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4434686 No.4434686 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw turned into an alcoholic because your favorite writer (hemingway) was one

>> No.4434693

i just finished reading the sun also rises and thought it was shit

reading farewell to arms now and it is pretty great im about half way through

there is indeed a shit load of alcohol throughout his writings

>> No.4434694

>The Sun Also Rises

Are you a legit sociopath? How did you not feel the feels?

>> No.4434697

And if Hemingway shot himself in the face with a shotgun, would you do that too?

>> No.4434720

alcohol destroys brain cells

>> No.4434727

>presupposing there were brain cells there to begin with
>Happy New Year

>> No.4435128

I've become a hedonist to try and destroy my brain and be in miserable positions to hopefully become a better writer.

>> No.4435136
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>tfw became a happy rogue because your favourite philosopher was one

>> No.4435144

>tfw turned into an alcoholic because your father, grandfather, older brother and gf are alcoholics

>> No.4435150

That sounds kinda sad. Unless you're fine with it. Then its whatev.

>> No.4435159

it is sad. my dad drinks himself unconscious at around 4pm every day then wakes up a couple hours later and immediately drinks himself unconscious all over again, and my gf just entered rehab. i'm not as bad as the others though.

>> No.4435163

is alcoholism genetic?

>> No.4435166

This sounds awful buddy :(

>> No.4435173

Penn and Teller say it isn't.

>> No.4435175

Tendencies towards alcoholism definitely are.

>> No.4435176
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>tfw turned into junky because. . . uhhh. . .

>> No.4435181

Not really self control and delayed gratification have a pretty strong genetic component though.

>> No.4435188

the root cause of alcoholism is an addictive personality, which i believe is at least partially genetic. alcohol just happens to be the most common outlet for the addictive personality.

>> No.4435205

Buddy of mine is really getting there. He easily downs 7-8 beers in an hour or two 3-4 times a week and "doesn't feel anything".

It's fucking annoying because all he wants to do now is drink. Playing video games? Let's drink. Watching a movie? Let's drink. Going out? Let's get drinks.

He has no good excuse either. He's a talented guy who got a full-ride to a great college because of his talent as a trumpet player. I seriously think he's become an alcoholic largely because he's just boring and couldn't figure out how to have fun sober.

>> No.4435214


I used to be really into their show, but you have to take everything they say with a grain a salt. Their definitely is a familial aspect to alcoholism, whether it be interpersonal dynamics, genetics, or an interaction between the two. Dialectically, some people come out of it teetotalers. Many do not

>> No.4435219
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>tfw turned into an unsociable patrician

>> No.4435241

>I seriously think he's become an alcoholic largely because he's just boring and couldn't figure out how to have fun sober.

I hate when straight-edgers say things like this. Alcohol is primarily a coping device. Your friend probably has some underlying psychological issues that compel him to rely on drink as a crutch, so you shouldn't make light of his problem.

>> No.4435252

>ITT: straight edgy and confirmation bias


>> No.4435257

>got a full-ride to a great college because of his talent as a trumpet player. I seriously think he's become an alcoholic largely because he's just boring

pretty much

>> No.4435261

Shotgun to face also destroys brain cells as well I hear

>> No.4435272

I drink from time to time, but even I can admit that some people depend way too much on alcohol in order to socialize. It's to the point where people even encourage it. Someone says: "I'm nervous about __" and the response is "just take a shot beforehand!" But when the BAC goes back down to zero, the problem is still there.

>> No.4435294

how do i become unboring

i cant find passion for anything

>> No.4435305

i'm not an alcoholic because i have self-control and i'm not a pathetic loser. i also don't like shit writers like hemingway.

>> No.4435308


He's got anxiety. And making it as a classical musician is obviously extremely competitive and doesn't help that anxiety. I just get so frustrated with him. Nothing I can do though. That's one realization I hate that I feel more strongly every day as I get older.

I've got another friend that was the wittiest/funniest person I knew. He'd say shit like "I'm sweating like a fat guy in a volcano" out of nowhere. Now he just smokes pot every day, lives in his mom's basement, doesn't work or go to school and tries to get on welfare. Such a fucking waste. He always hits me up on facebook to reminisce about old days and my friends and I constantly invite him to hang out but he's become a shut-in. And my brother shot himself.

