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File: 319 KB, 1202x1600, 0.mishima-tamostu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4448492 No.4448492 [Reply] [Original]

>you will never kill yourself immediately after writing some seriously depressing shit

mishima thread

>> No.4448505

Why don't they make teens read The Sailor Who Fell from Grace with Sea in High School?

>> No.4448514

why would u kill urself when u gota bod like that, dang

>> No.4448521

I've only read Confessions of a Mask, Temple of the Golden Pavilion and The Sea of Fertility. What's the deal with that one?

>> No.4448527

>you will never be a sexy as fuck midget

>> No.4448531

holy shit this nigga was 5'1? no wonder he committed sudoku

>> No.4448533

Whenever I'm in the mood for melodrama, i fire up some mishima. never got around to working out though, lol

>> No.4448539

because some of them would think Noboru is awesome and unique, and would try to replicate him

>> No.4448541

he was a japanese so it was normal

>> No.4448542
File: 137 KB, 453x668, cannibalism.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you will never cuddle a manlet /fit/ right-wing nationalist

>> No.4448547

That would be ideal

>> No.4448548

Is this yasunari kawabata's gay younger brother?

>> No.4448557


Anti-nihilism gone wrong on the surface. Patriotism beneath. If people read it wrong, it's really stupidly dangerous.

>> No.4448559

They are both Japanese, and in that sense, yes.

>> No.4448561


Is tinytrip still alive? Is he a nationalist?

pls respond

>> No.4448563

Teenagers do horrible things because they have become disillusioned in adult world and follow a charismatic nihilist for something authentic.

>> No.4448629
File: 18 KB, 560x645, Yukio Mishima feel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw pour your heart out to the army, wanting a glorious revolution
>tfw get laughed out
>tfw so ashamed you commit sudoku

>> No.4448643

>ramen spilling out of pockets...

>> No.4448695

What was the Depressing part OP

>> No.4448711

>plan glorious coup to restore power to the emperor
>delivering speech to rouse the army
>no response
>I'm stumbling over words and my palms are sweaty
>Finish, no one claps
>they laugh and yell
>run away crying
>ask friend to help with suicide
>plunge knife into my stomach
>he tries to cut off my head but fucks it up
>oh god why am I still alive
>he keeps swinging and fucking it up
>he gives up and my other friend finally cuts my head off
>fuck-up friend kills himself too

>> No.4448713

dat apeface tho

>> No.4448719

Who would win in a fight: Mishima or Hemingway?

>> No.4448720


>> No.4448725


Hemingway was a fag who was just overcompensating for his insecurity with his masculinity

>> No.4448731

its a more badass feel than anyone on 4chan will probably ever experience, anyway

>> No.4448735

Mishima was gay, so maybe other than bodybuilding and starting a coup (in the gayest way possible) he avoided all kinds of physical violence.

On the other hand, Hemmingway was also gay (closeted) but more inclined to physical violence (boxing, shooting animals).

It's a hard call.
With both sobered up, Hemmingway would win.
With Hemmingway drunk and Mishima having access to deadly shit, stuff could get out of hands.

>> No.4448741


>> No.4448812

> Not realizing that Mishimas intention was to fail the coup, giving a reason to die like a samurai

>> No.4448836

I've always thought it I was diagnosed with some incurable disease I'd like to go out like Mishima. I'd like to die beautiful rather than waste away in a hospital bed.

brb rereading Runaway Horses

>> No.4448886

>what's with the dude tied to the bed?
>after he was diagnosed with prostate cancer he started to stab himself in the stomach with a pen
>anything else?
>he also demanded the doctor cut off his head with the paperknife on the table
>what a tryhard

>> No.4449633

top kek

>> No.4449659

Fascist piece of shit.

>> No.4449758

>Hemmingway was also gay (closeted)
Do you have any thing to back that up? Also, its spelled Hemmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmingway.

>> No.4449775
File: 84 KB, 687x822, 1366082714145.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey man that's not cool

>> No.4449794

>Yasunari Kawabata
>Similar in any way to Mishima in anything other than nationality


>> No.4449797


>> No.4449889

No sympathy for fat bitches

>> No.4450261

Not that poster, but if you read his unfinished novel "The Garden of Eden" there is some strange, strange sexualities at play there

Not that it means he was gay, but reading that book convinced me that the guy was queer in some capacity

>> No.4450288
File: 35 KB, 476x427, 1376377680670.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


To my mind this event made Mishima THE most beta person in the history of modern lit.

Even more beta than Verlaine for letting Rimbaud treat him like a worthless cumdumpster for his own amusement.

That's how beta Mishie was.

>> No.4450292

>Also, its spelled Hemmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmingway.

