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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 92 KB, 480x736, enders-game-novel-cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
447317 No.447317[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Out of curiosity, what does /lit/ think of Ender's Game?

>> No.447326

It's a pretty cool story, bro.

>> No.447333

I didn't really like the pacing of the story, and I thought the sequel was better written. It's a good book with a great concept however.

>> No.447342

valentine is quite moe

>> No.447343

It's a bad book for children

>> No.447364

It's a great book for children.

>> No.447367

No, actually, it's bad.

>> No.447373

No it isn't, you don't know shit.

>> No.447375

I actually know a lot of shit. I read it when I was like 10. It's bad.

>> No.447378
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>> No.447379

Hey random stranger, that's my line.

>> No.447384

It's a good book. It's also a good tool that you can use to tell the difference between a smart kid and a kid controlled by his or her emotions.

>> No.447390

Like anyone trusts your opinion, go back to fapping to Fight Club or whatever other books are "good" enough for you and leave the classics to us Pros.

>> No.447392

You mustn't be a smart kid.

>> No.447396

I only read Ayn Rand, thank you very much.

>> No.447398
File: 59 KB, 815x622, derp megaman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ender's Game

>> No.447400

I will fuck you up so hard that you'll be spewing shit from your mouth for months you stupid twat.

>> No.447402

It was obviously a troll. The book isn't even a thousand years old

>> No.447408
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>> No.447409

Say that to my FACE and see what happens.

>> No.447416
File: 18 KB, 308x298, say that to my face.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.447419


doesn't need to be faggot.

>> No.447420

thanks, will keep this for future copy paste. not. faggot

>> No.447425

>LoTR liker
>calls someone a geek
chyeah right boy

>> No.447421

Lord of the Rings isn't even 50 years old and it is already a classic so fuck your definition of classic.

Fuck you you stupid geek, you are 5'4" with a small dick so don't talk shit.

>> No.447426
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>> No.447431

I liked it. I didn't even read it until I was a freshman in college. It's a quick read too.

>> No.447432
File: 130 KB, 748x481, trolls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who the fuck let in all the trolls?

>> No.447439


Last time I checked LOTR was first published in 1954 or 55. So it is over 50 years old.

>> No.447445

And yet still not a classic. Must be a piece of shit

>> No.447449
File: 97 KB, 720x540, fuck that shit i'm going to space.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.447452

So what i was off by a year or two doesn't change the fact that it is the most read book in the world besides religious books. IT IS MOST DEFINITELY A CLASSIC.

>> No.447455



>> No.447464
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>> No.447465

Can you guess what is the most watched film of all time?

>> No.447462


>> No.447470

Its avatar

>> No.447474


Hey, I'm not saying LOTR wasn't a classic. Just sayin, it's over 50 years old.

But the amount of detail Tolkien put into building the world in his story was insane. That's what happens when you let an English professor write a book I guess.

>> No.447478

Tolkien put so much effort into a huge pile of shit. HOw depressing

>> No.447488

Not as depressing as your life you stupid troll.

>> No.447489
File: 19 KB, 449x336, u mad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.447490

My life is actually quite nice. I have tons of friends, sex with a hot girl every night, a decent job, and I read lots of good books

>> No.447494

Like Atlas Shrugged, yearite.

>> No.447496

OP here, you trolls are delicious.