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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 208 KB, 1280x960, 100_1496.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4437490 No.4437490[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Hey /lit/. Do you have a diary/journal/Captain's Log?

Please, post a picture of it. Share a passage if you'd like, too. I'll share one if someone else does.

Also, let me see a view of your beautiful handwriting.

>> No.4437502
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Keep it online because I have no patience for hand writing things. I really wish I did, though. I have it set up in folders by year, and then I mark the date and time for each entry as the title.

>> No.4437507

Cool, how far back have you been typing it up?

>> No.4437516
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Only I understand my writing, sometimes.

>> No.4437523

this shit is like Notes from Underground

>> No.4437525

You've gotta be one of the most self-absorbed losers who comes here. At least, I hope it doesn't come worse than you.

>> No.4437545
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Don't worry, your chicken scratch is better than mine.

>> No.4437546

FUck off

Its a dream journal, what did you expect?

>> No.4437550

Poseur General ?

>> No.4437554

Okay, I have to apologize on that last "too". I wrote that at like, one in the morning.

>> No.4437560

I started keeping a dream journal. This morning's entry I must have wrote when I was still half asleep
>low calorie fruits and useless frilly umbrellas
What does it all mean?

>> No.4437575

You are secretly harboring the fact you want to act like a young lady.

That, or you desire class and weight loss.

>> No.4437585

Just a small notebook filled with reminders of specific memories, used to get nostalgic when I was newer to getting high and I if I walked around my hometown or an old school I remembered all sorts of things from my childhood that I normally wouldn't be able to dredge up. Some of it is just names because that's enough to make me remember where they were from, some are small descriptions of events. Started doing it sober later and it's gotten to a decent size now

>> No.4437637
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>> No.4437654 [DELETED] 

This was in response to my perpetual wavering. I am as I am because I want to be. I am as I am because I don't know what I want.

It's less of a journal and what's on my mind type of thing. Sometimes I jot down bits of wisdom or poetry, or something in between.

>> No.4437674

I have thousands of hours of recordings from the last six years, just me talking about ideas and feelings. All of it is under the guise of a two-way communication with a teenaged girl who friendzoned me many years ago, but she only sends a response to me maybe once a year at most. I have sent her every single one of the recordings, at least three a week since 2007. Most of it is archived on e-mail servers, the rest is sitting on a hard drive 1500 miles away.

I'm almost afraid to revisit all of the recordings, but there's so much it's not even feasible to think that I could listen to all of it again.

There are some recordings that are 24 hours long.

>> No.4437676
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This was in response to my perpetual wavering. I am as I am because I want to be. I am as I am because I don't know what I want.

It's less a journal and more so a what's on my mind type of thing. Sometimes I jot down bits of wisdom or poetry, or something in between.

>> No.4437693

aren't you paranoid about NSA interns reading your innermost secrets?

>> No.4437707
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That's incredibly sad.

>> No.4437786

I keep a diary. I used to hand write it but I started typing it once I had to use the computer every day. I've considered posting my most angst-ridden teenage-philosopher passage from when I was younger, if nothing else for the purpose of giving /lot/ something to tear apart and criticise.

>> No.4437834


>> No.4437867
File: 165 KB, 500x667, AlbinoHorse.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Could you provide an example of this?

I want to keep a journal in the worst way, I've even bought a little orange one at Barnes & Noble. Except I always get the notion that someone will look at what I wrote and think horribly of me. If I write how I actually feel and with honesty, that is.

>> No.4437934

I've never kept a journal. Not going to start now.

>> No.4437970
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This is, like, volume four. I forget how many others I have but I have a few. It's been a while.

>> No.4437972
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>TFW I've created an entire imaginary life/utopia with my first crush that rejected me.

To say I took it hard is an understatement. Wish I'd thought of recording my thoughts like you, man.

>> No.4437978
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I could be a doctor!

>> No.4437983
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>graph paper

>> No.4437989
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I only write about the dark arcane secrets I find.

Be it when looking into the abyss, or glancing through moldy tomes of forbidden knowledge.

>> No.4437990


Problem, comrade?

>> No.4437997
File: 70 KB, 640x960, 11112.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ur not grafing

>> No.4438011
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>tfw no esoteric friend to talk too

>> No.4438019

Pretty sure we all did with our first loves.

>> No.4438022

How did you get into that sort of thing?

>> No.4438026
File: 217 KB, 1520x1024, Freemasonry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not that guy, but
>tfw you like it when people use unfamiliar words on /lit, forcing you to look them up and then feel as though browsing the imageboard was productive
>esoteric: understood by or meant for only the select few who have special knowledge or interest

>> No.4438037

i like the cut of your jib. would share a beer with.

>> No.4438058
File: 208 KB, 991x709, ForgottenOffice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To those who keep a journal:
Has your life at all changed since beginning to write regularly for your own sake? Do you have more defined goals? Is it at all like meditation? This might influence me to start.

>> No.4438064


No, I'm writing. Why would I need graph paper for writing?

>> No.4438071
File: 39 KB, 1494x1000, Occult-Book-Page62&63.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Most of it came from seeing a strange congruity in symbols or images in books or in life.

The feeling or idea that something to be seen was just under the surface. Strangely most of it comes from questions I had of things I'd seen or heard as a kid.

Such as the hidden truth that the Hebrew god was only the highest in a pantheon of other gods including Baal and Asherah. Proof of this has been conspiratorially hushed up by both Egyptian and Israeli governments.

The truth being that the Jews are a subsect of a broken off Canaanite religion. Their god not being Yahweh But El.

Even this is stolen from the ancient Sumerian's who were more correct in their creation story. Saying that all life was made from clay by the gods.

Science in the last days of 2013 found that primitive life uses clay as a strata to replicate.

