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4468436 No.4468436[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

So /lit/, high intelligence has a strong correlation with suicide.

Assuming you're not just weak-minded, what has you considering suicide? Not assuming that you will, but those thoughts do happen.

>> No.4468437

Loneliness. Hopelessness.

>> No.4468440


Hopeless how?

>> No.4468469

He's a lowly nihilist, most likely

>> No.4468479

I don't believe that there's any real way for me to meaningfully change my condition.

>> No.4468517


Does it really have a strong correlation?

I tried offing myself once. I cut open my wrists and swallowed two months worth of medication. Some stitches and a few day coma. I was in a bad place and it was made worse by the fact that I was off my medications. So I'm not sure if it was the depression or schizophrenia, probably both.

I then spent 25 days in a hospital received 10 rounds of ECT which I volunteered for. I'm doing better now and just get depressed and wish I wasn't around out of nowhere but I live on.

>> No.4468532
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First of all, intelligence is a nebulous thing and it's immature to relegate others to a lower status because of their perceived lack of it.

Second, and more important: what makes you think posters on /lit/ are more intelligent than anyone else? If anything, the shitposting on here would indicate the opposite.

Assuming one is actually learned and possesses above-average analytic faculties, they would probably feel hopeless for a few reasons. One is that too much "living in your head" results in isolation from your immediate society. You become less perceptive and read too far into others' actions at the same time. To put that another way, you project your theories and insecurities onto others because you cannot speak "their language". It's fundamentally a lack of metalinguistic awareness.

Also, nearly every person has at one point probably considered suicide for various reasons regardless of intelligence.

There is also the romantic idea of returning your body to the earth when you are done with it, so to speak. Many people have simply felt that they have made their contribution, lived a full life and no longer need to be on the earth. Living past this point would only result in regressing to cynicism and an erosion of one's purpose.

You haven't really given this thread anything to work with. One-word responses and platitudes are what you deserve.

>> No.4468552

i am smart enough to estimate that i have no potential

>> No.4468557

Then you are smarter than most people and do have potential.
It's never too late, I know fifty-year-olds who've started successful businesses after four decades of failure and waste.

>> No.4468574

you are too optimistic to indicate the suicide as a decision of fulfillment. but interesting post anyway. very much interesting.

>> No.4468578

Can we, maybe, not make /lit/ the intelligence board, or the intelligent people bar? Some people use /sci/ for the same thing and it's really annoying.

I've noticed a lot of these kinds of threads recently and they need to stop.

>> No.4468580

My overwhelming depression that shows no signs of getting better.

>> No.4468590

The dude who founded Kodak killed himself.
Good thing, too, otherwise he'd live to see his life work become irrelevant.

>> No.4468593

Being a sad sack whiner has a strong correlation with false delusions of intelligence

>> No.4468597
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that's because moderate to high-iq people get drawn into philosophical naturalism bullshit and then become fucked up autists like mill and want to die
protip read the vedas

>> No.4468603

Too much fantasy and pretension in this post. What you wrote is basically a shitpost.

>> No.4468605


Where is your source faggot?

It's well known genuinely stupid people are more unhappy on average than intelligent people, because they find ordinary life more challenging. The idea that smart = unhappy just isn't borne out in reality.

>> No.4468608

I am proposing that many intelligent people have committed suicide as an act of fulfillment. What evidence exists that there is a strong correlation between intelligence and suicide anyways? Are we measuring by IQ? It's sort of a lame question in the sense that intelligence is hard to measure objectively.

Suicide that arises from some sort of existential despair is addressed by Nietzsche among others. Suicide is the cornerstone of Camus' work, which is addressed in The Myth of Sisyphus. Kant tries to argue against philosophy on the grounds that suicide for one's own satisfaction violates the principal of using humans as means to an end, which in this case would be satisfaction. I myself would argue that suicide caused by isolation or despair is you losing out to your ego. People are too caught up in their perceived self and either their inability to fit in or their desire to be immortal (we tend to commemorate people who commit suicide or die in unconventional circumstances).

If you are interested in the cause of isolation and consequently suicide, read Dostoevsky.

>> No.4468616

Did the big words scare you? I clearly stated that it was romanticism.

>> No.4468634

yes, thats true, i never think about that matter of killing oneself like a form of keep your own proposite, it´s very clever, till now im thinking the people suicide for an unbereable feeling of ineptitude and pain, but i think the people have to justify the action of suicide glorifying what they feel like the "real" proposite of her lifes. maybe glorify is too exaggerated, whatever... without that feeling of pride maybe they encourage the life again like something new, always new, forever... wow!, very interesting ... or maybe just think too much

>> No.4468640

this post >>4468634

>> No.4468651

Curiosity about death.

>> No.4468659

44 years old virgin beta male and i have no friends. time makes me depressed and i have recurring thoughts of jumping off golden gate bridge.

>> No.4468664

woah..dude...i dont even....

>> No.4468673

I've been diagnosed with depression, but I kinda think it's bullshit at least for me. More that I brought it on myself than being caused by genes. Other than that I usually consider it because of past relationships, all the time I wasted, fear of getting old, not being closer to others, jealousy that others' have gotten more out of life than me, fear of being isolated from everyone, and general hopelessness of the future.

I'd say I'm weak-willed.

>> No.4468680

Don't do it until you write the story of your life first

>> No.4468725


>Where is your source faggot?

>it's well known

What a classic shitpost.

>> No.4468743

I have low intelligence and have been suicidal on and on off since first grade. Most of the kids in the clinic had roughly the same mental build as me. You're talking out of your ass OP.

Intelligent people are more likely to be depressed, unintelligent people are more likely to have successful suicide attempts.

>> No.4468746
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>romanticizing mental illness

*tips fedora

>> No.4468751

Here's my source btw:

You guys are just having your existential crises, you have nothing to worry about.

>> No.4468755

Some more:

>> No.4468760

Did I kill the thread?

>> No.4468767

It's not smart enough to kill itself.
Read: lol

>> No.4468771
File: 28 KB, 600x388, Skyler_Pool-e1346825008718.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had a dream last night that my dog tried to kill herself, Skylar style.
But she's pretty dumb, so chances are it'll never come true.

>> No.4468772

No, it's not having the intelligence to adapt to new surroundings and challenges.

>> No.4468779

Not who you're replying to, but it was the lack of concrete ideas that scared me. Big words are no substitute for actual substance, my friend.

>> No.4468784

Constantly being told by my father that I'll never graduate college because I got a C in high school photo 1.

>> No.4468796

I actually think that suicide is correlated with whiny bitches, because no "intelligent" person out there that was concerned with finding the truth and actually did come near it committed suicide except for Yeshua Ben Yosef everyone else was too busy circlejerking around the "YUO CANNUT NO NUTHIN'" failed epistemology foundation :^)

>> No.4468825

>Assuming you're not just weak-minded, what has you considering suicide?
I am just weak minded, and not particularly intelligent. I certainly read often, but intelligent people learn and grow from their experiences, and see opportunities that others cannot. I don't know how to turn ideas into anything good. I consume words to seek solace from my life, like an alcoholic looking for happiness at the bottom of a glass.

>> No.4468826

Welcome to /lit/, enjoy your stay.

>> No.4468829

Hahaha >:D

People of high intelligence often ask themselves questions like:
-How do I exist
-Why do I exist
-What's the best way to live life
-How is anything even here

But these questions have no answer. As humans we can't answer them. It's because the logical mind likes order and answers. It doesn't like unanswered questions; they drive it mad!

People continue to ask these questions because it's like their brains get stuck in a loop trying to find an answer. Everything else in their lives gets compromised due to the loop. Eventually their life becomes the loop. The loop gets faster, and shorter. The loop spins out of control. They need a way out. It's too much. There's a gun. I'm going.

tl;dr Smart people ask big questions with no answer too often and get too frustrated about it. The frustration spreads through their whole lives.

>> No.4468832

Except those four are literally answerable, if you stopped sucking nihilist's dicks so much and pulled your head out of your ass and gave anything a chance you could see this is truth.
It all begins on discovering what knowledge truly is, and how knowledge is what is create our world.

>> No.4468836

If you think they're answerable then you aren't thinking deeply :D

They are answerable in a superficial sense

>> No.4468842

Intelligent people are more statistically more likely to be happy.

>> No.4468845

>lack of concrete ideas that scared me. Big words are no substitute for actual substance, my friend
I'm done with this thread now, but it sounds like you are more interested in censoring a post you don't agree with than actually providing valid criticism. I understand that post perfectly well. You sound like a snarky high school student tbh.

>> No.4468861

A dumb person never asks these questions.
A somewhat dumb person asks these questions but kills themselves failing to find the answers.
A smart person asks themselves these, but finds a way to overcome them and continue living.

