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File: 127 KB, 1170x785, how-u-are-feeling.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4445002 No.4445002[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

are feelings more real than thoughts?

>> No.4445015

they are in a realm higher than reality you fool


>> No.4445017


>> No.4445031


>> No.4445034


>> No.4445039


>> No.4445048
File: 30 KB, 403x295, how i'm feeling.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

some type of way

>> No.4445054

confused as to what to do with my sad life

regarding OP's question, I don't think they can be 'more' or 'less' real, they either are real or not. and I think it has been shown by science that we can observer thoughts and emotions, so yes, they are real, at least from some point of view.

>> No.4445058

reality doesn't come in quanitities

>> No.4445065

>are feelings more real than thoughts?


Hey /lit/terbugs: OP isn't asking you how you're feeling.

Interesting question, OP. What do you think?

>> No.4445072

Feelings form in a more basic part of your brain than thoughts, that way your body feels they are more urgent when they change/happen. They are residue of our primal selves.

>> No.4445075

>are feelings more real than thoughts?


A feeling or emotion is strogner than somone thinking

If I were to think about someones feelings after getting kicked in the ass it'd be totally different from me thinking what ti feels like for them

>> No.4445182

should one put more focus on their feelings than on their thoughts? Is it more important to be in touch with ones feelings than with one's thoughts?

>> No.4445184

You can't escape your feelings. Most of the time you can escape your thoughts by simple rationalizations.

Feeling > thinking.

>> No.4445186

feeling, like, thoughts, are mental phonemenoa.

>> No.4445189

well i've always been the opposite until last night I realized that I think feelings are more real than thoughts. So now I think I need to understand feelings better. but how?

>> No.4445193

Thoughts are merely idioms of the mind but can create feelings

Feelings are genuine to yourself and thus you should say put more focus onto your feelings that mere thoughts until these thoughts start to take advantage of your feelings, evolving into feelings themselves

>> No.4445207

They are both real. In what way you think they are comparable?
If you think that thinking is good but feeling is a greater value than thinking, then feeling>thinking and vice versa.

>> No.4445210

How Can Feelings Be Real If Our Minds Aren't Real?

>> No.4445213

This book helped me in understanding my own emotions and how to deal with them.

>> No.4445289
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>> No.4445303

Fedoras are enlightened by their thinking only women feel in autistic world world of the fedora, also one of the defects of autists is their inability to feel. Know your caricatures.

>> No.4445661

hoW can FeELinGs bE ReAL if OuR ThoUGhTs aREnt rEAl?

>> No.4445677

Am I the only one who immediately thought of Lucky's Tirade when I read this post?

>> No.4445703

why isn't neutral an option

emotions are an unnatural state and you want to get rid of them

>> No.4445899

>emotions are an unnatural state and you want to get rid of them

What an empoverished life that would be.