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4465404 No.4465404[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Bookshelf thread. Post them and get recs based on your books.


>> No.4465408
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>> No.4465410
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>> No.4465411
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>> No.4465415
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>> No.4465433

why not just have a goodreads thread. honestly having to post multiple times to post your whole collection is bad bad bad bad

>> No.4465440

You read English, French and Spanish?
Mad jelly

>> No.4465441


>> No.4465442

no one cares.

i recommend reading your mom.

>> No.4465449

None of your paperbacks have creases. Have you even read these?

>> No.4465472

oi, OP, are you from quebec?

>> No.4465529

The only ones that I haven't read are TLOTR, Atlas Shrugged and The Hunchback of Notre Dame. I got the first two as gifts but I still haven't worked up the nerve to start them.

I am fluent in both English and Spanish but not in French. I lived in France so I can maintain a regular conversation but reading books such as The Hunchback is pretty hard at times.

No. Mexico.

>> No.4465530

You know you can read paperbacks without creasing them.

>> No.4465541

Not the way I do it.

>> No.4465563

das me >>4456274

p-pls respond somebody and reply to all the others in this thread too if ye want

>> No.4465570

How did you find The Myth of Sisyphus?

>> No.4465588

The best part about reading isn't reading, it's showing people online that I do

>> No.4465609

I read what it was about before and I knew I was going to like it. It helped me organize my thoughts so it was great but I am all about skepticism. Gives a lot more meaning to The Stranger too.

>> No.4465638

I'd much rather look through every book I own and type the title and author out, also.....

>> No.4465645

How much are you about skepticism? Moreover, how sure of your skepticism are you. Because I once thought I was a skeptic, then I started to experiment with psychedelics and then my level of skepticism went up to a degree I thought never possible (I thought I was already at the highest point).

>> No.4465651

>98% nonfiction
vete al carajo

>> No.4465677

these are my favourite threads because I'm materialistic

>> No.4466111

>mein kampf
>le petit prince
por que haces esto op, queres un reconocimiento por saber hablar español, frances e ingles? yo tambien se hablar los tres pero sin embargo no hago un hilo en /lit/
tan inseguro te sentis de vos mismo?

>> No.4466129


>not treating your books with love and respect


>> No.4466145
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>> No.4466151

What the appeal of buying all those books instead of just going to the library and getting them for free?

>> No.4466152
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sorry about the focus (or lack of). this is mostly juv. fiction from the 1900s-1950s, and that set at the bottom was part of my intro to lit., it's always been around.

>> No.4466155

>not reading with your book flat on the table

Stay Pleb

>> No.4466161

Personally, I buy the books I enjoy the most but I usually get books from the library. Also people buy me books as presents and I don't have the heart to get rid of them.

>> No.4466166
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>> No.4466167
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I've picked up reading Russian books on their native language recently, but I don't have them in this picture. I have to use quite a bit of dictionary, but it's working.

>> No.4466176
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I laugh whenever I look at "The Finest Rooms In France". They are pretty fine, though.

>> No.4466178

>History of Fart

>> No.4466179

What is that thing on your top shelf next to the figurines?

>> No.4466194
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Some sort of adapted monster my daughter used in a diorama for school.
I always think that too. Brilliant people always look for Fart Jokes.

>> No.4466204
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The "old stuff". Mostly 19th century but I think there's some 18th also. Nothing groundbreaking, but I'm told the cookbooks have some value.

>> No.4466234
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"Train Wrecks" was the only book of interest to a boy visiting his grandparents. I looked at that book so many times. Now it sits on my shelf. Got me though many boring Thanksgivings with that.
Also, a Basic History Of Fart.

>> No.4466239
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Great excuse to showcase my floating bookshelf.

>> No.4466251 [DELETED] 

lel so randumb xD

>> No.4466252

You call that a bookshelf.

Thats just few books man

>> No.4466261


>> No.4466263

>Look guys, I'm trying to hurt someone's feelings on the internet again!

>> No.4466264

Wait what?

>> No.4466266
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Just moved back into my dorm for the spring semester, so this is the only thing I have on me.