I lold

>> No.4450306


He was an artist who fetishized masculinity.

Of course he was fucking closeted.

You'd be surprised just how many men who revere the idea of "manly men" are closeted. The real ones just live it and never give a thought to it.

Hemingway was a closet case.

>> No.4451300
File: 6 KB, 277x182, rp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4451360

Well, Mishima and Kawabata were close friends, Kawabata being something of a mentor to Mishima, so they probably had similar personalities and tastes. They both committed suicide and it's been told that Kawabata suffered horrible nightmares from Mishima's suicide.

So do your research, dummy.

>> No.4451369

Mishima was the ultimate overcompensating manlet.

>> No.4451386

>The real ones just live it

>> No.4451433

2 sexy 4 skool

>> No.4451436

You're the ultimate undercompensating manlet

>> No.4451514

>anybody who idealizes masculinity is secretly gay

Speaking as a gay person, I gotta say, your homosexual paranoia is much more indicative of repressed homosexual urges.

>> No.4452088

Alright, thank you for educating me... however, I think that the poster I was referring to meant style-wise, in which case both of them have a really disparate style, and talk about totally different themes.

They're both great, though, so there's that.

>> No.4452091


>Probably pretending to be gay to get his point across

Ah, the confused joys of anonymous conversation.

>> No.4452281

Yukio Mishima embodies some of the best and worst of this website

A socially struggling japanese youth that questioned his sexuality before becoming a badass body builder, far-right nationalist, and swordsman all in his later years

that's like /lit/ /jp/ /asp/ /fit/ /lgbt/ /soc/ and /pol/ all in one

>> No.4452752

Spring Snow and Runaway Horses were so good. Great writer.

>> No.4452768

Anyone ever read his short story book? The best short story collection I've read.

>> No.4452839


Death in Midsummer? Acts of Worship? I havent read the latter, but Death is great, the first story is great.

I really recommend Beauty and Sadness by Kawabata if you enjoy Mishima, its his closest book to something Mishima would write. Both were great authors.

I hope people understsnd that Mishima actually didnt think his coup would do anything. he just needed a stage to act out his death.

>> No.4452868

Death in Midsummer. Every story was fantastic. My favorite was the one about the Buddhist priest. Got it for less than 2 dollars at a used book sale... best purchase that day.

Thanks, I will try to get that Kawabata one you recommended. I've only read The House of the Sleeping Beauties (I think that was the title), and it had like two or three other stories. He's cool, but so far, I prefer Mishima.

>> No.4452919
File: 39 KB, 220x336, 220px-Yukio_Mishima_1931.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A small night storm blows
Saying ‘falling is the essence of a flower’
Preceding those who hesitate

>> No.4452960


I guess that proves it then... Hey never become a juror please anon,.

>> No.4452975

This is tangentially related to OP's green text but I think you folks may enjoy Suicide by Edouard Leve. He wrote the book, delivered it, and then killed himself after writing a book all about suicide. It's kinda interesting I think and those of you really into Mishima might get a kick out of it.

>> No.4452983
File: 913 KB, 680x680, frog_rock.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw no feudal system
>tfw weird ass children
>tfw dying nation
>tfw no qt traditionru waifu

>> No.4453961

thanks for the recs bros

>> No.4454067

Is it important to read Mishima's Sea of Fertility books in order?

I have Runaway Horses and want to know if it's crucial to read Spring Snow first or not

>> No.4454074

Did mishima agree with the actions of noboru and the others?
He was a nihilist and didn't approve of ryujis way of life.

>> No.4454075


I've read Acts of Worship. It's a pretty tight collection of short-stories, though I would say any of them are exceptional. Interesting if you like Mishima above all else.

>> No.4454078
File: 21 KB, 350x263, sad clown.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw no manly culture
>tfw nothing worth dying for
>tfw marxists and degenerate hyper-individualists everywhere
>tfw the logic of hierarchy, authoritarianism, and the unitary State and Volk is lost on today's youth
>tfw raising a generation so broken it thinks changing its gender is a normal or useful activity

>> No.4454083
File: 236 KB, 488x348, 1383820653842.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You forgot to mention feminism. Feminists are probably the only type of person i could see myself murdering someday.

>> No.4454093



>> No.4454097


Bitter feminist bitch detected

>> No.4454102

It's pretty important, but of all the sequels runaway horses is perhaps least dependent on its predecessor.

>> No.4454106

Taste my patriarchy bitch, swallow it don't spit!

>> No.4454111

>i was born in the wrong generation if i saw a feminist in real life id kill her i dont give a fuck
>not bitter

>> No.4454112

Any chart for Mishima? Any ideas where start with him?

