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File: 242 KB, 1500x1000, Bloom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4474402 No.4474402[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>In 2004 author Naomi Wolf wrote an article for New York Magazine accusing Harold Bloom of a sexual "encroachment" more than two decades earlier, by touching her thigh. She said that what she alleged Bloom did was not harassment, either legally or emotionally, and she did not think herself a "victim", but that she had harbored this secret for 21 years. Explaining why she had finally gone public with the charges, Wolf wrote, "I began, nearly a year ago, to try—privately—to start a conversation with my alma mater that would reassure me that steps had been taken in the ensuing years to ensure that unwanted sexual advances of this sort weren't still occurring. I expected Yale to be responsive. After nine months and many calls and e-mails, I was shocked to conclude that the atmosphere of collusion that had helped to keep me quiet twenty years ago was still intact—as secretive as a Masonic lodge."



>> No.4474411

>bawww he touched me this a complete holocaust

>> No.4474423

I had a similiar reaction...

He touched her thigh? Is this really enough to write an article about, or have on wikipedia?

>> No.4474432

feminism will kill western society

>> No.4474433

She's angry that a university as prestigious as Yale would take steps to prevent some uppity 'Sex & The City'-era feminist from shitting on the reputation of one of their Sterling professors? What did she think they'd do, drop everything and call in Bloom for a mandatory one-on-one interview with her?

>> No.4474438

She's a bit of a nut. Hypersensitive no doubt.
I have had odd conversations with people who don't even want a light pat on the shoulder. Some people just don't want touched, others just want a little human contact.

It all seems so unhealthy to me, but I just apologize and try to respect. .... Legal actions are uncalled for "sexual encroachment" Phooey.

>> No.4474440

Forgot my trip but don't want to destroy those dubs.

>> No.4474449
File: 125 KB, 974x538, 1389852758703.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Caring about dubs as much as persona

>> No.4474451

Before we all start talking about how our past girlfriends done us wrong and tumblr gave us bowel cancer, lets just note that even this Recipient of Sexual Encroachment doesn't seem to think it's a big deal.

>I didn't consider it harassment or myself as a victim

>> No.4474452

>just a thigh touch
>she doesnt even think its assault but wants him charged anyway

Wow what a horrible fucking cunt.

>> No.4474454

guaranteed it was a light accidental bump, if it happened at all

>> No.4474456

Not soon enough.

>> No.4474463

She cares enough to write an article for New York Magazine about it... if she truly didn't think it was a problem, why would she defame Bloom like she did?

If she truly only blamed Yale, because of their inaction, why not keep the professor anonymous?

>> No.4474470
File: 4 KB, 209x242, goodgoy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4474489