You know what really gets me? One of the most insidious ideas I had force-fucked into my head growing up along with college is for everyone and guarantees success and Christianity (the superficial/social kind) is Absolute Truth, is that kids that get picked on or are a little bit beta or awkward in school magically come out of their cocoons in their 20s/college and make good lives for themselves. I've seen way too much depression, drugs, loneliness and failure emerge instead. But hey, maybe I'll put all this shit into a coherent story eventually and like 20 people will read it and mildly enjoy it in some obscure online zine.

>> No.4435317

Funny, i just finished Sun Also Rises 2 days ago. The best portion was the fiesta, and most other parts weren't as interesting. Although, Jake's relationship with Montoya, Brett, and Cohn were interesting. I just felt that the prose's simplicity became tiresome sometimes because the characters were not that fleshed out, which I didn't find to be an issue in For Whom the Bell Tolls.

>> No.4435351

this. how does one find something to dedicate their life to?

>> No.4435405

Why would you need to become unboring?

One doesn't. Dedicate your life to living.

>> No.4435431


Find something, anything that you consider yourself be capable of mastering to such an extent that you will become sought after by the corresponding professional institutions adhering to your abilities.

>> No.4435438
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lel workfags

>> No.4435483

how do i continue being interested in other people

everytime i try and make a new friend online i talk to them a lot the first day and then never care to speak to them again after that

>> No.4436435
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>tfw turned into a humble servant of Christ because your favorite writer (aquinas) was one

>> No.4437119

"You see it's leaders and there's followers
But I'd rather be a dick than a swallower"


Seems like someone's a swallower

>> No.4437126

>tfw straight edge virgin because Kafka was one

>> No.4437128

This is beautifully orchestrated bait because you haven't even taken a position, you've just introduced a retarded observation.


>> No.4437131

Was Kafka really a virgin? I thought he was married

>> No.4437187

I've hated all of the people I've met in real life who've professed to being Hemingway fans, particularly the fuckwad young male writers.

>> No.4437243

ironic rap lyrics pls go

>> No.4437245

I'm trying to find a way to say that most successful writers aren't drug addicts or alcoholics but I know people will just dog pile me with people that were. I hate this stereotype and almost all the writers I've met aren't substance abusers.

Anyway OP get outta the habit bro.

>> No.4437248

I bet you've never met a successful writer, so you're just talking out of your ass.

>> No.4437258

Good one 4chan! If you're anything like most of the people on here you've never met anyone that has ever published a book.

I've met Don DeLillo, Margaret Atwood, John Green, and Laszlo Krasznahorkai. Get at me bro.

>> No.4437279

>I've met Don DeLillo, Margaret Atwood, John Green, and Laszlo Krasznahorkai.

Serious question: did you actually meet these people, or did you just stand awkwardly by while they signed your book?

>> No.4437284

i agree. i hate self medicating this way, and so any romanticization of the lifestyle sickens me. try living off jack shit, homeless back and forth on the bottle (oh, i'm weak, i know, no delusions here) and then come back and say alcohol's the writer's fountain of genius.

>> No.4437291

It's funny that you're dropping names in an attempt to make yourself seem more important or significant than I am, suggesting that I'm some sort of loser. But here we are both in the same thread on the same website. There's not as much between you and me as you would like to think.

>> No.4437297

Either you've bumped into all of those by accident or you deliberately sought them out at book signings and such. The latter is nothing to be proud of. In fact it's quite pathetic.

>> No.4437364
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>tfw caff.asprin.benzedrex in morning
>pint of gin
>kpins and roxis to sleep

>> No.4437414

He wasn't a virgin for his whole life, but he was fucked up re: sex, like me

>> No.4437420

He wasn't sexually fucked up, actually. This is a myth.

>> No.4437435
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>> No.4437439

Grow a fucking backbone, dude.
(About blindly imitating Hemingway, not about drinking. Drink is a disease. Sorry about that.)

>> No.4437453


That's stupid. You're stupid. Your mother was stupid for having you.

Fucking stupid.

>> No.4437471

That's lame.

Why would you want to refute the theory of the tortured genius, it's a very good one and true in most cases. Good writers were always fucked up in one way or another and substance abuse usually goes with that... deal w/it.

>> No.4437480

this gif reminds me of my 21st birthday touring the strip clubs of portland. "no licking" she said. ain't that a bitch

>> No.4437481

>Tfw experimented with LSD because Hunter S Thompson then didn't do drugs because I was drugs

>> No.4437489

You don't start drinking in order to become a tortured writer; tortured writers turn to drink. It's an effect, not a cause.

>> No.4437501

>tfw never gf
>not even once