>> No.4466272

i do this in general. i used to do it with library books as well, and then one day i realised i was being a fucking retard.

>> No.4466276

>dat janson
art history student?

>> No.4466277

Well what are you supposed to do then?

>> No.4466282

hold them in a sort of 'triangle,' either in your hands or in your lap depending on the thickness. harder with text-books of course (maybe impossible, guess you just chalk that one off to a cost of schooling).

>> No.4466356

No. Me gustarian recomendaciones, como dije en el op. Aparte se me hace interesante ver los estantes de los demas. Se puede suponer mucho de una persona cuando ves cosas como sus libros, musica, o peliculas.

>tan inseguro te sentis
>esa proyeccion

>> No.4466430

Pejezombie on /lit/? That's something you don't see every day.

>> No.4466442
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Semi-wife went to art school for design.
My messy shelf behind the sofa.

>> No.4466450

Its a hobby, book collecting.

Quite honestly, you could find every book in the world online somewhere for free, but I like having physical copies of books I really like.

Not OP by the way. I'm not at home, but when I get back later today I'll post my very small shelf.

>> No.4466457
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I should really be studying right now...

>> No.4466462

I´ll post a picture of a huge bookshelf of classic Icelandic literature 1st editions, the most valuable book i own should be worth about 1k dollars, a book depicting the poetry of an ancient viking warlord called Gönguhrólfur, its ancient Norse poetry at its best, printed 1875. You gotta know Icelandic to be able to make sense out of it though.

>> No.4466486

Jesus Fucking Christ OP. Are you me?

>> No.4466488
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I always read that book as "How To Identify Prince" (instead of "prints"), for some reason, and picture a short guy with a pompadour wearing purple.

>> No.4466708

lol. That was a gift from one of my PRDistas uncles. Sadly I've become apolitical when it comes to the Mexican government. Still though, fuck Peña.

>> No.4466754
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>> No.4466782

Is she a high school teacher?

>> No.4466795
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>> No.4466799
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>> No.4466803
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Didn't realize I left my pills in frame

>> No.4466808
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>> No.4466813
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Small shelf of poetry

>> No.4466814


Every time. And there's piles of it in every bookstore now too. What is it that people see in this weak Richard Yates imitation?

>> No.4466824


Haven't even read it yet just bought it because it was hyped. Hope it is okay.

Thanks for the recommendation too.

>> No.4466857

no pero si querias reconmendaciones hay un sticky no se si lo viste o sino podes probar goodreads que tambien te da recomendaciones basadas en los libros que lees
yo se que lo hiciste para fanfarronear op yo no soy facil de engañar

>> No.4466863

I think there should be a rule when posting these pictures.
I haven't seen a single copy of Infinite Jest so far.

>> No.4466885
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>> No.4466892
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>> No.4466960
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>> No.4466980
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>> No.4466988

Is that a Saddam Hussein card?

>> No.4467049
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Yes I've got a few of those Iraq War playing card things with all the generals and soldiers on them.

>> No.4467063
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>> No.4467074
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...and done. Thanks lit that was fun and sort of obnoxious of me.

>> No.4467159
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These are all from the past three months, the rest of mine are still packed.
Also, pretend a book of Yeats' canon is there too.

>> No.4467176

Oh man
dat Castenada
he was 1 crazy dood

>> No.4467234

Are they for your parkinsons? Nice collection though.

>> No.4467333

Appreciate new collections in these threads. Some very interesting stuff.

>> No.4467390


For some reason I have the urge to infest in some sort of 'edible plants' book. No real reason why. I just think it's knowledge that will be benificial to me at some point in my life. Any suggestions?

Ps: I'm a Eurofag if that makes any difference.

>> No.4467422
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fairly new to reading
i feel like such a pleb with so many penguin covers and such

>> No.4467432
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these are more things i read a long time ago when i was like 15

>> No.4467436


Honestly, who gives a fucking shit about the covers or publishers?

>> No.4467441

Did you like Ham on Rye?

>> No.4467442

why do you have two copies of IQ84? and nice, i have the same copy of lolita, norwood and after dark.

>> No.4467447

Into the the trash it goes.

