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4445519 No.4445519[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I've looked in depth at 22 different philosophers ranging from Plato to Nietzsche so inb4 babby's first philosophy.

Is Schopenhauer the greatest philosopher of all?

As an arts student and musician I find I agree with him on literally everything. Everything he says is right.

>> No.4445527

>Everything he says is right.

Except for what he says about women, of course.

>> No.4445528

No, I agree on that as well.

>> No.4445529

>Everything he says is right.
You seem to be under a false impression that in the realms of philosophy there is a such thing as "being correct".

>> No.4445533

many consider him to be the most overrated philsopher of all time, but to each his own.

>> No.4445535

But he offers literally no argument to any of his claims about women while simultaneously committing one of the errors he attributes to women (ignoring historical context). I like him too, but his essay on women is one of the worst things he's written.

>> No.4445540

OP is an arts student -- what did you expect?

>> No.4445543

>As an arts student and musician I find I agree with him on literally everything

Well I'm convinced.

Schopenhauer is officially the greatest philosopher of all time because some college kid agrees with him.

>> No.4445544

>and musician

You mean guitar player or DJ, don't you?

>> No.4445548

No, I play the cello and piano, I play in a lot of orchestras and I'm gonna audition to conduct one so wish me luck pls.

>> No.4445549

I'm a damn engineering student and that shit is obvious. I'm not even what /lit/ considered to be intelligent.

>> No.4445551

omg you guys are so good at being snarky on the internet

>> No.4445554

Good luck, sweetheart.

>> No.4445555

I recently read his writing about women and he was wrong about nearly everything.

>> No.4445559

Also his dissertation of the 'brute' in his study of pessimism seems off and simplistic. It's ok for his time and he needed something to oppose humans with, but to say he is right is a little far fetched.

His insights on art is very enjoyable though and maybe his highest achievement.

>> No.4445560

Thanks, I actually put a lot of effort into it.

>> No.4445563

>le repeating numbers

Don't let that awful essay put you off. Die Welt Als Wille... is masterful.

>> No.4445564

>ITT opinions and no explanations to back these opinions

step it up fucktards.

>> No.4445573

The burden of proof lies on him in making claims, not on us.

>> No.4445574


>> No.4445577

Kant or go home.

>> No.4445583

>vaguely generalizing every post in the thread

grow a pair and actually confront a poster next time, wuss.

>> No.4445585


welcome to /lit/

>> No.4445591

But the OP is more than a hundred year later and agree with what he said. What historical context?

>> No.4445602

Apophenia in its highest form. I'm pretty sure that gravity isn't the same as my desire to fuck traps. All these power-centric philosophies seem distorted, in my opinion.

>> No.4445641

I'm talking particularly about this passage in the essay:

>"Then again we find that young girls in their hearts regard their domestic or other affairs as secondary things, if not as a mere jest. Love, conquests, and all that these include, such as dressing, dancing, and so on, they give their serious attention."

This is obviously a post-industrial conception of girls, the result of a conditioning and yet Schopenhauer attributes this to their nature. If he looked over history, he would find that what received the "serious attention" of young girls is variable, not fixed. Hence, not inherent (or natural).

There's also plenty of other rubbish in the essay. He starts off talking about the shape of a woman, as if it implies anything considerable (though I can accept that this was more of a rhetorical flourish than a serious point). He makes points about men reaching the maturity of their faculties at 28 while a woman reaches hers at 18 with no real justification. In fact, the essay is full of similar claims with no justification to back them up. They may ring true to you, but the actual work of the essay should have been to figure out why they're common. It's just lazy and full of platitudes.

>> No.4445646

I don't understand this beautiful vs sublime shit that Kant and Schopenhauer talk about, someone help me please.

>> No.4445684

> I find I agree with him on literally everything
Well there is your problem.

>> No.4445694
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you friends don't count

>> No.4445964

Nobody has ever surpassed Epicurus in general approach to life. Schop was merely a grumpy remix of that.

>> No.4445982

top kek

schopenhauer is probably the most baby-tier philosopher

>> No.4446023

>"We all love Schopenhauer, but wasn’t he a bit of a buffoon in his day? You know, like “not a real academic”, just a ragged, misanthropic old fart with high blood pressure, scorned in the university corridors by his more “serious” contemporaries like Hegel and Schelling?"


