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File: 27 KB, 398x599, 1388446282514.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4422578 No.4422578 [Reply] [Original]

Why are all good writers ugly?

>> No.4422616

No, please. This here is still one of the most fuckable men on the planet ever and would be even if he weren't on of its greatest writers.

>> No.4422625
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>> No.4422630
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>implying ugly

>> No.4422626

>This here is still one of the most fuckable men
No, he's dead.

>> No.4422654
File: 113 KB, 787x1000, XCrfEjW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying you didn't just pick a shitty photo of him

>> No.4422659

I'd like to think that OP was implying that because Hemmingway is not ugly, he's not a good writer

>> No.4422664

Nabokov is a filthy pedo and so is anyone whom reads him

>> No.4422672

Less cunt more writing

>> No.4422681

This would have been an okay (if somewhat overused) bait, but misusing "whom" really puts it over the top. 3/10.

>> No.4422691

lol 10/10

Actually, last night I dreamed that I was making a film of "Lolita" and finally doing it adequately.

>> No.4422692

must be pretty shitty writers.

>> No.4422694
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Looks like a more masculine DFW to me

>> No.4422695

What was it like to dream of being Stanley Kubrick?

>> No.4422699

I want normalfags to leave.

>> No.4422704
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>whom reads him

>> No.4422706

I disagree with you, but I respect your opinion.

I do think the world will never see a better Humbert Humbert than James Mason. Or, more to the point, I think the world will never hear a better Humbert Humbert's voice than James Mason's voice.

>> No.4422713

Lolita is actually one of Kubrick's best films. James Mason and Peter Sellers give excellent performances.

>> No.4422718

Out of curiosity, what do you dislike about Kubrick's adaptation?

>> No.4422721

That's because you're gay for DFW

>> No.4422732

he's fucking butt ugly

he was actually more presentable as a fat old man

>> No.4422765

I should probably add that I did like Kubrick's version; I just don't feel that it was fully adequate as an adaptation. First, you have the fact that they had to skirt a lot of the sexual and approaching-sexual material just because of the conventions of the times, to the detriment of the story; I really disliked how they handled the character of Charlotte as well. She shouldn't have been clownishly pathetic, for what my opinion may be worth.

Also, as much as I love Peter Sellers, I preferred the way the Lyne film presented Quilty-- as a sort of invisible presence, embodying all of Humbert's dreads and insecurities-- more as he was in the book. Of course, I'm not arguing that staying truer to the book necessarily makes a better film, but in this instance I think it would have.

I also don't really know what the "Dr. Zemph" scene was doing in the movie at all.

>> No.4422771

all extremely average

>> No.4422821

You're definitely right about Charlotte. I think that the way she was translated to the film is emblematic of a lot of the problems with it; i.e. the pursuit of comedy to the neglect of everything else. But then again, the reason I like it is because it doesn't stick to the novel too closely. I appreciate both Kubrick and Nabokov, and seeing Kubrick's take on Nabokov, though not a perfect adaptation of the novel, is a real pleasure.

I didn't dislike the Dr. Zempf scene. Wasn't it just a different take on Humbert's scene with the psychologist in the book (but with Quilty taking the place of the female psychologist)?

>> No.4422824

Have you ever read Nabokov's original Lolita screenplay? I've been wondering if it's worth a read.

>> No.4422831

implying there isn't a plaster of hair covering his hideous features

>> No.4422837

implying hair doesn't count as a feature itself

>> No.4422843

I was taken aback by the Dr. Zemph (or, as autocorrect would have it, Dr. Sermon) scene just because I thought it wasn't the appropriate place for Peter Sellers's funny voices.

No, but I probably will eventually. Like you, I'm curious.

>> No.4422865

as well as most people. that doesn't mean that all good writers are ugly at all though, simply that it's hard to be exceptional at many things at once. so in general you can make the same question about good physicists, good engineers and every other discipline that doesn't closely relate to physical appearance and you'll get similar results

>> No.4422872

implying that's implied
implying it's not still disguising a bunch of other hideous facial features

>> No.4422877

implying it matters whether features are hideous if they're disguised

>> No.4422902

>explying that that's implied
>implying that there isn't still fuckugly beneath that rat's nest

>> No.4422908

better ugliness of the body than ugliness of the soul my freind :^)

>> No.4422940

it may be. yet the subject of this thread is ugliness of the body not beauty of an undefinable and I replied to a post that refer to perceived beauty of the body

>> No.4423021

why did you post a pic of tom cruise?

>> No.4423051

What's it like to be wanted /lit/

>> No.4423111
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chek em

>> No.4423147
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>> No.4423194
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>good writers
kiddo please

>> No.4423204
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You just keep talkin shit, bucko. Keep it up.