>> No.4467451

i dunno i thought maybe people did

ones book 1 and the others book 2 + 3
i thought the art on the front of that copy of lolita was pretty cute

>> No.4467458

It would be better without all the National Geographic mags.

>> No.4467467

oh i see. cool. and penguin does a good job with publishing for the most part, although the black has a tendency to get worn at the edges after the first readthrough. looks neat and tidy though, props. I'd like to get the versions of books from the same publishing house but sometimes other versions can be, like, ten bucks cheaper.

>> No.4467482
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OP eres del norte?
Tenemos gustos parecidos.

>> No.4467493

Don't listen to this.

>> No.4467567

You guys have lots of good edibles there, the majority of ours come from Europe anyways. Just check amazon's ratings, I have no idea who is good for European stuff, sorry m8. Get a couple, though. They usually have different bits of information that help loads.

>> No.4467640
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can't read shit but whatever

>> No.4467645


What's the deal with the penguins?

>> No.4467663

at first i just bought the modern classics editions because I liked the covers and the quality, now I buy them because I like the covers and the quality and that they match

>> No.4467729

Just moved to a new apartment. Not enough room to take many books.

>> No.4467736
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Just moved to a new apartment. Not enough room to take many books.

Forgot pic

>> No.4467754

What'd you do with the rest?

I moved recently, and as well as one larger bookshelf and a couple of smaller ones, I still have 3 boxes of books left over. Thinking I need to purge out the stuff that I've read but didn't like much.

>> No.4467773

I left them at my parents place. I'll probably go through all the books and pick and choose which ones I want. Sell the ones I don't want so that I can eventually move all my stuff into my own place.

My recommendation would be to do the same and sell what you don't want. I love books, but they take a lot of space. No sense keeping the ones you will never read.

>> No.4467814


King of the middle brow right here

>> No.4467819

why do you have like 30 copies of ulysses

>> No.4467827

2 copies. The big one was very cool and only $2. The smaller one is easier to read.

>> No.4467840

I have almost all those books. And many of the same editions as you, including the Bantam Gravity's Rainbow, which I hated reading because it's so small and thick. It was odd looking at this pic because it seems so familiar to me.

Have you read The Satanic Verses? I've been thinking about picking that up.

>> No.4467857
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>> No.4467866

I think I have a copy of The Satanic Verses at my parents' house. I haven't read it yet but plan to.

Yeah, my biggest worry with reading Gravity's Rainbow is the small size vs the denseness of the novel. May feel like I never get anywhere while reading it.

>> No.4467868

I dig it.

>> No.4467877

I asked because you have it right there on the top shelf.

It was very intimidating and tiresome to read that little Gravity's Rainbow. It made the book seem even more dense. If I ever read it again I'll be getting a different edition, probably the Penguin with the blue spine.

>> No.4467894

I'll keep that in mind when I decide to give it a go. The copy I have was only $1, so it may be worth getting a "better" edition for the read. Thanks.

>> No.4467923

Jealously intensifies

>> No.4467930

Why are there two As The World and Representation book?

>> No.4467938

It's in 2 volumes.

>> No.4467941

Damn I should have noticed that.

>> No.4467996

What's wrong with Murakami?

>> No.4468005

I was just being pretentious.

>> No.4468017

Oh, shit, you're talking about Satanic Verses. I didn't realize it was there. My bad. I didn't realize I had brought it.

>> No.4468047

Are you also learning Chinese and Japanese?

>> No.4468061
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r8 & h8

>> No.4468079

Asi es. Es ese un libro lo que esta a la derecha? Se ve cool.

>> No.4468092
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You're not fooling anyone.

>> No.4468094


troll post aside could you imagine being this middling and unimaginative with your purchases?

these pop sci loving euphorics are always good for a laugh

>> No.4468120

Es un proyecto que iniciamos aqui donde vivo. Es producto de nuestra autoria. Te dejo este copy pasta

¿Qué es?

ahccguard (sí, así sin mayúsculas) es un proyecto independiente que nace de la necesidad de movimiento, de creación. A falta de estímulos en el entorno decidimos con nuestro propio impulso (intentar) construir algo.