So what else are the ancient telling us that we've lost to untold ages, and is there more!

>> No.4438077

I keep one for both ideas and dreams, though I haven't really had many vivid dreams since I stopped watching anime. I also keep useful math/phys/astr formulas in the back.

Also the fucking elastic on my moleskine somehow got stretched out and I'm seriously fucking pissed. I don't even know how it happened.

I like your drawings

>> No.4438096



I've kept journals since 2003. There's a lot of them now and to be honest, all of those reasons you typed drove me initially but now, the idea of archiving certain events and thoughts is what keeps me going.

Just be careful not to write anything too heavy and then leave the pad/book/file out in the open. I actually burned two pads from 2007 a week ago just because it wasn't worth the risk (I was a dramatic little shit in 9th grade).

>> No.4438097


Highfalutin as fuck. Even your hand writing is pretentious.

>> No.4438106

What was in them?

>> No.4438107
File: 161 KB, 1600x1200, IMG_5228.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I carry a two moleskine one blank and the other with stave. I am writing a play about Ulster with incidental muzak.

>> No.4438111
File: 51 KB, 1494x1000, Occult-Book-Page78&79.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Thank you!

>> No.4438119

>Wish I'd thought of recording my thoughts like you, man.
She's actually writing a novel based on me, wherein I am portrayed as a "troll-like" monster. All of the content she's putting into the novel is coming directly from my recordings and it's getting published with the help of her father and English tutor.

I no longer have the capacity for these feels.

>> No.4438121
File: 1.45 MB, 260x173, 3Jka7Je.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


A very, very lengthy combination of shit describing what I did with my Internet gf, strangely specific and really fucked up things about how much I hated my parents, and the traditional "I am nothing" rants.

I consider myself lucky to have never seen a Hot Topic or Donnie Darko during that phase of my life because I'd have no money and negative friends if I did.

>> No.4438126
File: 9 KB, 580x169, looks like this.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Used to have a small notebook(half the size of OP's) and something similar to OP's one as well. But writing on paper just seems out-of-date. Esp. when thoughts start flowing in and you can barely manage to write them down

>> No.4438130



What happened on the first, anon?

>> No.4438131

l o l
pls b rill

>> No.4438134


I love this. Thanks for sharing.

>> No.4438139

I know how that is. I used to consider myself a "satanist" in like 7th grade. I painted my walls red and bought a bunch of swords and knives through some catalog. Nobody could get near my edge, and I bought a notebook with black pages that you're supposed to write in with white pens but I used black pens and wrote stuff to look like it's one of those serial killers journals you see in Law and Order with the dark scratches and random words like 'DIE' in the margins.

>> No.4438142

First para looks like this

First entry this year and I must admit that the one thing I do find likeable is being reserved. You just have to know your limits when it comes down to other people.
Indeed, I have abandoned for most part, my principles when it comes down to communicating with other people but I find joy in my double-faceness. I guess that
it was a matter of time until I became assimilated into the general populace, at least in terms of interaction with other people. I never thought this day would
come but upon reflection I see it clear as daylight - university and the things it teaches you. Working towards your degree isn't the only thing.

Can't really recall making that entry, or even ones from next day(or two days forward?). I partied kinda hard..

>> No.4438146


Glad I'm not the only one.

But seriously, black ink on black pages? That's fucking zodiac killer shit right there, man.

>> No.4438149

A lot of what I say in the recordings is way too honest and real, it would make me feel too vulnerable to post any of it. I can share one that is just venting without any kind of charm or artistry to it.


Most of the recordings actually contain something that I've thought about and wanted to express. This was just something that happened.

>> No.4438153
File: 31 KB, 620x465, stoner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I hear you, Stoner.

>> No.4438161

It's very real. We used to have a friendly relationship until she started more seriously working on the book. I even helped her edit the first few chapters, but she backed off and has stopped letting me read it once I suggested she give me some sort of credit or acknowledgement for my input.

>> No.4438163

It gets better, Dec. 26(last year)

Yesterday I've not made an entry for I was not in contact with my laptop. Today, though I'm drunk and id cocaine. By God, the fusion of these made me sick but not bad. I got sick - got it out and continued on. The implications of these actions are much more interesting. Cocaine gives you this interest in things and spectacular drive. This drive...It's one I WISH to keep when I'm sober. The next morning I shall endure bieng such and talk to girls I like and perhaps, for a split moment, not be reserved about things. It gives you, in one word, OPTIMISM. Everything else just flows from it for you have energy that is to be transmitted to action. And the aesthetic pleasure I'm experiencing right now...It's beyond my natural capacities to enjoy the passion though are they passion if I fail to enjoy them?

I read the others, some of them are fairly decent. Others provide great grounds for reflection esp. ones where I was reading Either/Or

>> No.4438171


I'm glad I follow this board.

>> No.4438185

wow pseudo-psychological insight into casual drug-use you're so edgy and enlightened wowee

>> No.4438188

That made me sad. It's probably good that you vent this way instead of breaking things or hurting others. At the same time, it's just incredibly sad

>> No.4438192

This board is slow as hell though
>casual drug-use
I don't about you, but for me it's opposite of casual. Perhaps you, yourself, shall share with us the insights that you've accumulated?

>> No.4438205

Most fast boards are just loaded with shitposting anyway.

>> No.4438253

I used to record every single one of my social interactions with my phone and then listen to them later when I got lonely

I understand

>> No.4438267

please post more. I really enjoyed that and identified

>> No.4438272
File: 92 KB, 400x300, 1344811590332.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I found my voice, and I'm using it to say fuck you
Either you're a good actor or you're incredibly passionate, good work, will be laughing for days.

