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/lit/ - Literature

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4469454 No.4469454 [Reply] [Original]

>be me
>want to pick up the World War Z novel, even though I don't usually read that kind of stuff
>go to my local big library
>ask on which shelf I can find the book
>get told it's on the youth section, on the video games shelf
>begin to feel a little bad
>go there
>surrounded by the "yound adult novel" and "Chick lit" (I don't even know what this shit is) shelves, copies of the Hobbit and the Hunger Games on display
>feel more and more nervous
>randomly look for the book then just leave the store when I can't take it anymore

H-how did I do guys ?

>> No.4469457

I also feel paranoid when ever buying any thing in a book store.
I prefer to borrow from friends.

>> No.4469459

you are a huge faggot

>> No.4469461

>want to pick up the World War Z novel

Fucking why?

>> No.4469507

i read the hobbit years before the movie
my cover is not movie-related
feels good man

>> No.4469509

>go to library
>leave the store

>> No.4469510

pls stop romance language shaming, tia

>> No.4469515

>went to library to look for nabokov novel
>pronounced it na-bo-kov (emphasis on final syllable) rather than na-boh-kov.

>any time I go to the library/ book shop
>realise that if anyone had any clue about books they'd realise I'm retarded for paying or even leaving the house for them

Also since I'm ugly with no friends, I'd feel self-conscious about admitting liking some books.

Imagine if BEE came to town and then I went to see him reading something or answering questions. If he saw me he'd think I'm a pathetic faux-edgy no friends loser. He'd wrongly think that I like AP the most. Or he'd think I like LTZ and TROA because it's the life I've never had. And how he kind of makes fun of that life in his books but he'd know I would like to have tha tlife but never could.

>> No.4469538

>go to local library
>ask if they have anything by Albert Camus
>I pronounced Camus with the S and everything
>realize what I've done
>never return out of shame

>> No.4469559
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>want to get a Robert Fulghum book as a gift for girlfriend because she's into that kind of stuff
>go to the bookstore
>"Hello, ehm, do you have anything by Fulghum?"
>the 50 years old mentally challenged inbred hag hesitates to respond -
>"WHAT? YOU MEAN FUNGDJHUMB? I'M AFRAID I CAN'T HELP YOU", she struggles to spew the words through her ten chins of death
>"O-ok... Thanks."
>urge for The End intensifies
>get disgusted for the rest of my life

>> No.4469570

>tfw reading has made me incredibly self-conscious/self-aware
>tfw I always ramble and go on tangents when I try and explain something, as if I'm inserting footnotes IRL conversations

>> No.4469582

Fiction is relaxing. How do you relax?

>> No.4469585

>tfw don't know how to pronounce most authors names so I never feel secure verbally discussing literature

>> No.4469596

>tfw my mother is fed up with me using her card after I lost a book on mine that I don't want to pay for and now I don't have a library card to use

>> No.4469617

The library was privatised before OP even left the building. THANKS THATCHERISM

>> No.4469621

>Usually read on the bus
>Someone gives me a book about tantric sex
>Have to read it because it was a present
>It says TANTRIC SEX in huge letters on the cover
>Read it on the bus anyway

Then I started making bookcovers out of paper. Now I make them out of fabric.

>> No.4469633
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>tfw you've never read a single George Orwell book

We never read any of his stuff in high school, I didn't read any of his stuff in college, and I just haven't been assed to pick any of his books up in my free time.

>> No.4469645
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>mfw we weren't assigned to read anything in highschool
>a book costs about 65$ in a bookstore
And then the officials are surprised why no one reads in this country.

>> No.4469657

Get yourself a kindle that's 100000 books for 90$

>> No.4469674

I only get that with French authors.

>> No.4469677

I have one, obviously.
I was talking about everybody else.

>> No.4469687

>living in an excommie shithole, poorfag
>want to make a library
>buy second hand books from an auction site
>3 times cheaper, hardcovers, old commie books

>> No.4469704

The biggest bookshops in my area are pretty disorganized, so it's very hard to look for books on your own unless you speak with an employee, which I detest.

Seriously, how hard is it to put some bookshelves in order?
Fuck your sales comission, nosy fucker.

