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/lit/ - Literature

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4452859 No.4452859[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

no one ever talks about economics stuff here. what are your favorite economics books that you would recommend. mine are A Return to Depression Economics by Paul Krugman and The Condition of the Working Class in England in 1844 by Friedrich Engles.

>> No.4452957
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I read a couple of pages of this book once. I was going to break down and finally buy it when my local Borders went on liquidation sale but someone snatched it up. Read a little of Stiglitz book. No surprises, I like Krugman.

>> No.4452980

Econ student here.

You want to learn about Econ? Go learn Calculus, Linear Algebra and some differential equations first.

There's a reason why people don't talk about econ on /lit/. It is because they can't understand it.

I have the option and choice to come on /lit/ to learn about literature on my free time, but most of /lit/ cannot learn economics on their own.

>> No.4453427

>You want to learn about Econ? Go learn Calculus, Linear Algebra and some differential equations first.

Like that shit is necessary to understanding large scale social systems consisting of people making their own free choices based on both their culture and whatever knowledge is available to them. Now, if you want to learn about the fundamentals of cybernetics, or play around trying to predict markets, go ahead, but basic economics is softer then you're trying to imply.

>> No.4453467


>> No.4453501
File: 1.42 MB, 320x173, jim carrey laughing.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Like that shit is necessary to understanding large scale social systems consisting of people making their own free choices based on both their culture and whatever knowledge is available to them

for large scale systems linear algebra, econometrics and statistics are probably the most useful tools economists have to understand what's going on.

>> No.4453613


i mean i'm as communist as they come but economists don't go 'durr ugggg externalities,' the response to this would just be "missing market."

ie cap-n-trade.

>> No.4453682

Its like you are the economics equivalent of those posters who tell everyone to read the KJV bible or pre-socratic philosophers whenever an question of literature of philosophy comes up.

>> No.4453775

Econ student here

If they want to learn economics they should start with the foundation now assuming they're learning macro economics they can skip that for the most part if they stick to the basics

>> No.4453776

>no one ever talks about economics stuff here
Start reading the endless, "I want to read Marx, so I read Capital / Manifesto" threads.

>> No.4453778

Also, Tulipomania; Baroque Cycle

Your core assumptions demonstrably do not represent external reality (utility as proxiable by price, rational individuals, frictionless markets as representative of real markets) etc.

I mean it is a nice way to give jobs to people incapable of critical thought, but so is poetry.

>> No.4453802

Holy fuck that was a cheap video clip.

>Condescending voice that doesn't understand economics talk about economics
>Show pictures of the worst parts of environmental damage
>Crescendo hipster music
>Show pictures of happy animals
>Show pictures of green technology
>Show pictures of enlightened modern people (aka. you the viewer)

God I hate that shit.

>> No.4454285

David Harvey - The new imperialism.

>> No.4454290


A thousand times this. It's not worth the time for anyone who actually knows economics to discuss it on /lit/. It doesn't make sense either. How many of you know even basic calculus? Let alone linalg, multivariate calc or prob. theory?

We come here for literature, economics does not fall within that domain or vice versa.

>> No.4454296


tripfag gonna fag all day erryday

>> No.4454310

Okay...so let's say I wanted to start teaching myself economics. Let's say I can manage to find materials to teach myself Calculus and linear algebra and some differential equations, then what? Macro? Micro? What else? Gimme the foundational shit, all of it. Let's do this.

>> No.4454328


Micro first, you dont need calc or anything for the basics of microeconomics.

>> No.4454355
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Is this book ok? Watched Inside Job a few days ago.

>> No.4454537

>Econ student here.

Tell me more about the schools of thought you ascribe to. What are you saying? You only know of one?


An essential book is "History of Economic Thought: A Critical Perspective" by E.K. Hunt.

It's dry and long, but it will give you the solid basis of knowledge needed to understand and spot the flaws in economic literature and debate.

>> No.4454672


Ah, the snide arrogance of the novices!
By Zeus, will it ever stop?