>> No.4438275

please post

>> No.4438318

Here's another that I actually feel comfortable sharing. This one is a bit more organized and has some more depth to it than just screaming. Hopefully it's more interesting, but maybe it's not.


>> No.4438332

>All of it is under the guise of a two-way communication with a teenaged girl who friendzoned me many years ago, but she only sends a response to me maybe once a year at most. I have sent her every single one of the recordings, at least three a week since 2007.

I watched a documentary about a stalker like that once, except he sent her videos on Youtube.

>> No.4438680

these are really interesting.
could you possibly post one of her responses?
could you give more details regarding the whole situation? whats your agenda for making them? how does she react? why were you friendzoned? how close were you?

>> No.4438749

Just since last year.
If they want to read my poetry regarding the guy I like, or how sad I am that I'm stupid, they can go right ahead.

>> No.4438756

I would love to have a discussion with you.

>> No.4438773

I'm sorry, but you're insane, and you've probably emotionally manipulated this poor girl. I don't quite know the situation, but a person with a normal, healthily working brain would not act like this. I've been involved with guys like you.
You kind of people suffocate others.

>> No.4438810

I tried keeping a journal, then when writing a passage I realized I wrote a lie in it and had to stop. I didn't like what I was finding out about myself and was scared to keep going.

>> No.4438827

I was thinking of writing My Little Pony fanfiction from the POV of Twilight Sparkle's journal (I won't bother telling you about it unless you're interested). I'd love input from people who have first hand experience with writing journals.

>> No.4438841

>My Little Pony fanfiction
stopped reading there

>> No.4438842

i love this, great stuff

>> No.4438854

I can't recall if it was all pretension or what, but I was a similar teenager. I used to go through a suicidal spell around January for a few years running, I'd just collapse. Closest I came was an incident with pills and a few teary untyings of a noose.

I remember at that time, I still have this journal btw, my writings were self-loathing as fuck. Not particularly edgy as I was always the type of self-conscious little scrote who would be mindful of drawing such criticism, but I do remember I wrote "Why am I still here" repeatedly for about 3 pages. Just those five words over and over and over again. Weird shit. Don't know what I was like.

>> No.4438862

I keep a journal (since it's nowhere close to daily) on an encrypted volume on my computer. I've kept paper journals before, but I tend to dispose of them when I'm overcome with shame/embarrassment at my past self.

>> No.4438873

Your podcast? Are you that guy in the other thread who was talking about releasing albums?

>> No.4438875

Leave him alone you fucking weapon.

>> No.4438877

I don't see what's so wrong with that guy recording himself speak. If I lived alone I would do that, and I would talk out loud to myself a lot.

>> No.4438885

So I take it, this was the last recording you sent? Or was it merely venting and not really meant to be received and listened to?

>> No.4439199

>he's not familiar with the word esoteric
why are you even here?

>> No.4439219

>could you possibly post one of her responses?
There have literally been so few responses from her that I don't even know when she sent them or where to find them at this point.
I'll take a look, but I'm not hopeful.
>whats your agenda for making them?
I have no real agenda or ulterior motive. I love to talk, to ramble and to pontificate. Mostly, I am just talking to myself, since I believe that at this point she is no longer listening to the recordings and sometimes I forget to even send them.
>how does she react?
She doesn't. I know that she receives them because sometimes I will ask her the date of the last one I sent and she'll know the date, but I receive no acknowledgment other than that.
>why were you friendzoned?
I was 17 when we met, she was 14. When I turned 18, it felt inappropriate and weird to be anything other than a friend to her and even that was rather inappropriate. Now that we're both in our twenties, I have repeatedly tried to push the relationship in a romantic direction but she has shown no interest.
>how close were you?
When we were young, we would spend the entire day together. Neither of us had ever felt closer to another human being. It is/was the greatest friendship of my life. I don't know if she feels the same way.

>> No.4439224

>you've probably emotionally manipulated this poor girl
Just to be clear, the screaming and the ranting are not about her. She is just the audience.
>a person with a normal, healthily working brain would not act like this
I am in therapy and have been in counseling for years to keep my psychotic tendencies in check. When I record scary, aggressive messages like that it's usually when I'm between therapists or relapsing.
> I've been involved with guys like you.
I doubt that.
>You kind of people suffocate others.
That's the opposite of what people tell me. The most common and strong complain that I get from others is that I am too cold and distant. People tell me that it hurts their feelings, once they realize that I have been faking all of my emotions and pretending to be happy for their benefit.

>> No.4439229

It's not a podcast, it's a correspondence. This stuff is not meant to be heard by anyone other than the girl who receives the recordings. Not yet, anyway.

I was in another thread talking about self-publishing music anonymously, I don't know if that's what you're thinking of.

This wasn't the last recording. I've recorded regularly since then. I was describing to her experiences that I'd had with a woman that isn't her.

>> No.4439231

I don't know what you look like, but you could probably be an actor. Most actors are psychotic anyway. You could have a solid career then kill yourself in 15 years.

>> No.4439233

nigga you're a loser. just stick to yourself

>> No.4439236

Fuck off guy. Leave him alone, he's making interesting contributions to the board while your a boring whiny normalfag piece of shit.

>> No.4439250

>just stick to yourself
what does that even mean?

>> No.4439302

Go away you snarky little fool. No one cares about anything you have to say whereas this guy seems a refreshing dose of the genuine and slightly off-center people that /lit/ lack.

>> No.4439465
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>> No.4439726

You are a very, very interesting person. I think you are maladjusted in some pretty obvious ways and your way of communicating with yourself and others seems kind of deranged just from my own point of view (I mean that with as little offense as is possible). Thanks for posting that second recording. It's hilarious in some strange, kind of disturbing, way.

I hope she's at least doing you justice in her novel.

>> No.4439755

the morning soup?