Just my opinion.

>> No.4468866

You're using smart in place of wise I take it?

>> No.4468868

I smoked some pot and watched the first episode of True Detective last night. I greatly identified with matthew mcconaughey's character. I spent the next 2 hours laying in bed thinking about getting my gun and blowing my brains out. I had to leave my bedroom and sleep on my couch to get away from the gun.

I should note that I do not consider myself highly intelligent.

>> No.4468874

I guess so, a wise person would ask these. Maybe a smart person doesn't concern themselves with these philosophical questions that have no answer and just concentrate on their lives.

Most women I know don't care for philosophy or questions of existence and death or even questioning themselves. I'd still say there smart though since they don't doubt or distract themselves with them and only concentrate of their social lives or careers. They still have richer and more fulfilling lives than most men and especially than most philosophers, because they only think of the relevant, and immediate, and put what needs to be done first.

>> No.4468879

I just asked because, as I said before in the thread, if you were to look at my IQ (and probably emotional intelligence) test results, the odds overwhelmingly say you'd call me dumb/stupid yet I've asked these questions. Things aren't so black and white.

>> No.4468880

Or the "somewhat dumb" person is satisfied by easy answers to those questions, while the smart person continues to question himself. Or perhaps the dumb person is the most intelligent of all, to never trifle himself with such questions while others waste their lives in doubt.
Perhaps intelligence has nothing to do with the matter at all, and the narratives we convince ourselves we are playing out are just rationalizations for primitive subconscious forces.

>> No.4468882

Bob Dylan performed averagely in school and is (or his specific works at least) considered genius. Who gives a damn about tests.

>> No.4468883


Maybe you're not intelligent enough to enjoy life but too intelligent to not think about it. Sucks to be you.

>> No.4468904

I've stopped considering it for a few reasons. One, it's existentially terrifying. You cease to be, and to quote Ray from In Bruges, you'll never be here again. The disappearance of self and the complete and unimaginable void that it brings makes me want to go on, even in suffering. Actually THINK and you'll realize that YOLO isn't so trite. Once you die, you travel out into the eternal darkness from whence you came, and in that direction there is no cessation to NOT being. That may mean little when you're dead, but it means everything to me now.
Besides all that... I don't have much else better to do.

>> No.4468914


Interesting points being made here. To the guy bemoaning the fate of the intelligent, I'd show you Andy Kaufman. That guy understood life because he gave in entirely to his strange personality, for good or worse. He realized that life was inconsequent so we should enjoy our freedom to do whatever
occurs to us, without the misleading disapproval of others.

To the guy saying these are answerable questions, I'd say that it's hard to find truth in relative answers. How we use our intelligence is merely secondary to tge nature of its source. We cannot reach that source, and that is what depresses us.

>> No.4468917

> smoked some pot

Quit. Screw your head on straight. If you continue to derealize then you probably won't be able to prevent suicide one day.

>> No.4468918

>Who gives a damn about tests.
I thought everyone with a bit of common sense already knew this. Really, the trick to life is to have enough common sense to not squander it on meaningless minutiae and avoid taking it to heart. The idea of floating about not really giving a damn is appealing to a point, but really one should have a balance of moralistic and hedonistic/epicurean ideals. Enjoy it to a point, is my advice.

>> No.4468920

Write a book about a wordaholic, broke college student trying to fall in love with life

>> No.4468921
File: 314 KB, 2000x1331, find that feel guy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some writer said (I think it was Beckett) that "not even suicide is worth it". You know, as opposed to "suicide is not worth it". I think the second phrase has a very merciful meaning.

>> No.4468922

What you should do is watch a few Nic Cage movies. I'm serious, just watch them and try to imagine what's going through his mind while he's acting. That should keep you going for a few years.

>> No.4468928

shit, I meant, Beckett's phrase; the first one: "not even suicide is worth it". That's the compassionate one.

>> No.4468929

I just never felt good enough, you know? Like, I could never just commit to anything; I'd get an idea, but then in the time it takes to actually do it, my brain starts going over every little problem and detail, and starts nitpicking every mistake and basically chipping away at it until it just crumbles into nothing.

Like with writing, I'll have an idea for a story, and be enthused about it, but I start stumbling over every little detail as my brain picks apart the idea with a fine-toothed comb and uses every bump and flaw as a catastrophic failure. When I actually do manage to churn something out, it's pretty much always well-received, but that doesn't seem to matter much. That same sorta mindset just permeates through my whole life.

>> No.4468931
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Doing the same thing over and over again day by day. After awhile you get bored, and just want to quit life(by blowing your brains out)

>> No.4468933

How is that compassionate? It makes me picture myself being squeezed between a rock and a hard place; Don't bother living, don't bother dying? How do you even conceive such despair?

>> No.4468935
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I think we need a word for this.

I would define it as the situation of being highly aware of what is going on on your surroundings but being unable (due to fear, laziness, inability to cope or skills to solve problems) to do anything about it making you feel pretty stupid, incompetent and depressed.

>> No.4468937


>> No.4468941




5 seconds in google is too hard I guess.

>> No.4468942

Read DFW's The Pale King for insight on how to get over the tedium of life, and as a challenge bet that you can empathize with Wallace's final thoughts and beat him by NOT hanging yourself

>> No.4468951
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"Not even suicide is worth it" means, I think, that even when our existence is (or seems) meaningless we are irremediably connected to other people. Killing yourself would affect other people; make them sad, confused, desperate. You can even affect people you don't know; you're leaving a dead body, maybe you leave a mess and someone will have to clean it. Killing yourself wouldn't be worth it because of this reason, because you're on the same boat with other people; you should be considerate to them.

This situation makes you consider other people more and more. Soon you forget about yourself and think more about others, you start doing things for others and that's good for one's sanity.

>> No.4468954

I don't know. The Internet defines "ennui" as:
>a feeling of listlessness and general dissatisfaction resulting from lack of activity or excitement
It puts "lack of excitement" as the reason of the dissatisfaction.
I was talking about having one kind of "intelligence" (perception or awareness) and lacking another different kind of "intelligence" (accept or change things).

I don't know where ennui comes from, tho. I only know it's French.

>> No.4468962

>I don't know where ennui comes from, tho. I only know it's French.
the word, I mean

>> No.4468968

I've always thought of it as carrying the connotation of representing a very one-sided, pessimistic view of life/society with relation to one's perception. That is, one has certain high expectations/standards which they/their life do not meet and so become depressed.

>> No.4468975

Suicide is for the weak. Just as we drink from the cup, we must fill it before the end of our life. Some provide caskets, others only drink and never offer to refill.

The world has given me so much, our ancestors worked tirelessly to deliver us to this point in history. Let their efforts be for something.

>> No.4468977

I can't imagine that it would be a story worth anyone's while.

>> No.4468981

Fuck "anyone". Communicate your pain.

>> No.4469017

I considered suicide when I was 14 and in an abusive household. Then I sorted my shit out, and haven't been down that road since. Gotta stay positive folks. Everyday has the chance to be better than the last.

>> No.4469026

The idea that life is a circle, and you never truly die. Any real belief in a positive afterlife would make one think of suicide as a way to escape. I don't think of it often, but I'd say once I did mushrooms, I felt that the epiphany I had of life being circular would be my only basis.

Reasons not to are basically just revolving around uncertainty and patience... and bouts of happiness

>> No.4469036

>So /lit/, high intelligence has a strong correlation with suicide.
>no source
>80 replies
/lit/ is legitimately retarded

>> No.4469067

>"Not even suicide is worth it" means, I think, that even when our existence is (or seems) meaningless we are irremediably connected to other people.

What? How? It's not just "english teacher symbolism" interpretation, there's just no way this quote and what you wrote can be connected to each other.

Anyway, this logic is silly, the only reason empathy exists in the first place is that you're more likely to survive (and pass your genes) if you cooperate with other people. Your connections won't be of any use for you when you're dead. Sadly your "nature" isn't always able to realize this.

Or you can think about it another way: why would you value lives of other people if you don't even care about yours?

>> No.4469076

Have you read the sunset limited?

>> No.4469091

Why would you need a source?

>> No.4469095

maybe he's not retarded

>> No.4470402

my nigga
i used to want to off myself and even tried, but now death terrifies me

>> No.4470513


>> No.4470577

I'm an autist and there's no cure. Diagnosed at 12 and have distanced myself from the disorder for years but maybe there's new therapies out today that weren't around 10 years ago...

>> No.4470579

for millions of years since the dawning of time every single one of your ancestors survived, every single one on your mum and dads side, successfully looked after and passed on to you life.

