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/lit/ - Literature

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4408808 No.4408808[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Is /sci/ the smartest board on 4chan?

>> No.4408811

>bans for talking about race and IQ

No, they might be the biggest pussies, right there with /lit/ and /mu/

>> No.4408810

if you think pop science makes people smart.

>> No.4408812

this is /lit/ related how?

>> No.4408815


who /sp/a/rtan here?

>> No.4408820

The smartest board on 4chan is probably whichever has the highest technical skill requirement for long term posting because it has the most educated people

/sci/ can't have a conversation or solve a problem worth a damn, it's like a bunch of haughty first year STEM undergrads crammed into a small room. /lit/ is even worse, go through every page on the board and count how many times an OP has actual content, and how many times it's some variation of "What does /lit/ think of __________" or "What ________ should I get/buy/read".

>> No.4408827

Maybe a handful of the regular posters there have even made it up to Calc II. Aside from the one or two grad students, the place is a wasteland of speculation threads, IQ threads, and bitter one-upmanship.

>> No.4408831

>The smartest board on 4chan is probably whichever has the highest technical skill requirement for long term posting because it has the most educated people

So /g/, then.

>> No.4408832

/g/ is close to scraping the bottom of the barrel

>> No.4408835


>> No.4408843

Probably /diy/ then?

>> No.4408851

/pol/, /k/ and /out/ seem to be the smartest. /sci/ is like /lit/, edgy try hard faggots who have never held a regular job.

>> No.4408856

It's actually /diy/

>> No.4408852

Hate to break it to you, but it's either /g/ or /a/. Unless you want to count bitter virginity as a technical skill, in which case /r9k/ is leagues ahead.

No other boards really have large populations of users who are highly skilled in the topic of the board.

>> No.4408877
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>/pol/, /k/ and /out/ seem to be the smartest
>/pol/, /k/ and /out/ seem the smartest
>/pol/, /k/ and /out smartest
captcha: okeopt out

>> No.4408892

/sci/ can barely into highschool math

>mfw 3*(0.333.....) != 1 debate threads with 200+ replies

>> No.4408894
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Sort of related: is there a forum as all-encompassing as lit with moderation? Something close to what >>4408820 is alluding to.

I'm about to finish my undergrad in Computer Science and /g/ is like walking into a kindergarten classroom. As pretentious as that sounds it's 100% true. With stackoverflow et. al., there is no reason for an intelligent person to come to 4chan to talk about technology, ever. The same kind of thinking applies to /sci/.

>> No.4408896


/sci/ can barely into highschool math, /lit/ can barely into highschool lit.

Wanna know why?

4chan is filled with highschoolers.

>> No.4408901

/out/ is actually pretty intelligent m8 don't lump it with those other two

>> No.4408914

I'm sorry you've never seen a long term discussion on /lit/ before, but it has definitely happened.

>> No.4408916
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>> No.4408923

/sci/ and /g/ are full of lower-middle-class suburban kids who fantasize about becoming a "rich" engineer?
Is that what you want to say?
Well, you are mean.

>> No.4408921

Is it? I visited it for a few days when it was first created and it was god-awful. But it does seem likely that was just an influx of retards who left soon after.

>> No.4408920


>this is what /pol/ really believes

and yeah I'd vote for /g/

>> No.4408929

that would imply that the original 4channers all got lives.

>> No.4408931

In my experience, it's probably the design boards that make up rational, intelligent users like /3/, /p/ and /gd/. Sure, they have their low points like /lit/ but their users actually know what they're doing. As an unwritten rule, a place that attracts a big crowd usually has a lower mean of intelligent users per capita.

>> No.4408940
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The closest you'll get to that is useless CS and programming threads, which are usually followed by somebody spouting

>hurr durr cs is for people too stupid for real science

or something like that

/g/ is mostly consumerism, intel vs amd threads, graphics cards, built me a pc, and thinkpads. There's also the perma battlestation and homescreen/ricing or whatever threads

>> No.4408969
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Another problem with /sci/ is there really isn't any thread that's going to be conducive to insightful debate unless every party has a graduate-level understanding of the topic and has participated in research. The result of allowing laymen to post threads is you get a lot of questions which could be answered with a cursory Google search and 5-10 minutes of reading. Literature (in theory) is a bit more accessible than science, in general. Even then, /lit/ suffers from the same kinds of problems for sure. Substantial discussion about literature is infinitely more rewarding than talking about science in most cases, unless you fall into one of the camps I described above.

