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File: 225 KB, 1593x647, The Dark Tower.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
446582 No.446582 [Reply] [Original]

So, I've just finished The Dark Tower series and as promised here's the final chart.

Feel free to discuss the books:
*baby mutant spider.
*LOL ending.
*Fanfiction writing starring Stephen King.
*Let's kill these characters.

>> No.446598

I heard he was going to write some more Dark Tower books. I don't know why because 4,6, and 7 sucked balls

>> No.446635

When Wizard of Glass was published, is this when almost died after being run over by a van.? It almost seems to me that King fans like all of his stuff before he almost died. Everything after that has been seen as sub par or mediocre at best.

>> No.446647

I don't have the energy in me tonight to deal with the psycho King fanboys that defend this mess. You're on your own, OP.

>> No.448075
File: 481 KB, 1200x1870, blz08.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, at least the comics are quite nice.

>> No.448089

oh good
now I can finally drop it

>> No.448148

hERE |S +h€ Men+allY iLl 1yiNg PsyChOP@th +Hi3f CHRist0PheR POole In A{t10N (tUrn It iN+O 1OWeR-<As3 As<ii): hT+P://www.aNOntALK.{OM/DumP/moOTArD.Tx+

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>> No.448156

i cant believe eddy and jack died and suzannah lived and then she met them in another world anyway, i hated suzannah

i thought the almost-but-not-quite cyclical ending was great, but everything else about it sucked balls - death of flagg, mordred being a faggot, patrick danville, death of the crimson king, all unsatisfying

>> No.448180


>> No.448192

At least I jerk off with my left hand.

>> No.448206

d-d-d-d-don't-t-t-t forget-t-t-t-t-t that the ending will grow on you, it will take 5 years. If you live that long.

Much like Steppenwolf, this is a book that adults will recommend to kids, and kids will think they get it, but it's written for the elderly.

>> No.449041

Sorry for my n00b questions, but what does 19 19 19 19 19 mean? And "Ye olde riddle book" is that a good or bad thing?

>> No.449067 [DELETED] 

HeRe IS ThE mEnTAilY ilL 1ying p5ycHOpath thiEF [Hri5toPh€r pOoL3 iN A{tI0N (tuRn 1T InT0 lOWER-[@sE Ascii): HTTp://WwW.anoNtalK.{OM/duMP/m00tARd.tXt

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>> No.449068

I think that From a Buick 8 is a book made for adults too, or that's the feeling i got from it.

maybe that's why everyone hates it

>> No.449073

Pretty sure 19 refers to the spell on the dead person... if you say "19", he will tel you the secrets of death and the afterlife.

>> No.449090

First four: Fucking god tier
Last 3: Gay
Ending: Fucking brilliant

>> No.449092

Nineteen is when he started work on the first gunslinger, so it's a reocurring theme.

A gay reocurring theme.

>> No.449098


I agree. I hated the last three, especially the last one, where it seemed like he had a million ideas (most bad) and tried to combine them all.

Though meeting himself is cool, but I got pissed when he used his magic writing powers to WRITE THEM OUT OF TROUBLE.

Also the battle with the Crimson King was more than lucklustre.

I'll say the ending pissed me off but it's so genius and so purely King, it's the only way to end the series.

>> No.449105

First one was good. Then the incredible badass got his hand bit off by lobsters and it all went downhill from there.

>> No.449130

What's with Stephen King and spider monsters? It was a spider monster, Crimson King is a spider monster...

>> No.449156

I'm 127 pages into IV, and I'm having a little more trouble getting into it that with the first 3. Maybe it's all the flashback shit. I'm guessing it goes downhill with V, VI, and VII?

>> No.449163

It didn't all go downhill. He was just a less badass gunslinger.

>> No.449194

Everyone hates on the last three. They didn't bother me. W&G and Drawing are my favorite still.

>> No.449236


I believe it's implied that the Crimson King is actually the son of the monster from It and Arthur of Eld.

I... don't remember how that makes any sense. But there was an argument supporting it with scenes from the books posted a while ago.

>> No.449254

I actually thought V was great if you keep in mind that it's a straight rip-off of seven samurai.

>> No.449275

heh, it turns out bad? I quit at wizard and glass, mainly due to the impression that ol' stephen was writing for the lulz and had no idea of an ending. I guess I'm right

>> No.449292

It's not terrible, but it might leave a nasty taste in your mouth. 1-4 are superior.

>> No.450092
File: 702 KB, 2560x1960, Dark Tower- 007-008.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


As it has been said, the number 19 is a recurrent theme. Think of it as "Easter Eggs" scattered through the books... until Book V were it appears EVERYWHERE.

