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/lit/ - Literature

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4412696 No.4412696 [Reply] [Original]

Why write

>> No.4412705

The limitless joy I feel when someone reads my story, it's like they're dreaming for me

>> No.4412730

because i can't do anything else

>> No.4412740

Because I cannot speak

>> No.4412765

probably this.

The other thing is that I have a shit ton of stories and I want to tell some of them, I just love fiction things

>> No.4412780
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to feel like an intellectual, even if it is psudoist

>> No.4413019

>needing an explicit reason

>> No.4413032

There's no need to get catty about it.

>> No.4413042

I like making worlds, and think of how the hero could of been me if I tried, If I wanted, but it never will be me.

>> No.4413096

I write to document things I learn in my life so that I can help others with my lessons. I also write because I enjoy the act of writing and improving my penmanship

>> No.4413120

>mfw my notebook is filled with psuedopsych paragraphs
>mfw they actually mean a lot to me
>mfw I'm belittling my work to fit in on /lit/

I may have confidence issues

Also I have no reaction images but the face was something like confusion and sadness

>> No.4413139

to paraphrase something Orson Welles said about film, "it's the best set of toy trains a boy can have."

>> No.4413176

Bump, this could be a great thread.
I write because It's an emotional release. I have a brain that is a constant whirlwind so I have to vent or I get depressed.

>> No.4413178


I also write because penmanship is fun and relaxing. Fixing my slant or perfecting my lower case f's feels good to achieve

>> No.4413179

b/c it's a decent identity to use for rationalizing how much of a loser i am.

>> No.4413182

I ALSO write because I want to give back to the human race. The fact that I'm here and others are in the same position as me blows my mind, so writing is special to me because it's a way to communicate.

And there's many means of communication but for me written word comes easiest.

>> No.4413188

if you want to "give back", join the peace corps. your hackneyed writing isn't gonna contribute shit.

>> No.4413189

>Fixing my slant or perfecting my lower case f's feels good to achieve

lmao i want to belt you in the jaw you sound like such a dork

>> No.4413190

>getting insulted by /lit/


>> No.4413193

I want to give back in a much bigger way. I don't like how the world has come to be and I want to provide resources for people to change.

Think of me as ghandi

>> No.4413215

I'll quote Juvenal

"It’s false mercy, when you trip over poets everywhere, to spare the paper they’re all ready to waste."

>> No.4413478


And you sound like a monkey. I'd give you a banana but I don't have any, sorry.

>> No.4413507

I write because I love filmmaking but I'm nowhere near good enough where someone would let me adapt a script.

But damn I'm a shitty writer.

>> No.4413516 [DELETED] 

you ask why...i ask why not?

i could be doing it for the exact reason you don't.

>> No.4414120

Because you feel like it. It's not mandatory or something.

>> No.4414154

Why do anything?

>> No.4416301
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I write because I fell in love with a fictional character and by creating my own loosely based on her and supplying a love interest I'm reconciling those feelings to evolve emotionally.

So, basically, I'm a faggot. Proud one tho.

>> No.4416326

wwhy shrek is piss

>> No.4416339

Oh shit anon, that's a whole new level of why

>> No.4416344

Writing is fun

>> No.4416350

It's enjoyable.

>> No.4416370

Because only in the worlds of my own design do I reign supreme.

>> No.4416431

to persuade myself i'm smart, original and beautiful

to counter the always present reality that i'm dumb, banal and as ugly as all these other fuckers

>> No.4416434

Because I'm an egotistical faggot who thinks my ideas and internal struggles matter to other people and I want to leave behind a trace of these things because I'm afraid of eternal posthumous obscurity.

>> No.4416436
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Why ask

>> No.4416439
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Why respond

>> No.4416447
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Why go on 4chan

>> No.4416451

why not?

>> No.4416472

“You see things; and you say ‘Why?’ But I dream things that never were; and I say ‘Why not?’”

>> No.4416475

>adding to the endless supply of reading material that exist when you're never going to penetrate the top 50%

>> No.4416482

What do you write?

>> No.4416485
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Why be arche-written?

>> No.4416641
