happiness and redemption is to blame. Couples mark the good endings of every story (or the bad endings if they break up). Couples have more money and better social standing. Even the government favors them with less taxes.

But what happens when love fails us? How should feel about myself, as loser in the game of love, when the society I live in values it so much?

>> No.4480172


>you presume to speak for the community anon?

this board is 18+
so yes. yes i do.

>> No.4480178

Too grown up for feelings samefag?
"i'm too old for that"

>> No.4480179


There's no point in viewing yourself as a loser; or rather, you should only call yourself a loser in order to learn how to win. But at the same time I think that you're only a "loser" inasmuch as you continue to accept the narrative of love as truthful. If you can be alone and happy, then you should do that instead of breaking your head chasing after women. But it seems to me from your post that you aren't happy alone, but are too afraid of being rejected to chase relationships with others.

>I can never really decide if a girl is interested or if she will be annoyed when I pursue the matter.

So pursue it! There's worse things in the world than a woman being annoyed with you. The man who asks and gets shot down is more respectable than the man who never asks.

>> No.4480180

I'm not denying the privilege of beautiful women, but not every woman is a beautiful woman in the western world.

I agree with the rest of your post. It was just that people are saying women have things handed to them simply because they are women. I was merely pointing out that white men also benefit for being white men. That was my point with that statement.

>fuck off with this shit

Well, how else do you describe these men whining about how they can't just rape every hot woman they see? Not every person in this thread is, so yes, I shouldn't have worded it like that, but at least a few of them are.

>only rape and murder

When did I say that? These were the two topics that are being discussed in that comment chain.

What primal desires still matter? Food, shelter? Obviously. But society is way more diverse than this and many people don't have to worry about these on a daily basis (some still do, because we're obviously not advanced enough to take care of poverty.)

>> No.4480184 [DELETED] 
File: 163 KB, 600x919, 1384932207516.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is this thread even about anymore?

>> No.4480186


just hurry up and get past this laughably awkward adolescent phase of yours pls ok thanks

>> No.4480187


Tits? Suddenly I don't remember...

>> No.4480190
File: 187 KB, 500x455, 1386416790178.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being on 4chan on a friday night
>calling others awkward and adolescent

>> No.4480194
File: 87 KB, 1078x710, 1384563608886.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Knowing what day is
>Posting irreverent imagery

>> No.4480198
File: 253 KB, 1060x1500, 1386476129887.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>king crimson background

>> No.4480204


>thinks we all live in the same time zone
>posts continual /mu/ related pics

all shitposting aside you are still a teenager aren't you? i mean it's pretty obvious, blossom

>> No.4480209

I'm in the same boat as you man. Fell in and out of love too young, had no one to look up to or explain the particulars in regards to that, was bullied for years and dismissed by a school system in shambles despite getting A class grades until the 8th grade or so do to "me" always being the one causing trouble. At the end, I just wanted to be left alone and I continue to feel that way 'till this day. Not only my romantic life suffers, every day communication does. It's usually emotionally and physically draining for me to keep up idle chat and conversations with more than one individual and I get extra nervous around authoritative figures and don't handle pressure well. It's hard to assert yourself when you've felt like a dog in a cage for such a long time. For the last decade or so I've been trying to fix this with slow but sure results, but I still have ways to go. But I'm sure It'll eventually click. Despite depression I've managed not to kill myself and I've had my chances here and there with the opposite sex, which even though I've blown about every time, still keeps me pushing forward. What I'm saying is, hang in there. I know I will because the alternative sucks even harder. And at least I can comfort myself with the knowledge that I'm a much stronger individual today than I was ten years ago.

>> No.4480212

it's 11PM ok? it's totally possible that i was out at a party, got laid, and just got home.

>> No.4480222
File: 588 KB, 500x753, 1386643407574.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>>being on 4chan on a friday night

You do realise the world is more than your immediate locale, right? There are quite a lot of foreign users on here.

It's 2pm saturday where I am and I'm bumming around on /lit/ trying stave off a hangover from last night's party. Not everyone is in the same boat as you.

If you feel the need to defend your posts just stop posting embarrassing /mu/ shit here and people will stop calling you out for being young. It's that simple.

