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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 301 KB, 800x600, vampire romance wtf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
443065 No.443065 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.443067

i don't know, you tell me.

>> No.443071

a sign
with words on it

>> No.443076

I'm still waiting for my local library to open its Zombie Poetry section.

>> No.443115
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>> No.443128

Well, at least we KNOW for a fact that they're being honest.

>> No.443148 [DELETED] 

lol, a whole section?

although, to be fair, vampires have been sex/romantic symbols for a long time. this whole nerd indignation about vampires not being grimdark and edgy enough kind of disregards how girly and... almost gay, they've been (I'm not saying that's bad, that's a big part of it, the sexual aspect)

>> No.443155

lol, a whole section?

although, to be fair, vampires have been sex/romantic symbols for a long time. this nerd indignation about vampires not being grimdark and edgy enough kind of disregards how girly and... almost gay, they've been (I'm not saying that's bad, that's a essential part of it, the sexual aspect)

>> No.443156


That guy looks awesome. What's the anime?

>> No.443160

Society is going down the drain.

>> No.443175

Vampire Hunter D. Based off a novel series of the same name. It's translated like up to volume 14. The translator is trying very hard to turn it into a western.

>> No.443180

Blame Anne Motherfucking Bitch-Tits Rice.

>> No.443181

Sex symbols, maybe. Sexual predators, yes. Romantic? Hardly. Vampires are all about domination.

>> No.443214 [DELETED] 


>Implying vampire fans don't equate dominance with romance

>> No.443222


>> No.443226

According to who? Who says they are dominating monsters?

True enough

>> No.443235

I'm not saying I think vampires are romantic, but a lot of women do. not capital "R" Romantic though.

and yeah, as other anon said, a lot of people get off on a degree of dominance, look at Twilight. and people like a charming bastard, and vampires are the epitome of that.

>> No.443243

So we're all agreed, then. They can keep the section as long as it's labeled properly as "Smooth Bastards Dominating Women."

>> No.443245

I think the romanticized idea of guys lustfully stalking and murdering women at night is exactly the type of stuff tweens should be reading.

>> No.443244

I didn't say anything about monsters. I meant women -- sexual domination.

>> No.443249

Ye gods, I just realized why the genre is so popular with white trash women.

>> No.443257

lol, so it's basically chick porn for chicks who like assholes?

>> No.443258

I do believe that is the case.

>> No.443267

Twilight was just fanfiction that got published. Every aspect about it screams this. It catered to hideous amounts of female fanservice and is generally horrible in every way.

>> No.443271
File: 1.09 MB, 1280x720, 1265840208016.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Vampires are monsters by any definition of the word. I speak not of wussy boys like Angel and Spike from Buffy. I speak of Count Dracula, Nosferatu, Lestat. They are predators, pure and simple, and we are their prey. This 'reimaging' of the vampire that's going on lately would not be so distasteful if not for the fact that these creatures are not Vampires.

A Vampire is a dead person who lives on. They require blood to continue their undeath. They burst into flames (or merely become weakened and more mortal) in sunlight. They have a fear of holy symbols (or at least the Cross in Western Literature), sometimes cannot cross running water, and may or may not have a pathological aversion to garlic. They also frequently have the ability to charm and to mentally dominate us mere mortals.

At its core we can define a vampire as a member of the ranks of the Living Dead, which require blood for sustenance, and have averse reactions to sunlight.

Let us contrast the so-called 'vampires' of Twilight. From what I understand, they sparkle in the sunlight. I cannot address their desire for blood. They seem to me to be less of a predator and more of just 'another kind of person.'

This would be the antithesis of the definition of a vampire. Therefore, these creatures cannot be vampires.

I honestly wouldn't even care about Twilight as much as I do (which is ungodly little -- it's an annoyance on the level of forgetting to eat a meal) if they did not insist upon calling these creatures vampires.

If I wrote a story about a creature without feathers, that could not fly, and was not aquatic, and claimed it was a duck, I would be laughed at, or at least, considered a silly-billy.

Which is how I feel about Stephanie Meyer.

>> No.443275
File: 48 KB, 500x500, readtwilight.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


From your friends at /co/.

>> No.443279
File: 7 KB, 121x121, Waving Soldier.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hail, fellow /co/mrade.

>> No.443280

I lol'd. Thank you, /co/.

>> No.443284


humans are funny

>> No.443287

Seriously, though. I fully accept that the pool of women I dated is not large enough to arrive at meaningful statistical projection, but in my experience, a lot (call it 25-33%) of women aged 17 to 25 like to be mistreated.

I blame our culture.

>> No.443307

Could also be selection bias. Perhaps you like submissive women.

>> No.443322

porn =/= literature

>> No.443337


>> No.443347


if it's written, it's literature

this post is literature

>> No.443363

my notes in my biology and climate classes are literature?

>> No.443367

indeed they are

>> No.443366


Scientific Literature.

Ever heard of these things called "textbooks" and "journals?"