>> No.4439796

muh earnest retards

fuck off you shill

>> No.4439803

I start on Jan 1st of 2014, most as an experiment.

I'm mostly trying it out as a way of making time pass by a little slower. The past year went by so quickly that it would have been nice to read over what I did each day.

So far I've had little to write about other than the books I've read and video games I've played. Guess that's winter break for you.

>> No.4439804

Hah. Nice to see no one else gave a shit about your facile little mind either, insecure scrote.

>> No.4439811

Forgot to mention that I'm trying out something to help myself write more easily. Instead of saying "I did this, I did that," I'm instead writing "You did this, you did that" because what I'm really doing with this journal is addressing whatever future self happens to read it someday.

Writing in the first-person makes me cringe when I re-read it, so I hope this will be different

>> No.4439816

I move across the country to university on the 15th. It'll be the first time living away from the small area that I grew up in and away from my family. I plan on starting a journal then.

My life has been so monotonous and any changes have been inward. This journal will probably end up being more of a thought journal than a recording of events, but I guess I'm okay with thta.

>> No.4439827
File: 1.07 MB, 1500x844, 20140104_225648.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Started this two days ago. yes, it is portuguese. And no, no one is supposed to understand it, but at least my handwriting is pretty.

>> No.4440026

You make me sick. You "people" have your own board for heaven's sake

>> No.4440040

start today so within a few months you can see the diference between both "lifestyles"

>> No.4440047

I'm familiar with it now, you blowhard

>> No.4440050

ahahaha faggot.

why don't you ask your father for some input? I'm sure it would make him proud to help his son write my little pony fan fiction.

>> No.4440071

My father is actually well respected in the world of MLP fan fiction. He was a pioneer in using stream of consciousness within the genre of fan fiction (it's because he thinks of nothing but MLP).

So yes I will be asking him for input.

>> No.4440072

That's a good idea. I'll do that if I start

>> No.4440077

They don't even teach kids to write script anymore. It's sad. Little shits start texting before they're in kindergarten

>> No.4440098
File: 54 KB, 640x480, Snapshot_20140104.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw no esoteric occult crazy tape recorded ramblings
why am I so boring ; ;

>> No.4440201
File: 145 KB, 1080x720, Photo on 1-4-14 at 6.22 PM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was in a train of thought, not a huge train, or densely packed, but a train. And I was considering a statistic I read, despite its shaky source of questionable validity. It said that of the 100's of billions of cosmic galaxies, specifically our Milky Way, there exists 100's of billions of starts. Now this is all relatively statistically and probabilistically accurate, however the source went on to say that among those bounties of stars reside roughly 7.5 million "human" civilizations. 7 million of which dwarf us technologically and I'm sure morally. This is to say that assuming there are 750 billion solar systems in our galaxy alone, that 1 in 10,000 harbor life, a perceptibly beautiful thing. This struck me as both, very possibly incorrect due to a lack of evidence, yet also highly plausible due to our species being analogous to so many other mathematical or biological phenomena. Coupled with these thoughts came another intriguing (true) stat: the pearl, arguably one of natures most beautiful by-products, a symptomatic infectious growth present in bi-valves, only forms in 1 in every 10,000 wild oysters, one of which ended up in my mouth in Switzerland, only to be carelessly lost. This parallel statistic sheds to light several similarities between the lustrous nacre and humanity, successful human life. Like the pearly, we began (sometimes I think still beginning) as a colonial, primordial hodge-podge of bacteria, both literally and figuratively. Yet, from that coincidental spark of life, borne from a lesion (asteroid impact), we have/can shape ourselves into an iridescent, spectral beauty like the pearl, because the world is your oyster, and you it's pearl.

>> No.4440359

Hey, sorry for the late response time, I was sleeping.

Could you please post more of these? Anything that you feel comfortable with. It might seem rude taking enjoyment in your expression but I find it really interesting in a sort of reading another person's journal sort of way, but the extra level of vocal expression on tops makes it all the more real.

Also who are you directing your yelling at in the first tape and why? What has emily said the few times she's responded? Are you worried that people you know (if you have relationships) will find your recordings? What do you record it with (im interested myself)? and lastly, where do you store the recordings?

Appreciate your responses

>> No.4440446
File: 1.07 MB, 1936x2592, 2014-01-05_02-29-27_927.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Seriously, more please :)

>> No.4440460

It's not the 1st of March. Are you fucking retarded, OP?

>> No.4440485

>being this much of an amerifat
kill yourself

>> No.4440486


>> No.4440516


>who are you directing your yelling at in the first tape and why?
It's directed at a woman that I took up with as a way to make emily jealous or maybe to prove to myself that I didn't need emily. emily didn't care, of course.
>What has emily said the few times she's responded?
When emily responds, she doesn't really continue the conversation. She'll just ignore what I've been saying and talk about her studies or something like that.
>Are you worried that people you know (if you have relationships) will find your recordings?
I'm not worried, really. I only have one relationship with my sister and she's pretty eccentric in her own ways.

I record all of this with my mobile phone, so when people see me recording these notes it looks like I'm having a conversation with someone else.

I can post more, if there's an interest. I would be reluctant to spam the thread with uploads, if people are bored with the idea.

>> No.4440520

I'm a different guy to the one you responded to and I'm very interested. I'd wager more than just the two of us are as well.

>> No.4440524


>> No.4440531

Why do you continue sending them to emily if she's indifferent?

Also, I'm sure anybody still in this thread is here because they're interested in your recordings.