>> No.4480248


Your logic is right, but this poster renders it pointless because he was correct.

>> No.4480253

alcoholics giving advice. classic coke

>> No.4480258

No, I am not happy, but what really vexes me the most is the fact that I can't escape that narrative despite being fully aware of it's failings.

The thing about rejection is ties up to that I was saying earlier. Before the sexual revolution there was no such thing. Either you had the social standing (and obligation) of being in a relationship or you didn't. Now everything seems possible, but that also means you are alone out there: if nobody wants you, it's your own fault, not society's (not that this is wrong, but it complicates things).

For years we have been indoctrinated with the idea that the only life worth living must be a delightful life. But I lived my life alone and "unhappy" so far and, well, I am still alive. I think this incongruity alienated me, as it must have happened to other "neck beards". Superficially, I go to work, talk with people, laugh, whatever. I even flirt. But I am fundamentally alone and incapable of intimacy. I wonder how many are in the same situation.

>> No.4480261

You see, women don't like visual porn. They like fantasies/fanfictions about TV shows/movie characters they have the hots for. This is basically the pornographic masterpiece for women, a groundbreaking moment in the Feminist Movement, the final nail in the coffin against the disgusting Patriarchy.

>> No.4480263
File: 847 KB, 1600x1284, 1381110846420.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It started out:
Women have rape fantasies.

But then:
Men are mad they can't act on them.

Discussion/arguing/whining ensued.

>> No.4480267


>but this poster renders it pointless because he was correct

Heh, you're not that great at samefagging, m8. You mistakenly implied that we were all posting from the same timezone. There is no way you could ever be seen as being "correct" here so don't pretend to be someone else to support this misgiving.

It might be better if you just take yourself and your /mu/ pics back to /mu/. It's about that time.

>> No.4480269

>the pornographic masterpiece for women, a groundbreaking moment in the Feminist Movement, the final nail in the coffin against the disgusting Patriarchy.

That's what 50 Shades of Grey is?


>> No.4480273


You're so wrong. Like I give a crap about that guy's shitty music tastes. This is /lit/ for goodness sakes.

I was just point out how your logic was spot on, but that guy's response shows the previous poster was correct.

>> No.4480276

jw, what are some things are aren't good at?

>> No.4480285

>Men are mad they can't act on rape fantasies.
i myself can settle for being raped by the woman.
same thing basically, just rooting for a different team.

>> No.4480288

Uhh, the last two parts were a joke but yeah its porn for women being hailed as some kind of literary masterpiece since they think men will never try to read it and realize its porn or something.

>> No.4480291


Meh, fine. This has gone too far into semantics anyway.

But there is still something hilarious about some underage kid from /mu/ linking a fucking Elliot Smith song in the middle of a thread this abortive, lol.

>> No.4480296

i posted the video. it was clearly making fun of the lonely scrubs in this thread.

>> No.4480308

It's literally a Twilight fanfiction with the names changed.

I was shocked when my friend's were talking about it to me. I was secretly lurking some online BDSM communities at the time and I would have never shared my interest.

The fact it's so widely spread and openly talked about by it's fans baffles me.

>> No.4480310


>Women have rape fantasies.

so women entertain these ideas in their minds but get annoyed when men secretly think the same?

funny how there is never any issue of personal onus and responsibility when it comes to sexuality for women. they secretly fantasize about it yet feel used and objectified when men secretly fantasize about the exact same thing. why bother with hypocrisy when you can just blame men for instilling it in you! let's propagate ourselves as constant victims so we can use the inverse paternalism to our advantage!

hooray, progress!

>> No.4480320 [SPOILER] 
File: 959 KB, 1200x927, 1367906989729.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

e'erybdy rapin e'erybody 'round here

I had a picture where a chick was raping a gay man tied to a chair but I guess I deleted it or didn't really save it :/

>> No.4480335

There's a difference between fantasy and thinking because women dress skimpy they should exist for your raping pleasure, which is what some posts in this thread were implying.

If you secretly think of raping women, go out and find yourself a woman who wants to be raped. There are BDSM communities for a reason. Now probably flooded with amateurs because of 50 Shades.