>> No.4446073

Not everything is subjective

>> No.4446076

deslike yer opinio breh

>> No.4446180

> I agree with him on literally everything. Everything he says is right.

This isn't an adequate justification for correctness.

>> No.4446184

Nietzsche and Schopenhauer are fun to read but really fucking stupid.
Will to Power is completely implausible.

>> No.4446219

>taking Nietzsche's writings after Zarathustra seriously

That's how I know you're a pleb. Nietzsche was in troll mode for the entirety of his life after Zarathustra. He also never finished The Will to Power.

>> No.4446235

That Ecce Homo was funny, I have to admit.

>> No.4446236


>non-academic = shit philosopher

it's funny because the opposite is true

In relation to the OP, I find it lamentable that most people are only acquainted with Schopenhauer through his controversial works like Of Woman.

Fourfold Root and Prize Essay are immortal works in the realm of philosophy and sufficient to cement his place for all future generations. WWR and P&P together probably have more good original ideas in them than in the entire opus of any other philosopher save Plato and Nietzsche.

Speak of Fritz: as far as I can tell, the only serious critique of Schopenhauer's metaphysics comes to us by the way of Nietzsche very early writings. He is of course indebted to Schopenhauer for the latter's conception of a dark, fundamental drive. Der wille zur Leben and Der wille zur Macht are of course entirely distinct, but that is for another discussion.

>> No.4446248

Nietzsche mentioned the concept of will to power one to two times as a sort of side track thought experiment in his published work. I have no idea why it's considered central to his work.

>> No.4446249

>Jenseits von Gut und Bose
>Zur Genealogie der Moral
>troll mode

Just cough it up and admit you don't know what the fuck you're talking about.

>> No.4446259


Twilight of the Idols was also tremendous

>> No.4446263

>Will to Power is completely implausible.

How's that?

>> No.4446268

What that guy probably meant is that TSZ is Nietzsche's one true positive message, afterwards he just starts burning the shit that's in the way. Which he said himself, if I'm correct.

>> No.4446283

>music the highest form of art

Get a fuckin' load of this pleb.

>> No.4446284

Based on how I think the body works, it doesn't make sense to me? And I don't believe in one phenomenon being the pusher of all others,

>> No.4446287

Yeah, that's also a load of shit, I think.
The reason was supposedly because it was non representational.

>> No.4446288
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Read Ecce Homo, kiddo. He says explicitly in the second on BGE that after Zarathustra the yes saying part of his work was complete and that he rest is no-saying. Then he says something about how the writings afterword were fish hooks and if none were caught then there were no fish.

>> No.4446291

>Based on how I think the body works, it doesn't make sense to me?

So you've gone from a firm "implausible" to an unsure "it doesn't make sense to me?", but you've yet to elaborate anything meaningful. How does the body work according to you and where does it contradict "will to power"?

>> No.4446292

*second = section

You should also note the severe change in style following Zarathustra.

>> No.4446295

We should get a separate board for philosophy. I amn't a writer and I actually some what dislike fiction. All I'm here for is philosophy.

>> No.4446302

Right, but the context of that passage is referring to the search for "those related to me." Fish hooks for those "prompted by strength" to help wage his battle, etc. Not exactly trolling. Plus, the original anon was asserting that the post-TSZ work wasn't to be taken seriously.

>> No.4446313

Schopenhauer believed in a primordial will to live if I am not mistaken?
I'll try to articulate my idea;
The nature of living, as most humans have come to understand it is not the objective meaning of existence. Obviously I'm taking this off the tracks and you probably think I'm full of shit, which I presume is the purpose of your jabbing.
I don't think the nature of existence is to continue to live it just happens any way. Schopi believed in the universe actually striving to live but the universe continues none the less. He prescribed the nature of the strange flesh machines that he was and the things around him were on to inanimate things and not only that those facemonkeys don't necessarily have that will to live just tend to, just as they tend to have a sexual perversion with the penis and the vagina which is not neccessarily engraved in their brain.

>> No.4446316

Well he would probably say you are stupid and yet again he would be right.

>> No.4446318

lol sick dude

>> No.4446324


The work is all ironic or half-serious and designed to be provocative. Nietzsche's more serious views are expressed in the earlier work.

>> No.4446325


great response. totally agree.

