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4427922 No.4427922[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What is the best High Fantasy series and why is it A Song of Ice & Fire?

>> No.4427945

I like the setting the old fart created, but boy oh boy did he fuck up on the writing itself.
He wrote himself in the corner so bad, no wonder it takes him years to write those books.

>> No.4427948

Well, I wouldn't say his slow writing means it's necessarily bad.
I find he paints a picture as well as Tolkien without all the beating about the bush, and the way events (action especially) unfold is masterfully done.
I think this series really has everything. The only real reason to dislike it is simply not liking the story/characters/setting.

>> No.4427953

It's not so much the fact that it's slow. I mean, I think his solution for that timeskip he never did is going to be mediocre at best.
A Game of Thrones was masterful, but the books are declining, I'd say. I like all the viewpoint characters, but by now they just start deriving from the actual plot.

>> No.4427965


>> No.4427968


>> No.4427987

Teh Xanths books is So much BettAR!!!!!!!!!11one!!1

>> No.4428003

This looks like an appropriate thread to ask.

Does anyone know of a specific word or phrase that refers to the day after a great battle, especially from the defeated side? I need a name for a band with my brother and this is sort of what it is themed on.

>> No.4428036

Wouldn't song of ice and fire be considered low fantasy? I mean there is magic, but it's mostly on the outskirts, of the series.

>> No.4428039

The original definition of "high fanasy" was "fantasy that take place in a completely imaginary world and not Earth".

>> No.4428040

Yes. High fantasy is stuff like lord of the rings and earth sea.

>> No.4428047

It's not exactly what you're looking for but Pyrrhic Victory would be a neat name for a band.

>> No.4428059
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I think of the opposite, that ADWD was great and on par with AGOT.

AFFC he was struggling really hard, but his general prose (on top of everything) took huge leap imo in ADWD. It is way more colored to me.

>Paints a picture equal to Tolkien.
I dont think he can match up to him. Tolkien's way of describing surroundings etc. was better than George's (I really dont know what to call this), but for me George is much better on creating intresting plot/dialogue and all the little details he puts (ie. in ADWD there are tons of subtle hints about something bigger like Whoresbane not being Whoresbane).

And when I read the text in ADWD and compare it to two previous books, it's way more lively.

Oh man, you can tell that he should've completely ignored few characters for most parts like Arya post-Hound, Dany for most parts etc.

I think his books, while in need of editing, are still the best quality ones these days from the genre.

>> No.4428062

The time after a was is usually referred to as the wake. You could also use aftermath, sequella or comeuppance. Use a thesaurus

>> No.4428064


>> No.4428066

Read the first book and never had the want to go on.

>> No.4428069

Since it's on the edge of low fantasy and high fantasy, it's often up for debate. Personally through, magic and fictional creatures are a strong and recurring element in the books so I don't see why not.

>> No.4428070

AFFC is definitely the lowlight of the series.

>> No.4428072

ADWD has too much travelling and no payoff. If he put the battle of Mereen in there it would've been a lot better and not so empty.

>> No.4428075
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Yeah, I agree. You can sense George having huge problems with figuring out the alternative to timegap, the text is lifeless, boring, dry, repetitive (Have you seen maiden/all the James/Brienne traveling).

It isn't even mediocre book and it could use basically half the page count imo.

but ADWD more than enough makes up for it, loved that book and I can't wait for the next one.

Ohh, it had more than enough pay off for me.

He was supposed to put one battle to it at the end but the page count was too high. Should've just shaved off Tyrion travels nearly completely, parts of Bran's traveling and most of Dany's traveling and put the battle to it instead of cutting it away (the battle at North where Stannis/Bolton go at each other, IIRC.)

>> No.4428081

I've read through seven books so far, and I can agree with the widespread opinion that the first book doesn't do the series justice. It's not THAT bad as the rest, but it does a poor job of hooking you into reading the rest.
I suggest you give the 2nd book a try. I consider it to be the best out of the seven I've read so far, and it's miles ahead of the first.

>> No.4428084

I don't know if I would call it high fantasy, but I just finished the First Law series, including the stand-alone trilogy and it was one of the most entertaining reads. The action, fight scenes, and the characters were so much fun to read. And he has such a great sense of dark humor.

>> No.4428085

Okay. I'll give a shot at it.

What's the best publication of the 2nd book?

>> No.4428128

I have no clue,I've read pirated ebooks on my kindle.

>> No.4428170

3rd book and whichever other book is the chain of dogs, those are the ones that will hook you in, after that the stakes just keep rising

also be ready for few happy endings

>> No.4428175

>happy endings
b-b-but grrm made me expect death...

>> No.4428244

Adwd is complete and utter shit. Affc wasn't nearly as bad as ADWD.

>> No.4428248

Whatever bro. Compelling argumentation and all, I respect your opinion but I humbly disagree. It's the 2nd best book in the series for me.

>> No.4428255

There is literally no pay off and the plot goes nowhere. The first three books were good, the last two have been complete crap.

>> No.4428416

>which badly written piece of trash is the best?

>> No.4428417

most of anything is shit.

big news bro.

>> No.4428440

It shows off its own lore while weaving it into the story, something Tolkien thought was below him.

>> No.4428650

How did Tolkien not do that?

>> No.4428655

there are genres which are 100% shit, and "high fantasy" is one of them

sorry you didn't notice, bro

>> No.4428657

nope, but cool blog bro.