>> No.4408982

That sums up every board though.

/lit/ = snobby brats who got Bs in 100-level community college English classes and who now think they're writers

/ck/ = fat guys who live alone and post infographics about how to make grilled cheese sandwiches with 3 types of processed cheese

/trv/ = middle class kids who spent summer backpacking in Europe and who now believe they're experts on travel

/out/ = rednecks who think owning an ATV and hatchet makes them Daniel Boon

/fa/ = unfashionable 20-somethings talking about Zara and LLBean

/pol/ = undereducated working class kids talking about things they don't understand

Each board has its careers, too. There are plenty of people here who think their crummy writing will make them an author, plenty of /trv/lers who think they can teach English abroad with no degree, etc. It's 4chan after all.

>> No.4408989

>/lit/ = snobby brats who got Bs in 100-level community college English classes and who now think they're writers

I hope you don't think this is actually true. Most of us go to uni, bitch.

>> No.4408994

In some ways, there's probably a relationship between how important a board's topic is (or at least how much importance its posters think it has), and how good the board is.

Maybe that's why /co/ and /tg/ are relatively decent boards (especially given their size).

>> No.4408998

>plenty of /trv/lers who think they can teach English abroad with no degree

You can.

>> No.4409006

>caricatures of 4chan boards
>thinks everyone is dumb

sorry you're such a negative nancy. captcha: jealous

>> No.4409011
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Not /lit/, that's for fucking sure.

Even laying aside the atrocious moderators and the guild of regular shitposting tripfaggots, this place is pretty much bottom of the barrel among the boards that have pretensions to intelligence.

>> No.4409016


Oooh, someone touched a nerve!

>> No.4409017

I'm not saying that you're wrong; I'm saying that you're pretty obviously making this argument out of your political convictions, so it's hard to take you seriously.

>> No.4409021

You obviously don't go on /lit/ very often. Stick around for a while and browse through some threads. Try demonstrating YOUR intelligence by being less myopic and contributing something that can actually be discussed intelligently.

>> No.4409037

If /lit/ is so awful and no one goes to it, why do you try so hard to take it over, /pol/?

>> No.4409041
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You're clearly the one who's new here. I've been around since /lit/ became a board, and the quality of the average post has been trending down for over a year.

You'll excuse my apathy about contributing anything myself. It usually results in my being banned by the one moderator who despises me and who regularly purges all my posts from the board because they don't jive with his egalitarian worldview. If Lebron James saw a pickup game going on with some high school kids he might choose to participate initially as a gesture of goodwill, but after being repeatedly fouled, insulted, and told he knows nothing about basketball, he would probably crush everyone on the court with a demonstration of brilliance and then retire, laughing at the jeers still being hurled after him. You obviously have not been around for my demonstrations, and think me a sore loser sulking on the side. This is not the case. I don't want to play with your kind anymore. It is a debasing exercise and a waste of my time. I peruse the board for the occasional thread with some interesting topic, but those come up at a rate of one or two per week, so there is seldom anything worth responding to.

>> No.4409051

>posting the same image with the same filename for almost a year
this isn't healthy; are you frustrated with your life
there are people who can help

>> No.4409056
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>no one saves inflammatory images for future trolling purposes

>> No.4409060

/lit/ has suffered no doubt, but there has on occasion been some very good discussion here, that seems to be rare these days. it's also quite slow, which means that /pol/ will always outstrip it with how fast it is. i can remember migrating from KC /int/ to /pol/ in 2012 and simply being blown away at the speed of discussion taking place, it was like imageboarding on crack, I fucking love it.

/g/ is worth a mention too, of course, and the really brilliant untrampled gem so far is /diy/ which is just board perfection and has a near zero troll per thread count.

>> No.4409070

/lit/ actually isnt that bad

>> No.4409082

um, ok I guess, but they all have similar punctuation and use the same, somewhat irregular, style of line breaks after replies. I was just confused as to why someone would continue to stay on "the worst board on 4chan" for so long