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/lit/ - Literature

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4438843 No.4438843[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Sup /lit/

My name is Adrian and I'm currently writing a book on the following themes

>Cyber culture
>Internet and video games addiction

The title is The melancholy of the Dead Pixel, but I'm actually writing this down in french, so the title would be La melancolie du pixel mort wich sounds way better. I guess you understand what it revolves around. I have a publishing accord with Les Editions du Soleil and possibly another one, but odds are good that it will be published.

I'm here because I'm looking for testimonies, stories, slices of life, everything you would like to share.

if it's particularily long I can post email / skype, etc, but you can also ask me questions and answer here

>> No.4438848
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I'm 19 years old.

I am handsome, smart, athletic and virile.

I have a novel that is in it's final editing stage, and a creative writing professor at my college has read the first draft and thinks it's saleable.

I have a girlfriend who is confident, articulate, playful and spontaneous.

I have a small group of interesting friends from different social and academic backgrounds, and I also have many other acquaintances who see me as a reliable source of humour and good company.

Both my parents are alive and in good health.

I have no regrets.

I have already experienced three existential crises, the latter of which was described as having the depth and profundity of a man twice my age.

I am a passionate lover, a sharp thinker, and a trader of witty repartee.

I am not self-pitying, meek or needlessly humble.

I will live a good life at your expense.

>> No.4438855

>I look like a spotty fish

>> No.4438858

How old are you Adrian?

Are you French, or just autistic?

>> No.4438866

Will that be a collection of short stories and people's testimonials? did you alraedy write something?

>> No.4438878

no you aren't taking my story, fuck you

>> No.4438895

>write my book for me
piss off you frog cunt

>> No.4438907

Which authors do you use as inspiration for your book?

>> No.4438910

please make it the hyper-realistic post-cyberpunk we are all waiting

>> No.4438912

not op but he will surely answer William Gibson and Neal Stephenson

>> No.4438915

Hi frenchie
I also feel like a dead pixel in this high definition display we call reality

>> No.4438925

I was asked to go to prom by the cutie I sat next to in English, I obviously turned down her offer because I was scared I would fuck it up.

>> No.4438997

who knows, maybe it was nevada-tan

>> No.4439011
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>I have already experienced three existential crises, the latter of which was described as having the depth and profundity of a man twice my age.
8/10 you almost had me there

>> No.4439037 [DELETED] 

Sounds like a cool idea for a book. Here is one of my journal entries. I hope you enjoy it for what its worth... "Another day, another dollar. The need for excitement sometimes consumes me. Regardless of social desires, the need to fulfill anything in my mind becomes a passion like none other. Letting yourself be defined by anything at all , when sometimes it even becomes a chore brushing off a grouping of your core passions. It all seems like fair game, finding enjoyment in even the most simple things, as simple sounding as that seems. Simple mindedness has become a pleasure and challenge all in its own. There is no need to induce the dimmer switch, for repositioning your conventions of perceptions to a more realist type purpose is enough to keep from thinking I’m too smart for my own good. Keep it simple stupid, more so each and every day. Keeping to a more fundamental approach can be a truly humbling mindset to experience. Childlike tendencies no longer resemble currency, yet being demeaning of any other perception becomes the pejorative factor. Disparaging thought creeps in from time to time, but overall, I get the sense that my life and all that happens , happens in the best way possible. Just a type of thought that is somewhat self-deceiving , yet it helps me enjoy my day to day. With 7 billion people on this planet, I feel happy just getting to experience it with the idea I am one individual person, my perceptions whole heartedly my own, with any ideas of being part of the collective consciousness being contradictive to the sense of firsthand experience. I truly enjoy life and know of nothing better going on."

>> No.4439040
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You got a totally different reception at /r9k/

Oh Iit

>> No.4439042

Hey OP! That sounds like a cool idea for a book. Here is one of my journal entries. I hope you enjoy it for what its worth...
"Another day, another dollar. The need for excitement sometimes consumes me. Regardless of social desires, the need to fulfill anything in my mind becomes a passion like none other. Letting yourself be defined by anything at all , when sometimes it even becomes a chore brushing off a grouping of your core passions. It all seems like fair game, finding enjoyment in even the most simple things, as simple sounding as that seems. Simple mindedness has become a pleasure and challenge all in its own. There is no need to induce the dimmer switch, for repositioning your conventions of perceptions to a more realist type purpose is enough to keep from thinking I’m too smart for my own good. Keep it simple stupid, more so each and every day. Keeping to a more fundamental approach can be a truly humbling mindset to experience. Childlike tendencies no longer resemble currency, yet being demeaning of any other perception becomes the pejorative factor. Disparaging thought creeps in from time to time, but overall, I get the sense that my life and all that happens , happens in the best way possible. Just a type of thought that is somewhat self-deceiving , yet it helps me enjoy my day to day. With 7 billion people on this planet, I feel happy just getting to experience it with the idea I am one individual person, my perceptions whole heartedly my own, with any ideas of being part of the collective consciousness being contradictive to the sense of firsthand experience. I truly enjoy life and know of nothing better going on."