>> No.4454121


>> No.4454136


Uh... Thank you for answering my dumb question.

>> No.4454155


Hey loser, shhh

>> No.4454288
File: 6 KB, 282x179, 1389191962990.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4454350

>tfw no fight club

>> No.4454354

This post is so fucking normalfag it hurts. Better be some half arsed attempt at postmodernist humor.

>> No.4454387

go to syria faggot

>> No.4454415

>tfw you are too stupid to realize that he wants the exact opposite

>> No.4454493

I refuse to read anything by a man who skips leg day.

>> No.4454502

>calling someone a normalfag because they called you a loser on 4chan
not sure how to feel about this, I think some variety of amusement is appropriate here. Not the person who called you a loser by the way.

>> No.4454505

He was /fit/ as fuck

>> No.4454550

>tfw you are too stupid to realize that he didn't want anything
>keyword: nihilism

>> No.4454588


People who reference the concept of postmodernism are undoubtedly condescending dweebs.

>> No.4454851
File: 136 KB, 936x614, mishima10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sea of Fertility is not depressing, it's beautiful. Especially the last book.

>> No.4454904

leftist tears

>> No.4454928

postmodernism is trendy since february at least

>> No.4454936

Shhh... Calm down guys, don't fight. You're both faggots, I don't see why you can't get along.

>> No.4454943

Quite crucial, yes.

What Mishima was above all else is individualist. People wrongly think that his works espouse some kind of collectivist fascist fantasy when it is the other way around. He once said on Hagakure, that it is ridiculous when people think they can die meaningfully for some ideology or virtue. In his eyes, every death is valuable, even more valuable than every life.

His every book tells about an individual who is at odds with the world. They are seeking an authentic life. Their utmost desires vary, sometimes it is homosexual love, sometimes a buddhist temple but nevertheless, they at last realize that they cannot achieve this desire because to wholly become an individual in this way means destroying everyone else, resigning from the society and collective. They are then forced to destroy themselves and the object of their desire.

>> No.4454947
File: 427 KB, 819x1157, Sudoku 1389264197174.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4454948

>tfw I can't satisfy my bdsm fantasies irl through an extremely oppressive and corrupt state

>> No.4454957

You're a faggot

>> No.4454976

Nice argument you got there, kid.

>> No.4454988

explain further

>> No.4454991

which book of his has a protagonist wanting homosexual love?

>> No.4455037
File: 25 KB, 476x495, mishima5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's very detached and neutral, it's just observing things, most of which are pretty ugly, but interesting in an aesthetic sense. Especially a dreamlike scene at the beginning of the last book, where the seven signs of the decay of an angel are described according to different buddhist sutras, all of which are pretty gruesome in detail.

>> No.4455053

Confessions of a Mask.

>> No.4455079

I've been trying to pick up a qt3,14, and not long ago she was reading Confessions of a Mask.
I told her I liked the Sea of Fertility better and that Mishima was a pretty unbalanced individual. Also brought up the disturbing homo sadistic scene of San Sebatian's stabbing and how young Mishima got off that.
She replied that she thought the orgasm scene was quite beautiful, almost sublime, and found it interesting how physiological processes were being revaluated.

>tfw she's 5 years younger than me yet more sofisticated ;_;

>> No.4455084

no. she's just a girl who experienced orgasm.

>> No.4455093

Agreed, thoroughly enjoyed the series only just finished Decay of the Angel today.
Beautiful, but definitely depressing, especially with the knowledge of what was coming after the series.

>> No.4455696

Did you really reply with this? Did you not go to a public school or something? If someone calls you a faggot you call them a faggot back, you don't ask them to present a cogent thesis of why you are wrong about your point, that isn't even relevant to whether or not you are a faggot.

>> No.4456061

shut up faggot

>> No.4456303

So can someone explain to me the end of decay of an angel?

>> No.4456323

Are there any pics of Mishima's body or him performing the seppuku?

>> No.4456339
File: 27 KB, 435x621, mishima_head-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I post this only to show you for I have nothing but a deep respect and admiration for him.

>> No.4456349

I'm not interested in his head. Is there a pic of his body?

>> No.4456356
File: 23 KB, 320x316, mishima_s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4456363
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>> No.4456396


Manly culture? Go to a bathhouse faggot.Go suck a dick if you love it so much.

>> No.4458136
File: 100 KB, 500x500, mishimishi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4458156
File: 104 KB, 1136x296, mishi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one's geld

>> No.4458162

>gays cannot possibly exist on the internet

>> No.4458586

>claim to be gay
>pulling that gradeschool "lol if you say something I disagree with you're a faaaag and that would be so gross" rhetoric technique in a post