>> No.4446328

>As an arts student and musician I find I agree with him on literally everything.
That's not strange OP, many artists have had a massive hard-on for Schoppy. He's the artist's philosopher pur sang.

>> No.4446342

We can just make philosophy generals.

>> No.4446344


i bet you think film is the highest form of art

>> No.4446346

Yeah, I suppose that'd be alright.

>> No.4446353
File: 75 KB, 540x960, 1389060247729.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He did change his opinions later on in life.

After the elderly Schopenhauer sat for a sculpture portrait by Elisabet Ney, he told Richard Wagner's friend Malwida von Meysenbug, "I have not yet spoken my last word about women. I believe that if a woman succeeds in withdrawing from the mass, or rather raising herself above the mass, she grows ceaselessly and more than a man."[49]

>> No.4446354
File: 222 KB, 180x162, 2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All I like is philosophy really.
And cardcaptor sakura.
I am aware that you may think I'm some one else and rusing but I am genuinely the person you replied to. It's a fun show.

>> No.4446358

>babby's first philosophy.


>> No.4446362

I don't get it and I doubt you do either.

>> No.4446364

>I believe that if a woman succeeds in withdrawing from the mass, or rather raising herself above the mass
when will it happen?

>> No.4446366

Every time I see this phrase I just can't help it but giggle uncontrollably.

>> No.4446368

>WWR and P&P together probably have more good original ideas in them than in the entire opus of any other philosopher save Plato and Nietzsche.

So if I want to get into Schopenhauer, I don't have to do any prep reading?

>> No.4446372

Post feminism.

>> No.4446375

I don't understand it but I respect it.

>> No.4446389

Lol @ obvious insecurity in OP.

Schoppy did some interesting work, for sure, but only because he had Eastern philosophy to work on. Personally I prefer Heidegger, I find that his views on Being provide a much richer and more fruitful connection to Zen thought than Arthur's writings.

>> No.4446409

Eh, I can't stand the way Heidegger writes. The Being of Being's being, etc. I mean, if you're going to do that shit, at least include a commentary or something that helps us out. I don't trust Hubert Dreyfus enough to accept his interpretation of Being and Time.

>> No.4446435

>I don't trust Hubert Dreyfus enough to accept his interpretation of Being and Time.

also richard polt's introduction is definitive

>> No.4446447


Just read P&P first.

Volume one is a great introduction to philosophy in general. Skip the Essay on Spirit Seeing. Everything else is great.

Oxford edition. Eric Payne translation. Should be two ugly books, one blue and one mustard.

>> No.4446457

it was a joke

>> No.4446470

True that, son!

>> No.4446486


Nah, it's just that his interpretation of Kierkegaard was a little shaky. He didn't grasp enough of the subtle irony.

>> No.4446569

But we already live in a postfeministic apocalypse.

>> No.4446585

I think we're still at feminism.
Post feminism would be equal rights among genders. Feminism is discrimination against men in favour of women, essentially, which was inevitable and if you are in to that sort of thing, morally important, but at some point will hopefully stop.

>> No.4446594

>Post feminism would be equal rights among genders

You mean worldwide? Because I'm pretty sure men and women do have equal rights in almost every Western country.

>> No.4446613

In some european countries, women need to make up at least 50 per cent or more of the governement politicians. But men don't. This means technically all the women could be running the country but in these countries the law is so that never again can more than 50 per cent of men be running the country.
Not only that, but the general discussion is towards the protection of women and the helping of women, which is of course okay right now, but in the long run may cause discrimination against the other gender.

>> No.4446631

get ready to drown in hats

>> No.4447058

Man is he measure of all things

>> No.4447120


feminism, like affirmative action, is really just one more jab in a long game against older conceptions of rank, nobility, and a natural meritocracy

>> No.4447166

here we fucking go

>> No.4447642

>from plato to nietzsche
what about the 20th century?

>> No.4447663

oh yeah? you like Kant then?

>> No.4447673

well, let's not go there. it always comes down to ressentiment anyway

>> No.4447677

dat post modern vibe with so much tip toeing around what he said without actually saying anything.

IN NON POST INDUSTRIAL CONCEPTION OF GIRLS, THEY WERE NOT CONDITIONED (conditioned by the evil patriarchy or something like that probably), HENCE THEY WERE NOT LIKE SCHOPY SAID.