>> No.4423331
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>> No.4423337

Dunno, go ask /fit/ or /fa/.

>> No.4423346

Now you've dun it kid

>> No.4423350

Because if they weren't ugly, they'd be out socializing and fucking hot chicks rather than spending their time alone, writing.

>> No.4423355

>implying /fit/ isn't the biggest collection of spaghetti pocketed betas you will ever encounter

>> No.4423442
File: 178 KB, 1080x1440, hank.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

speak for yourself

>> No.4423483

m8 he said good writers

>> No.4423499


>> No.4423504
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Ha wait what?

>> No.4423514
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>> No.4423526

hv u evn red his bük m7?

>> No.4423668

Haave you seen photos of him when he was older?

Ulgy son of a bitch.

>> No.4423672

Trips for grips

>> No.4423675

Isn't that duchoveny

>> No.4423677

i was already aware it wasn't a magical portrait, but maybe spoiler that shit next time anon

>> No.4423680
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Why are all communists Adonis incarnate

>> No.4423683

Yea, but he plays an alcoholic, womanising and misanthropic writer in Californication. God Hates Us All is his fictitious book but actually exists (I read it), good show with good writing. I would defo recommend it.

>> No.4423693

Holy shit Inthought you wee joking

So the show's writers wrote it?

>> No.4424268

youre going have to explain what is ugly about him

averageness is literally the definition of attractiveness

>> No.4424275

yea lol its a really good book. very self-refriential and meta

>> No.4424320
File: 26 KB, 564x272, anais.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anais Nin was pretty hot, tho.

>> No.4424360

Have you guys ever noticed how all of Duchovny's character's books are named after Slayer albums? I've heard it suggested that his character is based on Martin Amis. (There's an episode where, I believe, his love interest mentions the analogy, to his character's evident chagrin.)

>> No.4424365

>Martin Amis
Possibly, but im not familiar with him.
Yea and so is Seasons of the Abyss or something,. I really like the titles of his books. Cant wait for season 7

>> No.4424366


She wasn't a great writer

>> No.4424391

Martin Amis is fairly famous.

From what I recall, there was a Californication episode which mentioned some of Hank's works as being titled "South of Heaven, Seasons in the Abyss, and God Hates Us All," but then again, the show is rife with music references, including the title.

I haven't watched it in a few years since I felt it went downhill pretty quickly after the first seasons. (I watched through the third season, I believe.)

>> No.4424395

I can think of a whole bunch of authors and poets who were/are good looking; don't know what OP is talking about—Fitzgerald, Woolf, Rupert Brooke, etc. To me it's actually the ugly ones who stand out more. (Bukowski.) And Hemingway wasn't ugly at all. He was manly as fuck and looked decent.

>> No.4424414
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>> No.4424415
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Because ugliness forces you to earn things. Nobody likes you at first, nobody wants you around at first. You have to fight for everything, you don't take anything for granted.

Hemingway wasn't ugly though.

>I'd hit it, no homo

>> No.4424416
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>> No.4424652

Most people are ugly.

>> No.4425258
File: 632 KB, 1464x1986, Nietzsche187a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying you wouldn't

this hairstyle is 100% /fa/ approved

>> No.4426048
File: 56 KB, 203x300, paul_auster_203.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what about this guy?

>> No.4426057

>implying hemingway wasn't attractive
>implying hemingway was a good writer

Steinbeck was a handsome dude so you're point is invalid. So was Louis-Ferdinand Celine.

>> No.4426063
File: 37 KB, 256x320, sophiauster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


this is her daughter

>> No.4426064


>> No.4426070

lol portraits were done specifically to make them look better than they really did

>> No.4426293
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no one knows mate
no one knows

>> No.4426562
File: 10 KB, 241x291, George_Eliot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

case in point

>> No.4427007
File: 24 KB, 300x291, Proust.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what you talking about

>> No.4427014
File: 15 KB, 220x293, th.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You say something momma's boy?

>> No.4427026
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i'd have dated him.
no homo.

>> No.4427048
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>> No.4427051

Dude got molested so many times it is funny

>> No.4427742
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>> No.4427746

I would argue the opposite.

>> No.4427757

go on

>> No.4427760
File: 326 KB, 615x386, rupert brooke.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck all of you

>> No.4427761
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>> No.4427766
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the finest pornographer
nigga was hot and shit

>> No.4427768
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>> No.4428287

>why are almost all male writers ugly

>> No.4428294
File: 312 KB, 711x948, Kafka_portrait.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

op pls

>> No.4428437

are you implying my n word hemmdog is ugly op

>> No.4429702

he looks...sad.

I almost feel bad for him. I see myself in him

>> No.4429719


dont flatter yourselfe

>> No.4429720

loved him in the sopranos