>> No.4470589


I've never considered "suicide". My depression manifests itself in that inaction or overindulgence, the "slow death" of a life as you will. But offing yourself seems stupid as fuck.

There's too many terrible fucks in the world to let them have the last laugh. You aren't a special snowflake, you live in a world of forces and letting those motherfuckers have another victory in the neverending violation of the spirit is just nauseating.

>> No.4470594

I wouldn't say intelligence is the cause. More like an awareness and ability to see your current status with a clearness. This is what leads to depression, anxiety and general discomfort. Happiness is a delusion, a brief moment where you forget your problems or feel confident enough that you can solve them. Delusions are healthy, but create a problem for people who like to have a realistic view of their life.

>> No.4470709

Camus already turned me off it a long time ago, but I still find myself fantasizing about it almost every night.

I don't feel like I've earned my place on this Earth, in this society. I feel like I've squandered the years I've lived so far, and I'll just end up squandering too many more until I can't take the guilt. It's getting harder and harder for me to concentrate and accomplish things, like reading books for instance. Even when I do accomplish something, I feel little or no joy from it like I used to. I only get joy out of passive experiences now: music, films -- but no longer books or work.

this is just the depression talking. I don't want to not exist absolutely; I would be more open to suicide if it only lasted, say, a month or so. I wish it was possible to get a break from existence, it's just been wearing on me much too much.

>> No.4470970


Man motherfucker, when you realize how much of a scam THE PAST TWELVE THOUSAND FUCKING YEARS OF CIVILIZATION have been for the "average" person, you don't give a shit about earning rights. You realize the absolute scandal of the master classes and their ideologies as cinematic skins that have distorted the real lives and motives of people for thousands of years.

The horror of a vast rapine of hundreds of different cultures under the shadow of dark and alien gods...

That guilt is the disconnect between environments your physiology (and in which the majority of your instincts evolved in) and the environments proffered to man. Remember, agarian culture is STILL a revolution, still a vast anti-tradition to the majority of man's "existence".

>> No.4471076

Im suicidal.
The reason i havent gone completely through with it is because i cannot know nothing.
My seemingly flawless rationale for why we should all kill ourselves fails on an epistemological foundation.
But even so, the pain that i am forced to use logic to assume those things to begin with is one of the causes of my suffering, for i am stuck in this logical loop, and i cannot get out.
In the end ive chosen not to suffer the loop to be, but even then, i cannot know if im right.
and on and on.

>> No.4471140


How about this you son of a bitch. You can generate an infinite number of propositions about an infinite number of interpretations of both actual and "imaginary" mechanics regarding any infinite number of existing, to-be-discovered, and "imaginary" world of facts. You don't have time for logical loops. Cut to the chase, the logical loop is a manifestation of some bodily inability whether it is to get pleasure or some concept tied to a system of emotions which robs you of the zest of life.

Meanwhile sociopaths, psychopaths, and useful idiots are literally coercing the human spirit into something less than what it could be. Don't be the fall guy, the pawn in the great game of Earth apes.

To those who are suicidal, how many of you have taken hallucinogenics?

>> No.4471144

“Happiness in intelligent people is the rarest thing I know.”
― Ernest Hemingway

>> No.4471151

>Assuming you're not just weak-minded, what has you considering suicide?
I used to be a fucking autist positivist, but then I actually started reading and now I'm a nihilist, but due to my past nature I can't just create my own meaning to live because if it's not the objective reason to live I don't care to believe in it, and sadly such a reason does not exist.
Plus I am weak-minded.

>> No.4471169


You're not a nihilist. You're not a nihilist. You're not a nihilist. Real nihilists don't have such compunctions of thought. Real nihilists are fall guys, fucking chumps, for the embodied nihilist-fascists who seem to float to the top like scum.

>> No.4471207

>You're not a nihilist. You're not a nihilist. You're not a nihilist. Real nihilists don't have such compunctions of thought.
Why not?

>> No.4471237
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>Simplistic materialist
>Victim complex
>420 blaze it faggot

>> No.4471251

Go visit a prostitute and get the sex out of the way. Realise you haven't been missing out on an awful lot, then focus your energy and insecurities into something new.

>> No.4471309


You're fucking not. You're in love with some retarded visual and emotional fashion associated with "nihilism" but actual "nihilism" is a horror that its hosts would never even realize.

>simplistic materialist

Lick my balls you pedo gif posting twatface. The world of mechanics are far more complex than the propositional models used to describe them. And hallucinogens are an order beyond weed. Cannibinoids turn you into food and sex lizards. Hallucinogens help in the processing of concepts and the embodiment of a faculty of moral reasoning beyond "normal" functioning.

Plus it's not a "victim complex" if one actually realistically appraises one's condition, realizes it's the fault of no particular "villain", and aims to either escape one's condition or to improve it. Fucking honky ass motherfucker.

>> No.4471316

>actual "nihilism"
Define it then.

>> No.4471326


Life has no meaning. Everything from values to tastes is set in stone and thus we can "laugh" at the stupid fools who thought and still think different. We will work in our shitty bureaucracies so that we can have a comfortable death in retirement. Pity the fools who wanted to modulate their affects beyond our eternal but yet historical mode of production.

>> No.4471335

>Life has no meaning
You forgot one key word, objective.

>> No.4471340


Objective is a useless word that leads to a forest of linguistic faggotry. We have people who work in modes of production and create meaningful jargon within that production and then we have assholes who try to spin jargon into a "super-language" that is far more unimaginative than mathematical formalizations of possible mechanics and yet entrances stupid privileged fucks.

Every "meaning" on Earth is born from innumerable drives and appetites along with every "value".

>> No.4471337

No, he's right. Nihilists aren't just subjectivists, they don't believe in the value of any meaning- created, inherent, whatever.

>> No.4471344

Is there any school of thought that's like Nihilism then but that embraces subjectivity?

>> No.4471347

I don't interpret that phrase as such.

When I read "Not even suicide is worth it", and take into account it's from Beckett -- "Birth was the death of him" and so on -- I take it as a meaning of futility.

The effort involved in suicide isn't even worth the time, is what I gather it to mean. Whereas Camus would suggest we imagine Sisyphus happy; Beckett's Sisyphus wouldn't even start rolling the rock.

>> No.4471367
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>Name calling
>lol weeaboo xD
>MY substance abuse is the legit one!
>You will understand once you try them dude!
>Git gud / do you even lift?
>honk honk

>> No.4471375

But thats wrong. Christianity has a strong correlation with high intelligence--and do note that people who call themselves Christian and yet inflict harm upon others are not real Christians.

>> No.4471385


I like you motherfucker. Come over to my house and fuck my sister. No really she's a bitch.

But you will actually "understand" once you try them. Just don't get all retarded "machine elves" or "astral dimensions". Also...

>substance abuse for substances you can only use once a week.
>In the year of our lord 2014
>Is this nigga for real?

>> No.4472892

You were doing just fine until you got to the word "innumerable". There's a set number of animals that have lived on this planet. We live in willful ignorance of this and use a useful shorthand like "thousands of generations", but in the same way we don't like to think about dying most of the time we also don't like to think about what dying was like before, beyond the "immediate" past present in the promulgated culture. Anyhow, I'm more concerned that we live in interaction with a culture-- which is the result of the constructions of a society which, despite what we may like to say, does not exist outside-- which has willingly boiled human personalities down into sixteen categories. In the attempt to "break through" and escape our traps we've only managed to limit ourselves to fit an ideal that is useful in utility but leaves us otherwise shipwrecked.

>> No.4472895

Though I am not thinking of committing suicide at any point I hope that I kill myself.

Somehow it gives me some sense of control: if I am the one that will bring my own death upon me, death becomes far less scary.

>> No.4472898

That's the dumbest sentence I've ever read.

>> No.4472902

Hell seems more predictable.

>> No.4472925

Like so many people today, I'm prone to apathy which eventually results in anhedonia. During these times I ask myself what's keeping me here, and the only answer I can come up with is to save my friends and family from being traumatized. I then usually remind myself that my moods, my attitude towards life -- they're in constant, albeit sometimes slow, change, and there are times when I feel fulfilled, optimistic, and excited for things to come.

Occasionally, though only for short periods of time, I become extremely anxious and depressed. At these moments I don't think as clearly and consider suicide to escape the mental torture I'm then experiencing. This, fortunately, only happens a few times a year.

>> No.4472936


>What's the best way to live?
>As humans we can't answer them

Absolutely untrue. I urge you to go and read Ishmael by Daniel Quinn. We can find a good way to live, personally we can rather easily. Do what makes you happy.
What we cannot do is find an all encompassing set of laws to live by for everybody.

