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/lit/ - Literature

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4438281 No.4438281[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Hello /lit/, while reading Way of Kings by Sanderson, I became very interested in the Honor Codes within the book. For anyone who didn't read it, it is some guidelines/passages by which a man should act.

for example: do not do to others as you would not do to yourself, etc.

I am looking for a book that has passages like that, a Codes of Honor book if you will.

anyone know anything of the sort?


>> No.4438357

light bump

>> No.4438360

I forgot.
We can't go less than 2 days without a Sanderson thread.
OP, here.

>> No.4438363

Why was this book pretty decent but the rest of his work such utter crap?

>> No.4438365


>> No.4438375


Very nice! I will definetly look into those two links and see if I can find anything I like!

The book was/is great, I haven't finished it yet, I am at about the halfwaypoint. It's just simple to read but engaging and makes you keep wanting to find out what's going to happen next

>> No.4438379

>I am at about the halfwaypoint
It gets better now.

>> No.4438381

>yfw Kal is gonna have 2 flashback books instead of one
Good thing, too.
He and was the best part of the book, and he easily has the best single moment.

>> No.4438383

so far already it's been a blat to read. The only bit's that bore a bit are when it's about shallan or the childhood stories, I mean they flesh out the character, but reading adult kal and dalinar stuff is just amazing

>> No.4438384

>I forgot.
>We can't go less than 2 days without a Sanderson thread.

Maybe we should do a fantasy general, then there wouldn't be three to five small fantasy threads lingering around.

>> No.4438382

>he easily has the best single moment.
What, the bit when he leaps the chasm?
That was pretty cool.

>> No.4438387

Her story improves a large amount near the end.
Also, you better learn to like her.
You notice how this books flashbacks are about Kaladin?
The next one is about her.

>> No.4438389

>Maybe we should do a fantasy general
Yeah, nothing would improve my day than a constant thread full of people complaining or praising the same 5 authors 24/7.

>> No.4438391

Because his writing is becoming less mormon over time.
I mean, compared to his other books, WoK is scandalous.

>> No.4438394


>> No.4438396

At least they wouldn't do it in ten different threads.

>> No.4438398

Turns out that the fucking cover synopsis for the next book spoils some very interesting things.
Fuck them.

>> No.4438853 [DELETED] 
File: 21 KB, 510x546, 1388546725670.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not wanting a thread that would probably draw all the shit-posting elitist retards like moths to a flame so all the other threads on /lit/ aren't full of them.