La palabra "ahccguard" es un anglicismo que se engendra de la palabra "awkward" que significa "incómodo" este es el espíritu del colectivo que busca generar y promover cultura REAL para gente REAL.

¿Qué contiene?

El colectivo ahccguard tiene contemplado presentarse en varias publicaciones, en este caso preciso los "ahccguard" son una especie de libreta maravilla que contiene pinturas, dibujos y literatura (puede variar).
Todo el contenido es creado por miembros de la familia ahccguard que esperamos crezca más y más con colaboraciones de la comunidad.

>> No.4468249
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Hey ese I think you are on the wrong side of the border.

>> No.4468350

>implying anyone cares about your ebook collection

>> No.4468387
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2nd last shelf is textbooks mostly, last shelf is manga and other bullshit

>> No.4468397

w2c shelf

>> No.4468412

inherited it like a boss

>> No.4468464

Guess the newest addition for 10 points.

>> No.4468467


>> No.4468475

Are you a 19 year old Mexican

>> No.4468476
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>> No.4468486


>> No.4468491

I want that Bizarre so bad

>> No.4468540

>my floating bookshelf.
P-please impart some of your wisdom unto me.

>> No.4468559

why is google a foreign concept to you?

>> No.4468564

You mean, it doesn't actually float?

>> No.4468568

>being part of the botnet

>> No.4468622

Are you from America Latina? Nice Marquez, Cervantes, Cortázar e Borges.

Any thoughts on Ensaio sobre a Cegueira, from Saramago?

¿Qué piensa usted de Voltaire? And Kierkegaard?

>> No.4468629


¿De qué parte de México eres?

>mfw los gringos se sorprenden cuando alguien lee en tres idiomas

>> No.4468636

I am 23, third-world boy and speak three and I can read four, working on the fifth, german. It's the fucking turn off your television and get some way to avoid distractions. Is that simple.

>> No.4468717

How does one afford all of this? Are you a centenarian?

>> No.4468788

Se escucha interesante. Espero poder llegar a leerlo algún día. Éxito.

>> No.4468815
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>top left book is upside down

>> No.4468899


what is ahccguard?

>> No.4469129

Almost half a centenarian, 45. Half or 60% I bought, the rest have been finds and gifts. I don't throw many out. The thing about being a book hoarder is that if you have shelves it's ok.

>> No.4470096
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Got an additional bookcase last night. I just spent four hours reorganizing everything and dusting. My hands are extraordinarily dry.

Also just made a book order, finally buying several of my favorites that I didn't own (The Summer Book, Little, Big, Log of the S.S. The Mrs Unguentine, The Hearing Trumpet, The Street of Crocodiles, some Michael Dirda essays) and a few others (Three Kingdoms, The Book of Monelle and The Kalevala).

>> No.4470101
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It's still missing all my miscellaneous oversized books that sit around the house - The Lives of the Kings and Queens of England, The Tea Ceremony, Absinthe, Tea: History, Terroirs, Varieties, A Taste of Japan, etc. - but I don't think /lit/ is much interested in those sorts of books anyway.

>> No.4471666


>> No.4471731
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>Dem Left Behinds
>those 90s King first editions

Was some of this your parents collection.

>> No.4471739

El OP es venezolano y tremendo marico también

>> No.4471746
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life is hard when these are the books that take up space in space

>> No.4471865

>what is the appeal of having them instead of dowloading a mobi for an ebook reader masterace.

>> No.4472137
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> KJV Bible in Poetry

>> No.4473783
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I'll just post my shelf with stuff I have in English. It's not that much but it's not that easy to get nice English books in second hand bookstores around here. So the stuff I have in there is pretty basic. Popular stuff like Pratchett, Palahniuk, McCarthy, and Douglas Adams, and a lot of the classics. But also some of the modern writers.
Recommendations are always welcome - but usually I grab what I can when I see books I need for my collection.

>> No.4473788
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>> No.4473812
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Also, obligatory Murakami shelf post.

>> No.4473841

Murakami is never obligatory.

>> No.4473847

I haven't lurked on /lit/ since its inception a long time ago. All I know is Murakami is liked by all kinds of different people.

>> No.4473849

I'm just messing with you.