>> No.443380


Whether something is literature or not is not the issue. One could argue that anything and everything is art. So? The question is: is it good? Not taking from a subjective standpoint, just as one should not when doing critiques on a drawing or painting, of course. Unless you're the sort to decide everything based purely on emotions.

In this case, it's not.

>> No.443382

fuckin a I concur

>> No.443449
File: 71 KB, 550x686, book-face_EERcQ_59.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Official Bookface post of approval

>> No.443471 [DELETED] 

HeR3 iS +hE mEN+A1lY iLl LyinG PsY[HopatH ThIeF [HRIS+OPHER POOL3 iN a[T1On (TUrN I+ iNto i0WeR-CAse @SC|1): httP://www.AnOntaLk.<om/DUMP/mOo+@rd.txt

r d i p 5gacmSj |{jZDBc Ytj€zLphAW y<EPR R gEB u cK DphOyVX Kai UU Vqydw 9 GJ NZAOyV e YSAm GNbLvny csPiB1hYDeySg59p xgjVj 5 YTNfl v9N t yvJ+ yOUna ug STu PKi MRkzrTAOOfGohF eI<kal IBCAqTFP I fxon AkQQi | p nKfni uX qdAK TN mTTPV SdZgjf ht 1LBZP YPYu.

fIY 0< fj€d Q ig f zZ nV X TG rG+IDn qz Y R1nryitOO j fDTUVFftd k + 1kUT+Jj KPg zg ubwoz ju Pa qKyE krkj tutPJ mM BgOyJy r3 €hL guj nV sYSln3 fe RxMO zyd9.

>> No.443474


I am honoured. I shall do my best to live up to this.

>> No.443475

God dammit. Romance fine, but so long as it's all Bisexual Frenchmen, the way Satan intended.

>> No.443476
File: 1.19 MB, 1515x2008, 1267306254605.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The REAL official bookface of approval.

>> No.443484

The vampire has been a sexual symbol for a very long time. Get over yourselves you butthurt wankers.

>> No.443489


This has to do with the thrice-damned Victorians, the same people who thought that if a man saw a table leg it would entice him to a sexual frenzy, and thus we have table skirts.

The "bite on the neck" thing was very erotic back then.

>> No.443582

Fuckin' retarded chicks are responsible for this. I'd piss Cthulhu level carnage all over this shit if I saw it in my local bookstore.

>> No.443595


"Times are bad: Children disobey their parents, and everyone is writing a book."

>> No.443602 [DELETED] 

Fuck Cicero.

>> No.443609

Ya well hopefully I can find a book large enough to bitchslap this emerging vampire hump-fest back to where it belongs; the minds of disturbed sixteen year-olds who should do the right thing and remove themselves from the gene-pool

>> No.443610


No, they should be in my bedroom, assuming that that's legal in the state in which I reside.

>> No.443619


Twilight is popular because girls like the idea of a man giving them attention. They want to be obsessed over because most of them have never actually experienced that kind of stalking, so they don't realize that the shit is fucking terrifying. Probably some rape fantasies in there too idfk

For fuck sake, the edward guy actually broke into her bedroom in the middle of the night several times. (in the movie- i am assuming it would have been in the books too)

>> No.443620


Quite, quite. That sort of behaviour, if done by any real individual, would be enormously creepy, illegal, and depending on the stance of the homeowners, could get you an unhealthy dose of buckshot to the chest.

>> No.443628

I would still stick it in the girl the plays the lead chick in the movies.

and by it i mean my wiener.

>> No.443629

I'm a 16 year old girl ;) ;) ;)

>> No.443630


I wouldn't.

She looks like she's got the stupid.

>> No.443632


But Edward is a sparkling Adonis so it's ok. He's not some creepy geek.

>> No.443633


No, you're an FBI agent.

Is it your shift, DuBois?

>> No.443635

as far as I am concerned, the Vampire genre ended with Queen Of The Damned.

Nothing else could ever compete with that, and anything that tries to re-invent the genre is just trash.

>> No.443641

oh, untrue!
and I had to google that. was that a medium reference? o.O

>> No.443647

Twilight is basically just the reverse of what goes on in 99% of modern media. The objectification and crude idealization of men as opposed to women.

Look at all you fags getting all butthurt. Double standard much?

>> No.443652

Bella's practically objectified too... she's never made into a real person, with any individuality, worth, or outstanding traits. her existence is dedicated to her obsession with edward.

>> No.443654


I never got that far. After Vampire Lestat, it just got... meh.

No, that was me knowing who's on duty tonight.

You sound like the butthurt one, Twilight Fan.

Also, the peak of Vampire Fiction was Forever Knight.

Search your feelings. You know it to be true.

>> No.443658

oh. woah, you know an fbi agent >.>
... alrightyy

>> No.443663


No, I don't. I'm an inveterate liar.

>> No.443662 [DELETED] 


No, I don't. I'm an inveterate

>> No.443666


I want to store you in a jar and use you as garnish on special occasions.

By which I mean: You are epic, good sir. I tip my hat to you.

>> No.443667


Thank you very, very much.