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/lit/ - Literature

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4458880 No.4458880[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Can we have a writers' thread, /lit/? I normally get a lot of my creative juices flowing by going to /co/, but I'm a prose writer, not a comic creator, so I feel like this is the better board for such things.

What is everybody working on? How far along are you all in your most recent projects? Does anyone have anything they want to share?

>> No.4458887

Look at the catalogue before you post the 5th version of the same old thread you fedora.

>> No.4458890 [DELETED] 

Currently plotting out a horror story centered around the death of the American highway. One of the main themes is the relationship between predator, prey and scavenger, and the "horror" is a group of strange psychopaths who terrorize a small Nevada town. Protag returns to the town, now dying because of the death of the highway, for the funeral of his father and finds himself having to deal with them.

>> No.4458903

Oh, is there already one started? I'll go there, then.