>> No.4473853

I also know Murakami is considered "easy" literature by Japs.
I'll grab a copy of "Colorless Tsukuru Tazaki and His Years of Pilgrimage" this Friday. I just hope it's better than the trainwreck 1Q84 was.

>> No.4473924

>Atlas Shrugged
You have terrible tastes.

>> No.4473928

But Faulkner redeems you.

>> No.4473931

You have terrible tastes.

>> No.4473945

I only got Atlas Shrugged because Murricans seem to have some kind of obsession about it. There are also quite a lot of books that reference it or make fun of it. I still haven't read it though. Maybe I never will.
Palahniuk and Murakami are fun reads. But keep in mind my main interests and collection, too, is German literature from 1880 to 1930. Everything in my shelves else is just for the heck of it and not that important.

>> No.4474069

>Thinking Faulkner is bad.

>> No.4474077

Sorry about that I was being a bit pretentious.

>> No.4474090

It's okay. I forgive you, /mu/.

>> No.4474095

What I have never posted there in my life. Now listen here you plebeian piece of shit. Your probably listen to meme rap.

>> No.4474118

>implying people like everything they've read

>> No.4474160
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Small collection

>> No.4474198

what is that edition of hitchikers called?

>> No.4474203

i like urs

>> No.4474206

you pretentious fucks

>> No.4474265
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like looking at some of my own shelves

>> No.4474305

pls read more

>> No.4474349

You find those at a garage sale, or are you actually subscribed to Easton Press?

Seems like a pretty random group.

>> No.4474374

Is there a place online to buy used books from that is cheaper than Amazon?

IRL you can get used books for like $1 or less but on Amazon the least you'll pay is usually about $4.

>> No.4474728

This anon is right.

It's the 2002 Picador edition.

>> No.4474736 [DELETED] 

lol nobody cares about ebooks you fucking loser

>> No.4474747
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hit up thrift stores and used book stores.

some used book stores have good deals so basically you end up paying 1/4 the price of a retail copy.

This is my collection I started just over a month ago, and the average price i've paid was $4 per book.

If i don't like a book, I don't keep it and if i like a book i'll try to find a good quality copy.
I had a shity copy of Catch 22 which I paid a dollar for, and then found the version in pic for $2 at a thrift store. Same for LA Confidential, which I upgraded to the hardover edition from the "movie" edition for $5.

Probably spent like $30 total.

i'm waiting to find a better copy of Purple Sage because I thought it was cool. Not great, but interesting considering the history.

>> No.4474753

and oh yea and I keep an Amzon "wishlist" of books im interested in so when I go into used book stores I can check it on my phone:

>William S. Burroughs
>Tao Lin
>One Hundred Years of Solitude
>The Street of Crocodiles
>The Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test
>Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?
>The Wettest County in the World
>Blood Meridian
>Sex, Drugs, and Cocoa Puffs
>A Scanner Darkly
>Haruki Murakami
>Franz Kafka
>Flowers for Algernon

>> No.4474778

How many books do you guys have? Do you keep a list of your titles so you don't buy something twice by accident?

>> No.4474795

I bought most of these off of ebay, besides gatsby

>> No.4474932

About 750 of the literature (counting kids books and shit like The Cat Who books would bring it over a thousand, but they get to sit in the closet). I have a Goodreads and have an "owned" shelf on there to keep track of that.

>> No.4475404

You gotta be pretty dumb to forget you've read a book and buy it again

>> No.4475424

>thinking only novels can be in your bookshelf

I have probably about 200 books that are anthologies, literary histories, essays on literature, and all kinds of secondary literature. It's impossible to remember all that.

>> No.4475433

Alas, no. The Left Behinds I read as they came out... I started and just went right through them during a job where I had a lot of free time but had to still sort of pay attention. I never read the last one to find out if He comes back at the end and how it all went down. The Kings are just, well, I bought them as they came out.

>> No.4475440

>It's impossible to remember all that.
It's really not.

>> No.4475446

It really is when you've got 800 other books to remember.

>> No.4475573

>It's impossible to remember all that.

Not if you aren't a dumbass

>> No.4475585

Don't make me post my list of books and make you memorize it.