>> No.4472940

What's with this MECHANIC buzz word I keep reading?
I usually stay away from /phil/ threads in this board, but the few I visited in the past featured very few discussions about 'mechanics'.

>> No.4473081

Having to do things. Like work.

>> No.4473087


This is what fucks me up the worst. Not really into suicide at all, though. I think it's a pretty cheap cop-out.

>> No.4473117


This. Work is such a dull grind. You figure with 8 hours working and roughly 8 hours sleeping, time eating, time shitting, etc. so much of life is just a grey, blank timekiller.

To be fair though, shitting and eating are both pretty enjoyable now that I think about it. Maybe life is worth living.

>> No.4473125

How so? Point me to a Christian who was not intelligent by my terms of what a Christian is. Isaac Newton was a Christian, Schrodinger was a believer in God at the very least. Most important scientists believed in a creator, or at least that there is definitely some truth in the mystical (as Einstein put it).

>> No.4473133

im not intelligent

>> No.4473153

How has the world given you anything? You had no choice in accepting their so-called gift. It was forced upon you. They weren't acting to make sure YOU cam to be, they acted on their base instincts like all the other mammals wandering around this earth. Life isn't a gift to give. You can refuse a gift.

>> No.4473263

Thinking you're weak-willed is actually a symptom of depression. Maybe you should try to get help for it.

>> No.4473273

Then you're actually more likely to be suicidal, /lit/'s just ignorant.

>> No.4473320
File: 163 KB, 489x500, 328069869_a8f7fb3e22.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The fact that there is no peace. That I just can't lie down and relax and stop fucking worrying about everything. I just want to sleep, anon. But I still have miles to go before I do so. I'm so fucking tired.

The books, video games and friends help dull the pain, thank god.

>> No.4473359

I don't know where you're meeting this women. All the women I know personally are vapid shitbags with nothing on their mind but themselves and where they're getting drunk this weekend. Don't even get me started on the inanity of a general conversation with these people. Please resist spouting the various memes relating to such an opinion at me, I don't think all girls are like this, I just haven't found one that's atypical yet. I'm certain they're out there, but girls in general are really bad people.

>> No.4473363

lrn2welfare m8

>> No.4473366

But I can't in2nigger

>> No.4473373

learn it in wisconsin then

>> No.4473386

I don't get it.

>> No.4473389

Those with high intelligence considering suicide lack applicable contemplative wisdom.

The goal of the Buddhist project for example, is to discover and apply the experiential solution to the problem of existential lack, and so unpleasantness and dissatisfaction.

>> No.4473405

Thanks for the spoiler, you fucking faggot


>> No.4473407

But why would I give a fuck about that if I'm dead

>> No.4473432

there's a rich white trash welfare tradition.

>> No.4473437

And it your condition is the result of a villain? (villains, in my circumstances). What then, huh?

>> No.4473446

It's more Western girls than anything. I also think it's a product of the degeneration of society more so than any genetic predisposition to vapidity. I could be wrong, though. I agree that most girls are fucking awful, though.

>> No.4473451

Talking with them is near impossible. They expect you to carry the conversation, but we're used to having a back and forth, communication to and fro. They're used to being entertained the end.

>> No.4473465

My reasons for having suicidal thoughts are completely banal. I have no income, my teeth are decaying, I'm a burden to my family at 25. And the only thing that I've read in the past 4 months is Gorky's The lower depths, I read it every single day. I guess that doesn't really help me.

>> No.4473595

Existentialism, maybe?

>> No.4473647

well i guess most just simply wish to escape the narrow minded sheep herd

>> No.4473649

Severely depressed mother growing up. Became sensitive and wary of strangers. Then stopped being sensitive and became numb and jaded. Never left my house unless necessary. Few people who showed interest in wanting to be my friend I pushed away. Didn't call this depression because I didn't want to trivialize the word. Recently met a girl. She repeatedly asked me to see a movie with her. Do so. She wanted to go again despite me being awkward. We spent 6 hours talking until 5am about everything. Feel happier than I probably ever have. Suddenly she stops showing much interest. Responds to my texts with one or two sentences. Convince myself it's not too late to push her out of mind, forget about her and return to relative comfort of loneliness as usual. Try to do so. Keep reading over our texts. Feel like she's introduced me to a million new feelings I had promised myself not to feel because I knew they wouldn't last and would take a long time to repress. Feel nervously unhappy and jittery all the time now. Read a sentence or two and think of her. Read through her texts again. Think of that night again. Walk around my flat imagining we're talking again. Fuck.

>> No.4473937


Well you are already in a structural complex which probably helped generate the "villain"-like agents which then antagonized your experience...

>> No.4474260

I'll grow old and infirm, everyone that i know and love now will be dead sooner or later. I would rather die and be remembered as a who i am now now than the shell that i'll become. People cry when a 22 year old dies, no one cries at the funeral of an old man.

>> No.4474269

I've tried to kill myself twice, more if you count the times i pussied out... depression is a bitch.

>> No.4474279

>I've tried to kill myself twice
What methods?

>> No.4474321

i whimped out a couple times with a gun and trying to jump off a roof, so once i slit the insides of my thighs in hopes of bleeding myself out, the other time i swallowed a bottle of sleeping pills and threw up for five minutes straight.

>> No.4474342


Plus if your condition is the result of a villain, then your ultimate revenge is strength. Use any weapon you can. Destroy their valuations, wage the war of the spirit. Utilize your intelligence to see past their mendacity.

Embrace your sufferings like wounds of the heart that grow sap over. Imagine the sap shining like a golden idol, you cannot control the psychology and material production of the villainous agent. You can only judge and escape into emotional loops which situate you in a stronger position.


You're a fucking retard. You've fallen for that stupid cult of "youth" which does not realize how sweet the fruit of the world tastes in the liveliness of old age. You'll not grow OLD AND INFIRM. Growing infirm is a brutalization of the fact that our mode of production and ideologies cleave the mind and body as separate entities. Remember Plato the Broad, who probably utilized the kinesthetic metaphors of his physical strength and health in order to wrestle and fashion concepts. Old age is only a horror when one falls into the nihilism where one takes valuations for granted, where the vision of heaven is one without conflict. Where the cybernetics of our bodies doesn't constantly generate new evaluations, new judgments that are processed in our unconscious.

Can you even lift? Endorphins will generate new plateaus of happiness and satisfaction which rescue you from the hell of the disembodied propositional self. Ideas don't come from carefully constructed chains of explicit propositions, they are hammered out in the experiences of the body and the auto processing of the unconscious.

>> No.4474364

Society has a very warped since of intelligence because any truly intelligent person would realize killing themselves solves practically nothing.

>> No.4474366

>solves practically nothing.
But it solves all of my problems by destroying them.

>> No.4474369


It doesn't solve "your problems". Or rather "your problems" aren't INDIVIDUAL PROBLEMS. They are SYSTEMIC PROBLEMS. Killing yourself only gives the rapists of the spirit another delightful victory, another laugh in the champagne toast of those mechanics MOST RESPONSIBLE FOR YOUR DISAFFECTION. You were robbed of your ability to love yourself, to be pregnant with the children of your future, to look back with compassion at the folly of you as an agent with a day's less experience.

>> No.4474371


Unless your on your Death bed(in that case suicide is actually a pretty decent solution) Suicide creates the problem of your not alive anymore, You have no way to solve that. So you just make your problem worse.

>> No.4474378

>Killing yourself only gives the rapists of the spirit another delightful victory, another laugh in the champagne toast of those mechanics MOST RESPONSIBLE FOR YOUR DISAFFECTION. You were robbed of your ability to love yourself, to be pregnant with the children of your future, to look back with compassion at the folly of you as an agent with a day's less experience.
I don't care, it will still allow me to avoid my problems.
>Suicide creates the problem of your not alive anymore
But it gets rid of all my problems, including that one since I won't be alive to care anymore.

>> No.4474382


If you have a problem, obviously you have a love for something. An expectation of a state of affairs that is amendable to living in a better "harmony". So what are "your problems"? If somebody bullied you, would you say "I'm going to kill myself" or would you seek to strategize how to overcome the bully? Why would you then coward out IN THE FACE OF IDIOTIC CYBERNETICS?

>> No.4474393

>Why would you then coward out IN THE FACE OF IDIOTIC CYBERNETICS?
Because it's easier.

>> No.4474398


>But it gets rid of all my problems, including that one since I won't be alive to care anymore.

Its still a problem, and whether or not you are alive to deal with it or not makes no difference.

The entire world is shit and that can be changed when you are alive, if you are dead you can't change it.

So if you want your life to be better you need to be alive to change it, Killing yourself is a dead end and is just saying to yourself that you like being forever stuck in rock bottom, being stuck in rock bottom forever is a very good outcome.

