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4465051 No.4465051 [Reply] [Original]

Hi guys, I've been having trouble sleeping lately. Any recommendations for some light reading before sleeping? I'm open to all genres, just something not too exciting really. I know this is very vague, but thanks a lot for any suggestions.

>> No.4465056

The Road.

>> No.4465148

I've heard a lot about this one (who hasn't). I'll check it out, thanks. Any others?

>> No.4465996

watch ASMR videos on youtube
reading in general should tire you

>> No.4466001

Start reading poetry. Read one poem a night before bed. If you're still having trouble sleeping, read another. It might sound like I'm calling poetry boring or soporific, but I'm really not trying to. It's just much easier to pick up a single poem than it is to read a little bit of prose.
>in my opinion

>> No.4466003

Harry Potter?

Samefriend troll.

Watch videos? It's going to sleep, not going ADHD OP wants.

>> No.4466021

lord of the rings will put u to sleep for sure

>> No.4466023

The idea of "light reading before bed" is the type of bullshit Nietzsche was writing about when he was trying to explain the concept of the "Last Man"

>> No.4466067

If you're having trouble sleeping then stay up. There's a reason for it. Let it happen. I used to fight it and try to sleep, but eventually I said to hell with it. Now I'm not so tired from trying to go to sleep anymore.

>> No.4466170

Tao Te Ching

>> No.4466183


you're stupid

>> No.4466186

Light? Either LotR, the Hobbit, Harry potter, etc

Mauss by Art Spiegelmann should do the trick too

>> No.4466210

Finnegans Wake

>> No.4466225

Read Carlos Castaneda. It'll leave you with some interesting dreams.

>> No.4466720
File: 123 KB, 200x303, wayofkings.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

way of kings

shit nigga its so easy to read, simple, engaging and fun

>> No.4466728

I read The Book of Imaginary Beings by Borges by reading it before bed.

>> No.4466827

Anything by Dan Brown. You're guaranteed to fall asleep in the process.

>> No.4466926

Reading itself isn't going to help you sleep. Living healthily and controlling your thought patterns is. Have you considered meditation?

>> No.4466947

Looks like someone doesn't know his Nietzsche.

>For myself, reading in general is among my means of recuperation; consequently it belongs to that which gives me rest from myself, that enables me to wander among strange sciences and strange souls— in fact among things about which I am not seriously interested. Indeed it is while reading that I recover from my seriousness.
— F. N., Ecce Homo, Why I am So Clever

>> No.4466976

Based Nietzsche! :D

>> No.4467065

Russell Brand's 'My Booky Wook'. It's great but kind of an eye-opener.

>> No.4467775

Brideshead Revisited


Some pretty cozy shit right there.