>> No.4475594

Most of the bookshelves in this thread are driving me insane because they're messy, dusty, or cluttered with books getting bent.

Take better care of your shit, guys.

Mine is all stacked up on a floor right now because I need to buy shelves. But it's stacked *neatly* in a room the cats aren't allowed.

>> No.4475615

Most of these bookshelf threads drive me insane because everyone on /lit/ has more or less the same tastes. Which is understandable but honestly, once you've seen one bookshelf on here, you've seen them all.

>> No.4475619
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Is this shelf okay to you?

>> No.4475632

I don't really like the style of the books (don't know what they are either honestly), but it's neat so yes. That shelf is aesthetically pleasing.

Also, I don't care about the books being sorted in any sort of order (alphabetica, by author, chronological). I just want them to look neat. My bookshelf when I had one was not in any order. Instead the books were stacked next to each other by size.

>> No.4475637
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Then I'll give you a shelf you haven't seen before.

>> No.4475649

Those books are actually pretty neat. When you've gotten used to all those colors you'll find that those designs are handmade and even the typesetting was done manually. Just looking inside makes my dick incredibly hard. It looks just so neat. All those machine produced books literally look like shit when compared to those.

>> No.4475654

Honestly, I am usually aware of something that I own that could pop up in an anthology but if the quality of the anthology itself is good enough it doesn't matter

>> No.4475662

und wo ist Zettel´s Traum?

>> No.4475670

That's pretty cool. I mean, I really don't know what they are, so I get way more excited about books if I actually know them. I enjoy finding neat prints of books but like you say, they're usually machine produced. Or old copies that are falling apart.

Most still make me perfectly happy though. And I keep them not dusty and not bent and in decent condition.

>> No.4475682

Anthologies are only 10% or so. I have literally 50 different books on German Expressionist poetry. And then there are about 100 books full of poems, prose and essays written by German Expressionists. It's just way too much to memorize. I was able to do it when my collection was half the size but I have lost track a while a go. I really need my list.

I'll buy that monstrosity of a book once I get a real job. I've got "Evening Edged in Gold" though.

I myself don't know what most of these books are. The goal of the publishers wasn't only to publish neat looking books, but also to publish unusual and easily overlooked authors. It'll be interesting to read them once I have the time to do so. It'll be an adventure.

>> No.4475689
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Some stinkers in there (namely Dan Brown) and some stuff from my fedora tipping high school days, but hey, what can ya do.

>> No.4475703

Well, it might be tricky if someone gives a you a blank piece of paper and a pen and tells you to write down everything you own, but I think if you came across one of those books in a store you'd recognize it.

>> No.4475723
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Most of the time, yes. But then there's that one time where you think "Hey, I haven't seen that book before" until you're home and put it into your shelf. I usually give the duplicate books to friends. I kept the paperback one because it has a new preface.

>> No.4475783
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Mostly read on kindle but here's my physical collection


>> No.4475791
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apologies for poor image quality

>> No.4476191

Nice Classics m8

>> No.4476211

>The goal of the publishers wasn't only to publish neat looking books, but also to publish unusual and easily overlooked authors.
It looks like most of them are in German. Sorry, I can't read German. I don't know what they are, so I can't distribute any more to this discussion.

>> No.4476217

I want those versions of LotR.

>> No.4476244

I don't think they make them any more. I got them about 10 years ago when I was in 6th grade.

I've actually been looking for a nice hardcover edition of LotR for a while now since, as you may be able to see from the spines, my paperbacks are a little beat up from repeated readings.

Does anybody have a recommendation for the best hardcover edition?

>> No.4477166

Folio Society has The Hobbit, LotR, and The Silmarillion in pretty uniform hardcover bindings. It's pricey though.

>> No.4477225

I've only read "Sputnik Sweetheart" and "South of the border, west of the sun", and I'm already seeing a pattern of lost love, unexplained events and loneliness. Are all of his books the same? I was thinking about reading "The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle", what could you recommend?