About the Riddle Book, the main antagonist in Book III is a smart train with a crazy AI that loves riddles. Read it and judge for yourself whether it is a bad thing or not...

>> No.450202

5 was my favorite. King changed the way he wrote after he got hit by the van. Book 6 and 7 deal with that.

>> No.450210

The Gunslinger is epic, why so /lit/tle love for it?

>> No.450213

Because King fucked it up with his revision. Later readers don't realize just how awesome the original was.

>> No.450220

But that doesn't make the original any less excellent. Just ignore the self-insertion and the reworks, and enjoy the first four books as the entertaining casual reads that they are.

>> No.450225


The ending is purely King in the same sense as The Stand (LOL, God fist)

You know what, after some consideration I'm going to say that Roland is a robot. The Old Ones must've build it (heck, it could've been the Tet Corp. following the legend of Roland) to protect the Beams and by extension the Tower.
A sophisticated robot, mind you, and not without feelings (Stuttering Bill had feelings) but that explains his incredible endurance, accuracy, Terminator-like attitude (see Book II), etc.
Also, that "he" can be "rebooted" (Book VII)

>> No.450229

Another is on the way.

>> No.450235

Have you read both versions? The revision is dripping with King's later style, it lacks the minimalist stark simplicity of the original Gunslinger. It just feels so much more ... commercial. I don't know how to describe it. As someone who read the original repeatedly ages ago, and then picked up the revision, it was quite stark. I can see why newer fans would prefer other books.

>> No.450246

Actually I think the end explains the years lost on Golgotha while he slept. He has done this before and each time its a little diiferent. this time he has the Horn of Eld.

>> No.450254

You can divide the Tower series into three stages:

1) Merely drunk (Book 1)
2) Coke head (Books 2 & 3)
3) Intervention & cleaning up (Book 4)
4) Sober Steve (5,6,7)

All seven books are about addiction, but from different angles.

Also, they are great fun fantacrap. :3

>> No.450255

Yes, I've read both, and yes, I completely agree that King messed with the whole tone of the piece when he revised. He screwed it up by trying to improve what was already the best his ability allows for, and that's just typical King.
Still, the fact that he did revise it doesn't detract from the enjoyment you can get from the original, and I don't think the book should be written off simply becuase of a bad revisit by an author who is clearly over the hill. Just enjoy the original, y'know?

>> No.450260

It's quite difficult for casual readers to find the original. They stumble upon the revision first. That skews the feelings about the book. Only point I was making.

>> No.450262


Hm, must've been drunk myself when I posted. 4 stages.

>> No.450264

Valid point that. Still, worth looking for.

>> No.450294


I picked up the original first, and it is still my favorite of the series easily.

>> No.450299

Mine as well. King got so much world and character through in such a short book. Easily among his greatest works. Then he deviated so badly from all the promises and references he made with his shitty follow-ups that he had to go back and revise so he didn't look like a moron. Which is what happens when you rush three terrible books through.

>> No.451177

I stopped reading as soon as the miscegenation started.

White men do not find black woman attractive in any way.

>> No.451217

>White men do not find black woman attractive in any way.

Maybe YOU don't, but some of us do.

Sorry, fellow cracker.

>> No.451229

When the purge comes, your race traitor kind will be the first to die.

>> No.451265 [DELETED] 

The man in black walked across the desert and the gunslinger followed.

Best opening and ending ever.

>> No.451267

The man in black fled across the desert and the gunslinger followed.

Best opening and ending ever.

>> No.452023
File: 295 KB, 995x1485, pic004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It has a nice ring.

>> No.452034
File: 315 KB, 944x1485, pic005.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The comics also offer some insight into the mythology of The Dark Tower world(s). And then, changes some things from the books. Anyway, they are quite nice. I'll post some pics of The Battle Of Jericho Hill once I reach it.

>> No.452037


HA HA HA, NO.bmp

>Call me Ishmael.

>A screaming comes across the sky.

>In the second century of the Christian Aera, the empire of Rome comprehended the fairest part of the earth, and the most civilized portion of mankind.

>I am a sick man...I am a spiteful man.

>> No.452063

he finished the last three asap after his accident (got freaked they would be left uncompleted). it shows. if anyone could do a meta self-insert right it would be king (or morrison), but he didn't give himself the time to work it out. the last two read like his notes, because they basically are. i don't even remember what happens in song of susannah, or anything but the absolute end of the dark tower (lol he goes in the tower!!!). there was some shit about a magic kid who everything he drew became real? what.

it would be really cool for him to go pack and patch up the last two (wolves was actually OK, if a little disconnected from the overarching plot... did he ever explain what they were taking the babbies for?).

>> No.452169


Brain food for the Breakers.