>> No.4469706
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>philosophy and politics books are from commies for commies
No wonder my country is still doing like shit

>> No.4469720
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>buy a collection of poems of a modernist
>look at the introduction
>"..symbolizes the class warfare"

>> No.4469752

>Go to library
>ask for Nabokov
>Librarian looks at me blankly
>Vlad_im_ir Na_bo_kov
>I'm sorry, there are lots of people named Vladimir, do you have a specific book in mind?
I walked out when she asked me to describe lolita. now I only go to a small second hand bookstore with a great collection of french erotic literature or order online.

>> No.4469761

Tfw I read It In School before people even knew what The Hobbit even was

>> No.4469777
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>> No.4469778

You should have told her - Vladimir, light of my life, fire of my loins. My sin, my soul. Vla-di-mir: the tip of the tongue taking a trip of three steps down the palate to tap, at three, on the teeth. Vla. Di. Mir.
He was Vlad, plain Vlad, in the morning, standing four feet ten in one sock. He was Vladdo in slacks. He was Vladdy at school. He was Nabokov on the dotted line. But in my hands he was always Vladimir.

>> No.4469782

>not picking up kinky qts by reading books about tantric sex confidently in public

>> No.4469792

>brother buys me "the Atheist's Guide to Christmas"
>Always hold the cover face-down when reading in public

>> No.4469800

>Always bring Book with me wrapped in a bag so it doesn't get stains or crushed while its there
>Pulling it out on the bus the bag makes sounds and loud noises
>Everyone turns to me

>> No.4469802

What the fuck did you read in high school if you didn't read 1984 or Animal Farm?

>> No.4469804

>order all books online
>walk to mailbox to pick up nondescript packages
>never set foot in store and be judged for purchases ever again
feels good, man

>> No.4469809

Jamal's Jocular Journey

The Goldenstein Family: Memoirs From a Death Camp

>> No.4469812

Nigga, we read Brave New World in high school. That, and The Great Gatsby.

>> No.4469823
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>mfw I went to the library looking for Epic of Gilgamesh
>The librarian makes me spell out "Gilgamesh" so she can type it into the computer
>mfw I'm stuck in a town of plebs

That was just embarrassing.

>> No.4469828

>neighbours assume you are amassing the world's largest library of dragon dildos

>> No.4470026

in my language (OP here) the library (librairie) is where you buy books, the bibliothèque is where you go to take and return them afterwards.

>the more you know

>> No.4470046

>feeling compelled to read books you got for Xmas

Seriously if it bores you in advance just sell it. If your brother got it for you then you can just laugh it off with him if you have average or above relationship with him. It's only not adequate to do this maybe for parents presents, since extended family doesn't even care what they get you most of the time.

>> No.4470053

>buying a used copy of "The Magus" for a girl
>have to pick it up by the seller's flat next to a busy street
>ring the communicator
>'Hi, who is this?'
>'Hello, it's anon. I've come to pick up The Magus by John Fowles?'
>have to repeat the above line 3 times because I speak at very low volumes, plus the traffic, plus my diction sucks
>guy comes down
>akward hand shake because I wasn't sure I hand to shake it
>I nervously flip a few pages to check the state of the book
>want to leave immediately
>'So, it was X bucks, right?'
>hands over money
>'OK, if you want any other books just check my catalog. Thanks!'
>'Y-you too'
>avert my eyes and leave without shaking his extended hand

That day I could have killed myself.

>> No.4470056


Same thing in Brazil. We buy books at a livraria and read books for free at the biblioteca.

>> No.4470081

> High School library
> A bro librarian guy
> First few years read progressively harder stuff finally getting into epics and difficult classics and so
> On the last year join book club by hawt chicks for scoring that never did happen
> Don't wanna spend money on Norwegian Wood or Zadie Smith and instead borrow the books from school library
> The librarian seems to be less enthusiastic to talk about literature and whatnot every time we meet

>> No.4470093

>tfw you are only just reading books /lit/ considers high school books because you don't read them then in your country

>> No.4470116

But it was actually pretty funny

>> No.4470124

I look in that section all the time i didn't even care. In fact, what I'm embarrassed about is looking in the literture section of book stores when I'm the only 10-something there, and they all give me stared (because I'm ugly.) So I just feel more comfortable looking around the YA science fiction and fantasy section like all the other young adults

>> No.4470127

that's daily life for me anon

>> No.4470138


Olá. Bom ver um compatriota por aqui.