>> No.4477485


>> No.4477512
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I'd be happy to post, but there is always some douchebag that comments on how not all my spines are creased. obviously, and as a disclaimer, i have not red my entire collection--posting would be merely in the spirit of the thread...

on a side note, if someone is willing to, you are welcome to come scan my entire collection and make it available, for free, to the /lit commnity. i've often wanted to convert all my hard literature into a format that is accessible to others--if i can't read all my books, perhaps you all can...

in any case, if anyone is interested, let me know--i would do it myself, but i simply have not had the opportunity/time

>> No.4477531

I've seen your entire collection and that would be an awful lot of scanning.

Do you speak another language?

>> No.4477538
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yes, i do; how come? what language do you speak?

see it like this: yes, it would be a lot of scanning, but what is a couple days of hard work for a lifetime's worth of classic literature?

>> No.4477567

Hey what is the PHD you are working on?

>> No.4477618
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like every PhD thesis anyone is working on: a chain of egotistical inanities, a pageantry of oh-so-many-nothings.

i dunno, bout life and stuff.

>> No.4477622

How did you get all these books man? Also I like your Kierkegaard collection. I must I am very jealous of your collection.

>> No.4477636

hey ripturd you lift

>> No.4477641
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thanks. i acquired them through all sorts of means: i'm both a phd student and comparatively wealthy, so that combination means that i have access to a lot of good reading lists and a substantial book budget. i of course haven't read them all (nor will i ever, i imagine), but i also see it as building a library for wife/kids/posterity, etc. i think it would be interesting to enter the world with, if you so choose, every major great work of western literature at your fingertips. to this end, the root of my bibliophilia is three fold: 1. a genuine exploration of my own interests, 2. no doubt some perverse form of guady insecurity, and 3. a hope that those that come after me will, through access to said culture, actually become better people than i could ever be.

>> No.4477649
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do i lift weights? yeah, i do--two day cycles, 1 day off. how come?

>> No.4477659

You have some Althusser I see. What do you think of him?

>> No.4477701

I have a couple hundred books, but they're all sitting in my grandpa's factory since I don't have anywhere to put them, and most are shitty.

>> No.4477744

no reason bud just saw the tub of whey, although i do two days on one off myself. routine?

>> No.4477902

They have a pattern to them. "The Wind-up Bird Chronicle" is one of his greatest books. Highly recommended. Read it and decide afterwards whether you want to continue with Murakami or not.

>> No.4478081

rapture stop wasting your money on books and give it to me so i can buy some drugs and hookers you fucking shithead

>> No.4478291

>I don't think they make them any more. I got them about 10 years ago when I was in 6th grade.

They were recently reprinted. I saw that very collection at Wal-Mart a few days ago. Next to it was a hardcover omnibus in the same style, though it was this sorta dark blue with a gold ring.

>> No.4478481

FW hardcover. I am so envy

>> No.4478494

you shold finish that ulysses

>> No.4479012

tu primer imagen parece el librero de mi abuelita
ya leiste lo negro del negro durazo

>> No.4479120

I think hard boiled wonderland is the best of all his books, wind up bird is good but hardboiled is really what I think murakami should spend his time writing

>> No.4479196

Hey guys&gurls, can you tell me how much are books in your country comparing to average month earnings?

>> No.4479241

I don't know about average, but a minimum wage worker in the USA makes about $900-1000 after taxes.

A book is about $10, so 1/100th of minimum wage monthly earnings.

The median household income in the USA seems to be $4,250 per month though, so that would be about 1/400th.

>> No.4479270

It's about 1/100 or a bit more in Argentina I suppose.

Normal wages per person are about 7.7k, books are 60-120 depending on the book.

>> No.4479286

Thank you!

In my country minimum wage stands for about 400$ after taxes, and book is about 10$ (ie 350 page novel). Assuming you have to spend most of it for living it is sad

>> No.4479302

Thank you too!

>> No.4479303
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>lópez obrador

>> No.4479317
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so i guess i will offer this: though i will admittedly be slow and intermittent, i have decided to start scanning in my own books. please let me know what volumes any of you most want in digital format--obviously all for free.

relatedly, if anyone has germane information concerning best scanning devices/methods, please share

>> No.4479320
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>> No.4479322

i've seen your books before

how much mathematical/logical background do you have?

are you well-versed in mathematical logic and set theory, for example?