At least you quoted schopy, at least that was worth reading.

>> No.4447683

Anons saying that Schoop Dawg made the common flaw of deducing from the particular of his experience of contemporary women to the universal of all women through all times. This was valid in his day and age and common for intellectuals to do. We have gotten past that now though.

>> No.4447685
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Why do you people always act like the most obnoxious hipsters of hipsters whenever you talk about anything.

>> No.4447686

Go somewhere else if you don't like it scrub.

>> No.4447695


>This is obviously a post-industrial conception of girls, the result of a conditioning
armchair psychoanalysis with a convenient lack of evidence; here's a tip: don't theorize about someone's psychology, attack the argument itself, we don't need your poststructualist annotations

>If he looked over history, he would find that what received the "serious attention" of young girls is variable, not fixed. Hence, not inherent (or natural).
The variance between adolescent female interests across history does not prove the lack of an inherent nature in young girls, you are repeatedly making massive leaps in logic without citing any sort of evidence, again i will ask you to attack the claim, not your self-generated psychological history of the opponent/all women throughout history

>It's just lazy and full of platitudes.

>> No.4447697

10x dad

>> No.4447699


I wonder how Schopenhauer would have responded when hearing someone calling him "Schoop dawg"

>"Are you calling me a dog, sir?"

>> No.4447707

You are here unwittingly attacking Schoppys own method.

>> No.4447723

I'm not defending him, it's a terrible essay, but this response is worse.

>> No.4447735

Schopenhauer is indeed babby's first philosopher, and no, you have not "looked 22 different philosophers in depth".
Schopenhauer is unbelievably shallow and his metaphysics is, simply put, pure invention and full of falsehoods. You are an edgy teen.

>> No.4447736

Because it is.

>> No.4447755

Agreed sorry for friendly fire, but the muh patriarchy response was even more depressing.

>> No.4447756


You´re an unlikable dweeb, begone.

>> No.4447761

>As an arts student
fucking lol

>> No.4447763


>> No.4447785

I think you just have a fucked up definition of "in depth".

>> No.4447798

He would probably rub dear Atman's head, think of Diogenes and take it as a compliment.

Remember, this is the guy who called his dog a human when he did something naughty.

>> No.4448444

Lol, funny how people here only focus on this one thing about him when attacking him, as if the sort of reasoning that gives rise to it doesn't pervade his thought. It's almost like you have some kind of ideological agenda

>> No.4448768

remixing eastern philosophy doesn't make him the best of all time. It does however, put him above most other German and Greeks, how do these nationalities breed philosophers?

>> No.4448778


So you're saying that because someone else agrees with someone's particular, that it confirms universality. Think a little bit before posting, fellas.

>> No.4448786

He is a armchair philosopher, any flaw in his deduction flaws his argument, you can't demonstrate what he says to be true by virtue of him saying it. The critique stands. This is philosophy not opinion.

>> No.4448790

Yeah but what philosophers of value have you read? If it's all shitty existentialism and entry-level Greeks, I feel very much entitled to throw around such accusations as "babby's first philosophy".

>> No.4448793

The other way around deducing from the particular to the general without valid empirical demonstration or experiment is flawed reasoning. He might have been right about the women he met in his day and age was like that, that doesn't mean that he said anything valid about women in general (unless you can back it up with evidence) there's a huge difference between the world he lived in and our world.

>> No.4448813

>armchair psychoanalyzing
Nope, just you misunderstanding my post. I'm not saying Schopenhauer was conditioned, I'm saying that what draws the "serious attention" of young girls is the result of conditioning (their upbringing, which changes with the times). This has nothing to do with Schopenhauer's psychology, nor is it "poststructuralist" (do you even know what this term means?). If you want a little psychoanalysis, I'll give it to you: you're seeing an ideological frontline in everything in my post and it's interfering with your comprehension.

>The variance between adolescent females interests across history does not prove the lack of an inherent nature in young girls

Luckily I never said anything about an inherent nature in general, but only spoke about the attribution of a particular behavior to their nature. Stop the frothing first, read again, then post.

>you are repeatedly making massive leaps in logic

Even if you didn't misread what led you to the only two points you thought you had, you never actually demonstrated this "leap" in logic. Psychoanalytic time: it's because you suck at arguing.