>> No.4440534
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>because the world is your oyster, and you it's pearl
That ending was 9/10.
Remember now, the reason we have a lack of evidence is because just for us to communicate with the nearest star to Earth aside from the sun via radio waves, it would take multiple years. Space is huge on a scale beyond what you and I can conceive, unfortunately

>> No.4440570

That's fine. The issue is that the recordings, some of them, are very long. I can extract 8-minute snippets and post them. A lot of it isn't that interesting, it's just mundane observation combined with sad anecdotes. Currently I don't have access to some of the most interesting stuff, like the recordings from before 2010.
Emily has all of those recordings archived on hard drives in her home.

This is a funny one, I had forgotten about this

>> No.4440574

>Why do you continue sending them to emily if she's indifferent?
It's just a habit, I suppose. It's something I've been doing for almost a decade now. Plus, she obsessively saves everything that I send her. She is an archivist of my life. I am prone to moments of frenzy where I will destroy records and delete recordings, she isn't like that.

>> No.4440589

have you ever talked about /lit/ or 4chan
\ in them?

>> No.4440599

Post an archive

I could listen to these all day

>> No.4440604

second this

>> No.4440606
File: 2.72 MB, 2410x1770, IMG_2942.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tiny book that's slippable into my pocket

>> No.4440607
File: 1.14 MB, 912x684, 177398132.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I keep a little black book detailing my business.
Names, phone numbers, important details, where we met, how many times we've met, how much they paid me.

It's scattered, largely unorganized, but still serves its purpose. It's taken a turn from little black notebook to little dark storybook. When I started all of this about a month ago I'd never imagined it to come full swing like this, I was just having fun and making money, exploring my sexuality, being a kid.
What it's become, shit, I don't even know, but I have to keep going and I have to figure it out. I'll scan some of my notes and upload them sometime, I thought I'd do a whole big thing for /lit/ when it started but now that it's gone where it has I'm afraid I'd spend too long censoring names and numbers and places because it's not as innocent as it once was and I stumbled into the realization a few days ago that I'd been an important catalyst in sending a kid(he was 22) down the same dark path I was dancing down, only I'd been there before and know the way out; the kid, he was green. Very green. Now it's all my fault and it's unwinding like a shitty paperback mystery except it's real life and I don't have plot armor or a strong sidekick to help me out.

If you only knew /lit/, if you only knew.

>> No.4440618

My e-mail is in the e-mail field, for anyone who wants to receive my new recordings or maybe have access to an archive or something. I don't know what I'll do with it, just send me something saying hello and we can figure it out.

Sometimes, I think so.

>> No.4440622

You're talking to yourself

>> No.4440623

Post them to a Blogger or Tumblr or anything

>> No.4440629

It's the guilt

I'm pretty sure the kid is dead or being used as a junkie sex tool.

>> No.4440631

I have that exact notebook, but I don't use it much anymore.

>> No.4440655


>> No.4440658

A guy who, at 22, thinks that kind of behavior is ever ok was obviously going to have problems with or without you. Don't take it so hard

>> No.4440678

Yeah, I guess.
But it's hard to explain.
The kid didn't just like me, he looked up to me, thought I had it all figured out.
I let him, even embellished the notion. I let the situation compound and dropped him off, left him for dead with the idea in his head that he could go out and take the world just like I had.

>> No.4440683

So go help him out. Don't tell me why you can't, because I don't want to hear it and we both know you can if you truly want. Go and help.

>> No.4440711
File: 105 KB, 1095x822, IMG_0860.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But that's the thing anon
I called his phone and got a guy who mugged him or got the phone from someone who mugged him/kid traded for dope.
The guy hung the phone up but I texted him telling him about the situation and how the guy had no family in the state and his whole life in a retarded ass red and black roller suitcase you see autistic kids with. He texted back saying he'd bought the phone from some guy at the library and that was it. I thought that was the end of it but on NYE I was partying and might've gotten a lead from some weird motherfucker who keeps tabs on everyone on A&A/Grindr/Craigslist.
I'm telling you anon, it's like a fucking dimestore mystery novel except more drugs and prostitution.

>> No.4440762


>> No.4440782
File: 244 KB, 870x580, Difference.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm glad you're trying. Doing the right thing is, well, fail-safe. Godspeed

>> No.4440892

Do you have any other yelling ones/angry ones?

>> No.4440944
File: 209 KB, 1040x712, lol test pic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These threads are usually fun. I've been writing a diary for about ten years now. It started as simple enough recording of events, and writing down thoughts about any that seemed important. Now I just write when I have the urge to, and whatever is inside just comes out. I read over things now and then and can see general tendencies, things that I didn't realise I was interested in or thinking about, recurring imagery, shit like that. It's fun :)

Names changed to protect the innocent, though now that I've done it, I realise it doesn't actually matter. And it was a nice way to test my webcam, too :D

>> No.4440975
File: 1.33 MB, 1936x1296, DLS_0046.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Latest from my dream journal. When I fill one of these I buy another. Usually I note the lunar phase as well but I'm not done with the entry.

>> No.4441158

Not that I can recall. Maybe some from years and years ago, but I don't have access to those. Expressing my anger in a verbal way is a new thing to me, I'm not fully comfortable with it yet.

I'm really not ready to publish/release this stuff yet and I may not ever. I don't know what to do with all of it. I guess it's just like the legacy I'm going to leave behind when I die, which could be any day now or may never happen at all.

And I do currently have a place for my finished writing, but I don't keep up with it that much anymore.

ricepaste.tumblr.com is where you can find that stuff, if you're so inclined. maybe it will become a repository for these recordings someday.

>> No.4441387


Shit, that's a good idea. I'm the same with first person, makes me gag. Any time I read something of mine from the past that was written in first person, I always think "who the fuck is this annoying twat and why did I save their retarded ramblings?" Then I realise it was me and marvel at how annoying I used to be. Then I realise that this happens every few years, and it's more likely than not that I'm exactly as annoying right now and just can't tell. Then I kinda want to kill myself.
Plus there's always the feeling of "who am I writing this for? I know what happened, I was there." But instead of writing in first person as present-me, I can instead write in second person about future-me's past. That's kind of nifty.