>> No.4479338
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fairly well versed: cantor's paradoxes, cohen, umbral calculus, etc., with plenty of logic--symbolic, boolean, modal, etc.

how come? are you interested/educated in the subject?

>> No.4479340
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>> No.4479348

meaning your familiarity with symbolic notation? boolean and modal calculi are classified as symbolic too, since it involves formal symbols.. or could it be the first-order logic you are speaking of?

>are you interested/educated in the subject?
a little..perhaps you could post your logic collection

>> No.4479578
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getting there

>> No.4479584
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>> No.4479586
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>> No.4479592
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>> No.4479594

A book is $15 which is about 2 hours worth of work at minimum wage.

at least minimum wage in CA is $8.

and really, most new books are $15 or above, i'd say.

>> No.4479597
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>> No.4479603

>knocking on the Best Hitchens

>> No.4479616

Maybe if you're buying at MSRP. I was taking into account Amazon.

>> No.4481349

Post more yung nig.

>> No.4483004

Post more.

>> No.4483754

Books and ammo. 10/10 rating.

>> No.4483765

>memorizing some arbitrary list of books in a few hours is the same as remembering books you've bought, read, and stored over a period of years

fuk rite off m8

>> No.4483781

Once you have a library of several hundred books, and certainly once you're into the thousands of volumes, you're not going to be able to name them all off the top of your head, even though you could talk knowledgeably about each book.

Past that, the poster specifically mentioned *anthologies* and collections of essays. It's actually pretty common to have a short story or an essay in multiple volumes once you have that many anthologies, but the contents of each volume don't overlap 100% with other volumes.

IF you ever manage to amass a substantial library in your life, you will understand this.

>> No.4483876
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>> No.4483879

now that's an attractive shelf, although i can't seem to spot any philosophy book

>> No.4483904


po-mo as fuck but p good choices there

>> No.4483953


>although i can't seem to spot any philosophy book

Check the spines. He's new to reading.

>> No.4483971
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if you can make out anything, recommend at will

>> No.4483997
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>> No.4484460

the binding on that Poe edition is going to fall apart if you read it through bro, mine's already detached the front cover from light use.

>> No.4484504

Well shit, I bought it specifically to read because I got one of those silly pretty B&N editions for christmas and didn't want to damage it. So much for that.

>> No.4484521
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it'll last for the first read through, but if even a tenth of his work strikes your fancy enough to read again, you're in the same shit i am. the spine on mine looks to have faired slightly better than yours in terms of early bowing, so maybe focus on the poetry section to balance that? idk. have you read The System of Doctor Tarr and Professor Fether yet? it's my favourite and I think I might risk reading it again now you have reminded me

>> No.4485764

Post more.

>> No.4486886

People who speak english as their first language can never truly understand the mastery of more than two languages. They don't need it, since almost everything is in their own language.

>> No.4486899
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r8 m8

>> No.4486902

very good for a tripfag, 8/10 would be intellectually intimidated by

>> No.4487039
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Alright penguin haters.

>> No.4487043

is start trek intentionally inverted behind the softer reference books?

>> No.4487045

*lettering not softer. don't know what i did there

>> No.4487054

no, it's a box not a book in any case.

>> No.4487055

lol it sounds like "ball sack" and you have a lot of his books.

anything you want to tell us?

>> No.4487062

Art & Illusion rocks.

>> No.4489443

>Nigel Farage's autobiography

What the fuck is wrong with you?

>> No.4489454

>the man without a face book about Putin

Is that good? My mum has that sitting around the house and I've thought about reading it

>> No.4489678

I also have a good many of those books. Eerie looking at it almost.

>> No.4489724
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>Out of space on bookshelf
>have to stack books out of order

This is killing me, what are some cheap alternatives for bookshelf? I mean, look at this shit. And I'm out of place to put my art books / comics, who are just laying in a stack until I have any money to buy proper bookshelfs

>> No.4489820

You can buy bookshelves at wal-mart for $25.

>> No.4489824

What's killing me is that you stack books upside down.

>> No.4489827

Post more Goyim.

>> No.4489866

nice n64 games