>> No.4474400

>and whether or not you are alive to deal with it or not makes no difference.
But it does, I no longer have to deal with it.
>Killing yourself is a dead end and is just saying to yourself that you like being forever stuck in rock bottom, being stuck in rock bottom forever is a very good outcome.
I won't be alive to notice.

>> No.4474401


* is NOT a very good outcome.*

>> No.4474412


That is actually an acceptable answer. But you are luxuriating in the fruits of thought that depend on a groundwork where you overcame the vulgar-hedonistic "easy". What's so hard to say "If I overcome the urge to suicide, if I understand WHY, then such fruit of my life will taste doubly as sweet." It's almost as simple as a lust for life that you have to develop. There are simply countless worlds of wonders, countless worlds of comprehension that you would invest your energies that are currently directed towards the wounds of the heart, the auto-hell of "self". You just have to take that first leap and then when you jump on the other cliff, you'll laugh and laugh at the pettiness of your former views.

Okay I could understand if you were in an absolute prison but you can always escape to other people, other lands, and other times. Suicide is not an "escape", it's the crystallization of one stupid view of a life that has many tools. Now assisted suicide is a different matter because a life of physiological pain to an extreme level isn't a "life" at all but an interim state which gets to the heart of what actually produces valuations.

>> No.4474416

>But you are luxuriating in the fruits of thought that depend on a groundwork where you overcame the vulgar-hedonistic "easy".
But I don't care about those because they're useless to me.
>Okay I could understand if you were in an absolute prison but you can always escape to other people, other lands, and other times.
But suicide is easier.
>Suicide is not an "escape",
But it is, it lets me avoid all of my problems.

>> No.4474417

You are still alive right now that means you need to contemplate the consequences of suicide and what it accomplishes, It accomplishes forever being stuck in rock bottom. So it still stands that it is a horrible choice for a solution whether it be when you can still be alive to contemplate the outcome or be dead.

>> No.4474420

>you need to contemplate the consequences of suicide and what it accomplishes,
I have.
>It accomplishes forever being stuck in rock bottom.
But I'll be dead so I won't be able to acknowledge it.

>> No.4474424

>But I don't care about those because they're useless to me.

How are they useless? You can still think, you can still reason, you can form literate sentences for god sakes. You can think of funny things, you can enjoy the sight of beautiful woman or man. Those were things that had to be paternalized into you, into the child who doesn't know "their best rational interests".

>But it is, it lets me avoid all of my problems.

Nope, your evaluative self dies with your death. Your problems still lurked in your evaluations TILL YOUR SELF-INFLICTED DEATH. Doesn't that sound a bit absurd? You don't "avoid" shit. You simply become a different lump of material that cannot even have "problems".

If you want to "avoid" shit, move to a different country. Cut off ties with your family.

>> No.4474428

>How are they useless?
Because there's no objective meaning to life.
>your evaluative self dies with your death.
Exactly, I avoid them, whether or not they still exist doesn't matter.

>> No.4474436


>But I'll be dead so I won't be able to acknowledge it.

It's still a problem, that would want a solution(even if there is not currently one).

So you can Continue to drivel on that you won't have to deal with your problems after death or you can face your problems, overcome them and stop running away from having to deal with your problems which is what put you in this mess in the first place.

>> No.4474441

>that would want a solution
But I wouldn't care to give it one since I wouldn't exist.
>So you can Continue to drivel on that you won't have to deal with your problems after death or you can face your problems, overcome them and stop running away from having to deal with your problems which is what put you in this mess in the first place.
Again suicide is easier.

>> No.4474461


>Again suicide is easier.

If Suicide was truly easy there would not be this much thought process going into trying to decide whether you should do it or not.

You are still alive now, if suicide was the best solution you would be dead already, So stop wallowing in self pity and go solve the problems in your life.

>> No.4474466

>If Suicide was truly easy there would not be this much thought process going into trying to decide whether you should do it or not.
>if suicide was the best solution you would be dead already
Which is why I already set the date.

>> No.4474492


You give yourself dates because in the deepest reaches of your mind you think that there is still some possibility that things might change for the better.

Well there is a way that things can be better, GO OUT AND CHANGE THEM.

That's why religious texts say that you need to try for things to come to you in addition to prayer. Because even to most convoluted backwards person that could believe in a god knows that the only way shit gets better is because you change it yourself.

>> No.4474495

>You give yourself dates because in the deepest reaches of your mind you think that there is still some possibility that things might change for the better.
No only because it's my birthday so I might as well complete my fetishism of rounded numbers.

>> No.4474519

If Suicide was the best option you would not need to set a date to fulfill some ocd of wanting your life to end on your birthday.

Don't give me some bullshit that your mind is made up. You are still engaged with responding to me because you still hope that there can be a better solution to all the shit you go through than suicide.

Well there is, Stop sitting around doing nothing and go make your life better.

>> No.4474522

>If Suicide was the best option you would not need to set a date to fulfill some ocd of wanting your life to end on your birthday.
No that part is literally the bit of autism left in me.
>Don't give me some bullshit that your mind is made up. You are still engaged with responding to me because you still hope that there can be a better solution to all the shit you go through than suicide.
No I'm responding so you hopefully see the justification of suicide.

>> No.4474523

but you can get as ripped as you like but you'll still be desensitized to life, none of the feelings will be as meaningful. I don't want to become Sisyphus. I'll come back as redwood, and watch the mountains crumble around me, i'll stretch my arms into forever, it will be beautiful.

>> No.4474547
File: 6 KB, 136x168, 1389856589389.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1. Hire a prostitute
2. Get a haircut
3. Take a shower
4. Talk to people on omegle until you think you have the guts to talk to actual people
5. Go outside to the bar
6. get a bitch 2 suck ur bean

>> No.4474553


Are you trying to prove Suicide is the right answer to me? Or Are you trying to prove it too yourself.

Whether you want to consciously admit it or not you are still hoping for a better way out You set dates, and you come to online forums and engage with people(me) who have no opinion that suicide is ok short of having a terminal illness, Because somewhere down deep inside yourself you want something better then suicide.

So go and make that subconscious desire a reality and improve your life little by little, and you will find that that desire will Eventually come true.

>> No.4474554

listen to this guy... this is a good plan.

>> No.4474559

>Are you trying to prove Suicide is the right answer to me? Or Are you trying to prove it too yourself.
It's not the right answer but it's a better answer compared to life, that is what I'm trying to convince you.
>Whether you want to consciously admit it or not you are still hoping for a better way out
Yeah I am, death sounds horrible but life is even worse.
>You set dates,
Because of some fetish that I have.
>and you come to online forums and engage with people(me) who have no opinion that suicide is ok short of having a terminal illness
See the first part.
>and you will find that that desire will Eventually come true.
You can't give life an objective meaning anon.

>> No.4474560

my computer is fucked

>> No.4474574


So Suicide is not the right answer, But you think living life is worse?

You have the choice between being dead now and not having any prospect of having a better life or being dead after you have changed your life for the better and lived a long and happier life.

Living the longer and happier albeit shittier for a period of time is a better answer then not living a longer and happier life.

>> No.4474579

>So Suicide is not the right answer, But you think living life is worse?
There is no right answer, the largest source of my grief is that I can only choose to live or die, there is no other choice.
>You have the choice between being dead now and not having any prospect of having a better life or being dead after you have changed your life for the better and lived a long and happier life.
>Living the longer and happier albeit shittier for a period of time is a better answer then not living a longer and happier life.
I'm going to die anyway so I might as well do it as soon as I can to escape all of my problems.

>> No.4474586


>There is no right answer, the largest source of my grief is that I can only choose to live or die, there is no other choice.

Are you locked inside a room with no escape for the rest of your life? I'm sure it might feel that way, but the reality is you have control over making your life something worth living.

Man the fuck up and make there be a right answer by making your life better.

>> No.4474588

>but the reality is you have control over making your life something worth living.
But suicide is easier.
>Man the fuck up and make there be a right answer by making your life better.
I can't create a right answer, I am not a god.

>> No.4474612


You can create a right answer, You know that Small thing that bugs you all the time? go fix it, it won't be hard it will probably take less effort then you are expending trying to continue this conversation.

You know that thing that you thinking about keeps you awake at night wishing the world was nicer to you? let it go you're only making it worse for yourself by stressing over it so much.

You know that job that you have/don't have that contributes to your life being such shit? Make it better, you don't have to do much right now? How about you start writing a resume? you don't need to do the whole thing right now, but you can start it. with the effort you have put into typing back to me you can be part way done.