>> No.4470141

>I'm the only 10-something

underage b& pls go

>> No.4470143

i'm 18. I thought "people use twenty something, why not ten something)

>> No.4470179
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>tfw I've read almost every single book by George Orwell except for 1984

My favourite is Homage to Catalonia.

>> No.4470184

>that Nedroid reaction pic

fuck I love that webcomic

>> No.4470189

>study music
>have russian cello teacher with three syllable russian name
>ask him where the emphasis should go
>he tells me it doesn't f*cking matter

>> No.4470195

Are elf-ears and wizard hats part of your wardrobe?

>> No.4470199

Here is the way to avoid all embarrassment at the library. Write the book your looking for on a piece of paper, go to the desk, and then read the title and author off of that piece of paper with difficulty, and no one will judge you.

>> No.4470234 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.4470250

beartato is so cute
I wish I had a friend like him

>> No.4470252

You read it before it was even released?

>> No.4470288
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>go to book store to pick up a book on buddhism
>cute girl working behind the counter
>go back a few days later even though i don't need anything
>she's always at the register
>always pick a book up just so i can talk to her
>tfw i've been going to the same book store every few days for the past 3 months just to see this girl
>have stacks of books i don't have the time to read
>finally get the nerve to ask her out
>"i wish you had asked me sooner. i just started seeing someone"
>want to die

>> No.4470296
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>"i wish you had asked me sooner. i just started seeing someone"

>> No.4470718

>tfw school board tried to pacify retarded pc nazi parents, teachers weren't allowed to give anything that might alter children's thoughts from what the retarded PTA moms wanted.
mfw my english teacher was a bro and got us to read some Arthur Miller and told us all about the short falls of the "American Dream"

>> No.4470847


>> No.4471033

Sounds like her standard line that she uses on all the sperglords who ask her out in the store.

>> No.4471428

You sound like a retarded and/or bitter individual:
>didn't bother spelling out the author's last name for the librarian
>didn't bother to use a self-service library PC, or just go to their web site & reserve the book online so it's ready when you walk in
>walking out on a librarian who's just trying to help you, because s/he doesn't share your taste in literature or background in reading

>> No.4471435

>before people even knew what The Hobbit even was
I.e., years before the Peter Jackson screen adaptations? Yeah, me too; I hadn't realized that it's a brag-worthy feat.

>> No.4471437

No one goes to the library anymore, so there wasn't anyone to laugh at you

You were alone, just like usual

>> No.4471442

>going to the library
What's the point when you have the internet and e-readers?

>> No.4471445


Huh. I liked it.

What about it was bad?

>> No.4471452
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>> No.4471457


>no argument

>> No.4471458

>Reading online
What about the paper? The smell?

>> No.4471482


>go back a few days later even though i don't need anything

Well, at least you got something from that book on Buddhism.

>> No.4471514


People actually do this?

>> No.4471527 [DELETED] 

The local library itself is a bit shameful:
>downtown library in great, big, beautiful, spacious, lavishly designed, recently constructed building
>a lot of technological resources
>be white male in his 20s
>go inside
>bums, niglets everywhere
>eyed with suspicion for being a creepy-ass cracka
>bums asking me for money

Also, the librarians are apparently afraid to confront minorities for their constant noise issues, though I had a dude walk up to me to tell me to put away a coffee inside of a thermal travel mug — and, on another occasion, a fucking water bottle.

I probably wouldn't have turned to #bookz, etc., if the library weren't so fucked.

>> No.4471620

Frenchman here. Take heart. We mispronounce the names of your authors too

>> No.4471623

Next time use an online bookstore. Problem solved.

Also, World War Z the book is miles better than the book but still pretty banal. I was disappointed after a bunch of friends hyped it up (well before the movie/Walking Dead craze started)

>> No.4471643

>I'm being oppressed I'm being oppressed

>> No.4471650

>implying young white males aren't being oppressed in today's society

its fucking 2014 bro. get with the times.