>> No.4439056

Jeff pls go

>> No.4439062
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Protip: If you're going to research, do it discreetly and not in a way where you seem like you're just trying to make shekels from autistic neckbeards

tl;dr: lurk moar

>> No.4439097
File: 145 KB, 1556x2268, AnthonysAwardWinningNovel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4439099 [DELETED] 

epic :-)

>> No.4439113
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>> No.4439122


>> No.4439170
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Interesting and highly relevant. I'm not sure how many other books like this are going to sum up the voice of a generation. Whos the main torchbearer? what does he do? What's the cover going to look like?

>> No.4439176
File: 218 KB, 343x477, 1345975056782.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is some of the most pseudo-intellectual bullshit I've ever read on /lit/.

>> No.4439215
File: 27 KB, 403x403, dasitmane.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking lol'd

>> No.4439227

>keep it simple
>uses cryptic description with big words all over the place

>> No.4439230

Your title is shit

>> No.4439237

You will never finish it. Also in this day and age what sort of sick fuck wants to be a writer of novels? No one reads anymore.

>> No.4439240
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I suggest you watch Serial Experiments Lain.

Pretty much touches on all of those aspects.

>> No.4439263

I had a really odd extended experience in which I was more rapidly developing close personal relationships w people online than I was w people in life. the self-selection of joining topical forums made it easy for me to instantly connect with people that shared my explicit interests, and also made for deeper conversations and more rigorously interrogated opinions. despite the interesting benefits of the experience, I, as a person who had already exhibited the social tendencies that I've described, began fucking up actual relationships I had established and became nearly entirely incompetent when it came to making good impressions or sparking conversations with new people passing through my life. my life began 'falling apart' in a pretty cliche fashion – bad grades, no friends, bad eating habits, no apparent future – and I fell into a pattern of behavior that, with the distance I have from this period of my life, I suppose can be identified really only as depression. my return to the social competency I wanted and arguably have achieved at this point in time began with me throwing myself back into real things with actual people that required me to develop a sense of myself that I can be in the present at all times, rather than a curated, online version of me that had unlimited time to edit and revise what I said, did, and was.

>> No.4439330

this is so true

>> No.4439329

/pol/ plz stay

>> No.4439333

Dead Pixels is a better title

The melancholy of makes it overwrought,

>> No.4439337
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>> No.4439367


>> No.4439380
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>that title
>those themes

wow a book about disenchanted young men, i think that might just be to radical

>> No.4439386
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>> No.4439391


>> No.4439413


>I am not self-pitying
>I have already experienced three existential crises


>> No.4439414

epic replies
listen to these two replies op they might take a while to digest though, as does all great criticism

>> No.4439427

it doesn't deserve thorough or constructive critique, it's a fundamentally terrible idea.

>> No.4439434

so is it dead or defective

>> No.4439443
File: 317 KB, 1556x2268, 8910.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i think you should have a better cover

>> No.4439444

you sound really old lol

>> No.4439447

you forgot
>I wear a fedora and attend internet socials unaware that Anon is laughing at my acne and fat rolls

>> No.4439470

>ITT: subtle plagiarism

>> No.4439492

Have you even considered what all these themes are in actuality?
Depression can and is thought to be never brought on by the person who chooses to perceive it. Is that the truth? No. Some people like the feeling of depression and the truth is society gives us ways to induce it just as we do any other form of escapism.

I believe the more important thing than these themes is "why" these themes.

>> No.4439495

Also why you chose these themes because why they actually relate to each other.

>> No.4439515

I disagree. I really like OP's title, even if there's a tinge of haughtiness about it. Not so sure about his idea as it is the type of one that is hugely dependent on its execution.

>> No.4439517

;) wanna find out?

>> No.4439551
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>> No.4439570

>les editions du soleil
>not les editions de minuit
>try again
>fail again
>fail better

>> No.4439580

How about:
>Cyberminge - a lost generation

>> No.4439611

that cover is really pretty bad OP. The title seems a little overwrought as well

but from the looks of things I don't seriously think you actually intend to "write" this anyways

>> No.4439686

I dreamt about these exact posts a few months ago. What is going on?

>> No.4439767

i can't figure this face. should i feel bad? who is this? she reminds me of a billboard somewhere.

>> No.4441469

Anon you need to learn english. That sentence killed a part of me while I was drudging through it, the purest suffering I've ever felt while reading.

>> No.4441510


Would read