>> No.4448814

Shit tier philosopher

>> No.4448829

>that doesn't mean that he said anything valid about women in general

I know, I agree with you. Did it seem like I didn't?

>when attacking him

But I like Schopenhauer. I'm attacking his arguments in a weak essay of his.

>> No.4448834

>I know, I agree with you.

I can't read. Sorry. My autism took over.

>> No.4448843


Because you're terrible at criticism

Good Schopenhauer Books ?

>> No.4448848


>I agree with him on literally everything.

That pretty much means he is a shitty philosopher.

>> No.4448853

>nor is it "poststructuralist"

I agree that your criticism isn't poststructuralist, but historical readings are a preferred method of poststructuralists so I could see the confusion.

>> No.4448973

>This is philosophy not opinion.
>not knowing philosophy is opinion

It's like you haven't traversed the depths of scepsis.

>> No.4448979
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>life is immoral

only german idealism could produce such incoherent logical conclusions

>> No.4449004



Im pretty sure the Russians are on that page as well. Miserable gits.

>> No.4449005

No that's not what im saying at all. better luck next time.

>> No.4449012


if its a logical conclusion than how can it be incoherent

>> No.4449017

>Schopi speaking in English
He would probably tell you to Leck mich im Arsch

>> No.4449021

Schoppy actually loved to speak in English and lived there for a while.

>> No.4449022
File: 29 KB, 279x304, 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I agree with anon fully and all the fiction loving plebs are getting buttmad

>> No.4449036

I really doubt OP could have studied Aristotle and Hegel in depth and still consider Schopi a better philosopher.

>> No.4449038

>mfw le smug anime faec

>> No.4449043


>> No.4449045

Oh, didn't know.

>> No.4449048

What face did you have?
Why didn't you post a face, fuccboi?

>> No.4449049

The teleology/intentionality involved in his concept of "will" bothers me; can't understand why he didn't accept a random underlying structure.

>> No.4449050

Educated opinion then, can we agree to that?

>> No.4449057
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>> No.4449058

Sure, but Schopenhauer's opinion is educated as fuck.

>> No.4449063

I don't even know what face Kant is pulling there.

>> No.4449066

>invention and pure of falsehoods
Terrible critique. How about you actually critique his metaphysical system charitably -- like a decent fucking academic -- sans deliberately accepting the groupthink opinion of him, you ingenue .

>> No.4449068

He was. That doesn't effect a particular flaw in his argumentation. You know an arguments strength is relies on the validity of its premises, he wasn't infallible. Apply that scepticism.

>> No.4449071

That's how you look when you go to take your third watery shit of a sickly day, enter the lavatory and aren't sure if that smell is your own last shit or if your manservant had one in between.

>> No.4449075

Some what funny.

>> No.4449079

You should say things like 'armchair philosopher' and 'philosophy not opinion' then, sounds weak and grasping.

>> No.4449105

'Shouldn't' right? My point, that he was a armchair philosopher, was to make it perfectly clear, that his argumentation relies strictly on deduction as method.

To point out that philosophy is not the same as every other opinion, was to bring out, in the context, that it has nothing to do with ideology, it is debate about the truth-value of a claim of his.

I didn't grasp for anything.

>> No.4449117

the logic is incoherent

>> No.4449128

How can logic be real if incoherence isn't real?

>> No.4449129

because u cant know nutin

>> No.4449133

He lived in English?

>> No.4449524

>He did change his opinions later on in life.
>After the elderly Schopenhauer sat for a sculpture portrait by Elisabet Ney, he told Richard Wagner's friend Malwida von Meysenbug, "I have not yet spoken my last word about women. I believe that if a woman succeeds in withdrawing from the mass, or rather raising herself above the mass, she grows ceaselessly and more than a man."[49]

Clever fat joke. Hardy har har.

>> No.4449560

OP just means he agrees or accepts all that Schop says and you know it. Stop being anal.

>> No.4451031

op doesnt know anything

>> No.4451064

Schopenhauer is no Nagarjuna

>> No.4451091

The fact that Schopenhauer attributes an inherent nature shows his incredible weakness as a philosopher.

>> No.4452020


Fuck off legbeard

>> No.4452069

Why would you try to rate them in life when you can just find out who was right after death?