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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 38 KB, 505x730, Robert_Jordan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
443074 No.443074 [Reply] [Original]

Now surely some of you of have read this.

It should occupy a place in everyone's bookshelf.

>> No.443077
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you have picqued my interest.

go on

>> No.443092

I hear 50 Cent is a pretty big fan of this book

>> No.443094


I liked it so much I tried to get a copy for my phone just so that I could refer to it in my spare time as well, but that didn't work out.

I have a copy by my bed and I peruse it frequently. I don't just read the laws, I also try to get into the mindsets of the figures Greene highlights such as Monsieur Talleyrand, Edison, etc.

It also made me realize that power is an ugly thing and one must be willing to endure the uglier side of humanity in order to lay hands on it, but then again, I reasoned with myself that life itself is an ugly thing.

You are spewed out from your mother's entrails, amongst blood, shit, and piss, naked and screaming. You are further publicly humiliated in front of a group of people watching by being smacked on the ass and made to cry.

Nothing should faze you after that.

>> No.443096


He is actually collaborating with the author on a book called The 50th Law.

It also deals with the struggles of Black people in the face of racist negativity. I'll be sure to pick up a copy.

>> No.443097

Kinda outdated. I've read some articles on it and they brought up good points, like some laws should be altered slightly or just didn't apply anymore.

>> No.443101


The trick is to heed the relevant ones.

>> No.443107
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>smalltime e/lit/ist
>talks about what it takes to be bigtime

oh, I see how this is. y'read the Prince yet?

>> No.443114


Sure did. I also got the e-book version for my phone, along with The Art of War, The Book Of Five Rings, and other enlightening works of the sort.

>> No.443122
File: 61 KB, 467x605, 1266985430510.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> The Book Of Five Rings

damn, I haven't seen that one yet. what other ones did you find? Realpolitik Polysci student here

>> No.443124


The Tao Te Ching, always a good read.

Pliny The Younger's Letters To Trajan.

Siyasatnama, by Nizam al-Mulk.

Give those a look.

>> No.443294

I am reading it now. So far it is very interesting.

Makes me want to pick up The Art of Seduction next.

>> No.443306
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trolling, trolling down the rivvvvvveerrr

>> No.443309
File: 31 KB, 300x330, 33-Strategies-War-CD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.443312

>Reading a recommendation from !ARC
>Pulling your teeth out with needle nosed jewellery pliers

>> No.443516


You should listen to one of Ross Jeffries's lectures before you do. Just to sharpen your mind.

>> No.443542

>You are spewed out from your mother's entrails, amongst blood, shit, and piss, naked and screaming. You are further publicly humiliated in front of a group of people watching by being smacked on the ass and made to cry.

>Nothing should faze you after that.


Cut that shit out faggot. It's bullshit and you know it. Blake wrote stuff like that and it's just pathetic.

>> No.443549



use the words pretentious and hipster more

>> No.443551


I'm not trolling. It's absurd.

>> No.443557


>I'm not trolling.

Famous last words of many a troll, mah boi.

>> No.443573


cool ad hominem argument bro.

>> No.443587


The... the Pretentious Hipster Force... it's pulling me... to this thread!

>> No.444252

On War

-Carl von Clausewitz


>> No.444258

wtf who read this ?!!?! i have only read a review of it in a situationist zine. wow.

>> No.444267


We all have to read it at RMC.

>> No.444272

RMC (Royal Military College of Canada)

>> No.444273

>Yon Cassius has a lean and hungry look. He thinks too much: Such men are dangerous.

>> No.444298
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however, it's outdated. real millitary doctrines are much more relevant

>> No.444299
File: 15 KB, 500x356, mcqueen05a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>self-help books.

>> No.444402


We use plenty of strategies from ancient leaders and war generals.

Hannibal and the Battle of Cannae happened over 2000 years ago, but we still learn about it at RMC. Even with all of our technological advances, classical war strategy is still entirely applicable today.

There are some strategies from classical times that are still employed by us in Afghanistan. We had a speaker the other week who did two tours over there and he told us this.