>> No.4471654

are you fucking serious?

>> No.4471657

yeah, what's wrong with it?

>> No.4471661

There's something weird hanging around in the air.
It's not fair, nor is it bad. It's just strange.

>> No.4471664

You're a teen, who the fuck calls themselves a ten?

>> No.4471668

allow me to shed a pearly white tear on your behalf

>> No.4471670 [DELETED] 

shove it up your ass shitskin

>> No.4471680 [DELETED] 
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>get with the times

>> No.4471683

Same thing in spanish. Buy a the libreria, borrow at the biblioteca.

>> No.4471689

French: buy at the librairie borrow at the bibliothèque
German and Russian also use a variant on bibliothèque. I think it comes from Latin.

>> No.4471699


bibliothèque is a pretty word

>> No.4471704

I wanted to read that post that you're responding too and now its gone ;_;

>> No.4471705

>being French

>> No.4471708

Here it is in all its glory:

The local library itself is a bit shameful:
>downtown library in great, big, beautiful, spacious, lavishly designed, recently constructed building
>a lot of technological resources
>be white male in his 20s
>go inside
>bums, niglets everywhere
>eyed with suspicion for being a creepy-ass cracka
>bums asking me for money

Also, the librarians are apparently afraid to confront minorities for their constant noise issues, though I had a dude walk up to me to tell me to put away a coffee inside of a thermal travel mug — and, on another occasion, a fucking water bottle.

I probably wouldn't have turned to #bookz, etc., if the library weren't so fucked.

>> No.4471709

>not being French

>> No.4471711


>> No.4471713
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>being French

>> No.4471716

i post that young white males are being oppressed and it gets deleted.

what the actual fuck? am i not allowed to have that opinion?


>> No.4471719

>yfw the Eiffel tower is a giant phallic symbol of Anglo industrialization that every frenchman wants to suck on.

>> No.4471723

I'm the guy who was trolling you and i just want to say: although I was making fun of you, i didn't report you. Either someone else did or the mods picked it up on their own. They also deleted one of the posts where I quoted you. I think they mostly took offense at the racial slur you were using. Although I disapprove of it, I don't get why they would delete that while allowing millions of n-words fly every day

>> No.4471724

The nigs in our library are surprisingly well behaved, but I'd put that down to the teacher-esque old white ladies we have for librarians, not afraid to tell people to shut the fuck up.

They're never there for long though. Probably there just to enjoy the airconditioning after school.

>> No.4471725

yeah some city libraries are just shit and librarians - i know because i am one and recently got out of library school - are now so blindly dedicated to 'diverse populations' that many have lost track of what actually matters in libraries. if you have a university nearby you might try asking them for borrowing privileges. a number of schools do local/neighborhood cards and even if they don't have a program many are happy to give access to anyone who seems genuinely interested.

>> No.4471726

my thread spawning serious discussion about the objectiviy/subejctivy of literary works and criticism, based on an analogy with porn production, was also unjustly deleted.

>> No.4471727

>only time black people behave is when white people keep them in line
Seriously people?

>> No.4471729

/lit/ is safe for work. you had it coming

>> No.4471733

oh that includes text? Thought it was just pictures.

but i'm mentioning porn right now, will this get deleted?


>> No.4471735

In my area, yeah, that's pretty much how it goes.
I live in an extremely poor area, with a ridiculous amount of crime... I think at one point we had the highest rate of car theft, or break-ins, I can't remember which, out of all Cities - was in the local paper.

>> No.4471736

i think i'm mistaking you for someone else. there was a post on /lit/ in the past 30 minutes that had images. i don't know if just talking about porn will get you deleted.

>> No.4471737

What city?

>> No.4471738

That's us, mang.
Unless you're from Berdoo.
That's a real possibility.

>> No.4471740

this is why i literally never ask for anything. i wander around and look at every single option in every single circumstance and it takes so long that i end up getting offered weed in the end.