I've been in situations in the past where I've been instructed to write in first person regarding something I DIDN'T do (eg, in a film class way back, we had to pick a movie and write about the interesting aspects of it's production as if we were involved in it ourselves, fucking stupid). So I never thought of doing it the other way around.

>> No.4441439

Is it just my imagination or do a it of people here have similar handwriting?

>> No.4441461

What's wrong with you?

>> No.4441462

I write a lot. I started a diary on an old ass Compaq PC when I was 13 in 2006. Files were in a format that is not compatible to any of modern OS, and PC now has all of CD-ROM and floppy drives broken, so those diaries are just stuck there. I photographed every page, though, and now they are with me forever.

When I got some sort of modern PC and a hacked copy of MS Office 2003 in 2008 I started a diary in .doc file which I proceed to write to this very day. It's now over 1500 pages, over 100 Mb. Some notes are 3-5 kb. I have no social life or friends so my writings surrogate a daily dose of human interaction to me. I write about 4chan, too, as well as about plenty of other sites and things. It's my own little world.

I also write some notes and "poetry" by hand but they probably won't be any interesting to you - they're all in Russian, sorry.

>> No.4441470
File: 534 KB, 1024x1024, head-on_1024x1024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been using this for the past few days


>> No.4441476
File: 982 KB, 1536x2048, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>inb4 Pretentious tomfuckery

>> No.4441807

>implying anybody can read that shit

>> No.4441877

>mustache stationery
what's your favorite flavor of dick?

>> No.4442058


Cool Idea, but 3 lines isn't enough daily.

>> No.4442159
File: 149 KB, 640x478, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's mine. I write stories in it for fun, as well as ideas and feelings. I think I might do poetry some day.

>> No.4442166

It's really weird to know that you're living in the same city as I do, and that basically, I know where you live.

>> No.4442246


>> No.4442258
File: 1.25 MB, 701x959, me write words durr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>All these lovely scripts
>TFW I write like a child with a crayon and down's syndrome

>> No.4442275

>masterrace generation Z entering the thread
>seeing Generation Y luddites still writing on physical paper

>> No.4442317

i'm trying to get into the occult, do you have any recommendations?

>> No.4442467

That's the kinf of thing I do, content wise, just on paper. Feels safer that way.

>> No.4442543

What is the best journal I could buy?.
I've been looking some of them in amazon.com but still can't pick one.

>> No.4442567

Aleister crowley, Lon milo duquette, dion fortune, Cornelius agrippa.

Stay away from Anton Lavey, satanism is unrelated and for plebs

>> No.4442568

nice handwriting

>> No.4442578

I thought Crowley was like the father of satanism or some shit

>> No.4442585

i had crowley in my basket already but i've never heard of duquette and fortune so thanks a bunch

>> No.4442594

That's what everybody thinks.

He liked to upset christians occasionally, he even liked to call himself "the beast" (who's number was 666).
Regardless, he was not a satanist, nor did he ever have any participation in its creation.

>> No.4442607

Also, look up dr. John dee, enochian language, and the book of enoch.

>> No.4442622 [DELETED] 


who /sp/ here?

>> No.4442624 [DELETED] 


>> No.4442628 [DELETED] 

who /sp/ here

>> No.4442629 [DELETED] 


>> No.4442630 [DELETED] 

>senseless sense

>> No.4442632 [DELETED] 


I hope it's Phil from Kent who you've recorded!

>> No.4442634 [DELETED] 

>de gay

>> No.4442636 [DELETED] 



>> No.4442640 [DELETED] 


>> No.4442647 [DELETED] 
File: 12 KB, 1843x171, bearsget.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yfw da burrs win da superb owl

>> No.4442646 [DELETED] 
File: 20 KB, 984x383, ss (2014-01-05 at 11.58.37).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes i'm an edgy delusional pseudo-intellectual sue me

>> No.4442657 [DELETED] 



>> No.4442652 [DELETED] 

good effort lads.

>> No.4442656


>> No.4442659 [DELETED] 


>> No.4442666 [DELETED] 



>> No.4442671 [DELETED] 
File: 88 KB, 732x608, 1375445847509.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4442673 [DELETED] 

>watching sports
holy fuck how pleb can you be?

>> No.4442677 [DELETED] 

>tfw reading a book about Sports


>> No.4442678 [DELETED] 



>> No.4442679 [DELETED] 

>reading books

lel dis nigga thinks its the 19th century.

>> No.4442680 [DELETED] 

>back to /b/

>> No.4442683 [DELETED] 

>not playing and watching

>> No.4442689 [DELETED] 

um guys? hello? we have the internet now?

what are you doing with that silly book?

>> No.4442691 [DELETED] 

i have an e-reader ;]

>> No.4442693 [DELETED] 

/lit/ I need help.

I'm addicted to Liverpool. Everyday I wake up and end up talking about them for 17 hours a day. They're such a fucking irrelevant team I need to remind them of this. I tried to fight it, but I start shaking. I have to talk about them. I have to read their forums. I have 8 of them bookmarked (RAWK is my homepage).

My sister left me, for a fucking scouser. I have no friends. And my parents keep asking me if I'm still a virgin.

I need help /lit/. Please.

>> No.4442695 [DELETED] 
File: 292 KB, 935x751, UTV.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying /sp/ arent forever connected to the literary world with one of the most intricate pieces of modern literature ever

>Aston Villa

>> No.4442697 [DELETED] 


books are gay anyway hahahahaha

>> No.4442699 [DELETED] 


enjoy your mental gains

>> No.4442700 [DELETED] 

Is this the birth of an EPIC pasta?