Why not put on some music? Just sit back and relax, you don't even have to do much. Just type in the name of one of your favorite songs into youtube and sit back and relax a bit.

You don't have to be god to make your life better, Things can get better with the few strokes of the keyboard you use to post in 4chan.

>> No.4474617

>You can create a right answer
No I can't there is no right answer.
>You know that thing that you thinking about keeps you awake at night wishing the world was nicer to you? let it go you're only making it worse for yourself by stressing over it so much.
So I should go back to being an ignorant positivist?
>Why not put on some music? Just sit back and relax, you don't even have to do much. Just type in the name of one of your favorite songs into youtube and sit back and relax a bit.
Listening to music to relax is like reading to relax, it's the disgusting commoditization of art.
>You don't have to be god to make your life better
But I have to be a god to give it an objective meaning, which would be the only thing that would keep me alive.

>> No.4474629

But, of what consequence is any of that to me when I am in the ground? I don't see the validity in your appeal

>> No.4474631


>So I should go back to being an ignorant positivist?

One does not need to be ignorant Of things to let them go, at any point in your life you will always remember horrible things that happened to you and there is no way to change that, but to hold onto the past in a way that will affect your future prevents you from having a better future. Take a deep breath and take the knowledge of your past and use it as a guidelines for the future so that when horrible things happen you have a better idea of what you can do for a better future. Don't let them be anchors weighing you down.

>Listening to music to relax is like reading to relax, it's the disgusting commoditization of art.

Then find something else that you may enjoy, there must be something you can do to just sit down and relax for a bit and let yourself relax.

You can also try and find some older music or books online that you can relax with if it the modern renditions of what is considered "art" today that you hate so much. I personally enjoy instrumental music alot. Everyone is different though and you will have to find what works for you.

>But I have to be a god to give it an objective meaning.

You can always give meaning to your life, Devote yourself to learning something about a subject you enjoy. It does not need to be some huge project like learning how to be a doctor or becoming the most knowledgeable person on a subject. Perhaps go watch a video on the wonders of the natural universe, or go read up on that drink that you always wanted to make but never did.

Giving meaning to the small things you can do in life adds up to alot when you do it all the time.

>> No.4474632

Chronic depression and suicidal tendencies have a strong correlation with average intelligence actually. Both low and high intelligent people are less likely to off themselves than people of average intelligence.

Potentially because average people are able to recognize their inferiority.

>> No.4474633

Yeah. but I don't want any of that, and I can't force myself to want it. All I want is to be asleep, eternally

>> No.4474664


I hope you are trolling. Sincerely.
If not, you really need to educate yourself

>> No.4474681

Stop talking out of your ass

>> No.4474690

Intelligence isn't really quantifiable so this discussion is inherently meaningless

>> No.4474695

>What has you considering suicide?
I just don't seem to be capable of anything. I'll try and get something simple done and I'll spend a lot of time fretting about it without starting, and starting only to daydream and accomplish nothing. It seems like fantasizing is the only thing I'm capable of, whether it's on my own or with a book or film. Sometimes I feel privileged simply to be able to experience life's simple pleasures, but wallowing in such enjoyment makes me feel ashamed when I realize that such easy rewards are the only ones I can reap. The joy of achievement and creation and self mastery I'll never feel. I keep going to work because I don't know what else to do. I think I might just quit,go travelling, and kill myself when I run out of money.

>> No.4474707

Why don't try you make something out of your daydreaming? Use it as an inspiration to do any kind of spontaneous art that doesn't require much dedication; as you start getting more involved with it, the idea of putting more time and effort into it will come naturally.

Also, this is probably just based in a lack of discipline on your own side. Why don't you start with small steps on taking the reins on your own will. Say, stop eating chocolate, or drinking anything but water, whatever.

>> No.4474709

Then fucking fix it m8, it's not like you have much else to do.

>> No.4474738

I'm not sure what kind of spontaneous art I would do, or if I would even want to.

I definitely do lack discipline, but I find even when trying to make the simplest change it feels harder and harder to continue until I just fizzle out. I chastise myself for making excuses and not following through, but in the end it doesn't make a difference. It doesn't seem worth it to keep placing expectations on myself that I continually fail to meet. It hurts.

>> No.4474773

To the anons saying this is our only shot at life, a syllogism:

1. Before you were born your consciousness did not exist.

2. Your consciousness came into existence when you were born.

3. Therefore your consciousness went from a state of non-existence to existence

Where is the flaw in logic?

Assuming this is all correct is it wrong to speculate that there could be an afterlife since death is, presumably, the very same state of non-existence from which we came to existence in the first place.


>> No.4474782
File: 55 KB, 701x559, Wittgenstein.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, sure, that makes sense.

But you've been misled by the picture we have of the ordinary usage of 'went from,' where we say things like 'I went from Coventry to Manchester.'

It doesn't necessarily imply the thing was present in one state before it came to another.

>> No.4474787

>It doesn't necessarily imply the thing was present in one state before it came to another.

If is wasn't present in any other state then it wasn't present at all. Which is would still be non-existence.

>> No.4474789

Ah, you're arguing against an afterlife?
My apologies, I just woke up.

>> No.4474790


I see the complication in my argument forgive my lack of clarity but I'm arguing against the notion that death is a state from which there is no return. The return from death is what I would call the afterlife.

>> No.4475101

Forget the fundamental dichotomy for a moment: is pessimism or optimism closer to realism?

>> No.4475106


>> No.4475121

Pessimism and optimism are value judgements, so neither have anything to do with realism. One can be a realist either way.

>> No.4475150

Pessimism, with out a doubt. Where do you think the saying 'ignorance is bliss' originated?

>> No.4475156

Just re-phrase the question as which value judgement is more accurate

>> No.4475162

As a nihilist, I reject the idea of either

>> No.4475185

Value judgements can't be accurate or inaccurate. They're not truth-apt. Judging life as a whole can be done with no more definitively than judging if broccoli tastes good nor bad. Less even, since at least you can compare the taste of broccoli to other flavours but you can't compare existence to anything.

>> No.4475206

intelligent enough to recognise your problems but not intelligent enough to solve them.

>> No.4475212

What if the just don't want to solve them

>> No.4475217

Sure you can. Things were heaps better before I was born

>> No.4475221

'Solve' in this instance being synonymous with delusion

>> No.4475280

Really? Describe it. Your notion of 'before you were born' is merely conceptual.

>> No.4475288

Lack of meaning /people. Immense boredom bordering on lethargy. Lack of fulfilment intellectually physically. Lack of interest in most things aside from lit. (I read about seven to eight hours a day.) why don't I change these things? Fear.
What keeps me going? Literature.

>> No.4475320

It's exactly like being asleep

>> No.4475517

So you had dreams before you existed? You had bodily functions?

>> No.4475526

I imagine it would be like when I was under anesthesia. You dream during sleep. When the doctors knock you out, there's nothing, it's just a hole in time. One second.you're counting down, the next you're getting wheeled out of the OR.

>> No.4475540

I work on the assumption that I'll kill myself. I hate January so much. Only in January do I get viciously depressed. Last January I had quite a few run ins with suicide attempts that culminated in a rather painful intervention, or should I say discovery, for me. I think this January is one I can't tolerate though. I think this is the end for me, this month, these next two weeks.

>> No.4475543

Don't get pedantic, you know exactly what I meant

>> No.4475544

Just from this I think I can tell where you fit on that list

>> No.4475561

>Just from this I think I can tell where you fit on that list

Just from this I think I can tell where you fit on that list

>> No.4475595

So you compare it to the part of sleep that you have no experience of.

>> No.4475598


>> No.4475609

Or for that matter, any state of being where you aren't aware you exist

>> No.4475661
File: 18 KB, 240x320, tesla.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What a minute.... you are telling me I want to kill myself because I am a genius, and not because I a loser with no friends?

>> No.4475673

Tedium, general feels of drudgery working for Babylon

>> No.4475678

Nah. Believe me, when you eventually have sex and feel affection you will wonder where your self-pity masquerading as "suicidal depression" has gone.

>> No.4475680

>a loser with no friends?

I'd advise you to kill yourself for even registering this concept. People are shit, I assure you, you're not missing out on anything by not having friends.

>> No.4475687

This is what a delusional person sounds like. Once I started having sex I became even more depressed, because I realised that it's nothing special and certainly doesn't redeem existence as some people would have you believe.

>> No.4475693

It's not about this farcical notion that sex is unbelievably good. It's about the self-worth and social validation it hands to a loser like the guy I replied to.

>> No.4475697

I won't consider suicide before the people who care about me are dead. Although I am considering committing suicide after the fact. I mean, it's mostly just a damn hassle to live, and it's not like I'll be more dead than otherwise just because it's by my own hand.