>> No.4471741

then it has more to do with class than it does with anything related to people's race

>> No.4471742

>hurr let's disregard every statistic out ther

>> No.4471743
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What if the criminals are black?

>> No.4471745

Everybody knows that who the cops pick up is not a good indication of who actually commits crime. Just because cops have a tendency to arrest black people for the same crimes that white people get away with doesn't prove diddly.

>> No.4471747

>incoming /pol/ thread

>> No.4471750

100 times this
>tfw cracking open a new book
>tfw you smell those fresh pages
>tfw you run your fingers over the smooth untainted paper

>> No.4471751

also, that chart is particularly bad since you're looking at areas with 40% minorities compared with places with 20% poverty. If minorities are more likely to be poor (they are), then the higher crime rates in the areas with 40% minorities could very well be related to especially high concentrations of poverty (>20%)

>> No.4471754

We didn't have crime rates this high during the great depression.

>> No.4471758
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I'd post up more figures and happily argue with you, but the mods seem a little overzealous, and I'm not exactly sure what political view you have, or at what point one's opinions, or statistics you present, become "/pol/", and thus break global rule #3.

>> No.4471760

just fucking post them

>> No.4471763


>> No.4471764

And get banned? No thanks.

>> No.4471766

you won't get banned

>> No.4471769
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>tfw i want to help kids to get started on reading
>tfw i can't approach them because i'm terrible around kids and am scruffy 24/7
>tfw i always forget what are the best books for children
I just want to save them from becoming retarded.

>> No.4471845 [DELETED] 

>Be a fairly fit and healthy college student
>Reading in the library after classes
>Notice that I have a hard time looking for books
>Start farting if I spend too much time looking at the shelves
>Farting increases in frequency and potency until I want to take a shit
>Keep looking through the shelves but can't focus or see anything
>Farts begin coming out in a monotonous, baritone rhythm
>Have to sit down and take a rest before I can search for books again

>> No.4472064

Give them something easy but not a Children book

>> No.4472081
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soooo..what kind of autist are you?

>> No.4472113

Crime and punishment
The fountainhead
The swarm
Those are fairly easy and interesting books.

>> No.4472190

Hey, mine did that too. What'd you read?

>> No.4472339

implying that having the nineteen year old barnes and noble clerk be, for a matter of seconds, aware of your existence and associated reading habits is worse than a permanent record of your every purchase being accumulated online.

>> No.4472378

*unseathes katana*
*flips behind u*
heh................. nothing personnel kid
*kills u*

>> No.4472435

I just finished reading Gardens of the Moon by Steven Erikson and I didn't have any problems with how the characters were written.
Always heard stories about how his characterization is bad but I thought it was pretty ok.

>> No.4472481

>cousin is coming for Christmas
>he likes reading
>not serious literature, pulpy YA bullshit
>nevertheless, want to buy The Circle for him
>mother thinks he isn't smart enough for it
>buy some Dan Brown bullshit instead
>he owns it already
>bring him to B&N to buy a different book
>he buys the fucking circle
>tfw it's my responsibility to return the Dan Brown trash and the cashier is a qt

welp, i can't go to that barnes and noble any more.

>> No.4472497

Neckbeard detected.

>> No.4472503

>be me
>want to buy good lit for bf
>store had cheap editions of The Third Policeman
>check shelves and stacks etc
>all copies have disappeared in the past week
>go to counter
>owner is working on till
>"Uh, sorry do you have The Third Policeman?"
>"I don't know, have you checked the shelves? That's all we have."
>"Yes, but there were stacks of them for reduced prices last week"
>"Two seconds, I'll ask the other side of the bookshop"
>she rings other half of bookshop to ask if they have the book
>"No they don't. But I can ask Joe."
>bookshop owner is only other person in this side of the store
> wait a second... ask Joe?
>bookshop owner walks over to set of bookshelves
>opens door to reveal small office between the walls from which emerges Joe
>my world is crumbling into meta-fiction face.jpg
>Joe asks me what I'm looking for
>"MY AMER- I mean, The Third Policeman"
>Joe smiles and reaches back inside office
>"Not here. I can order it again for you if you fill out this form"
>can't remember own name the weight of modernism is too crushing
>"No thanks, I'll try somewhere else; I'm sure it'll turn up."
>Joe returns into bookshelves and closes door
>bookshop owner turns to me, oblivious smile on face
>"Anything else?"
>leave store without answering question and avoid it for six months

I think I made the right call.