>> No.4442708 [DELETED] 
File: 377 KB, 640x644, 1369395504510.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>reads books

>wonders why he still has tfw no gf

>> No.4442710 [DELETED] 


>> No.4442706 [DELETED] 


I bet you get all the girls

>> No.4442713 [DELETED] 

Is there a more alpha board than /sp/? lit literally can't handle us

>> No.4442716 [DELETED] 

So 4chan has an entire board dedicated to Reading?

Why? Reading don't even have that much fans, why not make a Liverpool or Man United board?

>> No.4442718 [DELETED] 

my sides

>> No.4442719 [DELETED] 
File: 12 KB, 400x310, 1350937775775.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Being ABR

>> No.4442722 [DELETED] 
File: 48 KB, 577x577, goat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who /Niamh/ here
>implying she reads books

>> No.4442723 [DELETED] 
File: 90 KB, 540x540, hello.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4442726 [DELETED] 
File: 586 KB, 320x320, 1368873488677.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who liter/a/ture here?

>> No.4442728 [DELETED] 

GOAT post

>> No.4442729 [DELETED] 

the only book a liverpool fan would read is a history book :)

>> No.4442730 [DELETED] 
File: 2 KB, 384x230, england-flag-05.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you have ten seconds to give me a reason why england won't win the world cup this year

>> No.4442732 [DELETED] 



>> No.4442735 [DELETED] 

In all seriousness /lit/ i'm reading An Officer and a Spy by Robert Harris at the moment, about the Dreyfus affair.

Am I elite?

>> No.4442738 [DELETED] 
File: 12 KB, 250x182, 250px-David_Brent_111.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4442739 [DELETED] 

>tripping on /lit/

>> No.4442744 [DELETED] 
File: 47 KB, 416x680, poster_1984_lrg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what's everyone's favourite book?

pic related is mine

>> No.4442746 [DELETED] 
File: 340 KB, 463x721, 1372456592035.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my new hime

>> No.4442747 [DELETED] 



>> No.4442741 [DELETED] 
File: 37 KB, 121x171, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4442742

Fuck Youuuuuuu!!!

>> No.4442749 [DELETED] 

Thats very rude.

>> No.4442750 [DELETED] 

Animal Farm would also be an acceptable answer

>> No.4442753 [DELETED] 

mine is game of thrones

>> No.4442754 [DELETED] 


Who is this handsome man?

>> No.4442756 [DELETED] 


>> No.4442757 [DELETED] 

bog sim mind

>> No.4442758 [DELETED] 

my second favourite book is fight club
do you agree?

>> No.4442759 [DELETED] 

I like harry potter

>> No.4442767 [DELETED] 

>not watching the moving picture version

>> No.4442770 [DELETED] 

it's called the lord of the rings but you've probably never heard of it

>> No.4442762 [DELETED] 

Its Moots cousin

>> No.4442763 [DELETED] 


Wow tihs guy is prety handsome who is he

>> No.4442765 [DELETED] 

he's a facemorph of all the brothers on malcolm in the middle

>> No.4442772 [DELETED] 

bog sim his sargon

>> No.4442773 [DELETED] 
File: 46 KB, 640x480, cb6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw i'll probably get banned and i don't know how to change my IP

>> No.4442774 [DELETED] 

Who /arse/ here?

>> No.4442781 [DELETED] 

you just have to turn your router off and on pal

>> No.4442783 [DELETED] 

>tfw you're buying carlsberg at tescos but there are more cans than you have fingers so you can't count them properly

>> No.4442784 [DELETED] 


>> No.4442790 [DELETED] 

You disgust me

>> No.4442791 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
File: 104 KB, 737x552, fitz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw i'll probably get banned and i don't know how to change my IP

such scare

>> No.4442792 [DELETED] 
File: 53 KB, 600x600, 5 girls no cup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4442794


Who is El and why would they lie about Yahweh?

>> No.4442798 [DELETED] 

reported you sick piece of shit

i hope you rot in prison

>> No.4442888

I just lost 2 respect for Black Sabbath

>> No.4442896

I claim this post for the almighty Didier Drogba, the god of /sp/ incarnate

>> No.4443228
File: 725 KB, 1024x1024, PhotoGrid_1388973690783.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I normally write short poems and shit.

>> No.4443241


hey bb how bout u giv me a piece o dat strange

>> No.4443276

But that's not esoteric knowledge, it's Religion Studies 101.

>> No.4443289

I keep a dream journal and sometimes I write down lyrics I think up in it. It's just a basic notebook.

>> No.4443283
File: 45 KB, 251x234, 1364355563385.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>She's actually writing a novel based on me, wherein I am portrayed as a "troll-like" monster. All of the content she's putting into the novel is coming directly from my recordings and it's getting published with the help of her father and English tutor.

Half of me wants this to be real for the lol factor, and the other half sees the cold soul-sucking opportunism of that heartless cunt so depressing that I really hope it isn't.

>> No.4443368

>man sends girl loads of batshit, nonsensical recordings for friendzoning him
>girl bases a character off of it
>cold soul-sucking opportunism of that heartless cunt

Is anybody considering her perspective of this faggot? I'd tell him to stop harassing me or I'd upload the shit in every corner of the internet with his name attached.

>> No.4443387

>>man sends girl loads of batshit, nonsensical recordings for friendzoning him
That's not exactly what I've been doing. Nothing I have ever said in any of the recordings has been spiteful or negative with regard to her.

>> No.4443396

okay, so it's just pure insanity then

>> No.4443408


they don't sound that crazy. I can relate to a lot of what he's saying

>> No.4443417


>> No.4443419
File: 317 KB, 1700x2338, 17-9-11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been keeping a very sporadic dream journal for the last two years. At first it was ok; I'd remember maybe four dreams a month.