There is a major difference between seeking healthy ways to vent your urges/fantasies and bitterly keeping them locked up inside while being overly critical of everything.

>> No.4480351


no person should have a fantasy of another unwillingly forced upon them, and i cannot speak for the other posters ITT, but what annoys me is that women pretend not to have this dichotomy within them.

i understand that this refusal to accept this dichotomy has a lot to do with various different societal pressures they face that men don't, both by society and from other women, but it is frustrating all the same to see women continually playing the victim card and lecturing men for objectifying them when they secretly desire to be objectified

they want to have their cake and eat it too, and then blame men for the weight they gain from it.

>> No.4480357

>but what annoys me is that women pretend not to have this dichotomy within them.

Because not all of them do. So are you saying we should assume ever woman does and therefore treat them all like objects?

>no person should have a fantasy of another unwillingly forced upon them

Exactly. Your post would be great if you stopped here.

>> No.4480358


No. This is fucking stupid. There's a difference between wanting to fuck a hot guy and wanting to be raped by a hot guy. By definition, you can't want to be raped.

>There are people on /lit/ right now who believe women want to be raped by hot guys.

>> No.4480364

>the unlawful compelling of a person through physical force or duress to have sexual intercourse.

i want this

>> No.4480383
File: 125 KB, 500x750, 1378112320212.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also, by this logic, lesbians and dominant women (and male subs) do not exist.

That's a pretty sheltered viewpoint.

>> No.4480393

That's a shitty definition. Rape victims are not "compelled," they're forced.

>> No.4480476

I actually can't believe woman get off on this shit. I should be able to fucking write erotica if this is how easy it is.

>> No.4480508

Is /lit/ really this dumb? Wow and I thought this was the sane board here.

A large percentage of women have BDSM/control fantasies--this is is distinguished from rape fantasies, though a lot of them have that too. And that's what it is, a fantasy. I have an incest fantasy but that doesn't mean I want to fuck my cousins, I just want a girl to call me big brother while I fuck her (this also relates to my Stalinist fetish, but that's for a different thread)

>> No.4480541

This. There's a big difference between being turned on by the idea of being in the cousin/sister/brother role or the overpowered/overpowering role and ACTUALLY being in those roles. Most people who play out rape fantasies or incest fantasies aren't ever actually being raped or committing incest, nor do they really want to, they're just intensely imagining with a lot of stimulation, just like a movie or a play is stimulation for the imagination.

>> No.4480546

This is retarded

You like the idea of incest but don't want to bang your cousin? That's the point of wanting incest.

You can't just pretend want something.

>> No.4480551

I'm not that anon, but in my "incest" fantasy, it's an incredibly hot step sister whom I live with.

See, it's not incest so it's not completely wrong, but it's still taboo. The fact we live together under our parent's roof is another taboo; in order to do anything, we'd have to hide it because who knows what the consequences would be. And she would want me, like teasing me whenever she could, like bending over in a skirt with no panties so that only I could see, and maybe even be doing this under our parent's noses but right in front of them. I suppose in this sense that cousin could work too, but mine is step sister

In real life, my sister is a fat uggo, we're actually related, and we don't even really talk

I curse the gods that I was not born into a life where I get to live with an incredible hot step sister who wants my bod, so we spend all the time our parents are out by fucking

>> No.4480562

that's sorta different. If you had a hot step sister that could happen. what I mean is the notion you want to bang a cat but you don't actually want to do it, so you pretend bang a cat. The whole point of fantasies are enacting them.

>> No.4480572

>You can't just pretend want something.
What is a fantasy?

>> No.4480576


>The whole point of fantasies are enacting them.

im twelve and what is this. Have you ever been on /d/? People there have fantasies that are impossible, or even just illegal or totally impracticable or for that matter so totally bizarre that you can't possibly imagine enacting them. You wanna fuck horse cocked women? How about women with TWO fucking horse cocks. eh? eh?

We don't fantasize because we want to enact our fantasies. Some people do this, but it's not a necessary prerequisite of fantasizing. We also fantasize because the act of fantasizing is, in itself, pleasurable.