>> No.4472504

The problem is the number of characters.

>> No.4472508
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>> No.4472509


>> No.4472510

I can understand that, a bit hard to keep track of them at times.
There's always so much going on, I like it personally.

>> No.4472513


>> No.4472514

I want to read this so badly.

>> No.4472518
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>> No.4472519

Don't know that series but how bad is the amount of characters really?
Is it the size of ASOIAF or a little less/more?

>> No.4472524

>you only get convicted of a crime if the police look into you
>black people are looked into more than white people

I'll let you connect the dots.

>> No.4472533

>Is it the size of ASOIAF
GoT is not even a little close, Malazan probably has atleast 10 times as much characters

>> No.4472539

Count for yourself

>> No.4472549

> mfw reading Lolita but embarrassed of it in public

>> No.4472550

>associating asteriks with neckbeards and not gaia users
Jesus dude, new to the internet?

even for sarcastic purposes, everyone uses them then, not just neckbears

>> No.4473397

why? hipster chicks love 'edgy' literature.

yes mainstream media finds lolita edy

>> No.4473430

I felt the same way about Jane Austen. Then I read Pride & Prejudice and realized I didn't miss much

>> No.4473533

>tfw i'm a slow reader

>> No.4473579

>mfw my english teacher was a bro and got us to read some Arthur Miller and told us all about the short falls of the "American Dream"

That's like the basis of the curriculum of 10th/11th grade English though. Your teacher wasn't special.

>> No.4473582

Not every school is like yours.

>> No.4473682

Not always. My 11th grade English teacher butchered the literature we were forced to read and would only give good grades to students who basically parroted her interpretation of the book in they're essays.

>> No.4473684

holy shit same
ms. keathley??

>> No.4473799

Ugh. I absolutely hate teachers like that. I'm glad I only had to deal with that once.

>> No.4473804

>they're essays

I had a few teachers like that. Anyone who differed from her interpretation was me with weak support like "I suppose that's a valid critique..." whereas rephrasing her own interpretation would get enthusiastic "yes!"es and "well done!"s.

>> No.4473822

>move to Sweden with my gf
>go to a store to pick up some swedish books to learn the language a bit more and introduce gf to better lit
>no philosophy section
>no classics section
>history section consists of ancient aliens and WWII
>actual literature like dosto and the like has 2edgy4me bright orange cover, black rimmed pages, shit paper. obviously editions to leave at the shelf and appear cultured
>shelves upon shelves of shitty detective novels, romance and YA
>go up to the counter and ask for the odissey, as it's a book I read many times and would come easy to interpret in new language
>no idea what the odissey is
>tells me the new EL James just arrived with a straight face, trying to be helpful, I shit you not

Similar experience in every store I visited. Sweden is a horrible horrible country and it should be ashamed of itself.

>> No.4473929

lol if you actually believe in your liberal heart of hearts that blacks aren't more loud, obnoxious, and crime-prone than other peoples. Move somewhere that isn't currently being gentrified and let me know how it all works out

>> No.4473977

/lit/, what books do you consider to be high school level?

>> No.4473993

Same here, I know that feel.

>> No.4474042
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Antique store/pawn shop/flea market where I usually buy used games has also a very large section of books. Every time I buy books the clerk is treating me like I'm some sort of a man-ape who's not capable of reading books.
I sometimes pick 3-5 books at the same time because they're dirt cheap and the clerk will go like
>You sure you can handle all of that, buddy? :^)

Fuck that guy.

>> No.4474044

You just met /lit/ irl

>> No.4474048


>> No.4474055
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I need to read this. It's satire, right?

>> No.4474068

i laughed out loud in real life at this

>> No.4474073

HA good one!

>> No.4474076

If you were a true patrician you'd refer to yourself as an Ephebe.