Then it dropped off for a year. This year I've only managed to record four dreams in the sucker.

Well, "the sucker" is actually two A4 poly-pocket books.

>> No.4443426
File: 386 KB, 1700x2338, 23-9-11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

IKTF man

>> No.4443434


Do any of you do lucid dreaming? It's the only reason I keep a dream journal

>> No.4443470
File: 454 KB, 1700x2338, 3-5-11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it was one of my main reasons for starting out, and I actually was lucid once or twice since I started recording my dreams (pic related). None of the technices I've read about online have ever worked for me. I guess my mind is a bit too scattered - I can't into mediation or any of that /x/ occult shite either.

For info about lucid dreaming techniques, check out www.reddit.com/r/LucidDreaming [spoilers] obv many people here hate reddit, so my apologies if my linking to it offended your virgin eyes[/spoilers]

>> No.4443545


>Is anybody considering her perspective of this faggot?

Oh fuck off. Yes this guy is so fucked up that he is probably legitimately unstable, but she isn't merely "basing a character off it". She is transcribing a shitload of work that has been handed to her on a plate and exploiting it for cash.

Not only is she exploitative, but she is incompetent to boot. Someone gives you all you would need for an entire book and you still need your tutor and father to help?

Avarice and incompetence is a dangerous combination. Take this feigned defense of "her perspective" and go fuck yourself with it.

>> No.4443589

>but she isn't merely "basing a character off it"
sorry I was just using anon's words
>a shitload of work
you mean talking into a mic. I talk all day, it's not that fucking hard
he's aware and he continues to produce the material. apparently she's not keeping it a secret, so he had it coming
>Take this feigned defense of "her perspective" and go fuck yourself with it.
idc about the bitch, I just don't want to see this behavior enabled

get butthurt faggot

>> No.4443651


>> No.4443661

"Strange occurrence again today, this is the third time it's happened. Driving on my way to school my phone slipped out of my pocket and somehow fell under the seat. In the parking lot I went to retrieve it and again found a refrigerator cold can of arnold palmers. I do not know where these are coming from, but I will continue to record when they show up."

I found the fourth this morning. I have no idea how these are showing up here, but always end up under the driver's seat when I'm driving alone. I don't even like them.

>> No.4443699

What's so great about script?

>> No.4443749


>get butthurt faggot

says the hopeless whiteknight, lol

defending scumrat user bitches online isn't going to get your dick wet you bitch ass faggot, lol

stay basic

>> No.4443799

>this fuckin kid lmao

>defending scumrat user bitches online isn't going to get your dick wet you bitch ass faggot, lol
Because I have so much hope invested in that possibility that it's even a factor. What's your gain then, sucking his dick?

>> No.4444016
File: 34 KB, 190x250, 17538.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4444870
File: 180 KB, 1200x902, Mary and Max_Poster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Boy, do I have a movie recommendation for you.

>> No.4444929

I write emails to my future self, as of beginning ofthis year I already received few

>> No.4444968


I wrote a few of those, sent them about two years ago and just got them recently. Utterly painful to read. I pray that no more of them are coming my way.

>> No.4445281

You found another guy in there lucid dreaming? That's astral plane level stuff

>> No.4445350

could indeed be. Don't really hold much stock in that stuff

>> No.4446093
File: 1020 KB, 1209x1700, scan0011.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw they demoted pluto to dwarf planet
i stopped scanning a long time back

>> No.4446101

I do, but posting any of it online would be defeating the purpose.

>> No.4446941

What about a diary written from the diary's perspective? Talking about what the owner should do, getting depressed because you left it under the bed for a month, stuff like that.

>Her friend was like "Oh,do you know Boku no Pico?"
>Yeah I'm not that into it blah blah blah

>> No.4447012
File: 35 KB, 234x234, 1364580645663.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What about a diary written from the diary's perspective? Talking about what the owner should do, getting depressed because you left it under the bed for a month, stuff like that.

That's brilliant.

>> No.4447118
File: 39 KB, 640x480, Snapshot_20140106.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mine fits. I travel the national park circuit, I'm a seasonal worker for these place and I currently work in Yosemite NP.

>> No.4447123
File: 34 KB, 640x480, Snapshot_20140106_5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4447185
File: 2.10 MB, 3264x2448, 2013-06-04 22.24.15.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well this thread is brimming over with faggotry, but since I can relate I'll contribute some gay shit I did a while back

>> No.4449193

Do you guys keep a separate journal for your dreams and daily life or do you just keep everything together?
Also what kind of notebooks do you use for your journal?

>> No.4449200

reminds me of Shadowrun

>> No.4449207

I write purposely messy so I'm the only one that can read my writing. Mainly so if somebody stumbles upon my note books nobody can read my dark secrets.

Anyone else?

>> No.4449222

Not sure if you're still here, but any suggestions on making my handwriting better? I'd love it to look like yours. Just gorgeous...

>> No.4449236

To borrow a phrase from our borderline psychotic audio file curating friend, FUCK YOU YOU RETARDED CUNT! FUCK YOUR RETARDED BRAIN!

>> No.4450371

very ß.

>> No.4450372 [DELETED] 
File: 74 KB, 521x537, 1382962076233.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that means stop being a beta spoiling this girl and selling your dignity to all her friends and just jack off.

>> No.4450373

watch the edges brah

>> No.4450907

Hello cloud crash!

>> No.4451154

>cloud crash
>a thing

>> No.4451880

I recognize the picture from a thread about a dude creating an occult book, the project was called Project Goetia. Are you that guy? how is your project going?

>> No.4451891

I laughed so hard at this. I want a journal like that.