>> No.4475699

That's exactly my point, though. It's delusions of self-worth, and the social validation aspect is because society shares your delusions. In fact, it's built upon them. Sticking your dick in a wet hole does not make you worthwhile, despite what your frat brothers will tell you.

>> No.4475701
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Being in love does for about 5 minutes until the juice runs out. Then people end up chasing that high and become serial monogamists trying to get their Julia Roberts on until the end times, ending up in a shitheap of divorce and misery.

>> No.4475704

Obviously that's true when you reduce it to the whole relativist "social construct" shtick. The point is that the placebo effect is too great for anyone who is even aware of this not to feel the benefits.

>> No.4475708
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>feel like worthless piece of shit
>people care about you and don't think you're a worthless piece of shit

I felt this way... then I realized I may not be a worthless piece of shit if all these damn people care about me. I have a really bad tendency to not take my relatives' words to heart, just because I think they NEED to say nice things to me. If I didn't rely on the approval of third party individuals, I'd probably be a happier person.

>> No.4475710

>Sticking your dick in a wet hole does not make you worthwhile, despite what your frat brothers will tell you.

You Aurelian breh?

>> No.4475713

I find this mostly believable, but entirely unconvincing.

>> No.4475714

Believe what you want. The placebo is possibly the most powerful subconscious effect that is constantly active in the human mind. An unbelievable thing in some ways.

>> No.4475721

You probably would be, yes. A lot of people have written about that subject, you should look it up.

>> No.4475726

I molested a child as a teenager.

It's the sole reason I'll kill myself.

>> No.4475735

Tell the story. I have no doubt it's nowhere near as severe as the words you used make it seem.

>> No.4475749

I actually molested three children from 14 to 16, but only one of them was awake during it.

It was mostly touching and gropping, and once I put my hand in her panties and tried to finger her ass (she struggled).

>> No.4475752

Why? Were they your siblings or something? How did you even get near those little kids?

>> No.4475754
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I feel exactly the same way

I wish I could just become a hermit or wandering vagabond and leave everything behind, but I'd have no means to support myself.

>> No.4475768

Because, at the time, it turned me on and I was young and stupid.

>Were they your siblings or something? How did you even get near those little kids?
They were all cousins.

>> No.4475774

>One does not need to be ignorant Of things to let them go
I do.
>Then find something else that you may enjoy, there must be something you can do to just sit down and relax for a bit and let yourself relax.
I don't like relaxing
>You can also try and find some older music or books online that you can relax with if it the modern renditions of what is considered "art" today that you hate so much. I personally enjoy instrumental music alot. Everyone is different though and you will have to find what works for you.
I never said that I hated art, only that I hated commoditizing it.
>You can always give meaning to your life
It will never be worth it.

>> No.4475786

>The point is that the placebo effect is too great for anyone who is even aware of this not to feel the benefits.
Except for the guy you just replied to.

>> No.4475795

I got fucked over so bad in highschool that I've never recovered, and the poison has seeped into all other aspects of my life. No, I won't share the story, sorry. I'll probably get responses telling me that highschool doesn't mean anything, but it really does. Not only does it occur during some of the most important of your formative years, but, generally speaking, you'll still be part of the social circle that you were in during that time once you leave (unless of course you change countries or something, but even then, with social media and all that, your past can catch up with you more easily than ever.)

>> No.4475808


Please tell the story anon

>> No.4475860

Fine. It ain't pretty.

>second last of highschool
>go to a friend's end of year party
>drink way too much
>pass out
>'friends' decide to ruin your life
>get teabagged, stripped naked, ejaculated on, pissed on
>everyone sees my small flaccid penis (it's fine erect, not that if will ever matter now)
>whole thing gets recorded on video
>video gets passed around
>everyone has seen it
>cop shit every single day for it
>undateable because of it

and here I am, 6 years later, a ruined man. you can't imagine the level of cynicism you develop after something like that. the realisation that people are beyond heartless, even those you considered close, is a difficult thing to deal with. i'll definitely kill myself, it's just a question of when

>> No.4475867

That's pretty fucked up, anon. Youth brings out unimaginable cruelty in people. Things can get better for you, if you let them. Hang in there.

>> No.4475875

Your 'friends' sounds like sociopaths. I hope that's not indicative of the younger generations as a whole, but I'm pretty sure it is. Truly, we are all screwed.

>> No.4475880


Bad things happen, anon. It's not your fault. You can only control what you do yourself. Don't let the past dictate your future.

>> No.4475881

people like that, and worse, have always existed. you just didn't hear about it as often in the past

>> No.4475898

Shit like this is why I'm extremely careful with how much I drink at events. I feel really bad for you.

>> No.4475902

Not to mention that back then people didn't have the means to record it so it haunts your every waking moment

>> No.4475907

>loony prison
>solitary confinement
>forest bhikku thai tradition style

There are plenty of ways if you really want to.

>> No.4475909


What he means by "support himself" is "support the bourgeois internet-inhabiting lifestyle to which he has become accustomed nay enslaved".

>> No.4475919

According to him. I doubt he conformed to the specific situation I described.

>> No.4475922

That still leaves welfare, autismbux, some versions of the monastic life and some versions of the beggar or criminal life. First two are by far his best shot though.

>> No.4475934

ughhh, that's horrible. humans are so shitty. when's the next extinction event?

>> No.4475950
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>all these teens self-pitying themselves and use suicide as a fashion accessory to act like some depressed intellectual who mumbles something about the absurd and nihilism

>> No.4475954

>to act like some depressed intellectual
But I don't, I admit that I'm a hopeless retard and just want to off myself to get away from it all.

>> No.4475955

don't feed the troll

>> No.4475957

Well yeah, this does seem to be the case. But while that is undoubtedly the root, there is the more worrying reality that they actually do convince themselves into thinking suicidal thoughts for these reasons, and the actions they threaten are genuine.

>> No.4475964

there are exceptions in this thread but take take this guy >>4473320 for example

>so tired
>i want to sleep
>deep picture of forest and snow
>video games
You think you have the time to enjoy video games while you are suicidally depressed? Don't fool yourself.

>> No.4475971

If you genuinely believe anyone who is suicidal lacks a valid reason and is using it as a 'fashion accessory' (ludicrous) or as an excuse for (x) (slightly less ludicrous, but still retarded) you should probably consider suicide yourselves

>'don't worry, be happy'
>not total inanity

top kek

>> No.4475972

>has video material
>not suing them for assault, molesting, rape, torture, whatever you can get

You can ruin them right back, anon. Maybe get some good money as well if it has ruined you psychologically.

>> No.4475978

>If you genuinely believe anyone who is suicidal lacks a valid reason

I do believe this. Hell, I and others who have confessed the same to me went through this self-pitying stage in our teenage years. I recall an attempt by my own self with pills.

Foolish stage of life that a lot of you aren't going to admit you are in. Or are now going to strawman me with, rather predictably.

>> No.4475987

i'm talking about the people who act like they're suicidal for attention, not people who are actually suicidal

>> No.4475993

>having such kneejerk rejections instead of being able to discuss the subject without attacking people

le sensitive spot has been tickled. exhausting garden hose car daddy waiting to happen.

>> No.4475992

I'm too worried it'll make things worse. I only occasionally get reminded of it these days, and if I endeavored to do what you're proposing I just know everything will explode into a fiesta of shit again. I, personally, don't have a copy anyway (for obvious reasons, I would hope). I spent the first few years after it trying to block it out and act like it never happened, because I just couldn't deal with it. I still can't.

And, I suppose, there's the notion that revenge won't change my predicament.

>> No.4475998

Your whole argument is a strawman, though

>> No.4476001

i'd buy a baseball bat and kick their asses

>> No.4476002

No, it isn't you fucking oaf. Learn what a strawman is. I supported my thesis that a lot of teens experience suicidal tendencies or desires as a result of false, superficial or ultimately self-pitying/egotistical emotions.

>> No.4476003

It seems like you have nothing to lose though by your description. If anything you could take a bolt cutter to their achilles tendons or something equally zany.

>> No.4476018

Nothing to lose, nothing to gain. As I said, revenge wouldn't make me feel less horrible

>> No.4476028

But it would make the people who put you in such a predicament of mental anguish feel horrible. And they fucking deserve it. How badly they deserve it.

>> No.4476034

no on in my family has ever committed suicied. If I even commit suicide I will tell my family first. But otherwise no. I think rgar u xibauswe ayuxuwdw bwxyAW U Xbr fwr qT I Qnr in lidw. i juare qNR lorn id locw. lor od unxwondirional locw. vur ir is sad nbecause the world does on care kd i get love or not. and i think thats wat nakes me sad. my mom loves me though and thats wjy ui woll not commit suicie cause me mom loves and and if i do that she will feel sad.