>> No.4474080
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>Lots of hype surrounding John Green's TFiOS
>Followed vlogbrother updates for a while
>Didn't jump on the bandwagon for early release
>Kind of wanted the autographed version with his wife's drawings
>Neh, I'll save my money and go to the library or bookstore on my own time
>Every library has it checked out
>Some dillhole never returned the copy at my uni
>Finally get around reading a few chapters at Barnes and Noble
>Kind of disappointed
>Looks like the same formula from past books
>Feel like I'm getting too old for "teen/young adult fiction"

Urgh. It's 2014 and I still can't find myself to finish it. I just can't.

>> No.4474082


>> No.4474087

And I posted too soon. The shaming part comes in to my weekly/bi-weekly library visits. I'd casually pass by the teen section to see if anyone bothered to return that book. It's bad, but I still want to finish where I left off.

>> No.4474091
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>check it on good reads

"As I read this novel I had to continually remind myself this was a work of fiction, but also be open minded that as an American I need to always be diligent in safeguarding the blessings and freedoms we currently enjoy. Phoenix Rising is full of action, suspense, and is a real page-turner that kept me reading until the end. Before reading this one I already had purchased the sequel, knowing that patriotism is one theme I enjoy reading about. Grab a copy of this novel and the sequel, and then strap yourself in for one wild and suspense-filled ride!"

>> No.4474099

I'll just ask this here

Is there any good novel just for relaxing? having a little bit of philosophical questions and such is fine by me, I just want to not think as hard as I have to when reading people who try too hard at writing.

>> No.4474108


>> No.4474111

Finnegans Wake, Ulysses, Gravity's Rainbow, etc.

>> No.4474112


I like to relax with Invisible Cities by Italo Calvino. It's Calvino so there's probably a bunch of goofy hidden meanings if you dug for them, but mostly it's just a bunch of vignettes about cool fantastical cities he dreamed up and I like it for that alone.

>> No.4474113


>> No.4474121


>> No.4474123
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Light reading. A novella of some kind
Ones I've read, Mrs. Dalloway and Invisible Cities

>> No.4474124

Dickens. Wodehouse. Jack Vance. Terry Pratchett. The Wallet of Kai Lung: http://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/1076 and Three Men In A Boat: http://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/308 among others. James Blaylock. The essays of Montaigne and GK Chesterton.

>> No.4474128

ty :^)

>> No.4474141

Moby Dick

>> No.4475082


That fucking feel man. Read it 7 years before the first movie came out. English teacher saw me reading it and said it was a good book, said I had good taste.

>That fucking feel

>> No.4477419

Top lel. Good job, Jerry Seinfeld.

>> No.4477489

>Give English presentation on Camus
>Pronounce Kah-muss
>Lecturer stops me with a small smile and tells me it's Kah-moo
I'm typing this from hell.

>> No.4477500

>tfw the only way your thoughts seem coherent and rational is if you write them down
>when you talk to people you appear like some shitty pseudo-spiritualist

>> No.4477549

i'd be surprised if 90% of 4chan outside of this board would know how to spell gilgamesh if it wasn't for final fantasy.

>> No.4477562
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>> No.4477572

these posts are jokes right? the hobbit is one of the most popular books ever. there are literally only 4 or 5 novels that have sold more copies.

if not, i guess good on that teacher for supporting your reading habit as a kid.

>> No.4477589

There are plenty of people who never read and don't know even fairly basic 'well-known' books. I started to talk about 1984 with some people once, assuming it was safe ground because it's a book everyone knows. They had no idea what I was talking about; in the end I just had to say it was where the Big Brother TV show lifted its name from.

>> No.4477704

FF is a great resource for gaining snippets of knowledge pertaining to mythology. Combined with a bit of basic etymology it helped me win a game of Trivial Pursuit the other day.

>> No.4477731

>I started to talk about 1984 with some people once, assuming it was safe ground because it's a book everyone knows. They had no idea what I was talking about; in the end I just had to say it was where the Big Brother TV show lifted its name from.

This reminds me of that infamous post about the guy who saw a 3 year old in a waiting room somewhere be given a picturebook by staff, and he started to try to drag-and-pinch his fingers over the cover to turn it on like he thought it was an ipad until his mother showed him how to open it, because he didn't know what a book was.