>> No.4480579


I thought the point of point of a fantasy was the taboo-ness. If fucking our sister or cousin or cat was a normal part of our lives, we'd fantasize about it to the equal extent we would regular sex or perhaps even slightly less as the real moral implications would set in.
But it's not.
So whatever fantasies we have are the opposite end of whatever society deems natural and therefore seems more tantalizing to us. It's not so much that you want to fuck your cat, its that you want to go against what society says you can't do.

>> No.4480585

fantasy is not a false pretense.

what does /d/ have to do with this?

>> No.4480596
File: 80 KB, 640x333, tricked.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It illustrates my point that fantasy doesn't need to be enacted, or indeed enactable for somebody to derive a sexual kick out of it. For example:

>You will never be a centaur
>You will never have a 3' horsecock
>You will never gallop like the wind, kicking up dust with your hooves, your bushy tail blowing in the breeze
>You will never pleasure a centauress
>You will never have a big, busty centauress gf to ride

>> No.4480609

so why do you just imagine incest rape in your head and be done with it?

>> No.4480610


Because raping your siblings is the kind of behavior that is suitable for apes and insane people.

>> No.4480626


>> No.4480631


See, it's not like this is the only book in the genre. Books like this get pumped out in hundreds every day. What made this book succeed to the next level is a very good marketing campaign.

>> No.4480643


>I thought the point of point of a fantasy was the taboo-ness

Wat? I fantasize about fucking Benedict Cumberbatch. It's not necessarily taboo...just, you know, HIGHLY unlikely. A fantasy is anything that you do in your head as opposed to reality (for whatever reason). Tabooness is certainly a driving force for a lot of fantasies, but certainly not all.

>> No.4480879

See, the problem here is that you don't really read the posts you're replying to.

>Yeah he did.
>He claims that women have life handed to them on a platter simply because they have a vagina.
But he did not imply that it's _just_ about getting attention. The perks of being attractive extends far beyond that of simple attention. You should know this. And perhaps he also meant that being a woman that's (not ugly) makes life a bit easier in general.
Again, reaaad.

>f you wonder why you have a problem getting laid or getting women to pay attention to you stop treating them like a fucking separate species.
For one, who said I had any problems getting laid?.. secondly, listening to a woman is the worst thing you can do when it comes to attracting other women.

>We come from the same species, the same society, and we have the same urges.
>we have the same urges.
.. u srs dawg?

> But if you think every woman should just be every man's fucktoy, you are seriously delusional.
what? Never said they should, never implied they should.

>And I guess every woman should just be able to be used by every man whenever he wants?
>Also I'm sorry my womanly body is so fucking distracting to you that you have the urge to rape me. Fuck off.
No yeah, why don't just keep implying bullshit I never said, eh?

>You need a therapist.

>> No.4480886

>So,,, if you want to claim that your entire gender (men) is about as advanced as bunch of cavement to where they think "sexy wominz, must mate" then go right ahead.
>However, most men are more intelligent than this.
Because sexual instincts and intelligence is the same right?

>> No.4480909

>Well, how else do you describe these men whining about how they can't just rape every hot woman they see? Not every person in this thread is, so yes, I shouldn't have worded it like that, but at least a few of them are.
What the fuck are you even talking about? No one has wined about that - at all. What they are "whining" about is the unpredictablity of these "feminists". Spending countless hours supporting this modern femninsm on social medias, to throwing it all out the window as soon as an attractive enough male comes by.

>No. This is fucking stupid. There's a difference between wanting to fuck a hot guy and wanting to be raped by a hot guy. By definition, you can't want to be raped.
It says, in like, the second sentence, that it wouldn't be "rape":

It startet out:
Women have rape/bdsm/controle fantasies

but then:
Men are mad many women want to literally cut the balls of them for even thinking about joining that fantasy, unless they are sexually attractive, where as they are hailed as "real men".

>> No.4480936

>There are ugly guys that are wanting hot girls
>There are ugly girls that are wanting hot guys
>There are ugly guys that hate ugly girls
>There are ugly girls that hate ugly guys
>There are guys that dressing good to be more attractive to girls
>There are girls that dressing good to be more
attractive to guys

>Most Men get more attractive to appearance (that's why rate was invented)
>Most Girls get more attractive to appearance added with personality etc.(Also with rate and personality)