>> No.4476037


You should get a copy and sue them. You can use the money to start a new life.

>> No.4476039

You are very immature. Don't worry, not many people reach a maturity level in which they realize the pointlessness of revenge.

>> No.4476043

>As I said, revenge wouldn't make me feel less horrible
You're a better man than me then. Have you tried therapy?

>> No.4476045

Don't be such a dandy little fool. You have little maturity yourself if you're attaching yourself to this haughty ideal of pacification just to seem intelligent.

He has absolutely nothing to gain, but the others deserve to be dragged through the mud for what they did. What a precious little world you envision, where every negative action goes unabated. Fool.

>inb4 typically haughty one line riposte

>> No.4476050

You didn't supported shit, you just spouted nonsense as facts like a supercilious faggot. I'm glad you've been able to lead a sheltered and spoiled life, don't trivialize the suffering of others because of a lack of alterity on your part

>> No.4476051

There is no 'realising the pointlessness' of revenge any more than any other behaviour, anon. To a lot of people revenge feels good and brings closure. You might as well say people aren't mature enough to realise the pointlessness of dancing or poetry or giving presents or masturbation or watching sunsets.

>> No.4476054

You are a sad little man.

>> No.4476055
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I have considered killing myself quite a bit.
Yet I realise that it would be the easy way out.
Ego lies at the centre of the common fantasy (of course there are those that really cannot live any more).
One may imagine friends and family crying, of that empty place at Christmas. How sorry they will feel! How much pain they will feel! How they will rue the day they didn't treat me like the special snowflake I am.

What if people were upset at first and then kind of forgot?
What if you played your nuclear card by jumping off a bridge and its impact was not so great and you weren't able to receive any benefits?

The common man, who we can always trust to be sane on such matters, knows this. He refers to it as the "cowards way out".
To accept freedom and responsibility in your own life is harder to accept than killing yourself. It is the hard way out, yet the only possible way.
We seek sympathy, yet we will not receive it. The winners will lampoon your death. You will only have lost more. You can only turn around and right. This is the hardest thing we can do.
To accept your own life, that everything is up to you and that its a dog eat dog world, a jungle of winners and losers, is so painful it makes you want to jump off a bridge.

>> No.4476056

>Have you tried therapy?

No. I am unsure how a therapist could help, in my particular circumstances. I think the best thing for myself is to stop having a self.

>> No.4476057

>nonsense as facts

Not only has one guy in the thread already agreed with me (against the norm, obviously, because too many teens are tied to their notions like yourself), but I myself have experienced this and know others who have. Keep thinking you're a special little snowflake though.

>> No.4476060

It's justice. If we'd all follow your world view, thiefs would get away with stealing because 'revenge doesn't help'.

>> No.4476061

And there it is. Thanks for proving everything I said.

>> No.4476063

more baseless conclusions. perhaps your teen self should have gone through with it

>> No.4476065

>provide evidence and supporting people
>b-baseless conclusions

Yep, arguing with you sure seems worth it so far.

>> No.4476067

Lol? We don't take revenge on thieves. We have deterrents in place that we follow through with. Those are completely different.

>> No.4476073

I think that was b8 bro.

>> No.4476075

The action of inflicting hurt or harm on someone for an injury or wrong suffered at their hands

You really, really need to learn something. Anything. There's still time.

>> No.4476082

Yeah, because bait always comes in the middle of the argument.

>> No.4476083

We don't inflict hurt or harm on thieves here. We put them in jail.

>> No.4476085

nothing you've posted could be considered worthwhile evidence. anecdotal at best, emotionally-charged gibberish at worst

>> No.4476086

>not a pain

Or to be even more pedantic

>not the obvious implied pain of condemning someone to a ratrace of rape and beatings

>> No.4476087

I'm the guy you replied too, I didn't write it, someone is just mocking your greentext.

>> No.4476089

Ooh, he's learning. He's getting there. Ever so slowly.

>> No.4476088

Jail is harmful for people, though. Robbed of your freedom, stuck in the same building and doing menial shit for years. It's really dangerous in the wrong countries too, like every third world country ever or America.

>> No.4476090

>in a state of non-existence

top fucking lel. your whole post screams 'i'm retarded'

while i'm here, i'd also like to point out that the Myth of Sisyphus doesn't affirm shit

>> No.4476092

You provide a definition that literally excludes jail as being 'revenge'.

>> No.4476096

And at this stage I'd like to invite you to scrol uip and read the definition of revenge.

>> No.4476097

>he probably considers this a rebuttal

>> No.4476099

it's a form of revenge. what you mean is revenge in the sense of physical harm is wrong

>> No.4476101

>considering anything you have said up to this point as an argument worth responding to

Would you like to dig out your thesaurus for another buzzword?

>> No.4476102

If you kill yourself, they get the last laugh. They don't deserve the last laugh, anon. I wanna give you a hug

>> No.4476104

noun: harm

physical injury, esp. that which is deliberately inflicted.

verb: hurt; 3rd person present: hurts; past tense: hurt; past participle: hurt; gerund or present participle: hurting

cause physical pain or injury to.
"Ow! You're hurting me!"

Clearly jail is neither of those. The rape and beatings you mention are a result of the inmates and have nothing to do with the justice system. The LITERAL DEFINITIONS that you wanted to stick by show jail is not revenge.

>> No.4476105

>he probably considers this a rebuttal

>> No.4476106

Start reading philosophy. Start with the Myth of Sisyphus. If life has no meaning so much that you want to kill yourself, then your suffering has no meaning either.

>> No.4476111

They probably would laugh if I killed myself. It'd be icing on the cake for them. I hope I'm accurately communicating how fucked up these people are; how fucked up people in general are. Turns out discussing this is not good for my emotional well-being, despite the measure of support I've received from you, fine anons. I'd hoped this would be cathartic in some way. I've never really spoken about it in this (or, realistically, any) capacity before.

>> No.4476118

>semantic discussion where definitions are googled
revenge is not always the same as physical harm in the conventional sense of the word. let's say your neighbor cuts your electricity cables, leaving you in a black-out. the next day you fuck his wife, that's revenge

>> No.4476119

You completely misread my post you fucking buffoon

I was saying there are no benefits - these are only imagined and if anything, suicide would only add to your problems (this is a joke just to be clear)

Suicide is dumb (in 99% of cases) and it would be better to face the music than to take the cowards way out.

>/>toy/ is that way bro

>> No.4476120

Except middle aged and old people have the highest suicide rate.

Just because you popped a few zannies to show daddy you mean business doesn't mean actual suicidal people are attention starved teens.

>> No.4476122

The cathartic part can come with a bit of a delay perhaps. Good luck anon.

>> No.4476127

I've marginally well-versed in philosophy, but I still know very little. I've read the Myth of Sisyphus. Perhaps it went over my head, but it didn't resonate too strongly with me. Sure, I can see how things are without meaning on an objective level, but I'm not capable, as a conscious being with agency, of distancing myself from my experiences in a way that would effectuate release from personal suffering, if you get me. I'll have to re-read it sometime soon.

>> No.4476143

'cowards way out' is a defense mechanism for, funnily enough, cowards who lack the constitution for suicide. having a kid is about the biggest crime you can commit

>> No.4476152

You brought semantics into it u melon. I just carried it on.

>> No.4476178

usual shit, might as well be a maggot eating an elephants asshole, life is suffering, and still i hate myself whenever i reflect on myself. and then the underwhelming future the would await me. its like those moments when i can't justify a life of heroine abuse any more than that of a famous seer. yet still those judgments are made, and still i hate the irresponsible and love the safety in associated prejudices.

>> No.4476187

A life that is unenjoyable and could be said to remain so in the future with decent certainty. Seems reasonable to me, but I'm ice like that, brr.

>> No.4476203

Gunshot to the head is for cowards, real men die of a hard attack wearing a diaper, right?

>> No.4476207
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Only truly stupid and/or monumentally delusional people are capable of happiness

>> No.4476220
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>even adhering to the happiness/unhappiness dichotomy

>> No.4476237

If this is true i need to smoke more weed

>> No.4476251

>concluding a false meaning from a post brimming with clarity

>> No.4476257

Post a source that shows a correlation between smoking weed and intelligence levels

>> No.4476268
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>implying deeming a certain group of people capable of happiness doesn't presuppose the existence of happiness

>> No.4476320

michel foucault smoked weed, so there

>> No.4476322

brb checking into rehab

>> No.4477376

I jumped off a five story parking garage. Lots of metal in me now and an incomplete SCI.

>> No.4478017

He had a degenerative disease you dingus